Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 282 Onion and Meat of Scallion Duck

Chapter 282 Onion and Meat of Scallion Duck

"Huh? Why?"

"After Bing Liuwei was born, his physique was a little poor. My mother was afraid that I would not be able to take care of me well, so now my mother and Bing Jiuwei are taking care of me."

"Oh, that's it." Lu Ze nodded: "Ask your mother these two days to see if you can send Bing Liuwei, and I will take her to my grandfather's research institute."


Looking at Tang Yunqin's excited eyes, Lu Ze straightened his chest immediately: "Of course, let alone the research institute, I can make up for the elves who are born with deficiencies."

"It's amazing Lu Ze, I'll tell my mother right away." After Tang Yunqin hugged Lu Ze excitedly, she ran outside excitedly to call his mother.


"Tsk tsk~"

"Yes, Lu Ze."

After seeing Tang Yunqin running out, everyone booed and made fun of Lu Ze, and even You Yuyou gave a thumbs up with a smile.

"Ahem, let's continue watching, Yin Hanling's elf hasn't been found yet." After speaking, Lu Ze walked forward quickly, preventing his friends from seeing his hot face.

Lu Ze, who had been single for more than 20 years in his previous life, had never had such close contact with that girl, but now that he hugged her suddenly, Lu Ze immediately fell in love with her.

"Chirp ~ chirp ~"

"Hey, what are you doing, miniature dragon?"

Seeing the teasing eyes of the mini dragon, Lu Ze broke the defense on the spot.



"Chirp ~ chirp ~"

"My heart is beating fast because I just trot for two steps."


The mini dragon snickered and put its tail on Lu Ze's chest, watching Lu Ze shook his head with a "You are not good" expression on his face.

"Mini dragon, if you are like this, don't watch the movie, you are still young, you can't keep watching that kind of romantic stuff."

Lu Ze looked at the mini dragon with a resentful face and said.


The miniature dragon snorted, Aojiao turned his head away, and stopped watching Lu Ze, so that he really didn't have to watch the movie when the time came.



Lu Ze also snorted proudly when he saw the appearance of the mini dragon, but the mini dragon was instantly dissatisfied. She had already decided that she would gossip about Lu Ze with the cross bat and the others!

Without the booing from the little friends and the mini dragon, Lu Ze quickly calmed down, and then when Tang Yunqin came back, he started to look at the elf eggs again.

"Meinas, thorn shell, ice fire red tumbler, ice six tails, and then add a fairy Ibrahimovic, the attack surface is a bit poor. If this lineup meets the king Nabo, there is no resistance at all."

Lu Ze stroked his chin and thought, if counted in terms of attack surface, among them, Tang Yunqin's team is basically the worst in attack surface. If they encounter steel elves, there is basically nothing they can do. They are resisted and restrained. , hard to hit.

Unlike other people, even though You Yuyou and Yin Hanling took the all ghost system route, the ghost system had a wide range of attacks.

Take Duolong Baruto as an example, water, fire, grass, electricity, superpowers, dragons, ghosts, evil, the attack surface of flying is absolutely leveraged.

Besides, among the rich and noble elves, there is a Hudi that Lu Ze chose for him. The reason why the super-type elves and ghost-type elves are expensive is that apart from their rarity, they have the same comprehensive attack surface.

And Bangira's attack surface is not low, electricity, fire, ice, evil four teeth, the signature [Earthquake] [Sharp Rock Attack], can also learn [Jet Flame] [Water Cannon] [Surf] [Frozen Beam] 】【One Hundred Thousand Volts】These.

Others include fighting-type skills, dragon-type skills, steel-type skills, and the ghost-type [Shadow Claw].

Although Banjila has many weaknesses, he also has a wide range of strikes, especially in the real world, when there is no four-skill limit, it can be said that one Banjila will cover the entire strike area.

So now there is only Tang Yunqin's team, and the attacking surface is really bad. When encountering those special teams, such as Mo Qiancheng and the pure steel team, Tang Yunqin is basically bound to lose.

So now Lu Ze is trying to find a way to solve her problem. The first five elves have been identified, so there is no way.

However, the main players have not yet decided, so there is still the possibility of manipulation.

Just like Lu Ze, his main players are now completely determined, but the mini dragons are simply excluded first.

Apart from the fact that the mini-dragon has evolved into a green fat man, the mini-dragon itself doesn't like to fight. Otherwise, in the name of the fat quasi-god, even if Lu Ze doesn't like the green fat man, he will ask for the opinion of the mini-dragon .

But obviously, Mini Dragon doesn't want to fight. The life she likes is to be with Lu Ze. There are food, things to play, and people she likes. She doesn't have to worry about anything. There are elves on top of her battles, so she Now I stay by Lu Ze's side with complete peace of mind, and be a beautiful, cute, soft, caring, and elegant little waste with peace of mind.

Lu Ze didn't care about this, and always followed the wishes of the elves. After all, in this situation, the elves are no longer data in the game, but living creatures.

"Electric type, fighting type, ground type? It seems that there are not too many elves that Tang Yunqin likes."

"Forget it, forget it, don't think about it, let's talk about it when the time comes, and find Yin Hanling's ghost elf first." Lu Ze shook his head, and then carefully selected among the elf eggs.

"What's wrong with him? Is the power of waveguide overused?"

Tang Yunqin asked Yin Hanling in a worried voice after seeing Lu Ze shaking his head suddenly.

"How is it possible? Look at him, he doesn't look tired at all."

"That's right." Tang Yunqin nodded, "I guess he's thinking about something again."

Both Tang Yunqin and Suiyan have been with Lu Ze for a long time, and they both know that Lu Ze likes to think wildly.

Every time Lu Ze suddenly shook his head or nodded, Sui Yan would curiously ask Lu Ze what he was thinking just now.

But Tang Yunqin just now was just concerned and confused, just thinking about whether Lu Ze was tired. After all, it was almost noon from morning to now, so she subconsciously forgot about Lu Ze's habit.

At this time, Lu Ze didn't pay attention to Tang Yunqin and the others' whispers behind him. Instead, he looked at the elf egg in front of him and fell into deep thought.

"The green onion of the big onion duck? If I eat it, where will the green onion in his hand come from? Will the new onion still have the same special taste as the previous one?"

As a breeder, of course he has a great interest in ingredients, so now he is also successfully interested in the elf egg of the scallion duck in front of him.

Well, of course, it is the scallions of the duck with scallions, not the meat of the duck with scallions.

(End of this chapter)

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