Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 293 Well, that medicine, do you understand

Chapter 293 Well, that medicine, do you understand
The fire-breathing dragon stretched out its claws and poked the shell of the pot, but the pot did not move except for shaking.

Lu Ze bent over and looked inside the shell, a pair of eyes trembling slightly looked at him.

Lu Ze was stunned, and at the same time, the power of waveguide also sensed Huhu's emotions.

"Okay, don't scare him with the fire-breathing dragon, he's already very scared."


After being patted by Lu Ze, the fire-breathing dragon obediently agreed and walked aside.

Perhaps after sensing that the fire-breathing dragon was no longer by his side, Huhu secretly stuck out his head and looked around.


"Ku Qi!"

The sound of Lu Ze's greeting startled Huhu again, and the sudden voice made Huhu exclaim, and retracted his head into the shell again.


The fire-breathing dragon snickered, and then spread his hands helplessly, as if to say, this time it's not my fault.

Lu Ze glanced at the fire-breathing dragon angrily: "It's you, you scared her so much."

"Hee hee~"

Seeing the helpless look of the Charizard drooping its head, the Mini Dragon and Snorby laughed out loud.

"Okay, don't scare Huhu, I'll go cook first, have you eaten?"


Lu Ze was helpless: "Okay, I understand."

For Kirbymon, there is no question of whether to eat or not, as long as there is something to eat, he can eat.

The dinner was made quickly, and after a while Lu Ze made the noodles. A large bowl of noodles was carried to the living room outside by the Kirby, and then the Kirby divided them among the people.

One serving per person, including Lu Ze and Hu Hu, have a small plate.

Although Lu Ze ate dinner at night, the food he cooked tastes so good, what's wrong with taking a bite?
After the division, the rest belong to the Kirby.

Snorlax seems to be born with a strange sense of appetite.

Every time he distributed it to the elves, it was just enough, enough for them to eat well, and the kind that would not be wasted.

Therefore, since he discovered this feature of him, every time Lu Ze handed over the food distribution to Snorkel.

The points are fast and good.


After dividing it, the Snorby couldn't help it, and directly poked the fork into the basin, then spun it, and with a large ball of noodles, it went into the Snorkel's stomach.

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
At the same time, he did not forget to give Lu Ze a thumbs up.

Although Snorbeast has learned to use chopsticks because of eating hot pot.

But for this kind of noodles, which is measured in a basin, it is really difficult for Kirby to use chopsticks.

Lu Ze and the elves "sucked, sucked" eating happily.

The pot on the side smelled the aroma coming from in front of him, and couldn't help but quietly stretched out his head, his small eyes looked around nimbly.

When she realized that no one was paying attention to her, she stretched her head out, buried her head in the noodles, sucked a piece of noodles, and then retracted quickly.

A piece of noodles just went into the shell of the pot.

But it is a pity that the years Lu Ze made are not longevity noodles, so a single noodle is not long.

Then you can see that the pot sticks out its head from time to time, picks up a piece of noodles, and shrinks back.

After sucking the noodles, he poked his head out again and repeated the operation just now.

Lu Ze also saw your teasing movements, but he didn't care about the teasing.

Although he didn't know how Huhu came to the house, he was moved.

After having a jug, although he still needs to buy a juicer, the tree juice formula that needs to be relied on in his mind will be settled.

Inside the shell of the jug is a natural place where tree juice can be made.

According to the formula, different tree fruits are put in, and the effect of the fruit juice produced is also different.

But the premise of these is that a pot is needed.

So let's leave the pot and pot for a while, it doesn't matter how it came from, as long as it doesn't belong to someone else's house.

And, most importantly, Lu Ze's curiosity was triggered by Huhu.

He had read a post about Juhu on Station B before, talking about the juice in the body of a different-colored jug. For other elves, it was that kind, hehe.

So Lu Ze wants to try to see if this is true.

Although the jug will produce different effects of berry juice because of storing different berries.

But if Huhu is allowed to do it by himself, will it really be what the up master at station B said, he really wants to know.

Moreover, he just received a shining talisman today, Mo Qiancheng's reward, so he has the conditions to do this experiment.

After all, there are only two elves in his team who can use the shining talisman.

Different-colored forked bats are green, excluded.

The different-colored iron claw lobster is orange, not as good as red, so it is also excluded.

The abnormal color of the electric shock monster is nothing more than turning orange into golden yellow, but after evolving into an electric shock monster, it is golden yellow, and then the abnormal color becomes orange, which is not good-looking, so it is excluded.

Then, except for the shiny fire-breathing dragons and mini-dragons, there are now only the Kirby and the unborn Deoxys.

The different color of Snorkel is sky blue, um, it looks good.

The color of Deoxys is golden yellow, um, rich.

So there are only two objects that Lu Ze can use the Shining Talisman on, and now there is just one more pot.

After all, different colors do not increase combat effectiveness, nor do they increase any special abilities (except for pots and pots), so of course it is necessary to pursue good looks.

Soon, the elves' dinner was over.

And the plate in front of the pot was already empty.

And Huhu also changed from lying on her stomach at the beginning to now lying on her belly.

It was obviously full.

But Lu Ze didn't care, it was meant for her to eat, and it was nothing more than that Lu Ze couldn't master the appetite of other elves like the Snorlax.

"Hey, fire-breathing dragon, don't worry, tell me what's going on."

After tidying up, Lu Ze stopped the fire-breathing dragon who was about to go out for a stroll, and asked, pointing at the pot.

"Oo, oo...oo!"

"Ao, Ao. Ao~"

Looking at the dancing fire-breathing dragon, Lu Ze frowned and guessed what the fire-breathing dragon meant, and nodded from time to time, signaling the fire-breathing dragon to continue.

"Ku Qi!"

"Ku Qi! Ku Qi!"

Before the fire-breathing dragon finished speaking, Kehu stuck his head out, and then shouted angrily at the fire-breathing dragon.


The fire-breathing dragon just squinted at the pot, and the pot quickly shrank back.

"Ku Qi..."

Lu Ze couldn't help but rubbed his brows when he saw the charizard dragon's face of a bad boy, and you are the one who snatched people back, oh no, you snatched the elf back, right?

(End of this chapter)

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