Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 816 The First Battle of Two Little Guys

Chapter 816 The First Battle of Two Little Guys

"Yes, they are real dishes."

Wang Xingqiu smiled watching the battle between the two Pokémon on the field: "The organizer of Longtan Park doesn't have the ability to go to a better university to attract people."

Wang Xingqiu smiled, but the reality is indeed like what he said.

The organizer of Longtan Park was a little annoyed when they came back because some good universities in Beijing were exhausted, and only ordinary students from ordinary universities were brought in.

So I spent a lot of money, and directly used a set of super evolution stones and key stones as the No.1 reward.

This is why the rewards of No.1 and No.2 are so different.

Originally, the reward for No.1 was not very good.

However, it is precisely because of this behavior of the organizer of Longtan Park that it attracts so many students from other schools.

Compared with the students invited by Longtan Park, the students attracted by the Super Evolution Stone suit are obviously stronger.

The game on the court was over soon.

In the battle between two Pokémon, you hit me, and both Pokémon fell down.

In the final battle, the NO.12 player also successfully defeated the opponent's Pokémon with a slight advantage and won.

After the battle between the two is over, the next battle will be between Lu Ze and the NO.20 player.

After the No.18 player, the following players basically signed up independently.

Compared to the eighteen players who were invited, they may be stronger, after all, they are here for the reward of No.1.

Of course not necessarily.

What if it is weaker than the eighteen invited players?

But none of this has anything to do with Lu Ze.

Lu Ze has no goals at all, as long as Riolu and Wind Fairy can participate in a formal battle.

Let them also experience the atmosphere of a formal battle.

"Come on, it's time for us to play."

After Lu Ze stood up and stretched, he said to Riolu in his arms and the wind fairy on his shoulders, Victini.

"come on!"


"Tili Tili~"

All three Pokémon are very excited.

Including Victini, they have never participated in an official competition.

Although Victini came to make up the numbers, he was obviously very excited.

After Lu Ze entered the field, the NO.20 player also came to the field and stood opposite Lu Ze.

It seems that he is not very old, but he does not know how old he is.

The NO.20 contestant was also very surprised to see Lu Ze like this.

After all, their Pokémon are collected in Poke Balls.

It's really uncommon for Lu Ze to put all his Pokémon outside.

I just don't know if the three Pokémon on him are the Pokémon he will appear in this competition.

If so, it's too disrespectful to him, it doesn't mean to hide the tactical purpose at all.

After the two sides nodded to each other, the small flag in the referee's hand was raised.

Lu Ze hesitated for a moment. After feeling the restlessness of Lioulu in his arms, he finally chose to let Lioulu play first.

Although I really want the wind goblin to play first.

You can set a demonstration for Riolu, not to mention, the wind goblin is stronger than Riolu, you can try it out.

But judging by how excited Riolu is now, it seems that there is no problem in letting him play first.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Riolu!"

"give it to me!"

After Leolu nodded excitedly, he stepped on Lu Ze's arm and jumped out, following the red light beam opened by the opponent's poke ball, it landed steadily on the field.

"Is it really the Pokémon he played this time?"

Player No. 20 couldn't help muttering when he saw Leolu jumping from Lu Ze's arms.

If this is the case, the opponent is equal to a clear card.

A Riolu, a Wind Fairy, and a strange electric flying squirrel.

It doesn't seem to be very powerful.

Contestant No.20 rubbed his chin, looked at the two Pokémon on Lu Ze's body and Riolu in the field, and couldn't help showing a smile.

That's great, I picked a soft persimmon when I came up.

Elf: Gentleman Moth

Gender: Male

Attributes: Bug, Flying
Features: Insect Premonition (When the physical value drops to a certain level, the power of insect-type skills will increase.)
Qualification: blue

Basic Skills: Bug Resistance, Wind, Psychic Power, Silver Whirlwind, Bug Bite, Silk Spinning

Genetic Skills: None.

A gentleman moth of the flying department?

After Lu Ze glanced at the information of his opponent's Pokémon, he frowned slightly.

In the early battles, the flying Pokémon still had an advantage over the non-flying Pokémon.

Just like when the supersonic bat and the coal turtle fought against each other.

The coal turtle's attack had no effect on the supersonic bat at all.

Of course, this is also related to the dodge ability of the supersonic bat.

However, the advantages of the flying system in the early battle are still obvious.

What's more, the gentleman moth on the opposite side is still the final evolution form.

Among other things, the Pokémon with the second stage of evolution of the insect type can reach the final evolution form, and at least they have reached the level of combat effectiveness of elementary Pokémon.

It looks like Riolu is about the same level as a junior Pokémon.

But Riolu's combat power is at the bottom at this stage.

But the good thing is that under the senior level of combat effectiveness, there is not a big gap in the combat effectiveness of Pokémon.

The same goes for the senior level. Only when you reach the top of the senior-level combat power and break through to become the king-level combat power, will you be stronger than the ordinary senior-level combat power.

Now both sides are at the primary level of combat power. Although there is a gap, it is not that big. It all depends on how the battle is played.


Without giving them a chance to think too much, after the two Pokémon appeared on the field, the small flag in the referee's hand fell down.

The flag falls and the battle begins!
"Leo Lu, the lightning flashes!"

The moment the chess piece fell, Lu Ze directed Riolu to attack.

The speed of [A Flash of Lightning] is due to the pre-existing bonus, so Riolu's advance is still very fast.

After Riolu started to move, the opposing player's command sounded.

"Gentleman moth, mind power!"

[Mind Power] of the psychic system is still very useful when the Pokémon of both parties are not very strong.

Needless to say, it can be used as a control skill with damage, and it can also cause restraint damage to Riolu of the fighting system.

But it's a pity, if it was someone else's Riolu, it might be controlled by the gentleman moth.

This is Lu Ze's Riolu.

The command to be faster than the opponent has already been decided from the very beginning.

The Gentleman Moth couldn't control Riolu at all.

Sure enough, when Gentleman Moth's eyes shone slightly, Riolu had already arrived in front of Gentleman Moth.

After Riolu with an excited face came to Gentleman Moth, he kept in mind the teaching of the iron claw lobster master, and he directly punched Gentleman Moth.

"Electric flash and jet of water are very fast skills with a proactive system, which are used to allow you to quickly approach the opponent, not for you to use this skill to attack the opponent!"

This is what Ironclaw Lobster said to him when he was teaching him.

His hands were covered in silver, and he grabbed the Gentleman Moth fiercely.

[Metal Claw]!
Although he did not receive instructions from Lu Ze, he did not forget the attribute restraint table that he had been dreaming about for the past two days.

Fighting-type skills are very ineffective against flying-type and insect-type gentleman moths.

Master Iron Claw Lobster's teaching "It is necessary to understand the restraint of attributes. Ozawa may not be able to catch the fleeting opportunity and command it. You react. This opportunity is all up to you. This is The foundation of our rushers!"

[Metal Claw] Hit, Leolu's little face was full of joy watching the Gentleman Moth being sent flying.

Master Iron Claw Lobster is right!

Sure enough, Lu Ze's command did not come, he did it all by himself.

Leolu turned his head and glanced at Lu Ze. After seeing the admiration on Lu Ze's face, he couldn't help being happier.

Compared to Lu Ze's appreciation, the NO.20 player was a little surprised.

He didn't expect the opponent to react so quickly, and he gave the command the moment the chess piece fell.

He also didn't expect that the speed of Riolu on the opposite side would be so fast.

Are rare Pokémon stronger than Bug-type Pokémon?
No, I don't believe it, the Bug-type Pokémon is the worst!

Contestant NO.20's eyes became firm again, and he waved his hand: "Gentleman moth, do it again, Nianli!"

"Bullet Punch!"

After seeing the gentleman stand up, the contestants on both sides issued new instructions at the same time.

Riolu nodded excitedly, and then rushed towards the Gentleman Moth who stood up at an even faster speed.

Seeing Gentleman Moth standing still, and his eyes flashing with super power pink light again, Lu Ze couldn't help shaking his head,
He didn't use the advantages of flying in the early stage at all.

Although [Mind Power] of the super energy system can indeed cause restraint damage to Riolu of the fighting system.

However, compared to rushing to deal this little damage, it is better to fly into the air first, and then talk about it after being invincible.

While Lu Ze shook his head slightly, Riolu's [Bullet Punch] had already hit Gentleman Moth.

[Gentleman Moth], who was interrupted again from using his mind power, was a little angry.

However, in Lu Ze's eyes, his anger was completely incompetent and furious.

In the next second, before Lu Ze commanded Leolu to carry out the next attack, Leolu had already rushed towards the Gentleman Moth who fell to the ground again in small steps.

While rushing over, the light of thunder and lightning began to flash from scratch on Riolu's right hand.

【Lightning Fist】!
Although it doesn't have the proficiency of [Lightning Fist] that can be used instantly like Snorkel and Electric Shock Beast.

But in the process of sprinting, Riolu still successfully used the [Thunder Fist] that he had just learned not long ago.

It is worth mentioning that Riolu's [Thunder Fist] did not learn from the farmer's three-punch master Kirbymon.

He learned from the Electric Shock Warcraft.

After studying [Plasma Lightning Fist] and Zeraora, the mother of the Electric Shock Monster, the current Electric Shock Monster may not be as good as the Snorkel in the other two punches.

But the proficiency in [Thunder Fist] is stronger than that of Kirbymon.

So Kirby taught Riolu [Frozen Fist], and [Thunder Fist] was taught by Electroshock Monster.

Now it seems that the teaching of the electric shock beast is good.

Being able to use [Thunder Fist] in battle has already reached the basics of getting started.

Although the speed of use is a bit slow.

Lu Ze watched with a smile on his face when Leolu rushed to the Gentleman Moth. Before the Gentleman Moth flew up, the thunderous fist had already hit the Gentleman Moth.


After a shrill scream, a mass of scorched marks appeared on Gentleman Moth's body, and he fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

"The Gentleman Moth loses the ability to fight, and Riolu wins!"

After the referee stepped forward to check the situation of Gentleman Moth, he raised the small flag in his hand with a calm expression.

"Damn it!"

After No. 20 player muttered unhappily, he took out Gentleman Moth's poke ball and took Gentleman Moth back.

"Go, Wheelball!"

Elf: Wheel Ball

Gender: Male

Attributes: Insect, Poison

Features: Acceleration (After entering the combat state, the speed ability level will increase by one level after a period of time.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: Iron Wall, Poison Needle, Round, Roll, Hold, Poison Tail, Screech, Bug Bite.

Genetic Skills: Bite, Missile Needle, Double Needle.

"Is it a wheel ball with acceleration characteristics?"

After seeing the information about the wheel ball on the field, Lu Ze couldn't help being a little surprised.

[Acceleration] This characteristic can be regarded as a T1-level characteristic in the battle.

Every two rounds equals one more [High Speed ​​Movement].

Although in reality the [Acceleration] feature is calculated by time, the time is not very long.

In addition, the improvement is the speed, even if you can't fight, you can rely on faster and faster speed to deal with it.

"Come back first, Riolu, and leave it to the Wind Fairy."

The physical defense of the wheel ball is relatively high, and the skill pool is basically melee skills.

In this case, to defeat the opponent, Riolu is obviously not as easy as the Wind Fairy.

Moreover, the current Riolu has not yet evolved, and has not evolved into the steel attribute after Lucario. It is obviously not easy to face the poisonous attribute wheel ball.

It's just a rotation, and it's not bad to change to the Wind Fairy.

"it is good."

Although Riolu was a bit reluctant, he still nodded and jumped out of the court with a backward jump.

Ms. Forked Bat once said, "When Ozawa chooses to change, it must be that the changed Pokémon is better than you to deal with the opposite Pokémon."

In this case, of course, it is necessary to listen to the trainer.

After Lioulu left the field, the wheel ball on the opposite side also rolled over.

However, having lost his target, he could only stand there blankly.

"I'll leave it to you, Wind Fairy."


After Lu Ze patted the fluff behind the Wind Fairy with a smile on his face, the Wind Fairy floated onto the field with an excited face.

Lu Ze chuckled: "Let me teach you how to fight against flying Pokémon."

Although Wind Fairy is not a flying-type Pokémon, she can also float in the air just like flying-type Pokémon.

At most, the speed in the air is not as fast as the flying Pokémon.

But it is still very easy to face the wheel ball that cannot fly.

In addition, the skills of the wheel ball are basically melee skills.

Isn't this back to the scene when the supersonic bat faced the coal turtle?

"Make a distance with the wind, and then use the cotton robe!"

So what if you increase the speed by one level after a while?

I can reduce your speed by two levels every time!

(End of this chapter)

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