Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 531 Backstab

"Haven't you come back yet?"

After returning home, Lu Ze fell into deep thought when he saw the empty house.

Dad and grandpa were already caught by grandma to do coolies in the afternoon.


If you haven't come back yet...

Lu Ze shook his head with some distress: "Forget it, let's cook."

"Tili tili!"

After Lu Ze shook his head, Victini on his head made a dissatisfied voice again.

Why do you keep forgetting that I am on top of you?

"Ha, I almost shook you down again, didn't I?"

Lu Ze smiled and stretched out his hand to hug Victini: "Let's play on the sofa for a while, and I'll cook."

"Tili Tili~"

Victini shook his short legs and gave Lu Ze an ok gesture.

"Ha, good~"

After Lu Ze lightly stroked Victini's little head, he went into the kitchen humming a little tune.

Victini stayed outside, watching Lu Ze's back in the kitchen, rolled his eyes and flew up.

(Hey, why not?)
Victini looked around, but he couldn't find the remote control that the miniature dragon told him that could turn on the TV.

(Black long box, black long box...)
Victini was flying in the air, watching everywhere.

There is no long black box on the sofa, coffee table, dining table or even the dining chair.


Victini was in the air, scratching his head in confusion.

(Why not? Xiao Xiaolong said he was here.)
Victini was a little discouraged, fell vertically, sat down on the sofa, and bounced up and down twice.

Victini snorted for a while, then looked at Lu Ze who was still busy chopping vegetables in the kitchen, and slowly felt drowsy.

(Ah, there seems to be no nap in the afternoon.)
It was Victini's last thought when she was sober.

Soon, Victini nestled on the sofa and fell asleep.

Soon, the people and elves who were still outside also returned home one after another.

The first ones to come back are the Snorkel and the Wearing Bear.

After coming back wearing a bear, he went directly to the backyard, and he wanted to go back to his little home.

Snorlax saw Victini nestling on the sofa at a glance.

Victini frowned, obviously not sleeping very comfortably.


Kabimon looked at Victini, then at Lu Ze in the kitchen, and came directly to Victini.

Carefully pressing down on the sofa with his big hand, so that Victini can calmly "roll" into his palm.

The sloping sofa surface seemed to make Victini even more uncomfortable.

After Victini rolled over and felt the comfort and warmth brought by the "bed" underneath, he changed into a comfortable position and lay in the palm of the Snorby beast with a big character.

This time, Victini's brows stopped frowning, and Kabimon became happy, so he walked upstairs with Victini in his hand.

As soon as Kabimon went upstairs, the door opened again, and Lu Xingguo, Liu Xiangjun, Lu's father and Lu's mother all came back together.

As soon as Lu Xingguo and Lu's father came back, they put all their belongings on the ground beside them, and then fell straight on the sofa in a daze.

Mengmeng and Manafei also collapsed in the arms of Liu Xiangjun and Mama Lu, lying down on the sofa together with Lu Xingguo and Papa Lu.

On the other side, Liu Xiangjun and Lu's mother were still in high spirits. When they saw Lu Ze busy in the kitchen, they were even ready to help.

However, Liu Xiangjun was still held back by Lu's mother.

"Let's go shopping, bah, I'm so tired of buying new year's goods, and it's not bad to try Ozawa's craftsmanship."


The two laughed at the same time, then ignored Lu Ze, and started chatting with Xiaohong in the living room.

Grandpa and dad were lying dead on the sofa, grandma and mom were chatting and nibbling melon seeds, and Lu Ze was cooking in the kitchen.

This scene, at first glance, is quite pleasant.

"Victini, come and taste~"

After a while, Lu Ze had already finished more than half of his planned dinner.

Now there is only one soup left, a mutton soup that is still simmering.


Lu Ze, who didn't hear Victini's voice, looked up and found his grandparents.

"When did you come back?"

Liu Xiangjun and Lu's mother looked at each other: "Just now, I just got home."

Lu Xingguo and Father Lu, who were lying dead on the sofa, did not make a sound.

It's not worth getting burned over such a trivial matter.

Lu Ze didn't doubt either: "Oh, well, the meal is almost ready, you can eat the vegetables first."

With that said, Lu Ze got into the kitchen again.

The mutton soup is almost ready, just adjust the seasoning.

Lu Ze got into the kitchen, and Chao Meng also pushed the door in, followed by a group of Lu Ze's Pokémon.

"I'm back, how is today?"

"Not bad, great harvest."

Mama Lu ate melon seeds, and cheerfully said hello to Lu Zede's Pokémon, Chaomeng also replied solemnly.

"That's good, pack up and get ready to eat."

As Lu's mother said, she got up and picked up Mengmeng and Manafei who were on the sofa, and went to wash their little paws.

"The meal is ready, go wash your hands and prepare to eat."

Lu Ze also came out at this time, and said to Chaomeng and Forked Bat.

"it is good."

Chaomeng was still concise and to the point. After agreeing, he followed Mama Lu to wash his hands.

Although Chaomeng is still not very friendly to the "body" of Fantasia.

But after Lu Zede's persuasion, he didn't have too much hostility towards Mengmeng.

After all, Lu Ze also said that they are two individuals now, look, you are not much more handsome than Meng Meng?
Lu Ze's words made Chaomeng couldn't help comparing each time he saw Mengmeng.

Well, indeed, I am much more handsome than him.

Then, Chaomeng no longer entangled with the difference between the replica and the main body.

After all, how could a replica be more handsome and powerful than the main body?

Just like that, Mother Lu hugged Chaomeng and Manafei, followed by Chaomeng, and began to clean the two little guys.

"Hey? Where's Victini?"

After tidying up, Lu Ze, who was looking at his results with satisfaction, suddenly remembered why the gluttonous Victini had disappeared.


Lu Ze subconsciously opened the waveguide to look for Victini, only to find that Victini was in the upstairs room, sleeping soundly in the palm of the Kabimon.

"Mini Dragon, go and call Snorlax and Victini down for dinner."


The miniature dragon that had jumped on Lu Ze happily agreed, swung its body and flew upstairs.

Lu Ze couldn't help being a little happy looking at the happy scene at home.

"It's good to be a breeder. Otherwise, I should be like Sui Yan now, training my own elves hard, and then I will also participate in this temple fair competition."

Lu Ze happily shook his head.

"It's so cool now, I don't need to participate in the competition, and I don't need to formulate tactics with the elves, so happy~"

Lu Ze happily placed the bowls and chopsticks, never expecting that his elf, along with Soraya and Chaomeng, stabbed him in the back.

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