Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 812 Leolu's Goal

Chapter 812 Leolu's Goal
"Water Ring!"

Lu Ze couldn't help but make a sound after seeing Prince Bo's movements.

First choose to use [Water Flow Ring] to recover your stamina.

Great choice.

After all, even after Bogaman evolved into Prince Bo, his physical strength from being beaten by the wind goblin just now still hasn't recovered.

At most, the upper limit of physical strength has increased, and it doesn't look as weak as before.


However, after seeing Prince Bo using the water flow ring, the wind goblin, who had just been stunned for a while, felt a little upset in an instant.

Why has this guy evolved!
The wind goblin looked fiercely at Prince Bo in the water, especially after seeing the hidden deep complacency on Prince Bo's face, the goblin couldn't help it.

[Thunder Fist] flickered, and rushed towards Prince Bo.

But this time Prince Bo didn't confront the Wind Fairy head-on like before.

Although it is said that the strength of his arms has been greatly strengthened after he evolved.

However, the attribute damage of the electric system is still relatively harmful to him.

If you can avoid it, of course you won't be head-on.

Prince Bo kept dodging the attacks from the wind goblin on the wide grass.

Prince Bo's speed is still acceptable. Although it is a flat terrain like grass, he still relies on his flexible body skills to prevent the wind fairy from attacking him.

The wind goblin, who failed to hit Prince Bo several times in a row, gradually became a little impatient.

Lu Ze, who was watching the battle, naturally saw this, but he didn't remind Feng Goblin.

This is the training of the wind goblin.

Lu Ze would not speak up against Prince Bo, or even the later emperor Nabo. It was just a battle between the two of them.

Not just between the Wind Fairy and Prince Bo.

Including Riolu and Pokémon who may be tamed later.

When they were fighting the Pokémon in the cultivation garden, Lu Ze would also not speak to command.

Not only will he not be able to command, but Lu Ze is also likely to help the Pokémon in the breeding garden to designate training plans.

Since he wanted to be a long-term opponent after the second team, the strength naturally had to keep up.

Of course, some Pokémon Lu Ze who don't like fighting will not force them.

Things like Wind Fairy and Prince Bo are good.

They choose their opponents and fight by themselves.

"Riolu, do you want to fight too?"

Seeing the wind goblin and Prince Bo chasing and hiding one by one, Lu Ze also lowered his head and said to the excited Leolu who was watching.

Leolu was also very excited watching the battle between the wind goblin and Prince Bo, and kept twisting in Lu Ze's arms.

If it wasn't for Lu Ze's tight hug, Riolu might have rushed out of Lu Ze's arms excitedly.

"I, can I?"

Riolu's blood seemed to cool down a bit, and he looked at the Wind Fairy who was using the [Thunder Fist] to continuously attack Prince Bo with great momentum.

He looked at Prince Bo, who was calm and calm, saw the timing of the wind goblin's attack, and seized the opportunity to dodge.

Looking up again at Lu Ze who looked expectant, he asked a little unconfidently.

"Of course it can."

Lu Ze smiled and touched Leolu's little face, then pointed to the forked bats behind them who were watching the battle and hadn't started training yet.

"Look at them, they were all the same as you now, but now."

As Lu Ze said, the forked bat and the fire-breathing dragon also turned to look at Riolu.

Riolu is a little lacking in self-confidence, so they will give Leolu this confidence!

After the fire-breathing dragon turned his head to look at Riolu, he immediately walked forward carelessly.


(Don't worry, leave everything to Ozawa, and you will be as strong as us!)
The fire-breathing dragon patted his chest, then patted Lu Ze's shoulder and said to Riolu who was in Lu Ze's arms.

When he first started, he was not as strong as the current Riolu.

But now, he is already a king-level strength.

Although there are not too many fire-breathing dragons that surpass Suiyan.

Although it hasn't reached the level of the fire-breathing dragon in Wang Yi's house.

But now when the fire-breathing dragon goes out, someone will sigh.

The Pokémon with the strength of the king has already touched the threshold of the top combat power.

As long as you break through the strength of the king level, you can truly reach the top combat power.

Just like Mr. Wang Yi's fire-breathing dragon.

It seems that the confidence of the charizard infected Riolu.

It also seems that Lu Ze's eyes are full of trust.

Riolu looked at the Charizard, and then at the other Pokémon in the team who were watching him.

Finally, he looked up and met Lu Ze's expectant eyes.

"I want to fight!"

In the end, Riolu nodded and said this!
"it is good!"

Lu Ze was also very excited. Through the battle between the wind goblin and Prince Bo, he successfully made the somewhat unconfident Leolu take his first step.

"Look at the Pokémon around you, you can choose whatever you want, and they can all be your battle targets."

Lu Ze said, pointing to the newborn Pokémon on the grass who were watching the battle between the Wind Fairy and Prince Bo.

"But even if you fight, you have to ask for their consent, you can't force them, understand?"


After Riolu nodded excitedly, he didn't want to watch the battle anymore. His eyes kept scanning the group of newborn Pokémon, as if looking for a suitable opponent.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze couldn't help but smile, and then continued to pay attention to the battle between the wind goblin and Prince Bo.

The wind goblin still failed to hit Prince Bo.

Although her speed was not slow anymore, Prince Bo was in that area, and he easily avoided the Wind Fairy's [Thunder Fist] while moving around.

After the [Thunder Fist] passed by Prince Bo again, the Wind Fairy finally stopped attacking.

With his mouth puffed out, he looked at Prince Bo opposite him with an unhappy expression.

Especially after Prince Bo showed that slightly indulgent smile, the wind goblin became even more unhappy.


The wind goblin roared, and the lightning in his hand flickered again.

But this time the wind goblin did not rush over in a hurry, but hesitated for a while.

It was this moment of hesitation that the lightning above the wind goblin's little fist dissipated immediately.

The moment the thunder and lightning dissipated, the wind goblin waved her little hand.

A breeze blew past, and a smile appeared on the face of the wind goblin.

Immediately afterwards, lightning flashed again in his hand, and he rushed towards Prince Bo.

Prince Bo's eyes flickered, and it was impossible to keep dodging.

After hiding this time, no matter what you say, you have to launch an attack on the wind goblin, so that the offense and defense are also switched.

Prince Bo thought about it, and made up his mind instantly.

Just do it!

However, Prince Bo did not expect that the speed of the wind goblin would be so fast this time.

He just dodged, and before he could change his position, he was hit by the wind goblin's attack.

The power of thunder and lightning flashed on Prince Bo's body, and a smug smile appeared on the face of the wind goblin.

Prince Bo was in pain, his hands were instantly covered by a metallic silver-white light, and he hit the wind fairy.

[Metal Claw] After the hit, the Wind Fairy was also directly sent flying.

However, compared to the damage suffered by the Wind Fairy, Prince Bo's injury was much more serious.

Although I just recovered some physical strength with [Water Flow Ring], the duration of [Water Flow Ring] has already passed.

Wind Fairy's [Thunder Fist] just now reduced his physical strength to what it was before using [Water Flow Ring].

Prince Bo looked at the smug Feng Yao meticulously in shock.

Why was the wind goblin's speed suddenly so much faster just now?

Before he could react, he was hit by the wind goblin.

Prince Bo didn't know, but Lu Ze and Forked Bat who were watching the battle knew it very well.

After the Wind Fairy canceled the use of [Thunder Fist] just now, she was not in a daze, but used another skill.


A skill that increases the speed of Pokémon on the field.

After using [Tail Wind], the speed of the Wind Fairy was already enough for Prince Bo to react.

In this case, the current Prince Bo has only one way to choose a direct confrontation.

After all, Prince Bo's current speed can't keep up with the Wind Fairy who is in the state of [Tail Wind].

After the wind goblin's speed increased, although he was just sent flying by Prince Bo's [Metal Claw].

But the wind goblin didn't look unhappy.

At the end of the experiment, when she attacked in the [Tailwind] state, Prince Bo had no time to dodge.

In that case!

The wind goblin smiled at Prince Bo, and the bright smile made Prince Bo lose his mind for a moment.

But in the next second, he heard the sound of "sizzling" that frightened him.

Before the head can react, the body has already started to avoid conditioned reflex.

However, the speed of the wind fairy in the state of [Downwind] was too fast. Even with conditioned reflexes, Prince Bo could not successfully evade the attack of the wind fairy.

[Thunder Fist] hit again, with double the damage, Prince Bo soon lost his fighting ability with two scorched lumps on his body.

After the wind goblin saw that Prince Bo rolled his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the grass, panting heavily.

If Prince Bo was not defeated again, she might be the one who lost the ability to fight.

Continuous [Thunder Fist] still consumes a lot of stamina.

But okay.

Looking at Prince Bo who had fallen to the ground, the wind fairy also secretly made up her mind.

I can use too little of my current skills.

Although I have mastered a lot of skills because of evolution.

But the current self is not very easy to use.

Even the [Shunfeng] just now was only able to use it because Prince Bo just stood there and didn't disturb her.

Otherwise, if Prince Fanbo uses a [Water Gun], her skills will fail.

The wind goblin looked at Prince Bo and smiled triumphantly, then lay down on the grass, looked at the blue sky, and smiled very happily.

After the battle between the two Pokémon is over, it's the turn of Qibaiwa and Xiaofudan to play next.

First, after teaming up to use [Healing Wave] on the wind fairy, they took the worried Wubo aside.

Immediately afterwards, Qibaiwa and Xiao Fudan excitedly rushed towards the school's elf treatment center against Prince Bo.

Although both of them also have the ability to heal.

But the Pokémon that has lost the ability to fight is obviously better to take it to the elf treatment center for a check.

After Qibaiwa and Xiaofudan left with Prince Bo who had lost his fighting ability, Lu Ze also stepped forward to check the status of the wind goblin.

The wind goblin was lying on the grass, as if the battle just now had consumed too much energy.

It also seems to be the reason why the [Healing Fluctuation] of Qiqi Doll and Xiaofudan is too comfortable.

At this time, the wind goblin had closed her eyes and began to enjoy herself.

With a smile on his face, feeling the truth of the breeze blowing over his body and raising his hair, the wind fairy is about to fall asleep now.

Lu Ze couldn't help laughing when he saw the appearance of the wind goblin.

It seems that the wind goblin doesn't seem to have any problems.

Lu Ze didn't make any moves, but the Kirby beside him nodded in relief after seeing the appearance of the wind goblin.

It's time to teach the wind goblin the very powerful skill [Sleep].

Thinking of this, Snorbeast also lay directly beside the wind goblin, enjoying the warm sunshine and the occasional breeze.

The battle is over.

In addition to Snorkel lying there and enjoying it, the other Pokémon also started today's training plan at this time.

The forked bat flew away, I don't know where to go for training

The electric monster got into the forest, and the iron claw lobster entered the water.

Onion Youbing took out the green onion in his hand with a pious expression, and began to wave it.

After Victini left Lu Ze's shoulder and came to a big rock by the water, he began to teach the fire-breathing dragon [flame bomb].

Seeing Victini's serious face standing on top of the big rock, Lu Ze also became amused.

How come this scene looks like Jerry teaching Tom.

After shaking his head slightly, Lu Ze felt the movement of Lioulu in his arms.

Just after Riolu decided that he wanted to fight, he began to look for his opponent according to what Lu Ze said.

In fact, he just found it.

But at that time, the battle between Wind Fairy and Prince Bo was not over yet.

So he was not in a hurry to go down to find his favorite combat partner.

But now that the battle between Wind Fairy and Prince Bo was over, he actually saw that the person he had chosen to fight seemed to want to leave.

This is why he broke away from Lu Ze's embrace.

Although Lu Ze didn't understand what was going on, he relaxed his arm after feeling Riolu's struggle.

After Lu Ze relaxed, Riolu jumped out of Lu Ze's arms, and then trotted towards the "opponent" who had already left.

Lu Ze looked at Leolu's actions curiously, and at this moment he probably guessed what Leolu wanted to do.

However, wouldn't it be a little bad to fight right after birth?
Although the Pokémon on the opposite side was just born not long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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