Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 802 Heavenly King Challenge and Team 2

Chapter 802 Heavenly King Challenge and the Second Team
"Bang Bang Bang."

Lu Ze came to the principal's office early the next morning.

"Please come in."

After the principal's voice came, Lu Ze opened the door and went in.

"Good morning, Headmaster."

"Good morning, our world champion."

Seeing Lu Ze's smiling face, the principal also nodded and said with a smile.


"Tell me, what's the matter?"

After Lu Ze chuckled, the headmaster immediately understood, so he took the initiative to ask.

When asking, he couldn't help looking at the electric flying mouse on Lu Ze's shoulder.

If nothing else, this is Victini.

Victini, who was wearing an electric flying squirrel suit, was playing with Soraya, who was on Lu Ze's other shoulder, across Lu Ze, and didn't notice the principal's gaze.

"That's how it is. Although the mountain behind our school belongs to our school, it's useless there."

"So, what do you mean?"

After hearing Lu Ze's words, the principal no longer looked at Victini, but turned to look at Lu Ze and asked seriously.

"It's like this. After all, I'm a student of the cultivation department, so I want to open a cultivation house. It's not too much."

Lu Ze said to the principal with a cute smile on his face.

Except for the shortcoming of being in Shangqing University, Houshan is not very suitable as an incubator.

Although there are no volcanoes that fire-type Pokémon like, there are no deserts that ground-type Pokémon like.

But this is not a problem.

In addition to these two, there are grasslands, forests, water and caves.

That's enough.

As for the rest, it can be re-added after obtaining the right to use the land.

For example, volcanoes and deserts can be simulated with special instruments for cultivation gardens.

Although the simulated ecology may not be as good as the natural one.

But in terms of the requirements of the cultivation garden, if you want to find a natural site that all these have.

It can really be regarded as wishful thinking.

After all, volcanoes and deserts may coexist.

But volcanoes and ice caves are impossible.

It just so happens that the innermost part of the cave used to be the place where a powerful ice-type Pokémon lived because of the dark river.

Although it was later taken away by Mr. Wang Yi, the place he left behind only needs a little intervention from the machine to become an ice cave very suitable for the survival of ice-type Pokémon.

Seeing Lu Ze like this, the old headmaster couldn't help laughing.

"It's okay, but..."

What Lu Ze said is correct, he is indeed a member of the cultivation department.

And he also knew from Liu Xiangjun that Lu Ze's dream is to become a breeder and open a breeder's house.

Although he is the champion of the World Youth Championship, although his strength is very strong.

But if he just won the world championship, if he wants to take the initiative to settle down, of course it is very good.

And this is Lu Ze's own dream, isn't it?

A teenager's dream whizzes by like the wind, free and unrestrained.

The old principal chose to respect Lu Ze's dream and pave the way for his own students' dreams.


However, Lu Ze, who is the champion of the World Youth Championship, cannot give up the most important strength of a trainer because of his dream or precipitation.

Although cultivators are different from coordinators, coordinators also need strength as a basis.

But Lu Ze's talent would be too wasteful if he was a full-time trainer.

There is nothing wrong with Lu Ze's talent or family.

In this case, why not do both and go hand in hand?

"But what?"

Lu Ze's eyes lit up immediately after hearing what the old principal said, and he asked anxiously.

Talking like this shows that there is drama!

The old principal smiled, and after seeing that Lu Ze couldn't wait any longer, he waved his hand to signal Lu Ze to calm down.

"It's okay to hand over the land in the back mountain to you as a breeding house, but there is one condition."

"What conditions?"

Hearing this, Lu Ze also calmed down again, and asked the old principal curiously.

This piece of land is supernatural, and Lu Ze was ready to understand it with emotion, reason with it, and even prepare to give something.

In the end, the old headmaster took the initiative to propose conditions.

In this case, if the conditions are not too excessive, if it is not impossible for me, then I can agree to it.

After all, I was prepared for this from the very beginning.

"Don't worry, it's very easy for you to fulfill this condition."

After the old principal waved his hands, he put his elbows on the table and crossed his hands.

"I want you to participate in the Heavenly King Challenge next year."

"Heavenly King Challenge?"

Lu Ze scratched his head, next year will be the Heavenly King Challenge?

Time flies so fast?

As the name suggests, the Heavenly King Challenge is a battle between Heavenly King trainers.

In addition to the usual ranking challenges for a king-level trainer, there is only one king challenge that the world's kings basically participate in.

The Heavenly Kings Challenge is the only event that has a large-scale change in the Heavenly Kings leaderboard.

After all, the usual ranking challenges are basically just the top [-] kings challenging each other.

Heavenly Kings who have not entered the top [-] cannot challenge the ranking of Heavenly Kings.

Only after they enter the top [-] through the Heavenly King Challenge can they be qualified to challenge in normal times.

It was like the battle between Mo Qiancheng and the steel kings of other countries at that time.

Originally, that Heavenly King was the No. 20 Heavenly King in the Steel Department, and ranked No. [-] in the world.

But after he lost to Mo Qiancheng that day, the world ranking changed with Mo Qiancheng, not to mention No. 30.

The title of the world's number one steel king was also handed over to Mo Qiancheng.

Of course, even if you are not in the top [-] in the ranking of celestial kings, you can still challenge the celestial king, as long as the challenged celestial king agrees.

But this kind of challenge is not counted in the ranking of the king's strength.

For example, if Father Lu wants to fight Mo Qiancheng, even if Father Lu wins, it will still not change his ranking on the Heavenly King Power Ranking.

Because Lu's father is not in the top [-] players on the king list.

The Heavenly King Challenge is held every five years, and Lu Ze can't remember the last time.

However, he did not expect that as soon as the World Youth Championship ended, the Heavenly King Challenge would start soon.

"Yes, the Heavenly King Challenge."

The old headmaster chuckled: "Of course, I didn't ask you to get any ranking, I just need you to participate."

The contestants after one hundred in the Heavenly King Challenge did not understand.

And the old principal never thought that Lu Ze would be among the top [-].

After all, Lu Ze is just a third-year student who has just been promoted to the level of a king.

Still a student of the Department of Education.

The old headmaster just wanted Lu Ze to learn more about it.

After all, the battle between heavenly kings is still a battle between various heavenly kings. It is also very beneficial for Lu Ze to experience this grand occasion every five years.

And Lu Ze's ability to get the top [-] ranking is out of his consideration.

After all, Lu Ze is still a new king.

Looking at the other kings, they are basically two teams.

There will be more Pokémon in the hands of older kings.

It's okay for a king who majors in a certain attribute, but if he meets that kind of king who has all kinds of attributes, it will be really uncomfortable.

The Tianwang Challenge is similar to the World Youth Championship. They do not need to register their own Pokémon, but only limit the appearance of six Pokémon.

In this case, if you play the Pokémon first, the opponent will be able to produce one or two Pokémon that restrain the Pokémon you are currently playing.

In this case, you only have a fixed lineup of six King-level Pokémon, which is undoubtedly a very disadvantageous situation in this case.

Thinking of this, the old headmaster shook his head involuntarily when he thought of the inside information from the organizer of the Heavenly Kings Challenge that they wanted to restrict the beasts.

If there is no mythical beast, Lu Ze's six fixed Pokémon team with the strength of the heavenly king level will undoubtedly be very disadvantageous to other veterans participating in the competition.

So from the very beginning, the old principal never thought about Lu Ze being able to enter the top [-].

He just wanted Lu Ze to participate in it, so that he could learn a lot.

After all, Lu Ze is just a 20-year-old kid now.

Once every five years, with more participants and rich experience, with Lu Ze's talent, he will definitely be able to sit on the top of the list of heavenly kings again.


Lu Ze murmured, not hesitant, but excited.

I remembered the excitement of my previous self watching the Tianwang Challenge in front of the TV.

I thought of the time when I used to save the wonderful battles in the Tianwang Challenge in various ways and watch them repeatedly.

I think of the time when I imitated the various commanding actions of the king of heaven in this TV.

I remembered the time when I was able to stand on the stage of the Tianwang Challenge in my fantasy and fight with the Tianwang on the TV.

"In that case, I will sign up for next year's Heavenly King Challenge."

Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he nodded without hesitation and said to the old principal.

"it is good!"

The old principal stood up excitedly: "Don't worry, I will solve your problem for you, and I will notify you when it is resolved!"

"However, remember next year's Heavenly King Challenge!"

"Don't worry, I will!"

Lu Ze also nodded excitedly, then bid farewell to the old principal and walked out of the principal's office.

But at this time, Lu Ze was still very excited.

I didn't expect that this trip today would solve this matter so easily.

Moreover, the Heavenly King Challenge.

Needless to say, this must be seen.

But now that it's decided.

Lu Ze's eyes flickered.

After these two days of busy work, I have to quickly get my second team of Pokémon.

Or, get a part of it?

Lu Ze himself is not sure, but all the "trophies" brought back from the British island this time are all for improving the strength of Pokémon.

Coupled with the energy cubes made by myself, which can improve the various basic qualities of Pokémon.

Among other things, Lu Ze really wants to try and wait until he can't cultivate one or a few Pokémon with the strength of a king in more than a year.

However, there is a high chance of failure.

After all, Pokémon's dream of breaking through the king-level strength is not just about cultivating strength.

You know, it is very difficult for the senior level to break through the king level.

Just look at the electric shock beast.

Even though his strength is very strong, he is still the last Pokémon in the team to break through the strength of the king.

For Pokémon to break through to the level of a king, the right time, place and people are indispensable, but basically a little bit of it must be involved.

Therefore, it is still very difficult to cultivate a Pokémon with the strength of a king in one year.

Even with all the "trophies" he's got from the British Isles and others, it's still going to be tough.

"But speaking of it, if the Heavenly King Challenge starts, it is estimated that there will be some restrictions on the beasts."

On the way back, Lu Ze was still thinking about it.

Eighty percent of the Heavenly King Challenge will impose restrictions on the beasts.

After all, most of the selection targets of the beasts are young people under the age of 30.

Of course, those around 30 years old are also within their selection range.

But there is no doubt that the younger they are, the more they like it.

In this case, there are many heavenly kings in the world who do not have divine beasts in their teams.

And if there is no divine beast, most of the Pokémon will not be opponents of the divine beast when facing the divine beast.

Even the kings on the top of the king list.

They who have not become master trainers are still powerless in the face of divine beasts.

Of course, it's a different matter if you are facing a beast with the strength of the American emperor's flame bird.

However, even a divine beast with the strength of the flame bird only has a chance to defeat it.

It is still very difficult to kill a god.

For details, refer to Kantaro Takenaka.

As the No. 70 player in the world's king ranking, he also has a beast like Cresselia.

But it still doesn't work when facing Chaomeng Y.

It has now evaporated.

No. 70 or more in the world king ranking list is not good, and those behind him are even more bad?

What's more, those heavenly kings behind him don't necessarily have divine beasts.

In this case, the organizer of the Heavenly King Challenge will inevitably set some restrictions on the beasts.

Of course, they shouldn't and won't directly ban the competition of divine beasts.

After all, the beast is also the trainer's Pokémon, and it is also part of the trainer's strength.

Another one is that they are not sure that they can know all the beasts.

What if someone played a mythical beast that no one knew.

Of course, this will happen even if it is not directly prohibited.

But there is no way, this kind is to guard against gentlemen but not against villains. If there is a mythical beast that you don't know, if it really plays, you will only have doubts, but there is no evidence.

"Then try it, in case it succeeds." Lu Ze smiled.

But there was one thing he didn't say.

If he doesn't succeed, he also believes that the forked bats can defeat their opponents!
"Then it's decided like this, let's deal with our second team first!"

(End of this chapter)

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