Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 803 Kapok ball, prepare to fight!

"I didn't expect that it would be quite laborious to set up a nursery."

Two days later, Lu Ze stood in the almost prepared cultivation garden in the back mountain and looked at the scene in front of him happily.

To do a good job in the cultivation garden, the first thing is to enclose the land.

Although this is in the university of Shangqing, there is no need to enclose the land, and the entire back mountain has been assigned to him as a nurturing garden.

But some places still need to be blocked with fences or something.

At the same time, it is necessary to report to the official, after all, the entire back mountain already belongs to a large cultivation garden.

Because of these things, Lu Ze worked hard for two whole days before they were almost finished.

Now the general outline of the cultivation park has been determined, and the machinery and equipment have also been put in.

The next step is to get ready to manage the cultivation garden.

The first is to cultivate various Pokémon in the garden.

In fact, there are some kinds of Pokémon in the back mountain.

But most of them are common ones, such as Bi Diao, Carp King and so on.

What Lu Ze has to do is to expand their types while convincing them to become well-organized Pokémon.

Convincing them to become organized Pokémon has been left to Victini, Tiny Dragon, and Zoroa who volunteered (wanted to play).

Of course, Deoxys also followed.

With Deoxys around, there should be no problem.

After all, Deoxys' fighting power is still quite strong, even the most vicious group of big needle bees inside is no big problem for Deoxys.

Not to mention that Victini looks cute and cute, but his own fighting power is also very powerful.

The exclusive skill [V Flame] is a very powerful skill.

There is another exclusive skill [Fire Bomb].

[V Hot Flame] I won’t say much about this, anyway, Charizard has been following Victini recently, like a little licking dog who wants to learn Victini’s [Fire Bomb].

The fire-breathing dragon has no other meaning, he just wants to be taller than Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon, so what bad thoughts can he have?

Naturally, Victini would not refuse, but he really has no clue about teaching other Pokémon his own exclusive skills.

For this reason, in addition to doing ideological work for the native Pokémon here in the breeding garden every day, the rest of the time is spent asking Zeraora how to teach ordinary Pokémon their own exclusive skills.

After all, Zeraora successfully taught her [Plasma Lightning Fist] to the Electroshock Monster.

It is worth mentioning that under the begging of the electric shock monster, Zeraora ended her days of wandering around and living in no fixed place.

Successfully won the title of administrator in Lu Ze Nurturing Park.

Of course, one of the administrators.

After all, those patterned Pokémon of Chaomeng are also coming to this cultivation garden.

If Chaomeng is not given the position of administrator at that time, Chaomeng may... well, it seems that nothing will happen.

But thinking about it, Chaomeng will still be given the title of administrator at that time.

This is the same as a group. Although there is no difference in the title of an administrator, there is a little difference.


"When to set off?"

"Wait a minute, I'll go back and tidy up."

After Lu Ze touched the three begging bees in front of him, he turned around and prepared to go back.

The three bee family can be said to be the first family to add weaving.

After all, Lu Ze's greedy bee's honey is not a day or two.

So when Lu Ze found out that there were three bee colonies here, he immediately became excited.

Without any hesitation, Lu Ze sent his diplomat directly!

The diplomat Victini entered the territory of the three bees with Lu Ze's special honey biscuits.

【V Hot Flame】Not long after soaring into the sky, Victini squinted her eyes and came out with the empty bamboo basket in her hand.

After making a "yeah" gesture to Lu Ze, the three bee group became a group with a system.

After Lu Ze returned home, he looked at the culture medium on the table strangely.

In the medium is a fairy egg.

This was when I was in Great Britain, because of Gayoka, some parts of Great Britain were flooded.

And this elf egg seems to be because it was flooded or something, it was picked out by Lu Ze from the sewer.

Because he didn't know where the elf egg was, Lu Ze kept it.

After all, if the sewer continues, nothing will necessarily happen.

It would be bad if the elf egg was damaged due to bumping in the sewer, or some other accident.

Although the elf egg is still relatively hard, this elf egg seems to have been damaged.

It has been in the culture medium for almost half a month, although the nutrient solution is not changed as frequently as the original Ochisis.

But it has been replaced three times.

If he didn't know that the elves inside were indeed still alive, Lu Ze would probably feel a little nervous.

"Come on, break the shell earlier, and look forward to the day when our waveguides meet."

After Lu Ze smiled and tapped lightly on the culture medium, he walked towards his room.

After the elf egg flashed a blue light, it soon fell silent again.

Lu Ze's waveguide was touched slightly, and he seemed to feel the response from the elf egg.

Lu Ze paused, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "I look forward to meeting you one day."

After speaking, Lu Ze went into the room and changed his clothes.

This event is still very good. Although I don't know what the reward is, it has been confirmed that the top five will be an elf egg.

The owner of the Love Elf store is relatively rich and powerful.

And even if they didn't win the top five, the [-]% discount for elf eggs in the store in this event is also very good.

Although the landlord is also rich and powerful, but when he first started operating a cultivation garden, he naturally had to save money.

I just took this opportunity to buy more elf eggs.

At that time, it will be filled in its own cultivation garden, and it will be able to reproduce the next generation.

Of course, his second team also had to make plans.

The Heavenly Kings Challenge is really a very exciting competition.

"Where are you?"

Because of Victini, Mini Dragon, and Sorolla, they went to persuade the Pokémon in the breeding garden to become the reason for making Pokémon, so at this time Lu Ze was holding kapok balls in his arms.

Lu Ze, who was holding a kapok ball, had already arrived near the arena held by the Pokémon Store, but he did not see Suiyan and the others.

"Look left."

After Sui Yan's voice came from the phone, the phone was hung up immediately.

"I saw you and why did you call?"

At the same time as the voice came, a hand appeared on Lu Ze's shoulder.

"How to say?"

"It has been confirmed that the rewards for the top five are all Pokémon eggs, let's go and see whose is it?"


After Lu Ze nodded, he entered the crowd and walked towards the prize platform.

The organizer directly announced the prizes, presumably to let people determine their goals.

Another possibility is to arouse the excitement in people's hearts.

Elf eggs can be seen from the outside to see the approximate properties.

For example, the elf egg rewarded by No.5 is a blue moiré elf egg.

There are three types of blue, and the dark blue one is basically water-type Pokémon.

There is a high probability that the bright blue is an ice-type Pokémon egg.

The lightest sky blue is most likely to be a flying Pokémon egg.

Of course, this is not very absolute, but without Lu Ze's ability, this method can still distinguish the approximate Pokémon attributes in the elf eggs.

The general attribute team basically chooses the elf egg corresponding to the color represented by each attribute.

Of course, there are also some elf eggs that have lost their original attributes after evolution.

In this case, we should be more cautious.

In some single-attribute teams, occasionally there is a Pokémon with a different attribute, which is most likely to be the case.

But that's not often the case.

"Have you signed up yet?"

"Of course."

Lu Ze and Sui Yan arrived at their destination soon after they asked and answered.

"Boss, here are two fishing rods, the better ones."

"Don't worry, everything is fine here!"

After the boss said excitedly, he brought out two fishing rods for the two of them.

"Hey, this is a very good fishing rod, reject the Carp King No. [-] fishing rod!"

"You really can't catch the carp king!"

Sui Yan's eyes lit up when he heard the name.

King carp is the nightmare of every fisherman's life.

It can be said that the Carp King is the most unpopular Pokémon in the hearts of anglers, not one of them.

And now the rejection of the Carp King No. [-] fishing rod can be said to be very in line with Sui Yan's heart.

What is the purpose of participating in this fishing contest?
It's not for the top five rewards.

He had seen it, and Lu Ze didn't care what he said. The No.3 Candlelight Spirit's elf egg was still very much in line with his wishes.

Now that the target is already there, the equipment will naturally have to keep up.

Otherwise, if there is one carp king in one shot, it will not only waste time, but also one carp king will not have many points.

In this case, the Rejection Carp King No. [-] fishing rod in front of you is very good.

Seeing Suiyan and the shopkeeper happily discussing there, Lu Ze frowned.

Why does this shopkeeper look so familiar?
"Okay, the boss only has these two, wrap them up for us!"

"Alright! Here are two more boxes of energy cubes for you."

After the boss quickly loaded the two fishing rods with a happy smile, he took two boxes of energy cubes for Sui Yan.

This energy cube is different from the one that Pokémon usually eat.

The power cubes for fishing are small, round ones.

The purpose is for the fish in the water to get into the mouth.

"This energy cube has added a kind of tree fruit that the Carp King doesn't like very much." The boss looked around and said directly to Suiyan's ear.


Sui Yan became excited again, looking at the two boxes of energy cubes in his hand with bright eyes.

"Of course, this is the best energy cube I've ever sold. I think we just gave it to you because of a good relationship."

The boss looked serious, but seeing him like this, Lu Ze finally remembered why this guy looked so familiar.

Well, it looks so similar to the golden carp king uncle in the Pokémon animation.

No wonder it looked familiar.

Lu Ze looked at this "acquaintance" a little funny. He didn't expect there to be such a person in the cartoon.

"Let's go, let's win the championship!"

After bragging with the boss for a while, Sui Yan came out with Lu Ze amidst the boss's blessing of "I wish you the championship".

"The game is about to start."

Lu Ze looked helpless, and he suspected that Suiyan would call his boss brother if he said it for a while.


After Sui Yan chuckled, he quickly took a seat beside the lake.

"Come on, come on."

"I'm coming."

After Lu Ze responded, he came to Suiyan's side and sat down.

After half-bakedly putting the energy cube on the fishhook, Lu Ze threw the fishhook out.

"It's up to you next."

"Qinmian Qinmian!"

After the two small leaves beside the kapok ball waved vigorously twice, they looked at the float in the water seriously.

The kapok ball already knew its mission when it came.

Lu Ze participated in the fishing competition, and she was Lu Ze's "thug" in this fishing competition.

Of course, Lu Ze also knew about it before using the kapok ball as a thug.

The lake chosen for this fishing competition is not the kind that has any powerful Pokémon in it.

Another one, even if the kapok ball doesn't work, isn't there a Kirby next to it?

Knowing that the kapok ball was going to fight this time, the Snorlax followed immediately.

Just when Lu Ze was cheering on the kapok ball, the Kabimon came out of the elf ball and stood quietly behind the kapok ball and Lu Ze.

Well, the goon's bodyguard.

Lu Ze is quite confident in the strength of the kapok ball.

After all, the kapok ball has entered the second team, so the training during this period also has the kapok ball.

Although the kapok ball's training time is relatively short, it should still be strong enough to face wild Pokémon such as carp king and horned goldfish, which are not very strong.

In particular, [Thunder Fist], which appears in the kapok ball's skill column for unknown reasons, is a powerful skill that can restrain water-type Pokémon.

Attribute restraint is very important both in the early stage and the late stage.

It is nothing more than that it is easy to kill with one hit in the early stage, but it is very difficult later.

"It's coming, it's floating!"

Sui Yan's sudden yell also made Lu Ze excited instantly, and put away the fishing rod in his hand with a single force.

"Palletizing, King Carp!"

After seeing the Pokémon that Lu Ze suddenly pulled up from the water, Sui Yan couldn't help but curse.

Didn't the boss say that he rejected the Carp King No. [-] fishing rod?
Why the first one is the carp king, or this very thin-looking carp king!
Palletizing, profiteers!
Sui Yan scolded angrily, but Lu Ze became excited.

As the first opponent of the kapok ball, this carp king is simply no better.

"Kapok ball, prepare to fight!"

"Qinmian Qinmian!"

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