Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 281 The Soft and Adorable Little Fairy Milk

Chapter 281 The Soft and Adorable Little Fairy Milk
Mo Qiancheng was furious, and immediately tightened the strength on his arm: "You kid is really playing with me! Damn it, the only ones with poison and super powers are dumb beasts, otherwise they are of the fairy type, tell me quickly, the inside It's the elf."

"Ahem." Lu Ze looked helplessly at the pretending Mo Qiancheng, and patted his arm to signal him to let go.

After Mo Qiancheng let go, Lu Ze stroked his chin and said, "Little fairy milk, I really want it too."

When Mo Qiancheng heard that it was fairy milk, he immediately hugged the elf egg in his arms: "Why do you want fairy milk?"

Lu Ze looked helplessly at Mo Qiancheng, who was guarding himself like a thief, and said, "I'm a breeder, so of course I need it. You know, the cream of the Frost Milk Fairy is not only a supplement of scarce nutrition for the elves, but also a taste. The taste is unique, of course I like it.”

Mo Qiancheng was taken aback: "You? A breeder?"

Lu Ze was also taken aback: "Yeah, didn't I tell you? I chose the Cultivation Department, of course I am a Cultivator."

The corner of Mo Qiancheng's mouth twitched involuntarily: "So, in your school's freshman competition, a trainer won the first place?"

Su Tingxi, You Yuyou, Yin Hanling, and Fugui from the Combat Department clapped their foreheads together, leaving only Tang Yunqin from the Coordination Department still watching.


Seeing Lu Ze's natural answer, Mo Qiancheng was confused.

"Fuck his uncle, this is too outrageous, you are so strong, why did you choose the cultivation department!"


Lu Ze looked at Mo Qiancheng suspiciously: "Why, Uncle Mo, you must have ideals."

"Of course I have." Mo Qiancheng gave Lu Ze a meaningful look, but he would not tell Lu Ze what it was.

Does he want to tell Lu Ze that his ideal is to be an idler, with his wife and children warming the bed every day, eating and sleeping, going out to play in between, or playing games at home?This is not in line with his status as the king of the Dragon Kingdom.

"It doesn't matter, this little fairy milk belongs to me. Of course such a cute elf should be given to a girl."

As Mo Qiancheng said, he turned his head and walked forward holding the elf egg of the fairy milk.

"Don't worry." Lu Ze saw it, and quickly stopped Mo Qiancheng: "I'm reluctant to give up my love, won't you give me compensation?"

Turning around, Mo Qiancheng laughed at Lu Ze's wicked smile, "Didn't I give you the Shining Amulet? If you want something else, there's no way!"

"Hey, Uncle Mo, that's not interesting for you. Isn't the shining talisman your reward for asking me to find you a suitable elf egg for a fairy-type elf? I haven't found it yet."

Mo Qiancheng chuckled: "Boy, I won't listen to you fooling me. I just think it's appropriate. Now, he's mine."

As Mo Qiancheng said, he hugged the elf egg in his arms again, and looked at Lu Ze provocatively.

"Oh, good~"

Lu Ze sighed helplessly, and spread his hands: "I wanted to tell you about a very beautiful elf in the fairy department. Since you chose cute, that's the only way to go."

"Pretty? And cute?"

Seeing that Mo Qiancheng was interested, Lu Ze snickered in his heart, and then said: "Yes, I recently discovered a new evolution, and the evolved elves are fairy-type, very beautiful, look……"

"Hey, don't fool me, I want this." Mo Qiancheng laughed, not being fooled by Lu Ze at all.

Lu Ze was helpless, this was different from what he thought.

"Okay, take this fairy egg of the little fairy milk, and then I will tell you the news of the new evolution type."

Mo Qiancheng looked wary: "What do you want?"

"No reason." Lu Ze spread his hands: "It's just an exchange of information."

"Okay, you go first."

"You speak first."

"If you don't tell me, I won't say it."

Lu Ze sneered and said, "Cut, don't say it's down, I'm not the only source of information, I'll ask someone else, but you just happen to be here."

Mo Qiancheng looked at Lu Ze suspiciously, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Okay, then you ask, let me see if I know."

"Okay, how many fossil elves are there in the US emperor?"

"Three, the ammonite beast, the fossil helmet and the ancestor bird, were resurrected from three different fossils." Mo Qiancheng replied quickly.

"Oh..." Lu Ze nodded: "Are there only these three?"

"Yes, there are only these three now, but the US Emperor has already collected different fossils around the world. The current technical conditions are not enough. Many fossils cannot resurrect elves, only some special ones can."

Lu Ze nodded: "Then, can Longguo obtain permission to use the fossil resurrection machine?"

"Of course, the United States, you can give me anything."

"alright, I got it."

"Okay, now it's your turn." After Mo Qiancheng finished speaking, he fixed his eyes on Lu Ze, for fear that he would go back on his word.

Lu Ze glanced at Mo Qiancheng with a half-smile, and said, "Ibrahimovic's eighth evolution is the fairy system. I already have an idea, but there are no experimental results yet."

Mo Qiancheng nodded and touched his chin pretending to be calm: "Oh, that's it."

"Yes, Uncle Mo, do you want to go to my mother's shop to buy an Ibrahimovic's elf egg? When the news comes out, Ibrahimovic's elf egg will be very popular."

Mo Qiancheng suppressed his heartbeat, waved his hand to Lu Ze and said, "Don't worry about adults' affairs, children."

"Tch, if I didn't care, you're still single now." Lu Ze looked at Mo Qiancheng with contempt: "I knew I didn't care about you then."

"Cough cough!"

Mo Qiancheng coughed seriously: "Well, I'm done with today's task, so I'm leaving first, you guys take your time."

After saying that, Mo Qiancheng trotted out to check out with Xiaoxian's milk's elf egg in his arms.

Lu Ze looked at Mo Qiancheng's back and smiled, then took out his phone and sent a message to Lu's mother.

Lu Ze: Mom, wait a minute, if Uncle Mo goes to buy Ibrahimovic's elf eggs, give him an orange fruit and say I gave it to you.

Mother Lu:? ?Row
After Lu Ze happily took back the phone, Tang Yunqin leaned over and asked, "So, the very beautiful elf you told me about is Eevee's new evolution?"

"That's right." Lu Ze nodded: "I'll give it to you, it's absolutely beautiful, and its appearance can be compared with Ice Nine Tails, hey, by the way, didn't you say you have an elf egg with Ice Six Tails, why haven't you seen it?" Have you passed?"

"Bing Liuwei." Tang Yunqin was a little embarrassed: "Mom's Bing Jiuwei is here."

(End of this chapter)

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