Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 813 Young man, your strength is a bit weak

Chapter 813 Young man, your strength is a bit weak
Seeing Leolu trotting over, Lu Ze was also a little surprised.

The battle partner that Leolu chose to fight turned out to be Mu Shougong, one of the few royal families.

Lu Ze didn't go forward either, but was interested to see how Riolu, who was a little socially afraid, or not confident in himself, started this "social interaction".

After Leolu trotted for two steps, he quickly caught up with Mu Shougong, who was listening carefully to the grass seedling turtle's talk.

"That, that..."

After Leo walked forward and patted Mu Shougong on the shoulder without thinking, when he saw Mu Shougong turned around and looked at him with a puzzled expression, he was a little stuck.

As soon as my head got hot, I rushed forward, but I didn't think about what to say.

"What's wrong?"

After feeling that Mu Shougong beside him stopped in his footsteps, Cao Miaogui saw Leolu following behind.

After the tortoise's opening, Leolu finally encouraged himself, and said to Leolu.

"That, that, can you have a fight with me!"

After Leolu plucked up the courage to speak, he felt a little regretful.

No, I didn't think so!
Didn't I think I would come here to make friends first, and then fight later!
Riolu was a little flustered.

But what he didn't know was that after hearing what Leolu said, Mu Shougong also became flustered, and subconsciously looked at the tortoise next to him.

The grass seedling tortoise narrowed its eyes, looked at Leo Lu who was nervous, and then looked at Mu Shougong who looked expressionless but had flustered eyes.

"It seems that it's not impossible to fight." Cao Miaogui turned his eyes and said to the two little guys.

Just now he was still talking to Mu Shougong that he wanted to fight.

Although Mu Shougong didn't express anything, the grass seedling turtle could also see Mu Shougong's heartbeat.

But now they are just born, although they can also fight.

But it is obviously not good to want to fight like the wind goblin and Prince Bo.

But this does not affect their ability to fight.

The grass seedling turtle really wanted to fight.

But it's a pity that the opponent Leolu is looking for is not him, but Mu Shougong.

Mu Shougong looked flustered, looked at the excited tortoise, and then at Leolu.

Seeing that Riolu was also looking at him nervously, he relaxed a little.

"Now, if we fight now, will there be some..."

Mu Shougong didn't know what to say, but his meaning was already obvious.

Riolu's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly: "Yeah, it's okay later."

After Leolu finished speaking, before Mu Shougong and Cao Miaogui could react, he waved at them, and then quickly raised his legs and ran towards Lu Ze.

After seeing this scene, Lu Ze couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, squatting on the ground and holding Leolu in his arms.

Riolu felt his little face was hot, and quickly stuffed his little face into Lu Ze's arm.

Lu Ze smiled, raised his hand to say hello to the grass seedling turtle and Mu Shougong, and then sat on the grass.

After the tortoise raised its front foot to respond to Lu Ze, seeing that Lu Ze sat down and did not leave, he pulled Mu Shougong to go forward.

Mu Shougong hesitated, but still followed the footsteps of the grass seedling turtle.

After the two little guys came to Lu Ze's side, they looked up at Riolu who only gave them a back view.

"Riolu, your friend came to play with you."

Lu Ze also understood what the grass seedling turtle meant, and after nodding with a smile, he said to Riolu.


Leolu raised his head suspiciously, following Lu Ze's gaze, he saw the tortoise on the grass looking at him with a smile on his face, and Mu Shougong, who was also a little uncomfortable beside the tortoise.

After hesitating for a while, Riolu jumped out of Lu Ze's arms.

After saying hello to the grass seedling turtle and Mu Shougong, the three little guys also sat beside Lu Ze.

But fortunately, because of the cheerful little guy like the tortoise, the three little guys got to know each other very quickly.

Lu Ze sat on the grass, watching the play of the three little guys next to him, and also felt very comfortable watching the play of several Pokémon not far away.

Not to mention this kind of life, it is indeed very good.

Isn't this the life in the Pokémon world I dreamed of.

"It's decided, let me show you my skills today!"

More than 100 newborn Pokémon were born just one day ago, although I saw him when he was born yesterday.

But the degree of intimacy is not just the first time you see it when you are born, it can increase a lot.

Still need follow-up company and so on.

And now, is a very good opportunity.

More than 100 newborn Pokémon are still in a state of ignorance, not yet independent, looking for a place to live in the breeding garden.

This is the most convenient time to gather everyone together.

After they leave the newborn Pokémon base one by one, they won't have such a good opportunity again.

Lu Ze, the place where newborn Pokémon were born yesterday, is going to expand and use it as a base for newborn Pokémon.

After all, if you want to collect illustrations, Lu Zeke will still hatch a lot of Pokémon in the future.

Not to mention the elf eggs bought outside, even the elf eggs of the Pokémon in the own breeding garden.

At that time, it will be fine to put them in this newborn Pokémon breeding base.

If the parents of the newly born Pokémon are also present, they can be picked up.

If your parents are not there, or you don’t know who your parents are, you can grow up here, and then go out to find your own place to live.

For example, in the small volcano of Fire-type Pokémon, in the ice cave of Ice-type Pokémon, in the pool of Water-type Pokémon, etc.

Of course, there are not many newborn Pokémon now, and there is still room to live in that hut.

Some newborn Pokémon do not choose to live in huts.

Ubbo, for example, followed Bogaman into the water.

For example, the mandible ants went directly to the small desert and settled in the small desert.

Therefore, if it is expanded, there is no need to worry too much for the time being.

After making a decision, Lu Ze started to make contacts.

Prepare the materials and pot first.

It's still early, and it's time to make a lunch.

For lunch, choose curry rice.

With so many Pokémon, curry rice is delicious and easy to make.

And it is easy to produce in large quantities.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze began to contact the supply of ingredients and picnic props.

Lioulu on the side was also getting acquainted with Mu Shougong and Cao Miaogui at this time, and the three little guys also started to play around.



"Yeah, it's the weekend, of course I have to go out for a day."

"But I'm already out."

"Why don't you let Dad take them there first?"

"Okay, okay."

Lu Ze smiled and hung up the phone.

Riolu has been born for almost a week, and as a result, he is in the nursery every day.

After finally a Sunday, of course I have to take Leo Lu out for a walk.

But now...

After hanging up on Lu Ma's phone, Lu Ze picked up the phone again and called Latios who was at home now.


"Wait a minute, the patterned Pokémon will be taken over by Dad, wait a minute and you will take them to the cultivation garden together?"


Latios over there nodded excitedly and said.

Father Lu has never been to Lu Ze's cultivation garden, so Latios needs to take him with him.

Latios naturally agreed, after all, it's better than watching idol dramas with Latias at home anyway.

So without any hesitation, Latios agreed directly.

When the time comes, after I bring Father Lu and the others there, I can go wherever I don't want to!

After Lattios snickered excitedly, he began to explain to Xiaohong beside him.

"Damn Lu Ze suddenly gave me a mission, which prevented me from watching TV with you, but don't worry..."

"I don't know why Chaomeng went there recently?"

After Lu Ze hung up the phone, he shook his head helplessly.

Originally, this incident should have come from Chaomeng.

It will be very fast if Chaomeng brings the patterned Pokémon over.

Unfortunately, Chaomeng has not been in Beijing recently.

Even Liekong Zuo has been in a hurry lately.

I heard from Uncle Ziyu that I went to find a way to super-evolve, but I don't know what's going on now.

"Kaloo Kalu!"

After hearing Riolu's voice, Lu Ze finally reacted.

I took Riolu out to play today, so don't think about these things.

Just ask Chaomeng or Uncle Tzuyu when the time comes.

Let's have a fun day today.

"Okay, let's go!"

Lu Ze rubbed Leolu's head in his arms, and then took the little ones into Longtan Park.

Today, I didn't bring the cross-bats and the others, but just brought a few little guys including Riolu.

Riolu in his arms, Victini and Zoroa disguised as Electric Momonga on their shoulders.

Wind fairies and miniature dragons flying in the sky.

Except for these little guys, none of the other Pokémon were brought along.

It's not that Lu Ze doesn't want to take them, but that they don't want to follow.

Even Kirby, who doesn't like training very much, didn't keep up. Instead, he chose to train hard.

Well, after all, Lu Ze told them before that the patterned Pokémon are coming soon.

Kirbymon doesn't want to be inferior to the patterned Pokémon.

After all, they are like twins.

Just like the relationship between Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon and Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon.

The power of the patterned Snorby may be due to the extraordinary talent of the Snorkel, and it is also very large.

Snorby has long wanted to compare its strength with the patterned Snorkel.

However, the patterned Kirby has never broken through to the strength of the heavenly king.

Two days ago, Lu Ze got the news that the patterned squirrel had successfully broken through, and now it is also at the level of a heavenly king.

This time Snorkel was surprised and delighted.

The joy is that the patterned Snorby can finally compete with him in strength.

Surprisingly, if the patterned squirrel also breaks through, he is really a little afraid that he will not be able to compare with the opponent.

Therefore, the Snorbymon has worked very hard these two days, just to compete with the strength of the Snorbymon.

Riolu nodded excitedly, and became even more anxious when he saw that the miniature dragon and the wind fairy had already flown in first.

Lu Ze was amused, and immediately let go of his arms and put Riolu down.

After Leolu jumped to the ground, he trotted all the way and chased after the wind fairy and mini dragon in the sky.

Seeing this, Soroya jumped off Lu Ze's shoulder without hesitation, and ran forward together.

"Slow down, don't rush."

After Lu Ze yelled with a smile, he reached out and patted Victini's little butt.

"Why, you're not together."

"Tili Tili~"

Victini didn't go down, but rubbed against Lu Ze's face instead.

His meaning is obvious, he wants to be here with Lu Ze.

Lu Ze couldn't help but smile, it's nice to say it now, you'll be together later.

Sure enough, after a while, the wind goblin and mini dragon found a fun place.

After just saying hello, Victini abandoned Lu Ze without hesitation and started playing with them.

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly. Although he didn't know what was so interesting about this pile of sand, he still played with them here for a while.

"Young man, seeing that you are not very old, you are also here to participate in the competition, right?"

After paying the money to the administrator, the administrator's grandfather looked at Lu Ze and asked with a smile on his face.

"Game? What game?"

Lu Ze was a little curious. When he came, he hadn't heard of any competition in Longtan Park today.

"Of course it's the anniversary of Longtan Park, don't you know?"

The old man asked with a look of surprise, after all, most of the young people who came today are here for this.


Lu Ze really didn't know, he just saw the scenery of Longtan Park was good and there were a lot of fun, so he brought Leolu and the others over to play.

Well, it is said that there are dragon-type Pokémon in Longtan Park, so he also wants to see if he can bring back a dragon-type Pokémon or something.

Of course, although there are dragon Pokémon in Longtan Park, they are very rare.

"That's right, the anniversary. It is said that the No.1 reward this time is a very good prop. You can participate and try it."

"Forget about my strength."

Lu Ze looked at Riolu who was playing with the sand, and the Wind Fairy and Mini Dragon smiled and shook their heads and said.

I didn't bring the cross-word bats with them this time.

And the fighting power of Mini Dragon and Riolu is not very strong, only the wind goblin is not bad, but their fighting power is not as good as Huhu.

It's a pity that I didn't bring the pot this time.

As for Victini, his fighting power is indeed quite strong, but when he makes a move, his identity is exposed.

Finally, the heat of the World Youth Championships has passed, and he can come out openly.

"Indeed, your strength is a bit weak."

The old man glanced at Riolu and the others and nodded involuntarily.

"The Pokémon of many first-year students invited this time have almost completed the second stage of evolution. Your strength is indeed somewhat inferior to them."

After the old man made a serious comment, he realized that he seemed to be saying that he was no good in front of others.

"Well, that's not what I meant. Your Pokémon's strength is not bad, but their strength is stronger... No, I mean it."

"Yeah, it's okay, I know what you mean." Lu Ze comforted the anxious old man and said, dumbfounded.

"Well, that's roughly what it means. You can try it too. If you're lucky, you can get a participation award... Oops!"

Before the old man finished speaking, he was dragged away by his wife.

The old lady smiled at Lu Ze embarrassedly while dragging the old man away.

"You old bastard, don't talk if you can't speak, how many customers have you sent away with your stupid mouth this year!"

After Lu Ze watched the two old men return to the hut with some amusement, he turned to look at Riolu.

It doesn't seem right for Riolu to face those Pokémon that have been cultivated for more than half a year in the freshman year, right?
(End of this chapter)

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