Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 814 Wang Lingran's Fanged Land Shark

Chapter 814 Wang Lingran's Fanged Land Shark
Seeing how happy Riolu and the others were having fun, Lu Ze no longer cared about it.

I came out today to play, whether to fight or not to fight is a small problem.

Moreover, he is the champion of the World Youth Championship, so it is not good to bully a group of freshmen who are just freshmen now.

Although I didn't bring my main Pokémon with me today.

Now Riolu's strength is just out of the novice Pokémon, and will reach the level of the junior Pokémon.

Although Riolu's strength has improved very fast.

After all, after Lu Ze has experienced so many Pokémon cultivation, he has gained a lot of experience. Not to mention, during this period of time, he has invested a lot in training and resources for Riolu.

It's like France didn't hesitate to use Lu Ze, his compensation item, on Riolu.

But if you compare it, it's just the strength of the two forked bats and Snorby beasts when they participated in the Baby Cup.

It is still possible for Riolu to participate in the Baby Cup to fight some high school students who have just acquired Pokémon not long ago.

However, it may be a bit difficult for a freshman who has been cultivating Pokémon for about half a year.

Although the Wind Fairy is stronger because of evolution, it is only the strength of an intermediate Pokémon.

In comparison, it is almost the same as when the fire dinosaur just evolved into a fire-breathing dragon.

Although the current wind goblin has more skills than the original fire-breathing dragon, the combat effectiveness under Lu Ze's command can be stronger.

But in the face of freshman students whose first semester is about to end, Lu Ze doesn't know if he can beat them.

The difference from the Pokémon world is that people in this world can only legally hold Pokémon battles from the off-duty semester of the third year of high school.

Therefore, the cultivation time is also a very important factor in determining the strength of Pokémon.

Of course, people are different, and Pokémon and Pokémon are naturally different.

Pokémon cultivated by someone improve their strength faster.

Some people's Pokémon's strength also improves very quickly.

These are also factors that determine the strength of Pokémon.

And Lu Ze belongs to this kind of well-bred Pokémon, and the speed of improving Pokémon's strength is very fast.

Sitting aside, Lu Ze rested his chin and watched the five little guys playing happily in the sand.

I don't know if it's because the competition over there is too attractive or what.

Now there are only Riolu and Mini Dragon in the sand, and there are no other children or Pokémon to play.

"Why are you here too?"

After watching it for a while, just as Lu Ze was about to take out his phone and start a thrilling Pokemon battle, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

"Take them out to play."

Lu Ze turned his head and greeted Wang Xingqiu with a smile after seeing Wang Xingqiu behind him.

Wang Xingqiu had a teasing face, his eyes swept over Lu Ze, and then at the Pokémon who were playing in the sand.

"I thought you would be the champion of the world youth championship to participate in this kind of small competition."

Hearing Wang Xingqiu's words, Lu Ze couldn't help being amused: "Participate in this kind of competition to beat babies, why can't you participate?"

"No, you really want to participate!"

Wang Xingqiu looked at Lu Ze with a look of surprise. He really didn't expect that Lu Ze had already won a world-class championship, and now he would come to participate in this kind of small competition in the park.

"No, why, seeing you like this, you want to participate too?"

Lu Ze had a suspicious look on his face, this expression is not right.


Wang Xingqiu was a little embarrassed, he looked around and didn't dare to look directly into Lu Ze's eyes.

How should I put it, there is nothing wrong with participating in this kind of competition.

But if you meet acquaintances, the problem will be a bit bigger.

Especially the acquaintances who participated in world-class competitions together.

Isn't this here to bully people!

In any case, he is also ranked among the top players in world-class competitions.

Now he even came to bully the freshman.

"No, you really want to participate."

Lu Ze was overjoyed. He was just skeptical at first, but looking at his situation now, it seems that he is really going to attack with dimensionality reduction.

Wang Xingqiu scratched his head in embarrassment: "Well, for some reasons..."

"Brother, the game is about to start, let's go!"

After a slightly milky voice came, Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu also looked up at the same time.

"Huh? Brother is here?"

After Lu Ze raised his head, a happy smile appeared on Wang Lingran's face.

After all, Lu Ze's elder brother helped him to choose his Patchlitz and Yuanlu Shark's elf eggs.

So Wang Lingran still likes Lu Ze very much.

But her excitement distorted Wang Xingqiu's expression.

Your own exclusive title!

Why is Lu Ze also called brother!

Wang Xingqiu was very dissatisfied, but he couldn't vent it.

After all, he is of the same generation as Lu Ze, and there is no problem with Wang Lingran's "brother" at all.

However, he still wants this exclusive title!

Wang Xingqiu's eyes flickered, and he must teach her not to ask others to call him brother in a while.

After all, there are so many brothers, it is easy to be called a mess without a name.

It is enough to call myself brother.

Lu Ze didn't notice Wang Xingqiu's careful thinking. After seeing Wang Lingran approaching, Lu Ze's eyes naturally looked at Pachiris in Wang Lingran's arms.

Is this Patch Liz getting fatter?

Lu Ze was a little puzzled, but when he saw Pachiris quietly poking his head over and taking a bite of the cotton candy Wang Lingran had just bought, he immediately understood.

Well, it should be so gluttonous and fat.

Look at the miniature dragon, if it wasn't for the time when the forked bat took her to exercise every morning, I'm afraid it would have become a little fat dragon.

"She's not old enough, so I'm going to bring Patch Leeds and Roundland Shark to this competition."

After seeing Lu Ze's eyes, Wang Xingqiu also spread his hands, showing a helpless expression.

He is a dignified player who can also be ranked in the world-class competition. If it is not because of his sister, how could he come here to participate in this kind of children's competition that is better than the Baby Cup!
This is obviously not his original intention!
"You want to play?"

After Lu Ze glanced playfully at the upright Wang Xingqiu, he asked Wang Lingran.


Wang Lingran nodded seriously: "They also want to fight, but I'm too young."

"So you want your brother to be the trainer and let them play against each other?"


Wang Lingran nodded triumphantly: "The two of them are very strong."

As Wang Lingran spoke, he took out a luxurious ball.

Well, there is obviously no problem with the luxury ball used by the little princess in Mr. Wang Yi's family.

The luxury ball was thrown into the air, and after a flash of red light, a strong fangtooth land shark appeared in front of Lu Ze.

"It's well cultivated."

Lu Ze couldn't help but praise the Fangtooth Shark's strong muscles and sharp claws.

"of course!"

of course…

Wang Lingran was straightforward, while Wang Xingqiu was a little ashamed.

The old man cultivated it himself, so it's not good.

That is to say, the little guy Wang Lingran is always making troubles, disturbing the old man's training plan for Fangtooth Shark.

Otherwise, the fangtooth land shark can be even stronger now.

But even so, the strength of Fangtooth Shark is almost reaching the strength range of advanced Pokémon.

Fangtooth land sharks of this strength are considered powerful even among the first-year students in Shangqing.

Although there is only this one, Wang Lingran is only a primary school student now.

Of course, when she takes the college entrance examination, official or school battles, Fangtooth Shark and Patch Liz, who are accompanying Pokémon, also cannot participate.

Even if by that time the sharp tooth land shark may have evolved into a fierce biting land shark, it may reach the strength of a king.

But the rules are here, and the only ones who can participate in the competition are the Pokémon that Wang Lingran has acquired after his third year of high school.

Although this kind of small game in the park is not so strict.

But a child like her cannot bring her accompanying Pokémon to participate.

However, it was precisely because it was not strict that Wang Xingqiu could use Fang Lu Shark and Patch Leeds to participate in the competition.

Otherwise, if Wang Xingqiu used his own Pokémon to participate in this competition.

Anyone who knows him will be laughed out of his teeth.

"Do you want to go together?"

Lu Ze shook his head: "You guys go, I'll wait for them to finish playing here before going over to have a look."

"Aren't you going to participate in the competition?"

Wang Xingqiu glanced at Lu Ze with some doubts, and just said that he participated.

Lu Ze was helpless: "Participating in this kind of competition is a bit too..."

Lu Ze originally wanted to say that he was too bullying.

As a result, I turned around and thought about it.

Except for Victini, the Pokémon I brought out today may not necessarily be able to beat them.

"You guys go, I won't participate." Thinking of this, Lu Ze waved his hands tiredly and said to Wang Xingqiu and Wang Lingran.

"Ha! Qinmianqin!"

Just as Lu Ze finished speaking, the voice of the wind goblin came from the side.

As soon as the wind fairy heard that there was a competition, she immediately came to Lu Ze's side from the sand, and then began to punch.

"Haha, let's go together, your Wind Fairy also wants to participate in the competition."

As Wang Xingqiu said, he came over and grabbed Lu Ze's neck, trying to bring Lu Ze along.

Of course, you can't just do such a shameful thing by yourself.

Bring Lu Ze with you, and if someone finds out, you can make a fool of yourself.

All the champions of the World Youth Championship have come to participate. Is it okay for me, a player who has not yet entered the top ten, to also participate?

After Lu Ze looked helplessly at the wind demon who was punching, he looked at Riolu who also jumped out of the sand and stared at him with bright eyes.

Riolu didn't react just now, but now he understands.

There is a fight!
Now the brothers and sisters in the team are not here, so if there is a battle, they will naturally be required to play!

For Riolu, this was his first battle.

Although he had made an appointment with Mu Shougong in the training garden, he had never fought together.

I am training every day, and now is the time to test my training results.

"Both of you want to fight, don't you?"

Lu Ze squatted down, looked at Feng Goblin and Riolu and asked.

"Qinmian Qinmian!"

"Yeah, I want to fight!"

Riolu nodded firmly, and the wind goblin also smiled, and nodded along with her.

"Okay, what about the two of you?"

Mini Dragon and Zoroya shook their heads quickly after seeing Lu Ze's gaze.

Things like fighting are not within their scope of choice.



"The two of them said that although they would not fight, they could join us and watch us fight."

Lioulu's small face was full of seriousness while translating for Lu Ze.

At this time, Victini's disguised electric flying squirrel also came directly to Lu Ze's shoulder.

His meaning is also obvious.

"Okay, then let's go to this competition."

Lu Ze finally compromised.

Riolu has been training for so long, it's time for him to have a real battle.

The same goes for the Wind Fairy.

Although the wind goblin and Prince Bo basically have a battle every day.

But it was not a formal battle with Lu Ze participating in the command.

Strictly speaking, this competition can be regarded as the first battle between the two of them.

"Let's go, let's go together."

Seeing that Lu Ze also agreed, Wang Xingqiu became excited instantly. He grabbed Lu Ze's shoulder and prepared to walk to the arena.

However, Zoroya on Lu Ze's shoulder was not polite at all, and slapped Wang Xingqiu's hand off with a slap.

"My brother is going to participate in the competition too."

There was a trace of confusion on Wang Lingran's excited little face.

My brother, it seems, seems to be unable to beat brother Lu Ze.

After Wang Lingran secretly glanced at Wang Xingqiu, he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

I still want to win the championship.

What if brother Lu Ze comes?

"That's right, both Wind Fairy and Riolu want to participate." Lu Ze explained with a smile as he patted Wang Lingran's ball head.

That is to say, Wang Xingqiu didn't know what Wang Lingran was thinking, otherwise he might collapse.

Although he also admitted that what Wang Lingran thought was true.

But it is precisely because it is a fact that it will collapse.

Wang Lingran looked at the small bag on Lu Ze's waist curiously and asked, "Mr. Kabymon, aren't they going to participate?"

"They are training hard at home now, and they haven't kept up with them."

"That's it."

Wang Lingran was a little disappointed, but also a little happy.

If Mr. Kabimon and the others hadn't come, would I have a chance to beat brother Lu Ze?

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what are the rules of this competition?"

"Singles competition, one person has three Pokémon, no need to report in advance, only the competition system requirements."

Wang Xingqiu obviously knew about it, so he told Lu Ze about the competition system.

"Battle two by two, and each player gets three Pokémon, and then defeats the opponent to advance."

"Oh, I see."

Lu Ze nodded, not reporting in advance means that the Pokémon can be replaced at any time.

If there are six Pokémon, all six Pokémon can play, which is similar to the World Championship.

However, unlike the World Championship, a player can only play up to three Pokémon in this competition.

If there is a fourth Pokémon on one side during the rotation of a battle, it will be directly judged as a loser.

But with three Pokémon...

(End of this chapter)

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