Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 811 Evolution and Evolution!

Chapter 811 Evolution and Evolution!
After eating the breakfast almost made by dolls, Lu Ze took Riolu and Victini to the nursery.

Take a look around your territory.

After a meal, the more outgoing personalities of Victini and Mini Dragon also made them acquainted with Riolu.

At least now Riolu is not so easily shy.

"Riolu, come down and play with them."

After arriving at the nursery, the dolls brought the little lucky eggs and started distributing food to the newborn Pokémon.

As for the others, the Pokémon races who lived here before the cultivation park opened will not be used for the time being.

After all, they have lived for such a long time, so they naturally have their own food sources.

If they come, they will naturally distribute food together.

But if you don't come.

Lu Ze's cultivation garden is relatively large. If you really want to find them one by one, I am afraid that there will not be enough time for them all to eat in one day.


Seeing a group of newborn Pokémon sitting happily on the ground below, or sitting in a circle, or sitting together happily eating breakfast one by two, Riolu shook his head immediately, and then looked at them blankly.

Among the more than 100 newborn Pokémon, there are still many with lively personalities.

For example, little lucky eggs, tortoises and so on.

After arranging the food for the Pokémon, Little Fudan happily came to Lu Ze.

After Lu Ze praised him, he saw Riolu in Lu Ze's arms watching the newborn Pokémon eating.

Xiao Fudan happily stretched out his hand to Leolu, wanting to bring Leolu down to play.

However, Leolu still looked at Xiao Fudan with some fear, shook his head slightly, and held Lu Ze's arm tightly with his little hand.

Lu Ze looked at Leolu a little funny.

If Lucario from dad or Lucario from grandpa came over to let Riolu have a look, would it change Riolu's character?

Lu Ze doesn't know, but he can try.

And Lu Ze also needs Lucario to teach him how to fight in Riolu.

Skills, fighting style and so on.

Grandpa's Lucario may be due to the same reason as grandpa's other Pokémon, so the fighting method is more inclined to the way of one force and ten.

In Lu Ze's words, it is more reckless.

But Papa Lu's Lucario is different.

Father Lu's Lucario's fighting style, Lu Ze still prefers.

Not to mention more versatile, long-range and close combat are very strong, and the speed is not weak. It can be said that it is a very good dual swordsman.

And the way of fighting is also very flexible because of more comprehensive reasons, not as reckless as grandpa's Lucario.

Lu Ze didn't know if this fighting style was suitable for his Riolu.

But if he had to choose a teacher between these two Lucarios, Lu Ze would still choose Lucario from Lu's father.

Just don't know when Zeraora will come back.

[Plasma Lightning Fist] I don't know if Lucario can learn it.

Speaking of this, the fire-breathing dragon who is currently learning [Fire Bomb] from Victini has a very good say.

I really don't know how the Electric Shock Monster learned [Plasma Lightning Fist].

It is really difficult for me to learn [Fire Bomb] with Victini now.

It has been a long time since I came back from Great Britain, but I still haven't reached the level of getting started.

In the view of the fire-breathing dragon, it may take a long time to learn [Fire Bomb] successfully.

Moreover, I am not sure whether I can learn it.

After all, Victini's [Fire Bomb] is Victini's exclusive skill.

It can be said that it is a skill mastered from birth, and there is no need to learn it by yourself.

Without your own learning process, teaching others is naturally not easy to teach.

Little Fudan, who failed to call Riolu out of Lu Ze's arms, also chose to leave first because of other Pokémon.

After Lu Ze touched Leolu's head with a smile, he called the kapok ball that was playing over there.

There is one more important thing today.

That is the evolution of kapok balls.

The evolution of the kapok ball requires a sun stone prop.

Lu Ze, the Stone of the Sun, was already ready, but the kapok ball hadn't made up his mind.

But after the battle with Bogaman, Kapokball made up his mind.

I want to evolve!
Not to mention anything else, if you face Bogaman after evolution, you will definitely not win as narrowly as the last battle!

After hearing Lu Ze's voice, the kapok ball that was provoking Pogaman over there gave Pogaman a smug little look, and then flew towards Lu Ze.

After seeing the Sun Stone in Lu Ze's hand, Kapok Ball became even more excited.

"Are you ready?"

Holding the Sun Stone in his hand, Lu Ze looked at the kapok ball in front of him and asked with a smile.

The Kaby beast old god on the side was there, and he couldn't help showing a gratified smile on the face of the kapok ball.

"Qinmian Qinmian!"

After the kapok ball nodded firmly on its small face, its eyes were set on the Sun Stone in Lu Ze's hand.

"Now that you're ready, come on."

Lu Ze smiled, and after taking off the Immutable Stone carried by the kapok ball, he picked up the Sun Stone.

As soon as the kapok ball's eyes lit up, it flew towards Lu Ze directly, and its forehead was directly attached to the Sun Stone in Lu Ze's hand.

The Sun Stone shone brightly, and the energy of the Sun Stone was transmitted into the body of the kapok ball.

A burst of milky white evolutionary light appeared, directly covering the kapok ball.

The figure of the kapok ball is constantly changing in the milky white light, and finally takes shape slowly.

The white light exploded suddenly and dissipated in the air.

The figure of Pokémon also appeared in the white light.

Elf: Wind Fairy

gender: female

Attributes: Grass, Fairy
Trait: Mischievous Heart (Pokémon with this trait will first add [-] when using transformation skills.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: Help, Absorb, Awakening Slap, Thunder Fist, Sonic Fist, Growth, Parting Gift, Paralysis Powder, Parasitic Seed, Power of the Moon, Tailwind...

Inherited skills: temptation, grass flute, field of mist, bag drop.

After the kapok ball evolved into a wind fairy, it also learned a lot of skills.

However, these skills are all skills brought about by evolution, not learned, or the skills of skill machines.

Although this skill can also be used, but the skill proficiency is not enough, it is not easy to use it in battle, and it still needs training.

Lu Ze looked at the brown one in front of him, and the white fluffy cotton-like rhizome behind him, which was bigger than his body, and the wind fairy who smiled very brightly couldn't help but smile.

Now that I am smiling so happily, I have gained so many skills all of a sudden.

Next, settle down and train your skill proficiency.

Otherwise, so many skills are completely wasted.

Among other things, I don't teach new skills very much now.

The task during this time is to practice the skills I just learned and become proficient.

Lu Ze smiled maliciously, but the wind goblin didn't notice anything.

After smiling happily at Lu Ze and Kirby, the Wind Fairy flew towards Bogaman aggressively.

Lu Ze didn't stop it either, the doll and Xiaofudan were still standing aside, and there was no problem for the two Pokémon to fight.

And it's not just the Wind Goblin who wants to fight Bogaman.

Bogaman, who lost to the kapok ball last time, was also full of anger.

He was not very convinced by the result of the last battle.

So even now that the kapok ball has evolved into a wind fairy, Bogaman has no fear at all, but looks at the wind fairy flying towards him full of fighting spirit.

The battle is imminent!
After the eyes of the two Pokémon met, the wind goblin had evolved from a leaf to a small fist with light shining on it.

[Sonic Fist]!
The speed of the wind goblin suddenly accelerated, and its body turned into an afterimage before hitting Bogaman on the ground.

Bogaman was not afraid, but raised his hands full of fighting spirit.

[Sonic Fist] vs [Double Combo]!
The two Pokémon collided together, and in the brief stalemate, Bogaman was finally repelled by the wind goblin two steps.

The two-strike attack was broken by the wind goblin the first time.

The second attack didn't even have time to hit, so he took two steps back involuntarily.

These two steps back also made Pogaman lose the opportunity for a second attack.

However, although Pogaman lost in the first confrontation, Pogaman did not look discouraged.

Opening his small mouth, a stream of water spurted out from Bogaman's mouth, right in the middle of the wind fairy rushing towards him, unable to dodge.

However, the power of the [Water Gun] is not enough to stop the evolved Wind Fairy.

But after the water sprayed on the face, the eyes could only be forced to close, and the loss of vision for a moment was inevitable.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pogaman brazenly launched a counterattack.

Spreading her hands, she assumed a flying posture, and [Yan Fan] rushed towards the wind fairy.

But the speed of Bogaman, which is still in its initial form, is still relatively slow.

After he came in front of Bogaman, Bogaman's eyes had already opened.

Facing Bogaman's counterattack, the wind fairy's little fist suddenly flashed with thunder.

The thunder of "Zizi" sounded, and it was too late for Pogaman to stop, so he could only grit his teeth and rush forward, exchanging injuries for injuries.

The two Pokémon collided again.

The movement of the two of them fighting also attracted the attention of most of the newborn Pokémon who had already had breakfast.

The tortoise jumped up and down excitedly, it seemed that he wanted to fight very much.

Wubo looked at Bogaman with some worry.

After a day of getting along yesterday, the two Pokémon have obviously become very good friends.

Although I heard Bogaman talk about the kapok balls last night.

Listen to what he said about his revenge.

But the current situation is that the kapok ball has evolved into a wind fairy.

And he was Bogaman.

Pogaman was not able to defeat his opponent when he was in the kapok ball. Now that the kapok ball has evolved into a wind fairy, can Pogaman do it?

Wubo looked at Bogaman with some concern, and as expected, the moment the two Pokémon collided, Bogaman was beaten back by the wind goblin.

Although the proficiency of the newly realized skills after the evolution of the wind goblin is not high.

But facing the current Bogaman, the Wind Fairy only needs to use the [Thunder Fist] to defeat Bogaman.

After evolution, it's not just an increase in skills, evolution has also increased a lot of other attributes of the wind goblin.

Such as power, speed, etc.

The wind goblin looked at Bogaman who flew upside down and smiled triumphantly, and rushed towards Bogaman again.

The speed of [Sonic Fist] made it impossible for Bogaman, who had just got up, to react, and was knocked down to the ground again.

Pogaman, who was attacked one after another, was almost unable to stand up at this time.

After all, he is still just a Pokémon in its initial form.

[Sonic Fist] Fortunately, the [Thunder Fist] that caused double damage to him just now is really a bit ruthless.

But looking at the Wind Fairy standing in front of him with a smug smile on his face, Bogaman's eyes became firm again.

"Upo wubo!"

beat him!Pogaman!
The sudden sound shocked Bogaman's small body.

He was naturally familiar with this voice.

Although he hasn't been in contact with Wubo for too long, Wubo's voice is still very easy to distinguish for him, a Pokémon who once had no friends in the lake.

Beat her?

Bogaman's heart couldn't help being shaken. The evolved Wind Fairy is obviously more powerful. Can I defeat her?

If I want to defeat her, can I evolve too?
A thought flashed in Bogaman's mind, and the Pokémon and Lu Ze who were watching in the next second saw the milky white evolution light erupting from Bogaman's body.


After Lu Ze saw this scene, he couldn't help but curse out loud.

He thought that the wind goblin would have the upper hand in the battle with Bogaman.

After all, after the wind goblin evolved, its combat effectiveness is still very good.

Especially when facing Bogaman, who was of similar strength before evolution, her strength after evolution is obviously stronger.

But he really didn't expect that Bogaman would evolve under such circumstances?
Well, although it's not [Torrent] characteristic, Bogaman with the [Unyielding] characteristic has indeed achieved the spirit of not admitting defeat.

Wubo, who was watching the battle at the side, also felt happy for Bogaman from the bottom of his heart after seeing this scene.

In this case, Pogaman will be able to defeat the Wind Fairy.

After all, Pogaman has also evolved.

In the surprised and expectant expressions of the watching Pokémon, Pogaman also completed the evolution.

Elf: Prince Bo

Gender: Male

attribute: water

Features: Unyielding (omitted)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Now the battle has just begun!
Prince Bo looked seriously at the surprised Wind Fairy, and said to the Wind Fairy with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After evolution, he felt that his power had also returned.

At the very least, facing the wind goblin will not be as powerless as when he was just Bogaman.

Prince Bo waved his arm, and a stream of water immediately wrapped him up.

(End of this chapter)

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