Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 546 Snorlax's New Year's Gift

It has been several days since Chaomeng led Lu Ze's elves to win the championship.

When Lu Ze saw that Chaomeng brought back a muscle feather and 800,000 cash, he was also taken aback.

"You are this?"

"Help me put these in my watch, I can't get in."

Lu Ze:? ? ?
"What's stuck in your watch?"

"The money."

Chaomeng tilted her head, a little confused, but explained to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze looked at Chaomeng's serious look, and couldn't help thinking about how Chaomeng stuffed the watch with money.

Ha, that would be a shame if that were the case.

This proper black history was not recorded.

"What? Is it difficult?"

"It's not difficult."

As Lu Ze said, he picked up a whole lot of money: "But, where did you get the money from?"

Chaomeng's eyes flustered for a moment: "You don't have to worry about it."


Lu Ze tilted his head and didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, he didn't hear any news today that someone robbed the bank.

After all, in the era of digital currency, no one except banks will keep 800,000 cash at home.

The Temple Tournament official is also very strange. Generally, people will provide an account, and then directly recharge it into the account provided by the player, and the 800,000 is still placed here.

I didn't expect to meet a person who didn't follow the routine this time, and moved out their old employees of [-] and [-].

Now it's sad, the next temple fair competition, they have to go to the bank to withdraw 800,000.


After Lu Ze turned on his phone, he saw the message Sui Yan had sent him.

Sui Yan: "Your forked bat beat me again, remember to treat me to a meal."

Sui Yan: "Also, give me a box of top-level energy cubes you made for Snorkel, to make up for the hurt young heart of my fire-breathing dragon."

Suiyan: Revenge.jpg
Suiyan: Remembering Blood and Deep Enmity.jpg
The news of Suiyan, the ravages of the charizard by the forked bat, 800,000.

Well, right away.

Chaomeng is going to participate in the temple fair competition.

He also brought his own Pokémon.

Lu Ze's eyes were strange: "So, you took my Pokémon to participate in the temple fair competition, and earned 800,000?"

Chaomeng was flustered for a moment, but still insisted: "Well, yes, that's right! What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

Lu Ze laughed angrily: "You took my Pokémon to the competition and kept it from me? What's wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Chaomeng fell silent, not knowing how to refute Lu Ze.

"No matter what, I will share half of the 800,000, no problem."


Chaomeng was stunned for a moment, and then heard the voice from the watch.

"WeChat account, 400,000 yuan~"

"You've really gone in half!"

Chaomeng became anxious immediately, and directly put a [teleportation] on Lu Ze's face.

"You didn't do anything, and you gave me half of the money?"

Although Chaomeng didn't know what purchasing power 400,000 was, he still understood that it was directly divided in half.

This is cutting my flesh!
"Hey! Don't worry!"

Lu Ze was flustered, but he didn't show any embarrassment, and pressed the index finger of his right hand directly on Chaomeng's mouth.

Looking at Chaomeng's increasingly dangerous eyes, Lu Ze wanted to save face, but he quickly explained.

"In this way, the 400,000 you are given is a reward for those Pokémon who stand out for you. It's no problem, you can't let them work for nothing, just like I let you work, but I paid you a salary .”

After Lu Ze explained it with a quick mouth comparable to Hua Shao, Chaomeng calmed down.


But calm to calm, Lu Ze gagged his mouth with his hands?

Chaomeng memorized this ugliness.

The superpower was activated, and Mewtwo flew away with 800,000 cash.


Lu Ze rolled his eyes for a second.

No, I transferred it to you. Didn't you want to keep the 800,000 for me?

"Deoxys, why are you standing there, stealing the money... No, take the money back!"

Lu Ze stomped his feet angrily, and lost 400,000 every time he went back and forth, which is not a big loss!


"Really, I don't give you any benefits, but you still have the nerve to follow me!"

Lu Ze was walking on the street, complaining unhappily to Chaomeng behind him.

That day, Deoxys chased after him, and after Lu Ze and Chaomeng explained for a long time, Chaomeng finally understood.

It was the cash that was transferred to his watch, and the cash would have to go to the bank to make up for the money that was transferred to him in advance.

But Chaomeng after understanding what kind of operation this was, did not give Lu Ze all the money directly as Lu Ze thought, but only gave Lu Ze half of it.

It's a beautiful name, you transfer half of it to me, and I give you half, which is reasonable, right?

Can Lu Ze accept this?At that time, I said that my Pokémon have contributed!

But Chaomeng is not stupid, and directly stated that he personally paid them wages.

Now, Lu Ze has nothing to say.

"That matter has turned over!"

Chaomeng said coldly, and continued to look around behind Lu Zede.

He only discovered today that apart from fighting, there are so many new and interesting things here.

"Alright, alright."

Lu Ze didn't say much, he wanted to be greedy for Chaomeng's money, this is undeniable.

Although he is not short of this little money, no one can replace the psychological satisfaction of being able to exploit Chaomeng.

But if you don't get it, then there is nothing to say, the skills are not as good as people!

Lu Ze walked to the door of a store, looked at the address, and opened the door.

"anyone there?"

"Here we come, what do customers want?"

A chubby middle-aged man ran out from behind the counter, looked at Lu Ze with a smile and asked.

"That's how it is. I was introduced by Fu Gui. I want to order a large space backpack. Do you think it can be done?"


The boss was taken aback, thinking quickly in his brain, who is Fugui?Do I know you?
Seeing the boss like this, Lu Ze also reacted: "Oh, Wang Quan, his name is Wang Quan."

"Oh, young master Wang Quan, yes, yes."

The boss also reacted at this time, the person introduced by the young master.

"So, how big is it?"

"I made it for Snorby, a New Year's gift, um, pink. Snorby is about three meters tall, and its size is two and a half circles larger than ordinary Snorby. You can make one that he can carry on his back. .”

The boss nodded with a smile on his face: "Yeah, okay."

"I want one too!"

After the boss agreed, Chaomeng also spoke.

"This is?"

The boss looked at Chaomeng with a blank face. Just now, was this Pokémon talking?

"He, telepathy, it's all right."

"Oh, telepathy, so I would like to ask this customer, what should I do?"

"Same as his."

After Chaomeng pointed to Lu Ze, he stretched out his wrist generously, revealing the black watch on his hand.

"Scan the code, I have money!"

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