Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 292 New Elf?new friend?

Chapter 292 New Elf?new friend?
"Yes." Su Tingxi patted Suiyan's shoulder with a smile: "We have it all."

"Yes, that's right."


Everyone patted Suiyan on the shoulder and said as they passed by Suiyan with a dull face.

In the end, the miniature dragon joined in the fun and patted Sui Yan's shoulder with his tail. Then Sui Yan came back to his senses and hugged Lu Ze's thigh.

"Boss! Do you want to go tomorrow? I also need a new elf!"

Lu Ze struggled for a few times, but found that he didn't break free enough, so he said helplessly to Sui Yan who was hugging his thigh: "I'm not going, everyone has made their choice, so what are you going to do?"

"Brother, I don't have one!"

"Don't you have the right to choose the school's elf eggs?"


Sui Yan was taken aback for a moment, it seemed so.

"Oh, it's all right."

Saying that, Sui Yan stood up, and patted the hem of his clothes calmly, as if it wasn't him who hugged his thigh just now.

Lu Ze gave Suiyan a white look, then walked out.

The miniature dragon also followed Lu Ze's example, rolled her eyes, and then she made herself laugh.

Sui Yan didn't care at all, since there was a big meal to eat anyway, so he smiled and walked out with everyone.

Because it was not very far away, and the time was quite early, everyone did not choose to take the car, but chatted all the way to Yandi Sichuan Cuisine.


"This dish is really good, come, Mini Dragon, try it."



After taking a sip, the mini dragon immediately narrowed his eyes happily and rubbed against Lu Ze.

After seeing the mini dragon's reaction, Lu Ze couldn't help but want to meet the chef.

My family knows my own affairs, and it is true that the elves like to eat the elf food he made, but most of them are brought about by the control of the formula and the power of waveguide.

Without those two things, the dishes he cooks can only be considered delicious, not comparable to the chefs here.

Well, although it is much better than most chefs, it still cannot reach the best level.


"What's wrong with you today, you're so surprised."

After Lu Ze was startled again, he looked at Sui Yan angrily and asked.

"Sit in the air!"


Everyone exclaimed in unison, then stuck their heads out at the same time to look at Suiyan's cell phone.

"Yes, Lie Kongzuo, this afternoon, Liekong sat at the Wandao Lake in Zhejiang Province, and had a fight with Latios."

"Wandao Lake? Latios?"

After hearing these two names, Lu Ze was stunned. Didn't he say that Latios is in the water capital?How come there are still dragons in the country?
"Well, not only that, there are tourists below, and Latias. According to the tourists, Latias is protecting them."

"Lattios? Are you with Latias in Wandao Lake?" Lu Ze asked, listening to the news report Sui Yan read out, his mouth twitching.

"Yes, don't you know? There have always been legends about Latios and Latias living there in Wandao Lake, but no one has ever seen it. This time it can be regarded as witnessing that the legend has come true."

Although Lie Kongzuo fought with Latios several times, Zhuge Ziyu usually followed him.

And Zhuge Ziyu would notify the management of Wandao Lake every time to let them clear the venue first.

Moreover, Rayquaza and Latios fought each other at high altitude, so the people below basically couldn't see them.

But this time because of the church's affairs and the fight between Lie Kongzai and Darkley, Zhuge Ziyu thought that Liekongzai would not run out to fight again, so he didn't care.

And Rayquaza is also very strange, why is there someone below this time?Usually there is no one there.

But they have already been provoked, so they can't run away in despair, so Lie Kongzuo didn't care, anyway, Xiao Ziyu will help him in the end.

So, under the attention of the tourists, the two elves fought like this.

Lu Ze looked at Su Tingxi with a serious face, and there was only one thought left in his mind, are you kidding me?

If this is the case, then there are more than one divine beast.

"Hiss, that's not right, it seems that there are indeed more than one." Lu Ze finally realized that there are indeed more than one beasts.

Lu Ze patted his forehead with some dissatisfaction, "Why is there still empiricism? Obviously this is no longer a game, and some mythical beasts must not be the only ones."

"It is said that when the two divine beasts were fighting, I don't know which divine beast released the dragon star group. Although Latias blocked the aftermath, some meteorite fragments were picked up by tourists, eh? Are they all on the Internet for sale now? ?”

Sui Yan's eyes widened as he thought about it, is it so outrageous?
Fugui looked out the window with yearning on his face: "Tsk tsk, divine beast, I don't know when I can have a battle with the divine beast."

Su Tingxi rubbed his chin, and said to Fu Gui: "I heard that Master Wang Yi's ivory pig seems to have held down a cloud of earth, um, it seems quite relaxed."

Fugui turned his head: "The one from the island country, not only that, Master Wang Yi's flame chicken seems to have beaten the Chao country's flame bird."

"Hiss~" Lu Ze took a breath: "Is it true or not, is it from the hammer beast?"

Fugui and Su Tingxi nodded together: "Of course it's true."

"However, some people say that he used his own strength to block Regichkas for a while. This should be false."

"Have blocked Regichkas?"

Lu Ze felt that this should be true. After all, Regichkas's characteristic [Slow Start], the first five rounds of the battle, the attack power and speed were halved.

However, in the real world, this feature should be expressed in such a way that when activated, the attack power and speed are halved for a period of time.

In this way, it is really possible for Master Wang Yi to block Regichkas for a period of time with his own strength.

However, after Regichkas activated, Master Wang Yi should not be able to stop him.

In this way, the meal was quickly over amidst all kinds of chatting and gossip.

The mini dragon even ate a full belly. Even though it had worked very hard, it was still carried home by Lu Ze because it couldn't wrap itself around Lu Ze's body.

"Let's go, goodbye~"

"Bye, you can come over tomorrow if you have nothing to do. I will make elf food at home tomorrow, and you can learn it too."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

After leaving the school intersection, everyone greeted each other and went back to their own residences.

"new friend?"

As soon as Lu Ze opened the door, he saw Charizard and Kirby next to the table, looking at the elves on the table.



"what does it mean?"

After Lu Ze gently placed the miniature dragon on the sofa, he walked over and poked the shell of the elf lying on the table.

"Why doesn't he show his face?"

(End of this chapter)

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