Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 530 Chaomeng: Without money, it is difficult to move an inch

After talking with Snorkelmon, Snorkel soon put forward the reason why he came here.

He wants to wrestle with the patterned Snorkel again.

Snorkelling also happily agreed.

So, the two elves stood in an open place after the crossbat and other patterned Pokémon had put away the food.



The two Snorbies roared, and with the support of other Pokémon, they rushed towards each other at the same time.


With a dull sound, the two giant beasts collided fiercely.

The four hands were about to hand over, and the two elves tried their best to push each other over.

Neither of the two elves was weaker than the other at the beginning, but after a while, the patterned squirrel was pushed back a step.

The two Snorbys were stunned at the same time, and the next moment, the Snorkels let go of their hands.


Patterned Snorby looked at Snorby suspiciously and asked, not understanding why he let go of his hand suddenly.

"Bika Bika."

Kirby waved his hand: (We will come again next time you are full.)
Snorkel obviously felt that the patterned Snorkel was far from the state it was on the new island.

On the new island, the power of the patterned squirrel is slightly lower than that of the squirrel.

As a result, not long after contacting it, the patterned Snorbeast showed signs of fatigue.

This is obviously not what Snorkel wants.

What is he training hard for during this time?

Isn't it just to surpass the Kabimon.


The patterned Kabimon laughed at himself, and the next time he is full, he doesn't know when it will be.

According to his appetite, all the fruits in this forest are stuffed for him, and it may not be enough to fill him up.

It's easier said than done.

The patterned Snorby sighed, but the Snorkel laughed.

After two days, after I have agreed with Ozawa and Chaomeng, you will be full every day!
As for the big sister...

Since you are so determined, let's do this first, and you won't have to worry about food in two days.

Kirbymon secretly took a look at the patterned eldest sister's head, which is a little different from the eldest sister's head, and thought silently in her heart.

In this way, because of the charm brought by the food and its own personality, the Snorkel beast quickly integrated into the patterned Pokémon group, and it was a joy to play with them.

But the happy time is always short-lived. Before Snorkel has had a good time, Grandpa Sun is about to set.

Kirbymon could only reluctantly bid farewell to the patterned Pokémon.

After getting along with each other for an afternoon, Kirby became more determined to bring them out.

Their personalities are very similar to the appetite of the Snorkel, and most importantly, if they can let go, they are similar to the personalities of the Pokémon in the breeding park in the backyard of the research institute.

They are all kind of very gentle Pokémon who consider other people's feelings.

Moreover, they have worked harder than the Pokémon in the cultivation park.

After all, the Pokémon in the cultivation park, except for some individual ones, were all led astray by the Ibrahimovic family.

All day long, besides basking in the sun, I just sleep, play, and go all out.

After reluctantly saying goodbye, Snorlax went back with the wearing bear who had slept all afternoon.

On the way, wearing a bear looked at the Kirby with some resentment.

(I promised to take me out to play...)
Kirby scratched his head in embarrassment.


(I didn't expect them to be so exclusive.)
(Forget it, forgive you, but the air in the forest is better than that in the city, and it is much more comfortable to sleep in.)
After stretching his waist in the bear, he continued to walk towards the subway station with Snorlax.

Two large Pokémon went home again in a special car.

At the same time, Lu Ze of the research institute also stretched himself and got ready to get off work.



Victini also followed Lu Ze's example and stretched together.

Obviously playing on the sidelines all afternoon.

Lu Ze touched Victini's head with a smile: "Why, I'm tired after playing all afternoon."

"Tili Tili~"

Victini hugged Lu Ze's fingers with a smile, twisted her buttocks, and was placed on Lu Ze's head by Lu Ze's fingers.

"How are you doing, are you having fun?"


Victini danced excitedly, pointed to the half-finished building on the table, put his head on his hips, and said proudly.

"Wow, that's amazing, do you want to come with me tomorrow?"

After Lu Ze saw Victini's cute look in the mirror, he couldn't help laughing.

On the table is a 900 more than [-] Lego Ibrahimovic model, although it is only half assembled.

This was mentioned by another researcher when Lu Ze went to the cafeteria with Victini for lunch. It is said that he was buying a gift for his son.

Later, when Lu Ze saw that Victini was not delicious, and his eyes were stuck on it, he asked the researcher where he bought it.

After the researcher talked to him, Lu Ze asked an errand to help him buy it, and then put it together for Victini.

Although Lego's model has many particles, it is only as tall as Victini after it is assembled.

So if Victini spells this alone, there is no problem at all.

Of course, because of his size, he is still a little more troublesome than Lu Ze.

But seeing that Victini was enjoying it, Lu Ze didn't interfere and let him do it himself.

"Tili Tili~"

After Victini nodded excitedly, he lay on Lu Ze's head with a smile.

"Then we're going home."


After taking a last look at the Lego puzzles on the table, Victini was happily supported by Lu Ze and went home together.


Victini walked on the road, humming songs that Lu Ze couldn't understand, walking and singing all the way.

Fortunately, Lu Ze had already disguised Victini before leaving the research institute.

Therefore, in the eyes of passers-by, Victini is just an electric flying mouse humming a ditty.

Snorkel and Wearing Bear took the subway home, and Lu Ze was also on the way home, but Chaomeng, Forked Bat, and Charizard were still training in the room opened by the Elf Center.

Of course, Lu Ze's identity was used to open the room, and Lu Ze's money was also used.

No way, who made Chaomeng have no money.

Lu Ze in Sorolla's disguise came forward, Chaomeng was in charge of speaking, and the fire-breathing dragon with a watch that could pay for it came forward, and finally successfully opened the training room.

Otherwise, Chaomeng can only take them to field training.

This is also the first time Chaomeng realizes the importance of money.

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