Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 278 Force of Nature?The Power of Everlasting?

Chapter 278 Force of Nature?The Power of Everlasting?
Elf: Clay Puppet
Gender: no gender
Attributes: ground, ghost

Feature: No Defense (When the skill used by the spirit of this feature and the opponent uses the Pokémon of this feature as the opponent, the skill will definitely hit.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slap, scare

Genetic Skills: None

After reading the information about the elf egg, Lu Ze suddenly turned his head to You Yuyou and Yin Hanling and asked, "How about the little clay puppet?"

Yin Hanling looked at You Yuyou, and You Yuyou put his hand on the elf egg of the clay puppet, and then showed a smile.

"Well, it suits me very well."

Lu Ze was stunned: "You? Do you also have special abilities? Similar to waveguide?"

You Yuyou shook his head: "No, it's not."

"Ghost is friendly, the ability passed down in You Yuyou's family." Looking at You Yuyou's eyes asking for help, Yin Hanling explained to everyone with a smile.

"Ghost affinity?"

"That's right, haven't you guys heard of it? You family's special ability, but like Lu Ze's family, it doesn't necessarily mean that anyone will be awakened."

Su Tingxi was melancholy: "Why does my family only have that little money? I also want superpowers!"

Everyone rolled their eyes together, and Fugui dragged Su Tingxi away.

"Ghost affinity? Ability?"

"In terms of ability, it means literally. You can perceive the emotions of ghost-type elves, and you can communicate with ghost-type elves."

Lu Ze froze for a moment, a little familiar: "Can it restore physical strength or spirit to ghost-type elves?"

You Yuyou shook his head: "No, it can't."

"Okay." Lu Ze nodded, isn't this a weakened version of the power of ordinary pan with a single attribute.

"By the way, is there any family that has the special ability that can restore the elves' strength and also communicate with the elves?"

Lu Ze saw that You Yuyou also had special abilities, and he became interested instantly. He already has the power of waveguide, and he doesn't know if he has the remaining superpowers, the power of ordinary pan and the power of overcoming.

Su Tingxi, who had already run back from the side, shouted to Lu Ze: "The power of the forest! But it's not a family ability, but a natural ability."

"Huh? Force of nature? Who, why haven't I heard of it?"

Fugui explained: "Master, Master Wang Yi is from your grandfather's generation, and should be older than your grandfather. Of course you haven't heard of it."

"However, you should have heard of the person who is closest to the champion in the Dragon Kingdom."

Lu Ze was startled, and nodded quickly: "Okay, I've heard of this."

The levels of trainers in this world are divided into novice trainers, primary trainers, intermediate trainers, advanced trainers, quasi-kings, kings, masters and final champions.

Among them, the novice trainer is the period before entering university, as long as the college entrance examination is over, the novice trainer certificate will be automatically obtained.

And after the college entrance examination, you can also directly take the elementary trainer certificate, intermediate trainer certificate, etc., but the premise is that when you want to take the intermediate trainer certificate, you must have the elementary trainer certificate, which cannot be skipped.

Then there are senior trainers, quasi-kings and heavenly kings, all of which need to be tested, just like You Yuyou's father, who was transferred back after passing the test of the king's trainer certificate some time ago.

For example, there is no certification for those who are above the Heavenly King level. After all, the face is the certification. For example, at the level of a master, there was no such name in the past. Later, because there were more Heavenly Kings in various countries, this name came into being.

To put it bluntly, the masters are the four strongest people among the heavenly kings, and they are called the faces of the country. At the same time, there are only four places for masters. If you want to become a master, you must challenge a master and defeat it. Only then can you become a new master. .

As for the rank of champion, it has not appeared in the world for a long time. After all, the title of world champion is unique.

This also means that if you want to become a champion, you have to conquer all the kings of all countries.

Of course, it is not allowed to bring the elves that are covenant with the country, but if you are a divine beast that you covenant with your own skills, of course you can bring it.

After all, you are not the only one who has covenanted with divine beasts by virtue of your own charm.

Similarly, the strength of the elves is also divided in this way, but the spiritual power of the elves is too strong, so the division of strength is only a rough idea.

For example, Lu Ze's forked bat is probably at the level of a high-level elf, and the Kirby is almost at this level, and the strength of the two elves is not much different.

The Charizard and Iron Claw Lobster are now almost at the strength of an intermediate elf, and the Charizard MEGA can reach the strength of a high-level elf after evolution.

The top [-] players in the freshmen competition basically have the strength of middle-level elves, while those behind are junior elves.

Because the current conditions are getting better and better, and everyone is getting more and more experienced in cultivating elves, so since the past two years, the top universities in the country have been discussing whether to raise the graduation threshold or something.

After all, if, like now, intermediate trainers can graduate, then some freshmen are already intermediate trainers the moment they enter the school, so what should we do about this kind of thing? never been out.

Similarly, there are so many people all over the country, and there are only a few top universities. It can be said that the strongest in the country, or those guys who are the best at nurturing, are all in the top universities. low.

However, these years of discussion are discussions, but they haven't discussed a reason yet. Both sides have their own opinions, so every time it is nothing.

After all, textual research is not something that can be certified for you when you reach the level of strength.

Just like if you want to test for an intermediate-level trainer certificate, even if your elf has the strength of a high-level elf, but you don't command at all during the verification, if you rely purely on elves to break through all methods, first of all, you can't command this one. If it is closed, there is a high probability that the certificate will not be issued to you.

But if you want to say that you are not a member of the Combat Department, it is very easy to handle, turn right when you go out, and get an intermediate-level cultivation family certificate.

Lu Ze didn't care about Wang Yi's affairs. What he cared about was the difference between the power of nature and the power of Chang Pan. After all, the master is still too far away from him now.

"However, what is this natural force?" Lu Ze scratched his head and asked.

"The power of nature is different from the power of the waveguide inherited by your family, such as the affinity of ghosts. He does not rely on blood to awaken."

"The power of nature is not only possessed by Master Wang Yi, for example, there is also a person on the side of the US emperor who possesses it. There are too many uncertain factors for the emergence of this ability."

(End of this chapter)

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