Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 805 Bogaman

"Savage bass?"

Lu Ze was a little surprised, what he caught was just a Pokémon like Carp King.
Whether it is the carp king or the horned goldfish, it is only one point or two points.

But this savage bass is worth four points in the pool.

As expected of a squirrel.

After Lu Ze took a happy look at the Kaby beast, he directed the kapok tree to launch an attack.

In this fishing competition, except for the wild Pokémon in this lake, the other Pokémon are basically as strong as the current kapok balls, and many of them are much worse than the kapok balls.

For example, the king carp and horned goldfish that were just caught.

Horned goldfish are stronger.

But the first carp king caught was not good.

At best, the strength is just out of the freshman period.

Of course, the weaker combat power and the carp king only have one attack skill [Bump].

The first two are completely inferior to the savage bass grinning hoarsely on the grass.

The savage perch with red pattern is about the same strength as a kapok ball.

Just use you as the opponent of the kapok ball.

A smile appeared on Lu Ze's face: "Kapok ball, Sonic Fist!"

There is a preemptive skill [Water Jet] in the skill pool of the savage perch on the opposite side.

In order not to be beaten, Lu Ze directly directed the kapok ball to use [Sonic Fist], which is also a preemptive skill.

Sure enough, as Lu Ze expected, the savage perch on the opposite side saw the kapok ball joining the battle, and was immediately wrapped in water, rushing towards the kapok ball.

Everyone's skill preemption is increased by one, so it depends on whose speed is faster.

But looking at the current situation, it seems that the speed of the wild bass is even faster.

[Sonic Fist] and [Water Jet] collided together, and the two Pokémon also flew upside down at the same time.

But the difference is that the kapok ball quickly stabilized itself in the air, while the wild perch fell to the ground.

"Kapok ball, act like a spoiled child!"

After seeing this situation, Lu Ze frowned slightly and then commanded.

The power of the kapok ball is somewhat inferior to that of the savage bass.

The distance she fell back was much longer than the place where the savage bass fell.

This is obviously because the power of the kapok ball is not as good as that of the wild perch.

After all, the collision of two Pokémon is in the air, and no one has any leverage.

In this case, it would be good to use the skill [Spoiler] to reduce the opponent's physical attack.


Upon hearing this, the kapok ball winked at the savage bass opposite.

The savage perch has been recruited, and the physical attack ability value has dropped by two levels.

It was originally a very good way to deal with it, but Kirby, who was watching the battle, frowned when he saw the kapok ball like this.

But he didn't say much, but continued to watch the battle between the two Pokémon.

"Kapok ball, thunder and lightning fist!"

"Qinmian Qinmian!"

The savage perch, who was still excited just now, saw lightning flashing on the blade of the target of the heartbeat and hit him in the next second.


After a thunder and the sound of physical contact sounded, the savage perch fell to the ground unwillingly.

After seeing the savage perch fall, Lu Ze and Kabymon showed a doting smile.

"Nice job, kapok ball!"

"Bika Bika!"

Snorkel nodded in agreement, and at the same time touched the kapok ball's head with its own flesh.

Seeing that the two of them have such a good relationship, Lu Ze also smiled, and continued to pick up the fishing rod just now.

The elf eggs of the kapok ball picked up by the Snorlax, of course, have a good relationship with the kapok ball.

It's like a charizard and a jug.

The fire-breathing dragon and pot are also like this. If the fire-breathing dragon brought it back, apart from him as a trainer, he has the best relationship with the fire-breathing dragon.

"By the way, when did you choose to evolve?"

After Lu Ze skillfully threw the hook into the water, he turned to look at the kapok ball and asked.

The evolution of the kapok ball only needs the sun stone.

This evolutionary prop, Lu Ze, had already prepared it.

And it's still the kind of sun stone with very good quality.

But at the beginning, I felt that the kapok ball was still small.

But now, the kapok ball's strength is almost the same, and it can fully display its strength after it has evolved.

After hearing Lu Ze's words, Kabimon also looked down at the kapok ball in his hand.

After evolution, it shouldn't be too big, right?
Can it continue to be in my palm?

After thinking silently about the body shape of the wind goblin he had seen before, Snorlax squinted his eyes again and smiled.

The kapok ball raised its head, and after thinking about it for a while, it buried its face in the palm of the Snorby beast with some embarrassment.

Ah, so tangled.

"Why, is the kapok ball going to evolve?" Sui Yan came over curiously and asked.

"Well, the kapok ball's strength is almost the same. If she evolves, she can better display her strength."

"that's true."

While talking, Sui Yan pulled up the fishing rod, and then directed Caracalla to launch an attack.

"Don't worry, just think about it slowly."

Lu Ze smiled, and reached out to touch the head of the kapok ball.

But the moment Lu Ze's hand touched the kapok ball, it bounced back.

"The carp king again?"

"Kapok ball, thunder and lightning fist!"

"Qinmian Qinmian!"



From the game that started at [-]:[-] in the morning to [-]:[-] in the afternoon, although Lu Ze caught a lot of fish, they were all fish that were not worth points.

Like carp king...

"Damn boss, didn't you say that this is rejecting Carp King No. [-]!" Sui Yan growled beside him.

Compared to Lu Ze, his luck seems to be worse.

Anyway, Lu Ze still has other Pokémon hooked, such as horned goldfish, and some other Pokémon.

Although there are not many points, at least it is not just the carp king.

Sui Yan was more interesting. All he caught were carp kings, so he almost went directly to trouble the boss.

"Yo, my float is moving again."

After Lu Ze looked at Sui Yan and chuckled, he began to operate his fishing rod.

After playing the "weak" Pokémon for such a long time, the kapok ball at this time did not have the excitement at the beginning.

Seeing Lu Ze tugging with the Pokémon in the water, he lost the enthusiasm just now. Instead, he sat on the Snorby's shoulder and looked at the water with a dull expression.

"Hey, big guy!"

Lu Ze was immediately excited when he saw the guy who had just emerged from the water.

Among other things, the part I saw just now will definitely not be the carp king, the horned goldfish and the lotus leaf boy.

"Kapok balls are ready!"

Although I didn't recognize what kind of Pokémon it was, but it should be a pretty good one from this appearance.

With Lu Ze's loud roar, a Pokémon with a water-blue body and a dark-blue head was pulled out of the water.


Seeing the Pokémon falling in an arc in the air and landing on the grass, Lu Ze couldn't help but get excited.

Don't ask why, it's because this Pokémon is worth two hundred points!
One carp is worth two hundred king carps!
"Kapok ball, thunder and lightning fist!"

Lu Ze directed the kapok ball to attack without hesitation, fearing that the Pokémon would run back into the water.

It's not like this kind of thing happened just now, but fortunately, Kabi Beast Eye hit it with a [[-] volts] swiftly.

Well, hope he's okay.

After silently praying for the big-tailed raccoon just now, Lu Ze's eyes shifted to the Pokémon he just caught again.

This seems to be the wild Pokémon in this lake, right?
After all, even if it is a competition held by the Pokémon Store, Yusanjia will not be put into the water as a "staff".

After all, this game can be subdued as long as it is caught and defeated.

Except for some wild Pokémon with stronger strength, who else can't defeat Yusanjia in its initial form!

"Damn it, Pogaman!"

"Bogaman? Where is it?"

"Damn it, someone really caught the Yusan family!"

Everyone turned their heads to look at Lu Ze because of Sui Yan's exclamation.

You know, although the Pokémon Store does not put Pogaman in the water, it also sets the point value for all aquatic Pokémon.

Not to mention that Bogaman is worth two hundred points.

You know, whoever catches the Yusanjia basically belongs to him.

In this situation, who can not be moved?

A rare Yusanjia, the blessing of two hundred points can also allow the top five contestants to replace an elf egg.

This is two Pokémon!
Who can not be moved by this?

Everyone was excited, surprised, and sour, but Bogaman, who was being watched by the crowd, was a little at a loss.

No, I was playing well in front of my house, and suddenly saw a strange thing falling down.

It's all my own fault, I shouldn't be curious to drag that one.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be pulled up.

Pogaman regretted it in his heart, but he couldn't help thinking about the current scene.

Because something like a grass ball was rushing towards him that was flashing with thunder.

Bogaman was shocked, but he was ready in the next second.

The little face sank, and he stared closely at the kapok ball rushing towards him, and his hand also lit up with white light.


Two Pokémon collide!
But what surprised people was that Bogaman forcibly blocked Kapok Ball's [Thunder Fist].

After the white-glowing little hand blocked the [Thunder Fist] from the kapok ball, he endured the numbness caused by the lightning again, and slapped the kapok ball with the other hand.

[Two Combos]!
Bogaman's attack worked, and the kapok ball was sent flying upside down.

Lu Ze was a little surprised at the perseverance of this Bogaman, and looked at the data of Bogaman curiously.

Elf: Bogaman

Gender: male

attribute: water

Features: Unyielding (When the ability level is lowered by the opponent, every time it is lowered by one level, the physical attack will increase by two levels.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic Skills: Impact, Bubble, Swallow Return.

Inherited Skills: Double Combo, Water Ring, Feather Dance.

After Lu Ze saw Bogaman's message, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

I was too surprised by Bogaman's appearance just now and didn't have time to read his information.

But I didn't expect Bogaman to inherit the skill of [Feather Dance]?
It's a pity that [Feather Dance] is a good skill, but it's not as good as Bogaman's other genetic skills.

For example [yawn].

Bogaman can inherit the [yawn] skill through genetic skills.

But obviously, this Pogaman didn't.

If so, Lu Ze might be tempted.

It would be nice to have him in the second team as well.

After all, I don't have a steel-type Pokémon yet.

There will be soon though.

The corner of Lu Ze's mouth rose slightly, and after encouraging the kapok ball, he directed the kapok ball to attack again.

Although he didn't intend to receive Pogaman into the second team, it would be very good to take him back to expand his nursery.

After all, Yusanjia is!
In this world, Yusanjia is still a treasured Pokémon.

"Qinmian Qinmian!"

After the kapok ball rolled and flew back from the grass, he looked at Bogaman opposite him with puffy cheeks.

Bogaman didn't have the panic he had just landed.

Although he is watched by so many people now, there is only one kapok ball in his eyes.

"Kapok ball, sonic punch!"

After knowing the characteristics of Bogaman, Lu Ze couldn't make the kapok ball use the skill of [acting like a baby].

After reducing the physical attack of the opposite Pogaman by two levels, the opposite Pogaman will also increase the physical attack by two levels.

This is worthless no matter what.

And it seems that Pogaman's strength seems to be stronger than the kapok ball.

After all, the first hit of [Two Combos] blocked Kapok Ball's [Thunder Fist].

Although it didn't block the damage caused by lightning, it was still very good.

The kapok ball's cheeks were bulging, and it attacked Bogaman again.

The moment Bogaman saw the kapok ball in action, he took a sharp breath while looking at it.

But before he spewed out the [Water Wave] from his mouth, he was hit in the face by a leaf of the kapok ball.

After being forced to interrupt his skills, Bogaman didn't mean to become angry, but took the opportunity to distance himself.

Just after opening the distance, Bogaman's hands flashed white light at the same time, and then rushed towards the kapok ball at a very fast speed.

The sudden acceleration made the kapok ball completely unresponsive, and was directly knocked out by Bogaman.

【Yan Hui】?
Lu Ze was a little surprised. Is this Pogaman's fighting instinct so powerful?
The last time he encountered such a strong fighting intuition, he had seen it on his initial Pokémon Supersonic Bat.

But the supersonic bat relies on her terrifying nerve reflex ability.

And now this Pogaman seems to be relying on...

His perseverance?

Now Lu Ze is a little tangled. Although the genetic skills are not very good, it is not impossible to be the Pokémon of his second team.

So, to accept or not to accept?

Seeing the kapok ball getting up again and rushing towards the calm Bogaman, Lu Ze thought silently.


The lightning flashed, but this time the [Thunder Fist] Bogaman didn't block it.

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