Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 819 Xie Mi

Chapter 819 Xie Mi (Land Form)
Elf: Shamy (land form)
Gender: no gender
property: grass

Feature: Natural Recovery (When the Pokémon with this feature exits the combat state, the abnormal status on the body disappears.)
Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: slightly

Genetic Skills: None

"It's been a long time since I've seen you. There are still beasts in this kind of competition."

Wang Xingqiu stared blankly at Xie Mi who appeared on the field, shook his head involuntarily and said.

I thought there was only Victini, a mythical beast here.

The result was unexpected.

Wang Xingqiu turned his head and secretly glanced at Lu Ze.

I don't know if Lu Ze's Victini will play this time.

But if Lu Ze wants the No.4 reward, Victini should play.

After all, Lu Ze didn't bring his main Pokémon with him.

If Victini is on...

Thinking of this, Wang Xingqiu couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Well, a business event, an exhibition game held in a park, two mythical beasts appeared.

This is definitely the rhythm of going to the news.

At this moment, how Wang Xingqiu wished that the hat that Lu Ze was wearing on his head would come to his head.

I am a dignified player of the World Youth Championship, and there are all players who can be ranked top in the world. Come to participate in this kind of competition?

Isn't this bullying children!

If my friends know about it, what face do I have!

However, if Lu Ze is exposed, then it should be fine.

The corner of Wang Xingqiu's mouth curled into a smirk, and he secretly glanced at Lu Ze again.

But at this time, Lu Ze didn't care about Wang Xingqiu's peeping from time to time, he was watching Xie Mi's performance on the field.

Compared with some other mythical beasts, Xie Mi, who can purify the air, and Suicune, who can purify water, often appear in front of humans.

So humans are quite familiar with these two kinds of beasts.

Xie Mi's appearance made the audience excited.

But the audience became excited, and the girl's opponent's expression became very ugly.

People are in the baby cup, what should I do if a mythical beast is suddenly pulled out from the opposite side?
Waiting online, very anxious!

After Xie Mi appeared on the stage, the situation of the battle changed immediately.

Although Xie Mi is not very good at fighting among the beasts.

But after all, it is a divine beast. Even if it is not good at fighting, it can be said that it is completely crushed in this kind of competition.

After all, even if Xie Mi is not good at fighting, he is still a beast of the king level.

At most, he is not very strong in land form, basically at the bottom of the beasts.

But the shape of the sky is much better, and the combat power can be stronger.

After entering the field, Xie Mi fired all his firepower and defeated the boy's remaining two Pokémon within a short time.

The young man was unwilling, but he was helpless.

After all, the beast is also the opponent's Pokémon, so it can appear on the stage.

After the girl won, there was no happy look on her face.

Only after Xie Mi threw herself into her arms, did she have a bright smile on her face.

"It's so beautiful."

"Xie Mi's fighting power seems to be good."

The bright smile stunned many people, including Wang Xingqiu beside Lu Ze.

The two sighed at the same time, but one focused on the girl and the other on Xie Mi.

If you count it seriously, it can be regarded as the eyes are watching together.

Lu Ze turned his head and looked at Wang Xingqiu curiously.

No, divine beast, don't you even take a look at it?
Wang Xingqiu also turned his head and looked at Lu Ze curiously.

No, beauty, don't you even take a look?
Both of them looked puzzled, but Lu Ze didn't have time to say anything.

Then it's his game.

Lu Ze tilted his head and glanced at Wang Xingqiu again in doubt, then got up to play.

After seeing Lu Ze's eyes, Wang Xingqiu finally reacted.

After showing admiration to Lu Ze, he nodded with affirmation.

Lu Ze already has Tang Yunqin, no wonder he has to look at beautiful women.

Unexpectedly, this guy is actually a good man who hides a lot!

Lu Ze, who had already played, didn't know what Wang Xingqiu was thinking. At this moment, he was already ready to fight.

The opponent was player No. 31, and Lu Ze also watched his match in the first round.

The strength is not bad, not very strong, but not very weak either.

"Please release the Pokémon from both players!"

Following the raising of the small flag in the referee's hand, Riolu, who was in Lu Ze's arms, also jumped out directly, and came to the field with a backflip.

Lu Ze couldn't help laughing and shaking his head seeing Leolu like this.

This little guy no longer has the fearful look he was just born with.

I don't know if it's because I've been playing with the tortoise for a long time, or if I was spoiled by the iron claw lobster.

Don't look at the iron claw lobster's quiet appearance, in fact, that guy is also a sullen guy.

When Leo Lu was on the field, the opposite Pokémon also appeared on the field.

Elf: Messenger Bird

Gender: Male

Attributes: ice, flying
Features: Vitality (Attack power increases, but hit rate decreases.)
Qualification: blue

Basic Skills: Gift, Drill Peck, Freezing Fist, Steel Wing, Ice Cone.

Genetic skills: Lightning Flash, High Five, Boulder.

"A messenger bird."

Looking at the opponent's messenger bird, Lu Ze couldn't help but sigh.

Because of a certain person, Lu Ze has always felt that the messenger bird is quite strong.

It was only later that I realized that it was only his messenger bird that was strong.

However, this does not affect his filter for the messenger bird.

But the genetic skill of the messenger bird...

Lu Ze stroked his chin.

Good guy, they are all preemptive skills.

[Bullet], [Electric flash], [High-five surprise attack].

"Tsk tsk."


When Lu Ze was amazed, the small flag in the referee's hand fell down.

The flag falls and the battle begins!
"Messenger bird, high-five surprise attack!"

The moment the pawn fell, the opponent gave the messenger bird an attack command.

Seeing the messenger bird turning into a stream of light and rushing towards Riolu, Lu Ze couldn't help being a little dazed.

No, how dare you?
Are you not afraid that my Riolu has [Unyielding Heart] or [Spiritual Power] characteristics?
The [Indomitable Heart] characteristic will increase the speed by one level after falling into the state of [Coercion].

And the feature of [Spiritual Power] will not be affected by the effect of [Retreat].

No, are you that confident?
Lu Ze was a little puzzled, but he still gave instructions to Riolu through the waveguide.

Riolu's pupils shrank, and he crossed his hands across his chest, trying to block the messenger bird's [surprise high-five attack].

However, the speed of the [Surprise Hi-Five Attack] was so fast that Riolu couldn't block it at all, and fell into a state of [Driving].

"Frozen Fist!"

Contestant No. 31 couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly continued to direct.

The cold air spread from the Messenger Bird's fist, and it hit Leolu directly.

However, the effect of [Fering] is relatively short-lived, and Riolu has already come out of the state of [French].

Facing the messenger bird's [Frozen Fist], Riolu directly used the [Electric Flash] to crash into the messenger bird's arms.

[Flash of Lightning] The preemptive bonus brought by it successfully allowed Olubi to use the skill first than the messenger bird.

After knocking the messenger bird out, the messenger bird's [Frozen Fist] also failed to hit Riolu.

Riolu stared fiercely at the messenger bird opposite him.

The state of [cowarding] just now really made him very unhappy.

I'm a mighty waveguide brave, how can I fall into the state of [fingering]!

Riolu was very upset about the fear that suddenly appeared in his heart just now.

Although he also knows that this "fear" is the effect of the opponent's use of skills.

But he was still very upset.

"Riolu, Bullet Fist! Then Thunder Fist!"

The transmission of the waveguide is still very fast, and the information reaches Riolu's heart without the slightest delay.

Riolu didn't stop, and rushed towards the messenger bird again.

The Messenger Bird is a Pokémon of the Ice and Flying type, and the Electric type can cause double damage to the Messenger Bird.

After the [Bullet Fist] hit, thanks to Riolu's proficiency in the peasant's two punches, the [Thunder Fist] hit the messenger bird without the slightest bit of stagnation.

The lightning damage poured directly into the messenger bird's body, making the messenger bird tremble uncontrollably.

The expression of the messenger bird made Lu Ze a little funny, and even the filter for the messenger bird was removed a lot.

However, the expression on the opponent's face was not very good.

Distressed with a little uncomfortable.

"Messenger Bird, Frozen Fist!"

After the No. 41 contestant gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, he directed the messenger bird to attack again.

[Vitality] Messenger Birds are more ferocious in melee combat.

Although the hit rate has been reduced a bit, but the melee combat is not impossible to hit.

At most, it is more difficult to hit the vital point.

After the messenger bird was paralyzed by lightning for a while, the messenger bird also rushed towards Riolu angrily.

Riolu didn't feel any fear when he saw the messenger bird like this. Instead, he rushed over with some enthusiasm.


The two Pokémon collided together, Thunder and Ice Breath collided with each other in the air, as if no one could do anything to the other.

Although the strength of the messenger bird is about the same as that of Riolu, but because of the bonus of the [Vitality] characteristic, the attack power of the messenger bird should be stronger than that of Riolu.

That's why Lu Ze was a little surprised after seeing how the two little guys looked evenly matched.

Riolu seems a little excited today.

You must know that the strength of Pokémon is not just pure data.

The combat power of Pokémon is ideal.

The ideal is powerful, and the fighting power is equally powerful.

Just like now, Riolu didn't get the bonus of Lu Ze waveguide, but he was evenly matched with the Messenger Bird after the attack power was improved.

This is the power of idealism.

Riolu's excitement and enjoyment of fighting also increased his strength.

"Pokémon, what a magical creature."

Lu Ze smiled slightly, and after a little thought, he also figured out the key point.

The opponents that the Pokémon of the previous team encountered were basically not as strong as their own, so Lu Ze hadn't seen much of the strength of the ideal fighting power.

It's different now, Riolu has clearly shown the power of idealism.

The excitement from Leo Lubo also made Lu Ze a little excited.

"Riolu, cross chop!"

Although [Cross Slash] is a fighting skill, it does not restrain damage to the ice-type and flying-type messenger birds.

However, [Cross Slash] has higher damage than [Frozen Fist] and the addition of this system, [Cross Slash] does not necessarily cause lower damage to the messenger bird than [Frozen Fist].

Riolu let out a low growl, turned his hands into palm-like knives, and slashed at the messenger bird.

The sudden change of moves at close range caught the messenger bird a little off guard, and he was directly hit by [Cross Slash].

The messenger bird flew upside down, and contestant No. 31 also had an unbelievable expression on his face.

You must know that his messenger bird is not very weak. With the blessing of the [Vitality] attribute, the physical attack is still very powerful.

Although the messenger bird is not the most powerful Pokémon born in its final form, it is not considered weak either.

But now the messenger bird is suppressed by Riolu with the same strength in terms of physical attack?

Player No. 31 was puzzled, but what happened on the court had already made him realize the truth.

Riolu, defeated his messenger bird.

"The messenger bird has lost its ability to fight, please change to the next Pokémon."

As the small flag in the referee's hand was raised, contestant No. 31 also lost his luck, and could only take the messenger bird back into the poke ball with an expression of unwillingness.

"Go, Charming Meow!"

Although, although Charming Meow is double restrained by the fighting system, it is also stronger than the remaining Pokémon.

Player No. 31 was a little helpless. After learning that his opponent was Riolu, he was ready.

Originally, I thought that after the messenger bird defeated Riolu, the remaining two Pokémon I had would be easy to fight.

But now that the messenger bird has been defeated by Riolu, it will be a bit difficult to fight next.

It is obviously impossible to expect the opponent to replace the Pokémon.

After all, we are all college students, and we have all experienced nine years of compulsory education and three years of high school life.

Among other things, the attributes are related to each other, and this is still familiar to me.

Elf: Charming Meow

gender: female

Attribute: General

Ability: Sharp Eyes (The Pokémon's hit rate ability level of this ability will not be lowered by the opponent in any way, and it will ignore the improvement of the opponent's dodge ability level.)
Qualification: blue

Basic Skills: High Five, Catch, Shout, Hypnotism, Surprise Strike

Genetic skills: malicious pursuit, wake up slap, bite.

After seeing Charming Meow's message, Lu Ze couldn't help but laugh.

It can be said that Charming Cat doesn't have any other skills that can threaten Riolu except for the [High-five Surprise Attack].

On the contrary, Riolu is easier to fight against Charming Meow.

Lu Ze was happy, but Charming Meow, who had just played on the opposite side, used [Surprise Hi-Five Attack] on Riolu without hesitation.

After the test of the messenger bird just now, player No. 31 also knew that the opponent's Riolu did not have the characteristics of [Indomitable Heart] and [Spiritual Power].

 I went around with my father-in-law today, there are a little less updates, please forgive me...

(End of this chapter)

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