Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 815 We Are Supernatural

Chapter 815 We Are Supernatural

"The reward this time is quite good, have you read it?"

When Lu Ze wanted to send which three Pokémon to fight, Wang Xingqiu suddenly turned to Lu Ze and asked.


Lu Ze shook his head: "I didn't know about this competition before, how did I know about it?"


"However, the No.1 reward for this competition is a set of Super Evolution Stones, which is pretty good."


Now Lu Ze finally became interested, turned to look at Wang Xingqiu and asked.

"If it's a set, is there a keystone?"


"In this case, this time Longtan Park can be regarded as the next book." Lu Ze said with a smile.

Although he already has a keystone, and as a researcher on the topic of super evolution, he does not lack a keystone.

But the current keystone is very precious and rare outside.

One keystone can buy nearly a dozen super evolutionary stones.

And it's a seller's market.

That's why Lu Ze said that Longtan Park, the host of this time, is quite generous.

"However, only the No.1 reward is good, and the No.2 reward is not very good."

Wang Xingqiu clasped his hands behind his head and said to Lu Ze helplessly.

The reward for this competition is the No. 1 super evolution stone set that he can see.

Although he already has a keystone.

But my sister has not yet.

Not to mention Pachilitz, after the Fangtooth Shark evolves into the Biting Land Shark, the Biting Land Shark can also super-evolve.

It's also good to have the keystone ready early.

"The strength of Fangtooth Shark is also good, No.1 is not impossible."

Lu Ze glanced at Fangtooth Lu Shark who was following Wang Lingran, and then said to Wang Xingqiu with a smile.

Compared to Wang Xingqiu who still has a goal, he has no goal at all now.

He doesn't really need the super evolution stone set or anything, and he doesn't need that.

Mainly for the fight between the two little guys.

After participating in the competition, it counts wherever you go, and there is no requirement for grades at all.

It's good to win, but if you lose, you can learn from your shame and be brave. It seems good to train harder.

I don't know what kind of mentality the two little guys are in, but Lu Ze just has the mentality of playing.

But he won't tell the two little guys about his mentality.

Telling them is considered to disturb the morale of the army!

The two brought Wang Lingran, who was bouncing around, to the arena of the competition soon.

Although it was a competition for first-year students, there were still a lot of people because they could sign up independently and because of the No.1 rewarded Super Evolution Stone set.

However, most of them came to watch, and there were not many people who signed up on the spot.

"How many people have signed up?"

After Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu came to the registration place together, they could participate in the competition after filling out their identity information.

Competition requirements are students.

All you need is a student ID.

After looking at Lu Ze's and Wang Xingqiu's student ID cards, the staff couldn't help being a little surprised.

A junior, a graduate student, and a student of Shangqing, a top-ranked school in Longguo.

I really feel sad for the first-year students who participated in the competition this time.

"By the way, your strength should already be very strong. Is it because of the evolution keystone that you came to participate in the competition?"

The staff asked while registering the two of them.

Lu Ze smiled politely: "The evolution keystone is not important, the main thing is to let the Pokémon of the second team feel the atmosphere of a formal battle."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, the staff looked up at Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu in surprise, and then noticed Riolu and the Wind Fairy in Lu Ze's arms.

The mini dragon and Zoroya are in Wang Lingran's arms at this time.

After all, a miniature dragon of a different color, a Zoroya in the form of emerald.

Although Lu Ze has already put on his hat and mask again.

But if these two Pokémon were on Lu Ze's body, it would be very easy to guess Lu Ze's identity.

After all, with these two Pokémon and the status of Shangqing students, basically anyone who has watched the World Youth Championship can understand it at once.

But if these two Pokémon were in Wang Lingran's body, people would at most be surprised that this little girl also had such a rare Pokémon.

Although I will also think about Lu Ze, but the probability is much lower.

Looking at the side again, besides a little doll-like loli beside Wang Xingqiu, there is only a sharp-toothed land shark.

After seeing that the strength of these Pokémon is not very strong, the staff also believed Lu Ze's words.

"The second team is already there. It seems that you are also the best in the Shangqing."

The staff member smiled and pointed behind him with the pen in his hand.

"Including you, there are probably forty or fifty."

After all, it was a small competition, and there was no publicity.

If it wasn't for the fact that the reward for No.1 was the Super Evolution Keystone, there might only be the dozen or so people invited by Longtan Park in this competition.

Wang Xingqiu also knew about this competition because a friend was invited.

Although there is the temptation brought by the super evolution keystone, but only students can participate, which also screens most people.

"Forty or fifty, then the competition should be over in one day."

"Not necessarily, there may still be signups later." Lu Ze shook his head and said.

"No, it will be time for the game to start in three or four minutes, and the registration will be over by then."

After checking the time, the staff smiled and said to Lu Ze and the others.

After the registration deadline, their work is done.

Although I can't go to get off work, I can relax.

"That's not bad."

Lu Ze said with a smile on his face.

It would be better if it could end sooner.

If it's like Chang'an City's Baby Cup once for two days, Lu Ze really has to think about whether to participate.

Uncle Mo Qiancheng will be back tomorrow afternoon.

It is said that the development of the secret realm over there is too slow.

Coupled with the reason that Ji Qianyi was pregnant, the official directly replaced the candidate of the past Heavenly King and asked Mo Qiancheng to come back first.

The Heavenly King Lu Ze in the row did not know him, but it is said that he is also a bigwig on the world's Heavenly King list.

Although the ranking is only above 80, this strength is enough.

Originally, when Mo Qiancheng came back, Lu Ze didn't have to pick him up.

But Mo Qiancheng has already sent a message to Lu Ze.

He also has the elf egg, if you want it, you have to pick him up at the airport.

In his words, "My nephew is a world champion, how much face will I have to pick me up!"

Although Lu Ze was helpless, but because of this elf egg, he had to agree to Mo Qiancheng's request to pick up the plane.

But what Lu Ze didn't know was that Mo Qiancheng had another purpose for asking him to pick up the plane.

"Let's go, the game is about to start, let's go there first."


After Lu Ze nodded, he came to the arena with Wang Xingqiu.

It is said that the arena is nothing more than a large open space.

Surrounding the open space are simple stands, and the heights are staggered so that more people can see the situation in the field.

This kind of playing field can be said to be very simple.

Fortunately, there is a temporary Pokémon treatment center built on the side.

If there is not even this, Lu Ze really has to consider whether he should continue to participate in this competition.

In this kind of competition, the safety of Pokémon is still very important.

After Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu came to the place where the contestants were, Wang Lingran also took Mini Dragon and Zoroya to the auditorium, found an empty seat and sat down.

Tiny Dragons and Zoroya don't want to fight, not even if they make up the numbers.

So Lu Ze asked Mini Dragon and Zoroya to accompany Wang Lingran.

For the third Pokémon to make up the number, just use the electric flying squirrel in Victini disguise.

Wang Lingran's Patchlitz and Fangtooth Lusha followed behind Wang Xingqiu. After all, the two of them had to compete with Wang Xingqiu.

Little Lolita went to the auditorium alone, and the two of them didn't worry too much.

Although the miniature dragon and Zoroya don't have much fighting power because they don't like fighting.

However, Lu Ze's waveguide power can still perceive Geng Gui, who is in the shadow of Wang Lingran, who has the strength of a heavenly king.

There is no doubt that this Geng ghost is Wang Xingqiu's Geng ghost.

Although Wang Xingqiu did not succeed in breaking through to become a king-level trainer after the World Youth Championships.

But his leave kings, Mibiqiu, Geng Gui and Kuailong have successfully broken through to the level of heavenly kings.

I believe that under the guidance and special training of Mr. Wang Yi, he should be able to become a king-level trainer soon.

No way, who made Wang Xingqiu embarrass Mr. Wang Yi at the World Youth Championships.

When Wang Xingqiu was eliminated, Mr. Wang Yi often received calls from his old friends.

Although Wang Xingqiu is only 22 years old this year, theoretically speaking, he can still participate in two World Youth Championships.

But this time he was eliminated prematurely, and he was eliminated prematurely.

So after Wang Xingqiu came back, Mr. Wang Yi started special training for him without hesitation.

In addition to Wang Xingqiu's Geng Gui, Deoxys is also by Wang Lingran's side because of the mini dragon.

Not to mention Geng Gui of the Heavenly King level, with Deoxys around, Wang Lingran is much safer than Wang Xingqiu.

After Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu came to the preparation area and waited for a while, two young men came in again, and the game officially started.

There was no fancy opening ceremony, only a host came to the field.

After announcing the number of participants and the rules, the lottery began.

Inside a small ball is the number registered by each player.

One at a time, the first player will play against the second player drawn, the third player will play against the fourth player drawn, and so on.

After the first round, the process is repeated in the second round until the final winner is determined.

The schedule is very simple, including Lu Ze, Wang Xingqiu, and the last two men, there are a total of 64 people.

In addition to the 46 people invited by the organizer of Longtan Park, [-] people signed up for the competition.

However, those who were invited and those who signed up were treated the same, so there was nothing to say.

The host's hands are very nimble, and within a short while, everyone's battle rankings have been drawn out.

Lu Ze is 61, and the second match is against the NO.20 player.

Wang Xingqiu is No.60, No.13 match against player No.24.

"It looks good."

Lu Ze smiled, the second match is good.

Start early and finish early, and then you can take a good rest.

After the draw is over, the referee starts the game.

Players No. 12 and No. [-] played in the first round.

Both contestants are college students invited by the organizer of Longtan Park.

The battle started quickly, and after the small flag in the referee's hand fell, the two contestants launched an attack at the same time.

However, the first Pokémon they played was just a period of evolution, which made Lu Ze a little strange.

The wooly sheep and the shuttlecock flower are both the second stage of evolution, and have not evolved to the final form.

It stands to reason that they are all college students, so it shouldn't be like this.

Just look at Lu Ze himself. At the beginning of his freshman year, three of the four Pokémon evolved into their final forms.

Although Lu Ze's cultivation speed is faster than ordinary people.

But when the first semester was about to end for most of the people in Shangqing, among other things, the three main battle Pokémon were almost in their final evolutionary form.

"The Pokémon of these two players..."

Lu Ze asked Wang Xingqiu in a low voice.

But he didn't say "why is he so weak".

Although it is a second stage of evolution, but judging from the appearance of the two Pokémon when they are fighting, the strength of the two Pokémon is only about the level of the junior Pokémon.

Although it is stronger than Riolu, it is not much stronger.

And seeing the two Pokémon fighting like this, you give me one and I will give you one, Lu Ze even doubted that Riolu could beat them.

Even though Riolu was only a few days old.

"what happened?"

Wang Xingqiu turned his head to look at Lu Ze and asked.

To be honest, after experiencing the World Youth Championship, Wang Xingqiu also found it very boring to watch the battle between the two Pokémon on the field.

"It's okay, maybe the two of them are not their main battle Pokémon."

Lu Ze thought for a while, just like his own electric monster, it was not very strong at the end of the first semester of freshman year.

What if people also use the Pokémon that was born not long ago to fight.

After all, that's what he was doing, to exercise the newly born Pokémon.

"You want to say they are delicious, right?"

Wang Xingqiu obviously understood what Lu Ze meant, and he laughed too.

"No doubt, they are dishes."


Lu Ze looked at Wang Xingqiu in surprise: "No, the first semester of freshman year is almost over."

Wang Xingqiu smiled confidently: "We are from the top, so naturally we can't use the standards of the top to demand them."

(End of this chapter)

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