Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 806 I have subdued Pogaman!


Bogaman gritted his teeth. Although his body was a little numb from the thunder and lightning, he still launched a counterattack at the kapok ball.


But this time, the kapok ball was obviously faster.

Having suffered once, she immediately used [Sonic Fist] after seeing this scene again.

[Sonic Fist] The extremely fast speed caught Bogaman by surprise.

Not only was his attack interrupted, but he was also beaten back a few steps.

After taking a few steps back, Bogaman finally couldn't be as calm as before when he saw the smile on the face of the kapok ball.

His brows were slightly frowned, his eyes showed dissatisfaction, and Bogaman rushed towards the kapok ball again regardless of his physical exertion.

After seeing Bogaman's movements, the kapok ball waited for Bogaman's arrival.

She didn't expect Bogaman to be so difficult, much stronger than the opponents she met before!
The kapok ball has a serious face, and the blade on the right side of its body is flickering with lightning.

After going back this time, why not choose to evolve!
Kapok pursed her lips, she didn't want to lose.

My brothers and sisters have never lost much.

But now this situation...

This can be regarded as the closest the kapok ball has come to losing a battle.

Think about the head of my idol, Sister Bat, and Lu Ze's expectant eyes.


The kapok ball roared, and also rushed towards Bogaman who was rushing towards him.

In a moment, the two Pokémon collided together.

The power of thunder and lightning collided with the power of the flight department.

However, the battle between the two Pokémon soon came to an end.



Two soft sounds came, and the two Pokémon lay down on the ground at the same time.

"Hey, did you lose the ability to fight at the same time?" Sui Yan was a little surprised, and asked quickly.


Lu Ze shook his head, and the Kabimon had already stepped forward, holding the kapok ball in his palm.

"The kapok ball has not lost its ability to fight." Lu Ze explained to Sui Yan.

The feedback from Bird's Power made him clear that although the kapok ball game was a bit difficult, she still succeeded in winning the game in the end.

"This kapok ball is fine."

"No, is it a kapok ball with physical attack skills?"

"It's a bit strange, but there are so many Pokémon, it's understandable for a strange one to come out occasionally."

Lying in Kirby's hands and panting heavily, the kapok ball who was resting couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth after hearing the comments from the people around him.

Is this defined as weird?


Can't you see that the three-meter-high Kirby is so big!

The kapok ball was helpless, but he didn't have any physical strength to refute it, so he could only lie silently in the palm of the Kirby beast, looking up at the sky, recovering his physical strength.


Seeing that the battle was over, the staff quickly squeezed into the crowd and asked Lu Ze.

The Yusanjia Lu Ze who was caught can choose to take it in by himself, or he can choose to hand over Bogaman to their staff, and put him back in the lake after they are treated.

"I want to subdue him."

Before the staff finished speaking, Lu Ze took out a poke ball.

Did not take out the luxury ball.

It's not because Pogaman is unworthy, but it's too high-profile to take out the luxury ball now.

It will be very troublesome if one is accidentally recognized by someone.

And after subduing it, the Poké Ball can also be replaced.

The poke ball was thrown, and Bogaman, who had lost his fighting ability, only struggled symbolically, and soon the poke ball stopped shaking.

But this is in the real world, and it cannot be said that the Pokémon has been subdued after being taken back to the Poké Ball.

This can only be regarded as subduing the Pokémon's body, but not the Pokémon's heart.

Under normal circumstances, Pokémon returns to its heart, and the reason becomes your Pokémon, admitting that you have become his trainer.

Only in this way can a Pokémon be truly subdued.

However, under normal circumstances, Pokémon are more in pursuit of strong strength.

After you beat him, if he thinks that following you will make him stronger, he will not resist too much.

Unless you used some other means to subdue him.

Such as gang fights, such as sneak attacks with other Pokémon.

In fact, taming Pokémon is quite simple, as long as you let him know that he can become stronger by following you.

After Lu Ze picked up the Pokémon from the ground, he immediately picked up the kapok ball lying in Kirby's hand, and walked to the elf treatment center together.

"Karbymon, I leave this place to you."


After Kabimon nodded, he sat next to the stool where Lu Ze was sitting just now, and then started fishing.

Kirby, who had just successfully caught a fish, already had itchy hands, but he also knew that Lu Ze was in a competition, so he didn't bother Lu Ze before.

Now Lu Ze is taking them to the Elf Healing Center, and it's time for my master-level fishing master, Kirby, to play!

After the Snorlax threw the hook out confidently, it began to wait quietly.

After passing through the crowd, Lu Ze here also came to the temporary elf treatment center here.

After handing over the two Pokémon to Qiai Doll, Lu Ze also waited quietly.

During the period, Lu Ze also saw that there were staff constantly delivering Carp King here.

"I don't know how many carp kings the organizer threw into it."

Lu Ze murmured softly and shook his head helplessly.

Not only are there a lot of carp kings in the lake, even after the treatment of the fish kings that have been caught, they will be released again after making sure that there is no problem.

So everyone caught the carp king not because of poor skills, but purely because the organizer was too cunning and cunning.

After waiting quietly for a while, two similar dolls came out pushing two small carts.

There are two Pokémon on the two carts.

At this time, the two Pokémon were looking at each other, but the atmosphere between the two Pokémon didn't seem to be very harmonious. Lu Ze felt that he could see the electric current of their staring at each other.

After seeing the helpless expressions of the two similar dolls, Lu Ze hurried forward to hug the kapok ball and Bogaman back.

Bogaman naturally recognized Lu Ze's identity as a kapok ball trainer, and struggled without hesitation.

"Wait a minute, don't worry, let's go out first."

After Lu Ze hurriedly comforted Bogaman, seeing that Bogaman had calmed down, he took Bogaman and the kapok ball and walked outside.

"That's right, you should also be able to feel that you have been taken into the Poké Ball by me."

After going out, Lu Ze found a place where no one was around and started to do ideological work for Bogaman.

"Boga Boga."

Bogaman nodded, he had naturally experienced the comfort brought by the poke ball.

But, is it just this guy's Pokémon?
Bogaman lowered his head and thought silently.

I have never seen my parents, and I have been staying in this lake since I was born.

It seems that there is no need to go out.

"You can tell me what you want, and I can help you meet it."

Lu Ze smiled after seeing Pogaman's pensive look, and then released Latios from the luxury ball.

At this time, Latios has lost the "favor" of Latias.

Latias has his new favorite, the tablet.

Latias, who has been obsessed with tablet computers recently, naturally ignored Latias.

Lattios had no choice but to follow Lu Ze every day.

"Do you want to fight to become stronger?"

Before Latios could react at this time, he heard Lu Ze ask Bogaman.

Turning his head to look at the joyful and nervous Lu Ze, and then at Bogaman who was thinking.

After seeing this scene, Lattios couldn't help showing a smile of watching the fun.

It seems that except for the iron claw lobster, which was subdued by himself, all other Pokémon in Lu Ze were born from elf eggs.

No wonder Lu Ze's method of taming Pokémon is so unfamiliar.

Pogaman, who was like a little penguin, lowered his head, touched his chin with one hand, and then looked up at Lu Ze.

But he didn't speak, and turned his head to look at the kapok ball on Lu Ze's shoulder.

"Boga Boga, Boga Boga."

"He said that he can go with you, after all you defeated him, but he doesn't want to become stronger, he just wants to have a peaceful life."

"Boga Boga, Boga."

Hearing Bogaman's words, Latios showed a strange expression, but he quickly translated dutifully.

"Bogaman said, you have to promise him a condition, he will fight the kapok ball, he wants revenge, and you can't stop him when he challenges the kapok ball."

"No problem, but we still need to ask the opinion of the kapok ball."

When he heard that Pogaman didn't want to become stronger, but just wanted a peaceful life, Lu Ze also understood Pogaman's thoughts.

He has no idea of ​​fighting, he just wants a peaceful life.

Another one is that he wants to fight the kapok ball that just defeated him.

To revenge!
But if this is the case, then Pogaman can't join his second team.

Of course, even if he didn't join his second team, he was trained together.

After all, as a Pokémon in the nursery, there is nothing wrong with being the partner Pokémon of the second team.

Just like the patterned Pokémon back then, they all used to be Lu Ze's current training partner for the first team.

Especially if the strength of the sparring partner is improved to be stronger than the home team, then the home team will be greatly improved.

Of course, this also has a disadvantage.

That is too much overhead.

However, people like Lu Ze who open their own cultivation gardens are subsidized by the state.

For each Pokémon in each breeding garden, the country will have basic food subsidies.

Of course, it is not so easy to open a cultivation garden.

And there will be assessment measures in the future. If the assessment fails, the cultivation park may also be cancelled.

Of course, Lu Ze will definitely not allow his cultivation park to be cancelled.

"Qinmian Qinmian!"

The moment Bogaman turned his eyes, the kapok ball on Lu Ze's shoulder quickly changed the expression on his face, and said to Bogaman proudly.

Although Lu Ze didn't know what the kapok ball said, he knew it by looking at the suddenly swollen blood vessels on Bogaman's forehead.

The kapok ball must have said something provocative, or something, that's why Pogaman was made like this.

Bogaman stared closely at the kapok ball, and after seeing the same expression on the kapok ball, Bogaman took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and nodded to Lu Ze.

"Then, Bogaman, you are welcome to join."

Lu Ze smiled, and then took out Bogaman's poke ball.

Bogaman glanced at the kapok ball again, and after seeing that the kapok ball did not respond, he entered the elf ball.

After the kapok ball saw Bogaman enter the poke ball, it quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The ghost knows how much pressure she was just now.

After all, although I just defeated Bogaman, only I know how much luck is involved in it.

If it wasn't for my good luck and the [Thunder Fist] that I didn't know how to learn, I'm afraid I would not be Bogaman's opponent at all.

After the kapok ball heaved a sigh of relief, Lu Ze also smiled excitedly, and then took the kapok ball together.Walk towards the lake.

On the side of the lake, the Snorbeast almost wanted to bald the hair on the top of its head.

Why has it been so long, and I haven't even caught a single Pokémon.

If it continues like this, I will lose my Pokémon too much when Ozawa comes over!
After Kabimon watched Suiyan catch another fish with a sad face, his expression became even more bitter.

"What's the matter, Snorkel?"

Just when Snorby was still melancholy, Lu Ze came behind Snorkel with a kapok ball.

Seeing the appearance of the Kirby beast, Lu Ze was instantly happy.

Why are you frowning like this?

After hearing Lu Ze's voice, Kabimon scratched his head and turned around, looking at Lu Ze with aggrieved expression.


"He said that he hasn't caught a single Pokémon so far."

Lattios's voice with a smile came from his ear.

After being awakened by Lu Ze, Latios did not continue to sleep, but followed Lu Ze in stealth.

At this time, after hearing the voice of the Kirby, Latios couldn't help laughing, and acted as a translator.


Lu Ze froze for a moment, then wanted to laugh.

But seeing Snorby's mournful face, Lu Ze suppressed a smile and patted Snorby's shoulder.

"What's the situation?"


Kirby shook his head, he didn't know what was going on.

Moreover, if he knew, he wouldn't be unable to catch Pokémon.

"Okay, let me take a look first."

As Lu Ze said, he sat down next to Kirby, and picked up the fishing rod.

But Lu Ze didn't wait, and picked up the fishing rod after a while.

"Haha, I understand why you can't catch it anymore."

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