Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 810 Breaking the Shell, Riolu!

Chapter 810 Breaking the Shell, Riolu!


Winter nights are long, and it's still dark at five o'clock in the morning.

At this time, a white light suddenly flashed in the living room.

The white light was very bright in this dark room.

But at this time, Lu Ze and Forked Bat were still sleeping, and they didn't notice the white light in the living room downstairs.

Deoxys, who was meditating and practicing superpowers, perceived this scene.

However, Deoxys didn't move at all, only the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Because the little guy downstairs seemed to have sensed Lu Ze's waveguide, and was walking up the stairs carefully.

Slowly, it seemed that after getting used to it, the newly born little guy started to be bold.

The black legs were slightly bent, and he jumped over two steps with a single leap.

The little guy seemed to be very satisfied with his action, and he couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

In the room, Deoxys looked at Lu Ze, who was lying on the Kirby beast and was still sleeping, and shook his head helplessly, then the translucent pink super power was slowly released.

The little guy who was climbing the stairs didn't notice the super power released by Deoxys at all, and was still happily bouncing up the stairs.

He walked towards Bird, whom he felt very fond of.

The pink superpower slowly opened the kitchen cabinet, and a bottle of Moomoo milk and a box of nutritional energy cubes suitable for newborn Pokémon floated out with the superpower.

Momoo milk and energy cubes slowly followed behind the little guy.

But the little guy who was indulging in his own world didn't notice it.

The two steps ended soon. After the little guy came upstairs, he stood at the door of Lu Ze's room, carefully pushed the door open, and looked inside.

Forked Bat and Electric Shock Beast sensed the open door and opened their eyes slightly, but they couldn't help being stunned when they saw the little guy at the door.

This is…

Before the two Pokémon came back to their senses, the little guy who felt the eyes of the crossbat and the electric shock monster was suddenly startled, and quickly retracted his head.



A sudden loud cry woke up Lu Ze and the other Pokémon.

Of course, this does not include Snorkellings.

After the Snorlax fell asleep, except for waking up naturally and being specially awakened by someone, nothing else could disturb his sleep.

Iron Claw Lobster and Onion Ranger glanced at each other, and after finding out that there was nothing wrong, they were ready to continue sleeping.

I'm too tired from training during the day, and it's still early in the morning, so naturally I have to continue to sleep.

At this time, Lu Ze was still in a daze. Although he sat up, he didn't find anything wrong.

Deoxys on the side pursed his lips slightly, he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Sensing that the little guy who was holding his head and looking at the little guy with Momoo milk and energy cubes floating in the air in front of him in horror, Deoxys could only reach out and poke Lu Ze helplessly.

"What's wrong, Deoxys?"

Lu Ze still didn't wake up, but he turned his head and looked at Deoxys suspiciously.


Deoxys pointed out the door.

Lu Ze turned his head and saw a gap in the door of the room before opening the waveguide to check what was going on.

But Lu Ze felt something was wrong just after turning on the waveguide.

own waveguide...

Lu Ze was a little surprised to feel that his waveguide was attracted to him, and then became entangled with another waveguide.

The moment Lu Ze was startled, he immediately became excited.


After Lu Ze gave a low drink in excitement, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed carefully.

After carefully bypassing the mini dragons, Zoroya and Victini, Lu Ze excitedly opened the door.

Sure enough, a blue Pokémon with black ears and eyes appeared in front of Lu Ze.

After the terrified Riolu noticed the movement and turned his head, he saw Lu Ze with a surprised face.

After feeling the familiar and fitting waveguide on Lu Ze's body, Riolu's eyes lit up immediately, and he rushed towards Lu Ze.

"Haha, Riolu!"

After Lu Ze hugged Riolu in his arms, he couldn't help laughing.

Do you know how I have lived these past few years!
Lucario looking at dad, Lucario looking at grandpa.

Later, when he saw that Lu Zhengjie, the owner of the waveguide power, also owned Lucario, he was so greedy that his mouth was about to drool.

And now!
He finally has a dog of his own!

If it wasn't for the wrong time, Lu Ze really wanted to hug Riolu and laugh a few times.


After noticing the excitement and joy coming from Lu Ze's waveguide, Leolu couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

With two hands on Lu Ze's shoulders, his small face rubbed happily on Lu Ze's face.

"Let's eat something first."

After Lu Ze looked back, he closed the door gently and said to Riolu.

But before he got up and went downstairs, he saw Momoo milk and energy cubes floating behind Riolu.

Lu Ze smiled. Sure enough, Deoxys was still very careful.

After reaching out to catch Momoo's milk, Lu Ze handed the pacifier to Riolu's mouth.

Riolu also seemed a little hungry, and immediately started to move after smelling the aroma of Moo Moo's milk.

After drinking milk for a while, Lu Ze fed Riolu another mouthful of energy cubes.

Just like this, one mouthful of milk and one mouthful of energy cubes.

After eating an energy cube, Riolu slowly closed his eyes with a pacifier in his mouth.

As the milk in the bottle gradually disappeared, Riolu's breathing gradually became steady.

Looking at Leo Lu who fell asleep in his arms, a smile appeared on Lu Ze's face.

The little guy is so cute.

Lu Ze gently hugged the sleeping Leolu and entered the room.

Facing the cross-bat who looked at him curiously, he raised his arm slightly to signal Riolu in his arms, and then the cross-bat nodded.

It turned out that this little guy was born.

After the cross-word bat turned its head and glanced at the kapok ball lying on the scorpion's belly, it also showed an interesting smile on its face.

With these two little guys around, the next home will be lively.

Thinking of this, after seeing Lu Ze lightly hugging Riolu and laying on the bed, the forked bat closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

There is still training tomorrow.

Still have to rest early.

After the forked bat closed its eyes, Leolu also rubbed against Lu Ze's arms again, and then fell into a deep sleep.



Early the next morning, Riolu felt someone watching him again.


After Riolu opened his glasses subconsciously, he saw a big face in front of him.

Not only that, but there were several eyes watching him from the side.

Although Bird has realized that they don't have any malicious intentions, they are just purely curious.

But this sudden "treatment" still made Riolu shrink into Lu Ze's arms with some fear.

No, that's it?

The nearest kapok ball couldn't help showing a proud look after seeing Riolu like this.

Everyone is also a combatant of the second team, look at me, then look at you!

Why do you look a little timid?

Lu Ze also patted the back of Riolu's head, dumbfounded.

I didn't pay attention to it in the early hours of this morning, but if I think about it now, it must be this sound that woke me up.

From this point of view, this little guy really doesn't have much courage.

I don't know what the characteristics are.

In other words, if it is a hidden characteristic, the evolved [Heart of Justice] shouldn't be so timid, right?
But not necessarily.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze looked at the message of Lioulu in Huaili again.

Elf: Riolu

Gender: male

Attribute: fighting
Trait: Mischievous Heart (Pokémon with this trait will first add [-] when using transformation skills.)
Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: lightning flash, hold on, cross chop, suck punch
Inherited skills: Eye of the Heart, Flying Knee Kick, Comet Punch, Bullet Punch.

After seeing Lioulu's message, Lu Ze couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Rubbing his eyes in disbelief, he closed Leolu's message and checked it again.

But the information that appeared again was still the same.

Now Lu Ze was a little puzzled.

Riolu's qualifications have been improved, from red qualifications to gold qualifications.

Leaving aside this point, although it is very surprising, Lu Ze originally planned to improve the aptitude of both Riolu and Kapok Ball after Riolu was born.

Not to mention the silver crown and golden crown, they were left alone.

He also collected another batch of materials for making energy cubes that can improve aptitude.

Making it is equivalent to a silver crown.

Qualification is easy to say, and there are ways to improve it later.

But what about these two extra skills?
[Cross Slash] and [Drain Fist] are good skills.

But the problem is.

Why did you see that Riolu didn't have these two skills when you saw the elf eggs.

Did you see it after birth?

I don't understand.

Could it be that the system is broken?
Thinking back to the time when the system left without saying goodbye and didn't even have an instruction manual, Lu Ze couldn't help increasing his guesses about this possibility.

But it's not a big problem, he is already very strong now.

After Lu Ze cheered himself up, he continued to comfort Riolu.

"It doesn't matter, they all belong to your older brothers and sisters, and they will all be family members who will fight side by side in the future."

After Lu Ze comforted him in a low voice for a while, Leolu raised his head from Lu Ze's arms, and turned his head carefully to look over.

Sensing Riolu's movement, the kapok immediately took two steps forward.

Although Riolu shrank back subconsciously, he was not too scared.

"Qinmian Qinmian!"

Kapokball looked proud, patted his chest with his leaf-like hands and said to Riolu.

Although Lu Ze didn't know what the kapok ball said to Leolu, but seeing the two of them get along in harmony, Lu Ze still showed an auntie smile.

"Okay, let's go downstairs and get ready for dinner."

Seeing the two little guys playing together, and after Leolu was no longer afraid, Lu Ze clapped his hands and prepared to go downstairs with the two little guys.

Needless to say, it’s good to have almost all the dolls at home. You don’t need Lu Ze to make breakfast every day, and you can smell the aroma of breakfast when the time comes.

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Riolu looked at Lu Ze curiously.

Lu Ze reached out and picked up Riolu and the kapok ball, then went downstairs.

Kabimon and the others just said hello to Riolu, and after getting acquainted with each other, they went downstairs.

Forked Bat took Victini, Mini Dragon and Zoroya up early to go for a walk.

Should be back soon too.

Sure enough, just as Lu Ze went downstairs, he saw Forked Bats and the others.

Forked Bat was sitting by the side drinking tea, Victini and Mini Dragon, Sorolla was already sitting at the dining table waiting for dinner.

Almost the doll is busy in the kitchen with an apron on.

Snorkel was also trying to help, but it seemed to be rejected.

"Tili Tili~"

Victini, who was playing around, saw Lu Ze, his eyes lit up and he was ready to pounce.

After getting close to Lu Ze, Victini saw Riolu who had buried his head in Lu Ze's arms.


Victini had never seen Riolu before, and was led by the mini dragon to the forked bat just after opening his eyes this morning.

Immediately afterwards, he was taken out for a ride by the forked bat.

The three lazy bed patients are woken up every morning by the cooling fan on the back of the forked bat.

No way, if they don't wake up, Lu Ze can only take care of them if he wants to go out.

But the stronger cross-word bats still need to be trained, so naturally they can't stay at home and watch them all the time.

So the forked bat came up with this method.

After these two days of trying, Victini and the others seemed to be used to the strange way of waking up the forked bat.

After Victini landed on Lu Ze's arm, he tapped Riolu with his little hand curiously.

But Riolu, who didn't see Victini when he got up in the morning, couldn't help but bury his head deeper under Victini's movements.

After seeing Riolu's movements, Victini tilted his head and looked at Lu Ze, the meaning was obvious.

What's happening here?
Lu Ze was also a little helpless, why did Riolu feel a little socially fearful?

Should not be ah.

Faced with the current situation, Leolu Luze has no good way.

We'll just have to see if we can change it later.

I am the only one who runs a breeding garden, so it's fine if I don't come out of the society, but why did I come out with a society first?

Lu Ze smiled. Under the current situation, social fear is still easy to solve.

There are so many Pokémon here, after getting familiar with each one, not to mention whether there will be social fear, at least I will not be afraid of meeting people.

If you fight one by one.


 Bai Feng had been in a daze for several years, and one day he accidentally bumped his head, and suddenly remembered the memory of his previous life, and his thinking suddenly became clear.

  At this time, a Xanadu came over and said, "Honey, Mom is back."

  Wait...why is my mother a Xanadu?Also, why can I understand what a Xanadu is talking about?Is my head really all right?

(End of this chapter)

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