Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 291 Additional Rewards for the Competition

Chapter 291 Additional Rewards for the Competition

The battle between Liekongzu and Latios did not affect Lu Ze.

After all, the distance is so far away, even if you want to affect it, you won't be able to affect it.

So Lu Ze is now working overtime to make the task Zhuge Ziyu entrusted to him.

No way, poor, it’s all money.

Zhuge Ziyu has already made an agreement with him, as long as the beasts are happy, it's just a small amount of money.

Lu Ze was making elf food in the kitchen, while the mini dragon was hugged by Tang Yunqin and watched the movie with a happy face.

Not only that, Tang Yunqin also feeds the cherries and cherries next to the mini dragon from time to time.

This scene is like a concubine serving the king, Lu Ze is very envious of seeing it.

No way, no girl can refuse a pink and tender miniature dragon!
After Lu Ze glanced enviously, he quickly withdrew his gaze: "Make money, make money!"

"I don't know what flavor Liekongzu likes, forget it, let's make him some flavors that dragon elves like."

Lu Ze said to himself, and then added some berry juice from the fruit that dragon elves like to the elf food in order to maximize the taste.

Then, he started to make elf food that suits the tastes of Sidolan, Fengwang and Machado.

The staple food is easier to make. Let’s make the staple food first, and then talk about snacks.

Under the precise control of Lu Ze's waveguide power, coupled with the formula of elf food in his mind, this time, it is really delicious that even gods and beasts can't refuse.

"Brothers! I'm getting fat!"

Sui Yan pushed open the door and shouted excitedly to everyone in the living room.


"Your uncle, can you be quiet!"

Lu Ze angrily threw a plate of discarded elf food into the trash can, then poked his head out and cursed at Sui Yan.

Sui Yan's roar made Lu Ze's hand tremble involuntarily, and then he added more berry juice.

Baya juice is sour, and after adding too much, the taste of the elf food made is similar to eating raw lemons, so this group of elf food is naturally exhausted.

Sui Yan waved his hand to Lu Ze in the kitchen in embarrassment: "Hey, I'm so excited, do you know what the championship reward for my competition today is?"


Everyone's attention was immediately attracted by Sui Yan, so they asked questions one after another.

Sui Yan raised his head proudly: "First of all, 500,000 yuan, I won't say much about that."

"The point is, this, Dangdangdang~"

As Sui Yan said, he took out something from his pocket and showed it in front of everyone.

"Eh? A healing ball?"

"That's it? Although it's quite rare, it doesn't make you so excited."

When Sui Yan heard this, he looked at Su Tingxi in displeasure: "How can I compare with you, the young master, and it's not just one, it's a group of six!"

"Six?" Su Tingxi rubbed his chin: "That's really not bad, and the merchant has also paid for it."

"Yes, that's why I said, this prize is not bad."

Sui Yan triumphantly took back his spoils and said.

Originally, he thought that this competition would only have cash rewards, but in the finals, he met a very strong freshman from Beijing University.

In the end, Sui Yan had no choice but to super-evolve the fire-breathing dragon.

Originally, the heterochromatic fire-breathing dragon was very attractive, but now there is a super evolution that has been very popular recently, which directly exposed Suiyan's identity.

After the fire-breathing dragon super-evolved, the battle between the two became more exciting, attracting more people.

So the merchant was overjoyed, and immediately decided to add a reward for the champion, and the prize was a set of special balls.

When Sui Yan heard about the additional rewards, he became excited at that time, and then commanded the fire-breathing dragon to directly shoot [Dragon's Dive] to defeat the opponent and pocket the rewards.

Although special balls are relatively rare, they are not as good as tree fruit balls. However, as rare balls that can be bought, special balls are still quite expensive.

Ordinary red and white balls are in the store, and a poke ball costs 800 yuan, which is a very common price.

If it goes up further, it is a super ball, and the price of a super ball immediately rises to 30,000, and the high-end ball is even more expensive. The official price of a high-end ball is [-] yuan.

Special balls are more expensive than high-end balls, just like catching tennis balls, when catching insect-type and water-type elves, the catch rate is three times that of red and white balls.

Don't think it's just tripled. It's not as simple as multiplying the price of the red and white ball by three. A netball is 50,000 yuan in the official store.

In the case of the healing ball, although it cannot increase the probability of capture, but because it can cure abnormal states and slowly restore the elf's physical strength, the official price of the healing ball has reached 120,000.

There is no way, the production of this special ball requires some special raw materials, and the raw materials are not enough, so the output of special balls will not increase, and the price will naturally be expensive.

In addition, the special effect of the special ball is indeed stronger than that of the red and white balls, and the elves live more comfortably than in the red and white balls, so the price is much more expensive than the red and white balls.

"It's just a group of healing balls. Let's go and have a big meal."

After Lu Ze cleaned up the kitchen, he came out and said to everyone.


After seeing Lu Ze come out, the mini dragon happily wrapped itself around Lu Ze again.

"Hmph, little heartless."

Tang Yunqin said angrily looking at the mini-dragon who had betrayed instantly.

Fortunately, she was holding the mini dragon to watch a movie just now, and she also fed the mini dragon from time to time, but as soon as Lu Ze came out, the mini dragon rebelled.


The miniature dragon shook its head happily, and then signaled Tang Yunqin with its tail.

(Let’s talk about it next time~)

Sui Yan's face was confused: "What kind of feast are you eating?"

As for Lu Ze's previous disdain for the healing ball, he automatically ignored it.

You have the top luxury ball among the special balls, of course you can disdain the healing ball.

The luxury ball here is different from the ordinary special ball, otherwise he wouldn't have so many suitors.

The luxury ball not only allows the elves to live very comfortably, but also includes the characteristics of the healing ball, which can also restore abnormal states and slowly restore physical strength.

Moreover, the luxury ball has an effect of doubling the intimacy compared to the healing ball.

Since the evolution of the super ball, the kings of the dragon kingdom have realized the importance of intimacy, and the price of the luxury ball has soared again.

Although the market is still out of stock, this does not affect their pursuit.

"A new elf was made for each of them today, and then Su Tingxi said that he would treat them to a big meal."

"New elves?"

(End of this chapter)

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