Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 804 Two Teams of Pokémon

The kapok ball had serious eyes, and immediately stood in front of Lu Ze, looking at the red carp jumping constantly on the grass.


The kapok ball who fought for the first time was obviously at a loss. He was still fighting, so he turned his head and looked at Lu Ze.

"Kapok ball, thunder and lightning fist!"

Fortunately, Kapok Ball's first opponent was the Carp King. Otherwise, Kapok Ball would have suffered some damage because of this behavior just now.

"Lightning Fist?"

Because Lu Ze can be regarded as the reason why the first Pokémon was caught after the start of the competition, most of the contestants' eyes were on Lu Ze at this time.

Fortunately, Lu Ze brought a peaked cap of the same style as Xiao Zhi's but in a different shape, which covered most of his face.

Otherwise, Lu Ze just won the championship at the World Youth Championship, and now is the time when he is most famous.

But no one cared about Lu Ze at this time.

Although they were puzzled by the fact that Lu Ze gave the kapok ball a [Thunder Fist] command, they couldn't help being stunned after seeing the leaves on the right side of the kapok ball's body start to flash with thunder.

"Wait, you slapped me, I seemed to get angry, and saw the kapok ball use the thunder fist."

After a little brother who was fishing next to Suiyan was stunned for a moment, he quickly turned to look at his companion and said.


A crisp sound and a firm slap completely drew everyone's attention from the kapok ball to the two of them.

Of course, there are reasons why the kapok balls ended the fight here.


Lu Ze just glanced at it and stopped paying attention, and quickly stretched out his hands to catch the kapok ball that was rushing towards him.

Although the kapok ball is only the first actual combat, the [Thunder Fist] that just defeated the Carp King is still very fierce.

With one punch, or a leaf falling, King Carp turned his eyes in circles and fell to the ground.


What Lu Ze didn't expect was that Kabimon cut off his beard halfway, and directly hugged the kapok ball in his arms, rubbing his face against the kapok ball in excitement.

Lu Ze smiled, and after scoring the carp king, he handed it over to the staff for treatment, and then the staff will put it back.

Of course, the defeated Pokémon can also be subdued by itself, there is no problem with this.

But if you don't choose to subdue it like Lu Ze, the Pokémon you catch will be recorded, scored, healed, and put back.

After Lu Ze flicked the hook into the water, he said to the kapok ball who was hugged by the Snorkel and came to his side.

"In battle, you can't be distracted. Your attention should be on your opponent." Lu Ze said softly.

In the battle with the kapok ball just now, apart from turning his head to look at Lu Ze at the beginning, there were no other problems.

Of course, this may also be due to the fact that the opponent is the carp king, who was instantly dropped by the kapok ball with a [Thunder Fist].



After Lu Ze finished speaking, Kabymon also said a few words together, and Kapok Ball nodded thoughtfully to Lu Ze.

Kirby told her just now that she only needs to listen to Lu Ze's command, and doesn't need to look at Ozawa.

After seeing the kapok ball like this, Lu Ze nodded in satisfaction.

It's a pity that the one in the family hasn't been born yet, otherwise it would be even more lively here now.

When I came out this time, besides my own kapok ball and Snorby, I brought a water-based iron-clawed lobster.

After all, it's a fishing competition, what if some water-type Pokémon you catch jump into the water again?
This kind of situation naturally requires the Iron Claw Lobster to take action and capture his "points" back.

Although I don't know if this will violate the rules.

But let's talk about it first.

As for the Kirbymon, he followed up by himself.

Originally, the Kirbymon went to train with the forked bat and the fire-breathing dragon.

But since the Kirbymon wants to keep up, then it's better to keep up.

The two days of training were really hard.

After Lu Ze came back from the principal's office that day, he told the Forked Bats that he wanted to participate in the Heavenly King Challenge.

Unsurprisingly, when they heard about it, the Cross Bats immediately patted their chests and said that they would definitely work hard.

All that is needed is for the trainer, Lu Ze, to make logistical preparations.

Of course, Lu Ze is fine, after all, he has always been in this job.

Unless there are some special trainings that require him to intervene, the others basically continue according to the previous training plan.

Everyone has already understood their own strengths, and then they only need to strengthen their own strengths and supplement their own weaknesses.

They are familiar with this kind of thing.

And Snorkel has worked very hard these two days.

At least from Lu Ze's point of view, he worked a lot harder than before the World Youth Championship.

This is not to blame for Snorby. Before the World Youth Championships, Snorkel was already invincible in the Pokémon of Dragon Country contestants.

Basically nothing can beat his Pokémon, so he is naturally a little complacent.

But later I participated in the World Youth Championship and met many powerful opponents.

Now that Lu Ze is preparing for the Heavenly King Challenge, he must work harder.

The second team is already being formed. If you don't work hard, you will be overtaken by the members of the second team.

At that time, as a member of the first team, where will I put my face as an old man!

So Snorkel has been training hard these two days.

If it weren't for the first actual battle of the kapok ball today, the Kirby beast would not have come.

Training is still very important.

Of course, although the first match of the kapok ball is over now, the Kabimon still has no intention of leaving. It still stands behind Lu Ze with a smile, watching Lu Ze fish.

How do I go back now? Since I came out to relax once, it is natural to completely relax.

It would be even better if there was someone who could make him sit down with the contented look on Kirby's face.

But it's not bad now.

Compared with the Snorlax's complacency, the kapok ball's expression is more dignified, watching the fish float up and down on the water nervously, ready to attack at any time.

"Haha, here we come!"

Sui Yan on the side shouted excitedly, instantly frightening the tense kapok ball.

The top of Suiyan's fishing rod over there was also hooked, and after a few tugs, a red king carp shone in the air.


Sui Yan cursed angrily, but reluctantly took out his elf ball.

"Go, Caracalla!"

Sui Yan roared, and his newly hatched Pokémon Caracalla also appeared on the grass.

In the elf store in Great Britain, Sui Yan bought two elf eggs.

One from Huohuo, one from Caracalla, the two Pokémon had already hatched when Suiyan participated in the team competition.

Although their incubation time is later than that of the kapok balls, this battle is not the first time Caracalla has fought.

Because the two Pokémon were born together, they often fight each other together.

This is a treatment that kapok balls do not have.

In addition, the "parent" who dotes on the kapok ball is here, so the first actual combat of the kapok ball has been delayed until now.

After Caracalla appeared, she lightly discarded the bone stick in her hand, and after spinning twice in the air, it was firmly caught again.

"Caracalla, bone sticks!"


After Caracalla shouted aggressively, she rushed towards the carp king who was jumping on the grass.

Lu Ze is also a little curious about Caracalla's current strength.

Just two days after returning from the Great Britain Island, Sui Yan used one of the rewards he got from the Great Britain Island official.

A silver crown.

Caracalla's is a Pokémon with orange aptitude, although it's not bad, but it's not as good as the sluggish camel born at the same time.

Although the aptitude is not very visible in the early stage, the outcome of the battle between the two Pokémon is basically a [-]-[-] split.

But seeing the two of them like this, Sui Yan didn't want them to be unhappy because of their speed of progress.

Although it was only a possibility, Sui Yan still used one of the silver crowns on Caracalla without hesitation.

Another one was used on the coal turtle.

Probably because of Tang Yunqin's presence, both silver crowns were used successfully.

The qualifications of Coal Turtle and Caracalla have also been improved.

Caracalla rushed towards the carp king who was jumping on the grass, and knocked down the bone stick in his hand without hesitation.

Because there was no reason for attribute restraint, after the bone stick in Caracalla's hand fell for the third time, the carp king turned his eyes in circles.

Although the carp king wanted to resist halfway, but the carp king, who only had two skills of impact and water splash jump, obviously couldn't carry out an effective counterattack under Caracalla's bone stick.

"not bad!"

After the battle, the carp king was taken away by the staff, and Sui Yan touched the skull on Caracalla's head with a smile on his face.

At this time, Caracalla no longer had the indifference she had during the battle. Instead, she scratched her own skull in embarrassment.

"Qinmian Qinmian!"

While Lu Ze was still looking at the two of them, the sudden voice of the kapok ball drew his attention back.

After seeing the kapok ball pointing at the fish float that had disappeared on the water with the leaf in his hand excitedly, Lu Ze finally understood.

It's time to fish!
Without hesitation, Lu Ze picked up the fishing rod and started pulling with the fish in the water.

"It doesn't seem like a small fish this time."

Feeling the power coming from the fishing rod in his hand, Lu Ze turned his head and joked at the kapok ball.

The kapok ball didn't pay attention to Lu Ze, and still looked at the water surface nervously, while the two little leaves beside him kept fanning.

Finally, after a moment of tugging, the fish on the fishing rod landed again.

"horned goldfish!"

"Kapok ball, thunder and lightning fist!"

Sui Yan shouted excitedly, and Lu Ze directly directed the kapok ball to attack.

Thunder light suddenly appeared on the leaves of the kapok ball that was in a tense state, and it swooped down and rushed towards the horned goldfish on the grass.

But this time the horned goldfish is different from the carp king just now, the horned goldfish will take the initiative to attack.

The sharp horns on the top of the horned goldfish's head gave off a pure white light, and the whole fish leaped directly from the ground and stabbed at the kapok ball.

The kapok ball showed no sign of fear, and still used the [Thunder Fist] with firm eyes to hit the horned goldfish rushing upwards.

The moment Lu Ze caught it, he had already seen the information about the horned goldfish.

This horned goldfish is not of the characteristic of [Lightning Rod], so Lu Ze directly commanded the kapok ball to use [Thunder Fist].

Finally, the two Pokémon collided in mid-air.

After a while, the horned goldfish fell helplessly from the sky.

One is that he cannot fly in the air like a kapok ball due to his own reasons.

The other is that I don't have the [Lightning Rod] characteristic, so I can't stand being electrocuted.

The attack of the kapok ball is actually not very strong, mainly due to the damage caused by the lightning on her leaves.

The horned goldfish landed on the ground again, its eyes fixed on the kapok ball in the air.

The kapok ball held her head high, and the collision just now gave her a very strong confidence.

At least he is no longer nervous when he sees the horned goldfish below.

Facing the provocative gesture of the kapok ball, the horned goldfish launched another attack.

【Water Waves】Instantaneous, hit the kapok ball in one go, caught you off guard.

However, in the face of the sudden water flow, the kapok ball reacted very quickly, and directly dodged aside.

The horned goldfish missed a hit, and when it was about to attack again, Lu Ze's voice also reached Kapokball's ears.

"Kapok ball, sonic punch!"

The speed of the kapok ball's forward rush suddenly accelerated, as if it had arrived in front of the horned goldfish in a flash.


There was a muffled sound from body to body, and the horned goldfish was beaten and rolled twice on the grass.

However, the attack of the kapok ball did not stop, and while the blade was flashing with thunder, it hit the horned goldfish's soft abdomen again.

After leaving a picture of darkness on the horned goldfish's abdomen, the horned goldfish turned its eyes in circles and fell to the ground.

“Great kapok balls!”

Lu Ze waved his fist excitedly and praised the kapok ball.

The kapok ball's ability to seize opportunities is also very good.

He didn't even command, and the kapok ball already knew how to make up the knife!
Children can be taught!
"Bika Bika!"

Just as Lu Ze was praising the kapok ball, the Kirby beside him also exclaimed.

"what happened?"

"Is that your Pokémon?"

Lu Ze turned his head and saw the staff member who was pointing at the Snorkelling and was about to take the horned goldfish for treatment and asked him.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, your Pokémon caught a fish, if it's not your Pokémon, the points will not be counted."


Lu Ze was a little surprised. You caught it in such a short period of time when he commanded the kapok ball to fight?

Lu Ze turned around in surprise, and he saw a figure bouncing on the grass.

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