Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 817 Another Slate?

Chapter 817 Another slate?

After the wind goblin who had already been flying in the air let out a cry of excitement, she unfolded [Downwind].

The opponent's wheel ball obviously cannot touch the wind goblin.

Even though the wheel ball had bounced off the ground with great effort, it was still easily dodged by the Wind Fairy who had turned on [Tail Wind].

The wheel ball couldn't attack the wind fairy, and the wind fairy didn't intend to continue playing with the wheel ball, and directly lowered the [cotton robe] in the sky.

The large-scale [cotton robe] even if the wheel ball tried its best to avoid it, it still couldn't avoid the snowflake-like [cotton robe] in such a large area.

[Cotton Robe] After the hit, a stream of light fell from Lu Qiu's body.

The Speed ​​Tier of the Wheel Ball is reduced by two.

But soon the streamer on the wheel ball rose again.

[Acceleration] The characteristic is activated, and the speed of the wheel ball increases itself.

Once lowered and then raised, the speed of the wheel ball is still reduced by one level.

In Lu Ze's view, this level of speed is enough for the wind fairy to do many things.

Not to mention that the strength of the wind goblin is stronger than that of the wheel ball.

That is, the speed of the wind fairy after being blessed with [Shunfeng] is much faster than the current wheel ball.

"Wind Fairy, Fairy Wind!"


The wind fairy swooped down with a smile on her face, and a pink storm followed behind the wind fairy and rushed towards the wheel ball.

"Wheel ball, double needle!"

Player No. 20 couldn't help being overjoyed after seeing this scene, and immediately directed the wheel ball to resist this attack, and then counterattacked the wind fairy.

But the wind fairy is not stupid, he will not easily get close to this purple wheel ball who takes away the poison just by looking at it.

When there was still a distance from the wheel ball, the wind fairy had already drawn an arc in the air and flew upwards.

"Wheel ball, missile needle!"

Wheel Ball was obviously stunned when he saw this, but the No.20 player was not in a daze, and directly directed Wheel Ball to use the [Mistle Needle] skill that he had just hidden.

He thought of this when he first saw the wind goblin take off, very far away from the wheel ball.

At the beginning, letting the wheel ball clown jump up and attack was also to dispel the vigilance of the wind fairy and the wind fairy trainer.

Let them think that their wheel balls only have melee attack skills.

When they relaxed their vigilance, the wind goblin would directly give him a [Poison Needle] or a [Missile Needle] when he got close.

If you are lucky, you may be able to [poison] or suppress the wind fairy's physical strength a lot.

In this case, your chances of winning are much higher.

And the behavior of the wind goblin just now gave him an opportunity.

Although the wind goblin might not be close to her, she just came here to tease her.

But if the 【Double Needle】can't hit, the provocative Wind Fairy will be very close to the wheel ball.

In this case, it is absolutely possible to use the [Missile Needle] to attack the Wind Fairy.

In the case of [Poison Needle], this skill that can cause four times restraint damage to the wind goblin should be hidden.

If you use this skill suddenly when it's time to decide the outcome, your opponent will definitely not have time to react.

The No.20 contestant smiled, watching the wheel ball on the field shoot a large number of [missile needles] at the wind fairy in the air.

Lu Ze still looked at the field with a relaxed face, although he could see the skill pool of the wheel ball.

But he really didn't expect the opponent to have so many careful thoughts and so many "tactics".

But there is no problem at all, he is still very confident in the strength of the wind goblin.

Not to mention anything else, the strength of the wind goblin is stronger than that of the wheel ball.

If you are really defeated by the wheel ball, it will be a trivial matter to go back and practice more.

The important thing is, she might be ridiculed by Prince Bo crazily.

Lu Ze smiled, and there was no nervous expression on the face of the Wind Fairy who was facing a large number of attacking [Missile Needle].

It's just a [Missile Needle].

The wind goblin still had a smile on her face, but she also listened to what the elder sister said.

Try not to resist the attack hard, even if the weakest attack can be avoided, you must dodge it.

The best way to dodge is to open the distance, the second is to forcibly dodge, and the last is to offset the opponent's attack with an attack.

This is the teaching of the forked bat sister to the two of them.

But obviously, this teaching is more important to the wind goblin.

The wind fairy still listens to the words of the cross-word bat very much. Facing the approaching [Missile Needle], the wind fairy uses the power of [tailwind] to fly back.

After the wind goblin flew away, the [Missile Needles] in the sky also gradually lost power and fell from the sky.

[Fairy Wind] has also hit the wheel ball. At this time, the wheel ball is looking fiercely at the wind fairy in the sky.

He can accept exchanging injuries for injuries, but he can't accept that he didn't dodge after the wind goblin dodged.

"Wheel ball, roll!"

Looking at the very flexible wind fairy in the sky, the NO.20 contestant couldn't help feeling a little toothache.

Why is my Gentleman Moth a flying-type Pokémon not as flexible as this wind fairy?

You must know that the gentleman moth can't beat the wheel ball in the civil war.

But now.

Contestant No.20 gritted his teeth and looked at the wind fairy floating in the sky, and had some thoughts in his heart.

Maybe, he was wrong about the gentleman moth's fighting style training?
Is this how real flying Pokémon should fight?

However, he couldn't help thinking about the current situation on the field, because the next attack of the wind goblin had already arrived.

The [Cotton Robe] fell down again, and the speed of the wheel ball that was [Rolling] decreased a lot with the naked eye.

This time, it may be because the time has not yet come, so the [Acceleration] feature has not been activated yet.

After seeing this scene, the wind fairy in the sky couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If the [Acceleration] characteristic of the wheel ball is activated again, then she will release the [Cotton Robe] again to slow down the speed of the wheel ball.


The wind goblin took a deep breath, her little face puffed up.

The wheel ball rolled on the field for two laps, and when the third lap was about to start, the wind fairy, who had been brewing for a long time, opened her eyes.

The lavender eyes were full of indifference, and in the next second, an invisible superpower erupted from the wind goblin.

[Mental thoughts]!
Although he was not very proficient in the [Mental Force] taught by Latios, he was able to release it successfully after a long preparation.

Although the wheel ball successfully triggered the [Acceleration] feature during this period and gained a level of speed increase, it still did not escape the pursuit of [Spiritual Sense].

The super power produced by the powerful [spiritual thoughts] directly captures the wheel ball that is [rolling].

After forcibly interrupting the [Rolling] of the wheel ball, the power of [Spiritual Force] burst out suddenly.

With a light sound in midair, the super power disappeared, and the wheel ball also fell from midair.

"The wheel ball has lost its ability to fight, please change the Pokémon!"

After the wheel ball turned circles, the referee also stepped forward to check the status of the wheel ball.

After confirming that the wheel ball had lost the ability to fight, the referee raised the small flag in his hand and announced the verdict.

Player No. 20 had no choice but to take back the wheel ball, which had lost its fighting ability, into the elf ball.

But after taking the wheel ball back to the elf ball, he hesitated a little.

Although I still have two Pokémon left.

But these two Pokémon are really not very easy to fight against the lazy wind fairy in the sky.

They also can't fly, they may not be as good as wheel balls.

After all, the wheel ball in his Pokémon is already considered to be powerful.

After hesitating for a while, he finally did not choose to surrender like this, but took out the poke ball again.

Compared with the other Pokémon, this Pokémon is more comfortable facing the wind fairy flying in the air.

Compared with Shiju Crab, Chongdianbao is much better in terms of strength and anti-air.

But the problem with Zongdianbao is that the speed is too slow.

Of course, Shiju Crab is not very fast, so in general, Chongdianbao is better.

"Go, Insect Dian Bao!"

Elves: Bug Dian Bao

Gender: Male

Attributes: Bug, Electricity

Ability: Accumulator (The special attack skill power of all Pokémon on the Pokémon side with this characteristic is increased by 30.00%.)
Qualification: blue

Basic skills: charging, clamping, spinning, mud throwing, biting, punching, lightning.

Genetic Skills: Grid, Discharge, Harden.


After seeing Chong Dian Bao play, the wind goblin turned her head to look at Lu Ze helplessly, and used the [acting like a baby] skill on Lu Ze.

After the wind goblin used the skill of [Being like a spoiled child], Riolu in Lu Ze's arms immediately became excited.

Lu Ze was a little curious and didn't understand why the wind fairy suddenly turned around.

I don't understand why Riolu suddenly became excited.

"She said that the Insect Dianbao is too weak, so let me practice it!"

Leolu jumped out of Lu Ze's arms excitedly, and prepared to run towards the field while talking.

The wind goblin really thinks that the insect electric treasure is not very strong, after all, not to mention the cross-word bats and fire-breathing dragons who are the training partner.

The opponents I faced before were basically of Prince Bo's strength, although there was only Prince Bo.

And the worst thing is that the opponent just wheeled the ball.

The wheel ball is obviously not very strong.

So after seeing the weaker Chong Dian Bao come on the stage, the Wind Fairy immediately lost interest.

In addition, the consumption of [Mental Force] just now is indeed a bit high.

Let this opponent be left to the excited Riolu.

Leolu rushed out, but Lu Ze's reaction was quick, and he stopped Leolu immediately.

Playing two Pokémon at the same time is a foul.

"Alright, come back, Wind Fairy."

After Lu Ze gestured to the referee, he yelled at the wind goblin.

Just after the wind goblin escaped the [Grid Grid] attack of the Chongdianbao, she flew towards Lu Ze from the sky excitedly.

Victini smiled happily, and lay directly on top of Lu Ze's head, giving up the shoulder position to the wind fairy.

Lu Ze patted Leolu who couldn't wait a long time ago, and let Leolu play.

I don't know where this little guy, Riolu, has such a strong fighting spirit.

But that's good too, it's better than the social fear when I was just born.

Lu Ze looked at Leolu who had arrived on the field with satisfaction, and directly directed Leolu to launch an attack.

"Leo Lu, the lightning flashes!"


After Riolu yelled excitedly, his body immediately turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards the power bank.

Chong Dian Bao didn't sit still, and released electric current all over his body to prepare to fight Riolu.

Leolu had no intention of braking, so he rushed in with Dianguang on his back, and punched Chongdianbao in the face.

Chong Dian Bao was also obviously stunned by the beating, and was a little dazed looking at Riolu who was trembling and grinning in front of him.

Lioulu's behavior not only made Chong Dian Bao a little confused, but also the trainer and Lu Ze of Chong Dian Bao were also a little confused.

Good guy, are you so reckless, just rushing in with the electric current?

But Riolu, who rushed in with the electric current abruptly, didn't have any stupid thoughts.

Facing the Insect Dianbao which was close at hand, Riolu raised his fist again.

Steel-type and fighting-type skills can only cause half of the damage to Chongdianbao.

Riolu, who is familiar with the attribute restraint table, naturally knows this.

So without hesitation, under the icy aura, Riolu punched Chong Dian Bao in the face again.

"Insect Dian Bao, Dian Guang!"

[Frozen Fist] Whilst awakening Chongdianbao, it also wakes up the trainer of Chongdianbao.

The NO.20 contestant is furious, so he looks down on the damage of my Chong Dian Bao!

After reacting, the NO.20 player immediately directed the Chongdianbao to launch an attack.

Golden thunder and lightning flashed on his body, and Chong Dian Bao directly slammed into Riolu.

Riolu was also not afraid at all, jumped in the air, and then suddenly rushed towards the Chongdianbao.

[Flying Knee Kick] VS [Electric Light]

Riolu's speed is very fast, and the speed from jumping to falling is also very fast.

The NO.20 player originally planned to let Chongdianbao dodge after seeing Riolu use [Flying Knee Kick].

But Riolu's speed was too fast, and just as he opened his mouth, the two Pokémon collided.

The NO.20 contestant hesitated to speak, but that was fine, after all, the speed of the power bank might not be able to dodge it.

After a brief stalemate, the energy generated by the collision directly sent the two Pokémon flying.

"Both Pokémon lose their fighting ability at the same time. Player No. 20 loses all three Pokémon. Player No. 61 wins."

Under the referee's voice, Lu Ze and the Wind Fairy on Lu Ze, Victini and the others couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

Good guy, there is really a difference between the battle and the outside of the battle, the main thing is a contrast.

Lu Ze took out Riolu's poke ball dumbfoundedly, and then put Riolu back into the poke ball.

Because Riolu's Poké Ball is a luxury ball, Lu Ze even hid it specially.

After shaking his head helplessly, Lu Ze took the Wind Fairy and Victini to the end.

Next is the battle with other people. He will take the wind fairy and Riolu to heal first.

There is an elf treatment center on the side of Longtan Park.

After Lu Ze greeted Wang Xingqiu on the preparation table, he signaled himself to heal the Pokémon first.

On the way to the elf treatment center, passing by the place where the prizes were placed, Lu Ze also took a curious look.

"Well, Absol's super evolutionary stone looks pretty good."

After Lu Ze nodded, he stopped paying attention.

But is that a silver-gray slate?
Lu Ze was startled, and quickly turned his head to look over.

(End of this chapter)

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