Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 818 The Divine Beast Appearing on the Baby Cup!

Chapter 818 The Divine Beast Appearing on the Baby Cup! (The author's words are in the back, please take a look)
The moment Lu Ze turned his head, he suddenly felt as if he saw something extraordinary.

After being startled for a moment, Lu Ze hurriedly turned his head to look over again.

Sure enough, on the prize seat next to the super evolution stone, there was a silver-white stone slab.

Silvery white slate!

Lu Ze rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

To be able to see the attribute slate of Arceus on the prize box of this kind of baby cup competition?
Lu Ze was a little skeptical. After all, the attribute slates of Arceus that he had obtained before were all obtained from the treasury of various countries or Mo Anguo.

So now that the rewards that appear in this competition include Arceus' attribute slate, Lu Ze is still really skeptical.

Item: Steel Tablet

Function: Arceus's exclusive props, after being carried, can increase the steel attribute, and at the same time [Sanction Gravel] is changed into a steel skill.

After Lu Ze saw the information given by the system, he couldn't help being a little speechless.

Well, it's really Arceus' attribute slate.

It's the real version.

Looking at the steel slab in front of him, Lu Ze couldn't help being a little surprised.

But now this slate belongs to other people's event organizers, and it's not my own yet.

But since the attribute tablet of Arceus is a prize, then you have to be more serious.

If you have seen the slate of Arceus, but the slate was taken by someone else.

That's really distressing.

After all, Arceus also said that he can collect his slate.

After collecting to a certain extent, you can still find him.

I don't know if there will be any surprises.

Lu Ze suppressed the throbbing of surprise in his heart, and chose to go to the elf treatment center first.

After all, Riolu is still in the stage of losing the ability to fight.

After coming to the elf treatment center, after handing Riolu to the happy egg, the wind fairy also followed the happy egg into the treatment room.

Although the wind goblin was not injured, there was nothing wrong with checking it.

After the two Pokémon entered the treatment room, Lu Ze sat on the stool outside with Victini in his arms.

After the excitement just now passed, Lu Ze began to think about it.

No one knows the use of Arceus' attribute slate now, and what it is for.

The Arceus Slate obtained before was found in the national treasure house of Great Britain and the treasure house of Grandpa Mo Anguo.

But this does not mean that Arceus' attribute slate must be in the treasure house of other people or other countries.

It is entirely possible that this kind of "useless slate" appeared in other places.

After all, Grandpa Mo Anguo also said before that there is attribute energy in this stone slab, but it cannot be used at all.

Not only that, after Pokémon carries this slate, it has no effect.

Mo Anguo is the director of the Longguo National Research Institute.

The experimental results he made must not be missed.

That is to say, this Arceus attribute slate really has no effect in the hands of other people.

Although it doesn't work in his hands, at least he can see Arceus.

Who knows if Arceus will give any rewards after collecting part of the attribute slates.

Among other things, Arceus is the god of creation after all, a little leak in his hand is enough for him to take off.

In this way, it is hard to say whether there will be other people who have the attribute slate of Arceus in their hands, but they have been eating ashes.

In this case…

Lu Ze touched his chin, thinking silently.

Do you want to start it and look for the hidden Arceus attribute tablet?

But if there is such a big fanfare, will other people also notice the particularity of the Arceus-attribute slate?

But what is this particularity?
Arceus doesn't seem to be so easy to see, does he?
Lu Ze himself had only met Arceus once.

I saw it once when I went to take Little Hoopa out, but I haven't seen it since I sent Little Hoopa back.

And I didn't see Arceus in the two or three times I went there afterwards.

In this way, it is useless for other people to obtain the slate.

However, it cannot be ruled out that some people will collect together even if they don't know what it is useful for after seeing other people's collection.

It's like when Zhuge Zijing collected super evolution stones.

It can be said that he failed to collect all the super evolutionary stones in the country because of this reason.

But now that Zhuge Zijing already had a criminal record, collecting Arceus-attributed slabs would obviously make people even more vigilant.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little headache.

If it is said that the collection is the fastest, it must be the official personnel.

It just so happened that Uncle Zijing also trusted him very much, as long as he talked to him, it would be fine.

But the hurdle of the super evolution stone is really hard to get over.

Especially now that not much time has passed and keystones are becoming more and more expensive.

Zhuge Zijingla's wave of hatred is indeed a bit big.

Lu Ze rubbed his temples, let's start with a long-term plan, the most urgent thing now is to get the steel slab first.

I just don't know what reward the steel slate is.

If it is not the No.1 reward, it seems that the ranking is still controlled.

Otherwise, it will be even more troublesome to exchange it from someone else.

"Victini, you may not be able to paddle in the future."

Lu Ze stroked Victini in his hand, and said with a smirk.

My own team won't let them come over, although the time for the cross-bats to come over is enough.

However, if a team of Pokémon with the strength of heavenly kings came to play the Baby Cup, it would indeed be too cruel to the opponent.

I, Lu Ze, claim to be an honest and reliable young man, how can I do such a thing?
Or let the beast come.

Victini, the guarantee is up to you!

Lu Ze smiled and rubbed Victini's body.

Although Victini was a little puzzled why Lu Ze suddenly said that he was going to play, he still nodded seriously.

Since he was going to play, of course he had to play for the team!
Victini's small face was determined, and he had already started to imagine the scene of turning the tide after he came on the stage.

After waiting for a while, Happy Egg came out with Riolu and Wind Fairy, who were full of energy again.

When Lu Ze saw Leolu running out excitedly, his face darkened instantly.

After thanking the happy egg, Lu Ze picked up Leolu and walked out.

After Xingfudan tilted his head slightly and looked at Lu Ze curiously, he went on to treat the next Pokémon.

After coming out of the elf treatment center, Riolu seemed to feel Lu Ze's emotions, and he couldn't help but calm down a little.

He also seemed to feel it vaguely.

I seem to have done something wrong.

After Lu Ze saw Lioulu like this, he couldn't bear it.

Although Riolu is still young, he still needs to be taught well at this time.

"I'm a little unhappy, do you know why?"

Lu Ze tried to make his tone gentler and said to Riolu.

However, while holding Riolu, he could clearly feel that Riolu's body trembled.

After Lu Ze gently touched Riolu's head, he continued.

"I don't mean to blame you, it's mainly because of the battle just now."

Lu Ze squatted on the side of the road holding Leolu. Anyway, his battle had just ended, and the next round of battle would not start in a short time.

Take advantage of this time to have a good talk with Riolu.


Leolu raised his head and looked at Lu Ze with tears in his eyes.

He also knew where his problem was.

It ended up being too over the top.

There is not much difference in strength between the two of them, and they can take their time and finally deal with the opponent without so much damage.

But he rushed forward directly, and the way of fighting with wounds for wounds caused both sides to suffer.

"It is true that the battle is won, but we also need to pay attention to the process of the battle."

Lu Ze smiled, touched Leolu's head and continued.

"I know that you don't have any long-range attack skills right now, and you can use this attack method when facing electric-type Pokémon like the Electric Insect Pokémon."

Riolu looked up at Lu Ze, and after hearing Lu Ze's gentle words, his mood gradually calmed down.

"You are not fighting alone now, you have me as a trainer."

Lu Ze nodded Riolu's eyebrows: "Although you are learning the fighting style of the iron claw lobster, even though you are learning his fighting style, it is very suitable for you."

"But his fighting style is like this, and your fighting style is not all like this."

"Do you know the biggest difference between you and the iron claw lobster?"

"do not know…"

After thinking for a while, Riolu shook his head hesitantly and said.

"The biggest difference between you and the ironclaw lobster is the waveguide!"


"Yes, the iron claw lobster's speed is too fast, so I sometimes have no time to command, and he often needs to judge by himself in battle."

"But you are different. No matter how fast your speed is, our two waveguides are compatible. Under the same mind, you can make your own judgment, and I can direct you to make your own judgment."

Lu Ze smiled. He and Riolu's waveguide are very compatible, which is one of the reasons why they met.

It is said that every waveguide owner will have his own Lucario.

And now, it is obvious that Lucario, who is exclusive to Lu Ze, is the little guy in his arms.

The waveguides of the two are connected, and they are completely equal to one person in battle.

In this case, even if Lucario is faster than the iron claw lobster in the future, there will be no problem with Lu Ze's command of the battle.

Even one step faster than commanding other Pokémon.

This is the battle advantage brought by the combination of the two waveguides.

After hearing what Lu Ze said, Riolu also nodded with some vague understanding.

Seeing him like this, Lu Ze hurriedly continued while the iron was hot.

"It's good that you have your own judgment, but your own judgment is also based on your own safety."

"In judging, exchanging injuries for injuries can defeat the opponent, yes!"

"It's okay to defeat the opponent at the cost of losing the fighting ability in judgment!"

"However, you can defeat the opponent in judgment, but you have to choose to defeat the opponent by losing the ability to fight. This is not acceptable."

"We can beat each other slowly, and we don't need to use our own down in exchange for victory."

Seeing Lu Ze's serious face, Leolu nodded involuntarily.

Indeed, if you play steadily and steadily, you won't have any problems defeating Chongdianbao, who is about as strong as you are.

But it should be the reason why I want to show too much, I finally chose to defeat the opponent at the cost of losing the fighting ability.

If you can't do this kind of thing in the future, don't do it.

Unless the opponent you are facing is really not sure.

After Riolu nodded, a serious look appeared on his little face.

Seeing Leolu start to seriously think about what he just said, Lu Ze couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Okay, let's go back first."

After Lu Ze got up and patted his butt, he brought Riolu, Wind Fairy and Victini back to the arena.

At this time, the game is still going on on the field, and the two Pokémon that are fighting on the field are not the final evolved Pokémon.

Lu Ze didn't look too much, and came directly to Wang Xingqiu's side.

"Do you know what all the prizes for this competition are?"

"Why do you start to be interested in prizes?" Wang Xingqiu turned his head, looked at Lu Ze in surprise and asked.

It stands to reason that Lu Ze's current family and his current doctoral status should not lack this kind of prize.

"I have my eyes on a prize, but I don't know which prize it is."

Lu Ze didn't mean to hide anything, and said directly to Wang Xingqiu.

Wang Xingqiu laughed for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and opened the official website of Longtan Park.

"Hey, only the top five have rewards, and the rest of the contestants are just a participation reward."

Wang Xingqiu said, and showed Lu Ze what the participation award was.

From No.5 to No.10 are free tickets for Longtan Park for life.

Ten to thirty is free of charge for ten years.

After thirty, five years of free admission.

Although this reward is a bit shabby, but everyone is going for the No.1 super evolution stone set, so no one discusses whether this reward is shabby or not.

At this time, Lu Ze also saw which prize the steel slab was.

In addition to the No.1 super evolution stone set, the No.2 is just a Pokémon carrying item like [Poison Needle].

No.3 is the evolution stone set, No.4 is the unknown stone tablet, and No.5 is the fruit set.

It can be said that in the eyes of other uninformed people, these prizes are not worth mentioning except for the No.1 super evolution stone set.

It is a bit shabby indeed.

"How about it, which prize do you want?" Wang Xingqiu asked curiously.

"Prize for No.4."

Lu Ze didn't hide anything, and just spoke directly.

"This one? It looks a little familiar."

After Lu Ze said this, Wang Xingqiu also noticed the slate rewarded by No.4.

It's no wonder that he only noticed it now. It's true because the prizes in this competition are not good except for the No.1 prize.

And even the No. 1 prize is actually not very attractive to him in his opinion.

He came to this competition purely because his sister wanted to see how his Pokémon was doing now.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be good to train your Pokémon at home?

He has not yet reached the level of a heavenly king.

Two or three years older than Lu Ze, but the gap in strength is already a bit big.

"look familiar?"

Lu Ze immediately became interested: "Have you seen it before?"

"Hmm... I think I saw it in the treasure house of Grandpa Mo Anguo."

After Wang Xingqiu thought about it, he spoke to Lu Ze.

"Ah, that's it."

Lu Ze was a little disappointed. If he had seen it in the treasure house of Grandpa Mo Anguo, it would have been taken away by him.

I thought there was news about the next Arceus-attributed tablet.

After Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, Wang Xingqiu continued to ask curiously.

"Is there anything special about this?"

Lu Ze hesitated for a moment: "There is nothing special, or, there is something special that has not been discovered, and is currently being researched."

"In that case, would you like me to look for it for you?" Wang Xingqiu asked a tentative question.

"Yes, yes, but you are not in special training."

"I have brothers!"

Seeing Lu Ze's suspicious eyes, Wang Xingqiu immediately patted his chest and said confidently.

Among other things, Zhuge Ling is still very useful.


After hesitating for a while, Lu Ze nodded and agreed.

Although Zhuge Zijing couldn't help Lu Ze find attribute slates because of the super evolution stone he made last time.

But Wang Xingqiu should be fine.

After all, Wang Xingqiu has no criminal record.


Release the news by yourself, saying that you want to study the evolution slate?
But if this is the case, it should be returned later.

Moreover, the owner of the stone slab will not be happy if he hasn't researched the reason for a long time.

Forget it, don't worry about it, just take it easy.

Arceus shouldn't be in a hurry, otherwise he should have taken away a few of his slates last time we met.

After Lu Ze shook his head slightly inwardly, he patted Wang Xingqiu on the shoulder: "Thank you!"


After the two looked at each other and smiled, they continued to watch the game on the field.

"Where have you been?"

"No. 12 matches, all at the level of rookie trainers, and the battle ended pretty quickly."

"Is there any stronger opponent?"

"I haven't seen it yet."

Wang Xingqiu shook his head. Although Lu Ze went to the elf treatment center, he has been watching here.

The opponents who played in front didn't know if they were hiding their clumsiness or not. Anyway, it seemed that there was no stronger one.

Not to mention my own Pokémon, even my sister's Pokémon can easily deal with it without any problems.

"So, are you going to play soon?"

"Well, the next game will be me."

"come on!"

"that's for sure!"

Wang Xingqiu smiled confidently. At this moment, the battle on the field had already been decided.

"It's my turn, I'll go up first."

"Okay! Go!"


As Wang Xingqiu said, he walked towards the field confidently.

Lu Ze also sat quietly below, watching Wang Xingqiu's battle with his opponent.



In the cultivation garden at this time, Father Lu also brought the patterned Pokémon over.

"It's pretty big."

"Of course."

It was also the first time for Lu's father to come to Lu Ze's nurturing garden.

Although I know that Lu Ze has opened a nursery, but the research institute has a lot of work, so I have never been here.

It was the first time Papa Lu came, and Lattios acted as a guide and began to introduce Papa Lu.

Here is the area where these Pokémon live, there is the area where those Pokémon live, and so on.

And where are the newborn Pokémon?

In more than a week, the newborn Pokémon have basically left the newborn stage, and they have all found their own places to live.

While Lattios took Dad Lu to introduce the cultivation garden, the Forked Bat Snakemon and the others had already stopped training and came to welcome the patterned Pokémon.

Snorkel excitedly took the hand of Snorkel and came to an open space.

The two Pokémon began to compete in strength as soon as they met.

There are two Pokémon, although one is the body Pokémon and the other is the clone pattern Pokémon.

But no one knows how Chaomeng did it.

That Pokémon copying machine is completely black technology.

The copied Snorby is not only the appearance, characteristics and race of the Snorby, but even the Snorby's talent is also copied.

You know, this talent of Snorby Beast can be regarded as the talent added to him by Lu Ze the day after tomorrow.

Thanks to Lu Ze's continuous various energy cubes and various trainings, this three-meter-tall Snorby with abnormal strength was finally achieved.

But Mewtwo's Pokémon clone machine just doesn't make sense.

It's just a copy, and the patterned Snorby and the Snorkel that just appeared have the same height and strength.

This seemed impossible to Lu Ze.

Although the food and training of the Snorby and the patterned Snorby are different, the two Snorbys gradually have some differences.

However, the strength growth rate of the patterned Snorby is still the same as that of Lu Ze's Snorkel.

It's not like an ordinary Snorkel at all.

Regarding this point, Lu Ze also asked Father Lu to do an experiment.

The result of the experiment was indeed as Lu Ze thought.

Although the patterned Snorby does not have the support of Lu Ze's energy cubes and training plans, his strength growth still follows Lu Ze's Snorkel.

Of course, after the experiment ended, Lu Ze didn't favor one person over another.

Although it would cost a lot to raise another Snorby, but what energy cubes did Lu Ze give to his Snorby, and the same energy cubes to the patterned Snorby.

What training plan is designated for your own Snorby, and the patterned Snorkel is also the same training plan.

Not only the squirrels, but also the patterned cross-word bat and the patterned fire-breathing dragon.

After the patterned Pokémon came to Lu Ma's nurturing garden and no longer had the difficulty of survival, they also grew rapidly with Lu Ze's support.

Of course, Lu Ze is not alone in raising the expenses of the Patterned Pokémon.

And Mewtwo.

Use Chaomeng's salary to support them.

Although Chaomeng's salary has been overdrawn by a lot, but I don't have any objections to come to Chaomeng... right?

But it's too late now, and it's okay to have opinions. The changes in the patterned Pokémon are obvious to all.

It stands to reason that many of the current pattern Pokémon have broken through the strength of the king.

In this case, next year's Heavenly King Challenge Lu Ze can also take the patterned Pokémon to participate.

But reality doesn't work.

It's not because of the failure of the rules of the Tianwang Challenge, but Chaomeng disagrees.

Before leaving this time, Chaomeng specifically told Lu Ze that he can participate in the Heavenly King Challenge, but he cannot use his own pattern Pokémon.

Although Lu Ze was a little puzzled, he didn't express anything.

After all, this is just an idea, and the happiest thing is to cultivate your own Pokémon.

Raise from a little guy to a mighty Pokémon.

Just look at the forked bat and the carby beast and they will know.

The sense of accomplishment here is simply overwhelming!
The excitement brought about by winning the championship with the Pokémon who have been trained since childhood, such as the forked bat and the squirrel, is definitely more exciting than winning the championship with the Pokémon cultivated by others.

Even after the patterned Pokémon came to Lu Ma's cultivation garden, they were considered to be cultivated by Lu Ze himself.

But in the end something is different.

At this time, on the open space of the Nurturing Garden, two Kirby beasts put their hands together and were wrestling.

The patterned Pokémon on the side are in a circle, and there are some newborn Pokémon in front of them, all watching the wrestling of the two Snorlax.

As the big sisters of their respective teams, the forked bat and the patterned forked bat not only watched the contest between the two squirrels, but also vaguely protected the newborn Pokémon in front.

The two of them still know the two of them very well.

The two Snorbys seem to be wrestling at the beginning, but after the wrestling is over, the two Snorkels start a real battle.

In the words of the two Kirbymons, the battle between the two of them and each other is the most enjoyable.

After all, the fighting styles of the two Snorbeasts are similar, and the fighting styles they like are also the same.

So there is no Pokémon that can make oneself fight so comfortably and heartily like the opponent.

Even Grandpa Lu's Wearing Bear, Marsupial Dragon, Dad Lu's Staff-tailed Scaled-Ankylosaurus and Wang Xingqiu's Wang Xingqiu's Leave King are no longer available.

After the Kirby beast broke through to the strength of the heavenly king, now only Wang Xingqiu's leave king can fight with the Kirby beast heartily after turning on the berserk state.

Violent King of Leave=Spirited Snakes=King of Leave=Wearing Bears=Bear Dragons, Scale-tailed Dragons with Staff Tails>Others…

This is the ranking of how much Kirbymon likes its opponents.

What I am facing now is the patterned Snorbeast of the first echelon.

So from the very beginning, the smile on Snorkel's face has never been broken.

The two Snorbys are wrestling. Although it is not obvious, it can be seen that the Snorkels have a slight upper hand.

The two Snorbys are evenly matched, but the smile on the Snorby's face is in stark contrast to the solemn look on the Snorby's face.

Gradually, with the passage of time, the smile on Snorkel's face also disappeared.

At the same time, Snorkel's advantages are gradually expanding.

The patterned Kabimon is about to fail, and it can already be clearly seen.

However, both the forked bat and the patterned forked bat understand that the two Kirby beasts are about to enter the next stage.

The real battle stage.

After the patterned Snorby was defeated by Snorby in terms of strength, it immediately signaled to Snorby.

After seeing the patterned Snorbymon's unhappy expression and eye gestures, Snorbymon showed a smile again on his face.

The patterned squirrel's appearance means that he admits that he has surrendered in the power competition here.

From the beginning when the two Snorbys were evenly matched, and each other won and lost, now Snorkels win more and lose less.

These are the efforts of Kirbymon itself.

Although Snorkel looks lazy, it is always not very active in training.

But once it enters the training state, the training of Snorlax is very serious.

So slowly, the Kirby has surpassed the patterned Kirby in terms of strength.

After the Snorby received the pattern Snorby's signal, the battle between the two Snorbys began.

There are no fancy skills, and the first battle between the two Snorkel beasts is melee combat.

However, because the two Kirby beasts are too powerful, even the movement caused by melee hand-to-hand combat is very large.

After the two Snorbeasts started fighting, the Forked Bat and the Patterned Pokémon immediately took away the newborn Pokémon who were watching.

The newborn Pokémon stepped back while discussing excitedly, discussing when they could be so powerful.

After the newborn Pokémon retreated to a certain distance, the eyes of the forked bat and the patterned forked bat also met.

The collision between fighting will and fighting will.

The two forked bats spread their wings and flew into the air without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of piercing and roaring sounds came.

The eldest sisters all started fighting, and the remaining patterned Pokémon were not to be outdone, and they all began to snatch their battle targets.

The patterned fire-breathing dragon and the fire-breathing dragon also fought together. Now there are only three remaining in Lu Ze's Pokémon, the electric shock monster, the iron claw lobster and the onion ranger.

The remaining Pokémon, whether they are newborn Pokémon or the Pokémon that have joined the Nurturing Park, are still too weak.

The only ones they can choose are Lu Ze's Pokémon.

The three Pokémon were looted, but the situation soon changed.

After Electric Shock Beast, Iron Claw Lobster and Onion Ranger chose their opponents, the battle of the remaining three Pokémon also began.

Although the patterned Pokémon who were not selected were a little helpless, they still tried their best to protect the newborn Pokémon.

Now he has come to Lu Ze's cultivation garden, and if nothing happens, he will live in Lu Ze's cultivation garden in the future.

It doesn't matter if you are not selected now, there will be opportunities to fight later.

So the scene became peaceful again.

Patterned Pokémon watch over newborn Pokémon as they fight.

Six pairs of Pokémon fought together in various regions.

Latios saw this scene when he came back after taking Father Lu to inspect the cultivation garden.



In Longtan Park at this time, the second round of the competition was about to begin.

Wang Xingqiu won the first match without any surprises.

Patch Liz didn't even play, and Fang Lusha swept the opposite three Pokémon with one Pokémon.

After Wang Xingqiu's battle ended, Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu chatted and chatted that the first round of competition was over.

Next is the second round.

Half of the 64 players in the first round have now been eliminated.

The remaining 32 people only need to play [-] games, which is much faster than the first round.

Now that the lottery is over, Lu Ze has once again drawn the number two lottery.

Lu Ze was fighting player No. 41.

In the first round of the competition, basically all the players invited to No. 18 have been eliminated.

There is no way, their strength is still a little bit behind compared with the strength of the players who signed up for themselves later.

Lu Ze saw that the organizer of Longtan Park tried to appease them just now.

After all, I agreed to invite myself to come over, but after I came, I was eliminated in the first round.

This is simply humiliating!

Lu Ze didn't pay much attention to the smiling faces of the organizers of Longtan Park.

Maybe some compensation, maybe nothing.

After all, the organizer of Longtan Park can tell by looking at the prizes.

It's a bit picky and searchy.

However, Longtan Park is not a big park in the first place. The main attraction is the dragon Pokémon that may appear in the park.

So it doesn't matter at all to dig and search, as long as I can get the steel slate in my hand.

After the draw, the first round began shortly after.

The first one to play was a slightly handsome teenager.

And his opponent is a girl who looks very beautiful.

The girl's eyes were cold, and she only showed a gentle smile when she looked at the Poké Ball and Pokémon.

The face value is also very good, because Lu Ze can clearly see that Wang Xingqiu on the side has shown a face of brother pig.

"This girl is really beautiful, not much worse than Tang Yunqin."

Seemingly aware of Lu Ze's gaze, Wang Xingqiu quickly explained.

"Is it similar to Tang Yunqin?"

Lu Ze glanced at the girl on the field and said to himself.

In terms of appearance, it is indeed similar to Tang Yunqin.

But, compared to this cold girl, Tang Yunqin with a smirk on her face is still better.

After Lu Ze made a silent comparison in his heart, the battle between the two began.

The boy also seemed to be more innocent, and his face turned red when he saw that his opponent was a beautiful woman.

But now it's a battle, so the boy also directly sent his Pokémon to the field.

The boy's Pokémon is a Huayan monster, and the girl's Pokémon is Fang.

At this time, Huayan Monster, a Pokémon whose birth is its final form, is still very powerful.

Although Yaya was already excellent, he was still taken away by Huayan Monster in the end.

The girl bit her lip and sent out her second Pokémon.

"Yo, I didn't expect to be a dragon-riding girl?"

After seeing the girl's second Pokémon, Wang Xingqiu couldn't help being a little surprised.

The girl's second Pokémon is a flying-type plus dragon-type humming bat. Although there are only two Pokémon, both of them are dragon-type, so it can be regarded as a dragon girl.

Although the strength of the humming bat is not as strong as that of Yaya just now, but because of the characteristics of the flying system, the combat effectiveness of the humming bat in the early stage is still very high.

After a while, the young Huayan monster could hardly hold on anymore.

However, the expression on the young man's face still looked like he was holding the chance of winning, and he was not in a hurry.

Lu Ze can see the Pokémon's skill pool, so he naturally knows where the boy's support is.

It's nothing more than Huayan Monster's [Same Life] skill.

The girl obviously understood, but she wasn't sure whether Huayan Monster would use the skill [Same Life].

Judging by the expression on the boy's face, it should be useful.

But it's also possible that the teenager deliberately put on this expression to deceive her.

The girl gritted her teeth, and finally decided to attack.

After all, it can't last forever like this.

Regardless of whether the opponent's Huayan monster will use the skill [Same Life], she must attack.

In the end, the buzzing bat used the [Air Blade] under the command of the girl.

Huayan Monster didn't even think about evading. After using [Same Life], he was hit by [Air Blade] and lost his fighting ability.

At the same time, due to the effect of [Same Life], the buzzing bats in the sky also lost their fighting ability and fell from the sky.

The girl put the humming bat back into the elf ball with a disappointed expression.

In the end, the opponent's Huayan Monster will still use [Same Life].

The girl's face was full of disappointment, but the boy's face was filled with an excited smile.

His face was still red, but he didn't know if it was because of the girl or because he defeated the girl.

She has the last Pokémon left, and he still has two. Anyway, the boy's winning rate is very high.

In this case, he will be happy.

"Please release the Pokémon from both players!"

As the life of the referee fell, the girl took out a luxurious ball from her arms.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xingqiu couldn't help but his eyelids twitched.

"No way…"

Not long after the World Youth Championship, he naturally knew the meaning of the luxury ball.

Except for Lu Ze and Sui Yan, who are rich and powerful and who don't know how to deal with Mr. Mo Anguo, as long as players from other countries take out luxury balls, basically all of them are mythical beasts.

And now, on the baby cup, a beautiful girl took out a luxurious ball!
Wang Xingqiu looked incredible, and Lu Ze also stared closely at the luxurious ball in the girl's hand.

In the next second, the luxurious ball was thrown by the girl.

A red light flashed, and a grass-green Pokémon appeared in the field.


Wang Xingqiu was a little terrified when he saw the Pokémon appearing on the stage.

The mythical beast really appeared on the Baby Cup, right?
Not only Wang Xingqiu, but even Lu Ze couldn't believe it.

A baby cup, can a mythical beast appear?
No, my victini is also a mythical beast.

No way, it's just a baby cup, but two mythical beasts can appear!

That's right, the Pokémon that appeared in the Girls Deluxe Ball is a mythical beast!
PS: From the beginning, I will return the promise of the monthly pass that everyone gave me last month.

One hundred monthly tickets are one day per day, and from last month to the end there were more than 600 monthly tickets, which is equivalent to six days per day.

In addition, I asked for two more days off last month, and I paid back these two days.

It is equivalent to saying that it is ten thousand eight days a day.

There are still ten days left in this month, and eight days should be fine.

Tomorrow my father-in-law will come to play where I am now, and he may not go back until the day after tomorrow.

In the past two days, I will try my best. If I can make more money, I will make more money. If I can’t, it will be at least [-]. I will count as much as I update.

By the way, this month is almost the end of the month, so please ask for a monthly pass, the rules are still the same as last month.

In case of one hundred monthly tickets, one thousand monthly tickets are settled.

thank you all! !
 Title: Are You Legal, You Elf?
  Recommended language: Why do you still "block" when you go straight to the bear with "belly drum" and "super speed"?
  Something's wrong...it's not legal!

  "My bamboo hat mushroom has three characteristics, and the green caterpillar will "make the finishing point". "

  "The elves develop themselves, and the cultivation is well-founded. You bite me."


  Chen Yuan: Why, people always call me "juice succubus" recently!


  Daily elves, the snake bear is really cute!If you are interested, you can take a look~

(End of this chapter)

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