Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 294 Charizard, come here once

Chapter 294 Charizard, come here

"So, when you and the forked bat went to training, you collected some berries to bring back, but they were eaten by Huhu, so you brought Huhu back, right?"

The cross-word bat looked at Lu Ze, and nodded with a smile.

Charizard also had a "of course" expression on his face.

Lu Ze looked at the fire-breathing dragon, and couldn't help rubbing his brows again.

The fire-breathing dragon was trained to follow the forked bat in a forest, and he knew this.

After all, Charizard occasionally brings back a bunch of berries.

Moreover, the wounds on the fire-breathing dragon were basically wounds hit by branches or scratched.

Lu Ze knew this when he applied the wound medicine to the fire-breathing dragon.

But he really didn't expect that the fire-breathing dragon brought back the elf who ate the fruit just because the fruit it collected was eaten.

I don't know if Huhu has a trainer, really.

Lu Ze looked helplessly at Forked Bat, "You don't care about him."

The corner of the bat's eyes was bent, and then he was eating melons and watching the show.

"Ku Qi!"


After hearing Lu Ze's words, Huhu was about to stick out his head to say something, but was yelled back by the fire-breathing dragon who had been guarding him.

After Lu Ze looked helplessly at the cowardly pot, he pushed the fire-breathing dragon who looked like a bad boy.

"Okay, you go to yoshi, I leave this place to me."


The fire-breathing dragon pointed to the jug retracted into the shell, and patted his chest again.

"Okay, okay, I see, if you can't figure it out, I'll leave it to you, you go out quickly."


The fire-breathing dragon took a haughty look at the pot, then let out a snort, and then walked out arrogantly.

After the fire-breathing dragon left, Lu Ze lightly knocked on the shell of the pot and said, "He has gone out, do you want to come out and talk?"

The kettle didn't move.

After a while, just when Lu Ze could not wait any longer, Huhu poked his head out quietly and looked around.

After confirming that the fire-breathing dragon was indeed gone, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"So you really ate the fruit of the Charizard?"

"Ku Qi!"

Huhu looked at Lu Ze in shock, and then began to argue while shaking his head.

"Ku Qi! Ku Qi!"

Huhu was talking excitedly, and as he was talking, he stretched out his two front feet, and continued to talk to Lu Zebi gesticulating.

"Ku Qi! Ku Qi Ku Qi..."

As she spoke, some tears slowly welled up in Huhu's Doudou's eyes, and her tone became more excited.

"Okay, okay, speak slowly, don't worry." Lu Ze quickly comforted him.

"Ku Qi, Ku Qi..."

"You mean, that was your tree fruit. You thought it fell on the ground, so you picked it up and put it in your shell, right?"

"Ku Qi!"

Huhu nodded and looked at Lu Ze seriously.

Lu Ze rubbed his brows, and now he understood that it was a misunderstanding.

First of all, the fire-breathing dragon was right, it was indeed the fruit he picked, but because of training, he put the fruit directly on the ground.

But according to Huhu, she has been guarding the berry for a long time, and it is almost ripe, and she just took a nap, and the berry disappeared.

Then, she happened to see the fruit on the ground again, and she thought it was ripe, so she dropped it by herself.

Then he went down and stuffed the fruit into his shell.

But the fire-breathing dragon came back at this time, and saw that Huhu ate the fruit he had picked (from the perspective of the fire-breathing dragon, it was Huhu who ate the fruit.) Then he rushed up and held down the berries in a rage. Kehu returned his fruit.

But Huhu thinks that this is her tree fruit, why should she return it?
So the two elves have been in a stalemate. During this period, the fire-breathing dragon threatened Huhu from time to time.

But although Huhu is afraid, my things are my things, so what do you mean by returning them to you?

So, the pot shrank back into the shell, although I was afraid, but I refused to accept it.

In this way, the fire-breathing dragon had nothing to do with the pot, and then brought the pot back.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, it's the fire-breathing dragon's fault. When he comes back, I'll tell him he's so proud, don't cry, don't cry."

Seeing Huhu's tearful eyes and firm face, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel distressed, and quickly used his big move, delicious snacks, to coax Huhu.

"Ku Qi! Wow!"

When Huhu saw Lu Ze's appearance, he couldn't help it on the spot, hugged Lu Ze's hand and began to cry.

Lu Ze couldn't say anything, he could only gently touch Huhu's head, waiting for her to finish crying.

Although the cross-word bat was a little surprised that things were not what they imagined, but after seeing that Lu Ze had almost coaxed the pot, he didn't say anything.

As for the mini dragon, although he is a little jealous, the belly of the Snorkel is too soft.

So forget it, let him go.

After crying for a while, Huhu finally realized that he was crying in the wrong place.

Then the little face blushed slightly, and cautiously, quickly retracted into the shell again.

Lu Ze watched the action of the pot, and couldn't help but chuckled and patted the shell of the pot.

"Okay, it's all right, let's eat something delicious first?"

As soon as Huhu heard the delicious food, she remembered the noodles she had just eaten. To her, this was the best thing she had ever eaten since she was born.

Huhu poked his head out and looked at Lu Ze with a bright face.

"Ku Qi?"

"Of course, eat it, it's delicious."

As Lu Ze said, he pushed Sweet and Sour Baofen towards the pot, and the pot began to eat in small bites.

Although I was very full just now, how could I resist eating such a delicious thing.

Lu Ze watched as he ate Baofen's pot with small mouthfuls, and then looked at her message.

Elf: Jug Jug

gender: female
Attributes: bug, rock
Feature: Strong (one-hit kill moves are invalid for elves with this feature.)
Qualification: Purple
Basic skills: sticky web, retract into the shell, entangle, endure, roll, try again, tighten, insect resistance, mysterious protection, sleep, falling rocks, gastric juice, power trick, shell breaking.

Inherited skills: dissolving liquid, acupressure, poisonous.

Listening to what Huhu said just now, there is a high probability that she does not have a trainer, and after reading Huhu's information, Lu Ze is even more sure of this.

Although I don't know how the pots are cultivated in the real world.

But if Lu Ze is to train it, Huhu will definitely learn the skill [Sandstorm] first.

After all, under the [Sandstorm] weather, the rock elves are not only immune to the extra damage from the [Sandstorm] weather, but also their special defense can be increased by [-] times.

Therefore, for Huhu, [Sandstorm] is basically a must learn.

And Hu Hu who has not learned [Sandstorm], there is a high probability that they are wild elves.

As for the small probability, it should be the same as Lu Ze, thinking of using the pot as a juicer.


"call out!"

Hu Hu, who was eating happily, retracted into the shell immediately when he heard the sound of the fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard, come here."

(End of this chapter)

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