Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 545 Me!Will suffice!


In the end, the cross-bat came into play.

Chaomeng didn't follow what he imagined, first use the pot to [equally divide the power], and then use [very poisonous] to add a status to the fire-breathing dragon.

If you can, you can also use a sandstorm to change the weather in favor of the Charizard.

But in the end it was the cross-word bat that convinced Chaomeng.

(I can do it alone!)

After the forked bat entered the field, Chaomeng was silent.

Because of the sentence before the forked bat came on stage.

(Ozawa's direction may be better.)
For Chaomeng, this sentence is almost the same as his psychology when he learned that he was a replica.

Full of disbelief and confusion about myself.


Super Charizard Y looked at the forked bat in the air with a fighting spirit.

Although after the forked bat came out, it was pushed by [Invisible Rock], and lost about one-third of its physical strength.

But this is not a problem in the eyes of the forked bat.

"Come on, fire-breathing dragon, today is your chance to defeat the eldest sister! Let's say hello first, spray flames!"


The fire-breathing dragon flew in the air, staring at the eldest sister's head frantically, and after nodding, a thick pillar of fire spewed out from the fire-breathing dragon's mouth, heading straight for the forked bat.


The cross-word bat showed a smile, and kept avoiding the flames of the fire-breathing dragon in a small area.

It's obviously that little space, and the cross-bat is obviously a very slight evasive movement, but the fire-breathing dragon's [Jet Flame] just can't hit the cross-bat.

The weather changes——[heavy rain]

Sui Yan looked at the dark clouds in the sky and his expression changed.

In the spare time of avoiding, can you still use [Pray for Rain]?

Seeing the nimble figure of the forked bat in the air, Sui Yan felt a little regretful.

I knew it should evolve into a powerful X form for melee combat.

But it's useless to think about it now, Sui Yan took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then directed.

"Fire-breathing dragon, hot wind!"

Although [Rainy Day], the power of fire-type skills is weakened, but as long as they can hit the forked bat, it will be fine.

The four wings of the forked bat fluttered slightly.

[Hot air] vs [Hot air]

The orange-red winds on both sides collided, and the [Hot Wind] on both sides were swept back.

But the hot wind that was swept back was drizzle, and the two elves were wiped out by the heavy rain without even touching their bodies.


(Is that all?)
The forked bat chuckled and looked at the fire-breathing dragon opposite.

This scene is not so much a formal game as it is a sister training a younger brother.


Sui Yan couldn't understand the words between Pokémon, so he calmly continued to command: "High-speed stars! Then get close to her!"

Since the long-range attack can't hit it, it's better to get closer.

The transparent white stars flew towards the forked bat, and the figure of the fire-breathing dragon followed behind [High Speed ​​Stars].

Of course, the cross-word bat also spotted the sneaky figure behind [High Speed ​​Star].

[Air Blade] shot directly, one after another [Air Blade] not only shattered pieces of [High Speed ​​Star], but also hit the fire-breathing dragon behind [High Speed ​​Star] unabated.

"It's difficult!"

Sui Yan looked helplessly at the cozy figure in the air.

"Fire-breathing dragon, rush over and try!"


The fire-breathing dragon came from the ground, and once again hit the spirit, shook its wings violently, and rushed towards the forked bat.


Now, the cross-word bat is no longer hiding. What Lu Ze said to her was very good.

Tactics are about not letting your opponent's ideas come true.

Now the fire-breathing dragon wants to stick to his face, so don't let him stick to it!

The moment the fire-breathing dragon rushed up, the forked bat accelerated instantly, and then flew upwards above the fire-breathing dragon's head.

At the same time, [Air Blade] also fell with the raindrops, hitting the fire-breathing dragon below.

"It's so beautiful~"

Two fast-flying Pokémon, the crossbat is on the top, the fire-breathing dragon is on the bottom, and the [Air Blade] falls with the raindrops, cutting off the interaction between the raindrops and the raindrops next to them, shining brightly.

"So strong!"

Wang Xingqiu didn't care at all whether the beauty in his sister's mouth was beautiful, what he cared about was that this forked bat was so strong.

"Can you hold on to her?"

After Wang Xingqiu finished speaking, a chubby little purple hand paused on top of the popcorn bucket on Wang Lingran's lap.

"Ah! Geng Gui, you stole my food again!"

With just this pause, Wang Lingran discovered Geng Gui's stealing hand.

Geng Gui didn't bother to answer Wang Xingqiu's words now, the most important thing now was to admit his mistake to Wang Lingran first.

"Jie Jie..." Geng Gui immediately walked in front of Wang Lingran, rubbed Wang Lingran's little face, and then got into Wang Lingran's arms to act like a baby, which made Wang Lingran happy again stand up.


Wang Xingqiu looked at Geng Gui's skillful movements with pity.

That's all you've got.

In the field at this time, the fire-breathing dragon was knocked down again, but this time the forked bat didn't wait any longer.

The forked bat in the air rotates, driving the airflow around it, and the [Storm] surges!
In the next second, [Storm] swept across, hitting the fire-breathing dragon.

After a while, the [Storm] dissipated, and the [Heavy Rain] stopped.

The weather disappears.


Super Charizard Y struggled to stand up, his eyes full of fear of being dominated by the big sister's head.

Is this the coercion from my sister?


Sui Yan also realized when he saw the pitiful appearance of the fire-breathing dragon.

This forked bat is really scary now.

Obviously they were all Pokémon received together, but when the wind speed dog and the forked bat were compared, they were immediately compared.

Well, although the forked bat has been hammering the katti dog since the supersonic bat, but now it seems that the gap seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

"Come back, fire-breathing dragon."

Sui Yan didn't want to struggle anymore. After the whole game, the cross bat basically didn't suffer any damage.

Except for the damage from [Invisible Rock] when it first came out, Charizard basically never touched the crossbat.

Not to mention that what the crossbat is best at has not yet been used.

Forked Bats can be strengthened with 【Trick】on the way of dodging.

Suiyan has seen it before.

Moreover, the strongest method of the forked bat is to use poison, [very poisonous].

And before these were used, the fire-breathing dragon was defeated, which made Sui Yan understand.

Don't have to play anymore, let's vote~

Sui Yan sighed, shook his head, spread his hand and pressed down three times, and finally raised his hand to signal to the referee that he surrendered.

"The fire-breathing dragon abstains, the winner of this game, the forked bat!"

As the referee's voice fell, a series of fireworks also shot up into the sky, and the falling ribbons represented congratulations to the champion.

"It's okay, the reward for the runner-up is also acceptable."

When receiving the award, Sui Yan looked at the feather of muscle strength in "Lu Ze"'s hand with envy.

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