Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 821 Waveguide Explosion and Aftermath

Chapter 821 Waveguide Explosion and Aftermath
"I seem to have been recognized."

After returning from the elf treatment center, Wang Xingqiu looked at the eyes of the people around him and said to Lu Ze with some puzzlement.

"Be confident and remove the appearance."

After Lu Ze patted Wang Xingqiu on the shoulder, he distanced himself from him.

Now Wang Xingqiu is the target of everyone's attention, it's better not to get too close to him.

If they were recognized because they were too close, there would be no place to cry.

After Wang Xingqiu stared at Lu Ze, who was already far away, with a trace of resentment, he lowered his head silently.

My famous name in the first life is gone like this!
The competition progressed very quickly, and the second round of the competition ended not long after Wang Xingqiu left the field.

After eliminating half of the people again, there are now only sixteen people left.

Now it's just over lunch.

Judging from this, it should be over within the evening.

After the third round of lottery draw started, there were more and more reporters and anchors on the sidelines.

Seeing this scene, the organizer of Longtan Park was overjoyed.

What a surprise!

Who would have imagined that the competition he held this time could attract players who had participated in the World Youth Championship.

Although it is not his main Pokémon, it is a Pokémon that has not appeared in the World Youth Championship.

But what does it matter.

As long as he is around, he can attract reporters and so on.

As soon as the reporter came, the exposure increased!
What is it that hosts the contest map yourself?
Isn't it just to make Longtan Park famous!
I have to say that it is very prescient for me to reluctantly use the Super Evolution Stone set as the No.1 reward.

After the manager of Longtan Park saw the "grand occasion" on the field, he couldn't help praising himself a little proudly.

The draw for the third round is over, and Lu Ze's opponent this time is the NO.30 player.

Still No.2 played.

But this time No.1 is not the girl with Shaymi in her arms.

No.1 players are No.19 and No.27.

After the two went on stage and experienced a fierce battle, the No. 27 player finally won the final victory.

After the two left, Lu Ze was ready to play.

But this time, he didn't pay attention to Wang Xingqiu who was cheering him on.

What a joke, don't post it now in this situation!

After Lu Ze played, he also saw his opponent this time.

A young man with a flat head.

"Please release the Pokémon from both players!"

As the referee's voice sounded, Riolu in Lu Ze's arms also jumped down without hesitation.

The opponent's elf ball was also thrown out, and a red ray shot onto the field.

Elf: Speaker Cricket★

Gender: Male

Attribute: Bug

Feature: Insect Premonition (When the physical strength of Pokémon with this feature is reduced to a certain level, the power of insect-type skills will increase.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: chopping, impacting, screaming, absorbing, singing, splitting tiles

Genetic Skills: None.

"Sparkling Speaker Cricket? Phew, Speaker Cricket!"

Seeing the golden speaker crickets appearing in the field, Lu Ze was also a little surprised.

Alien Pokémon.

Although it is a speaker cricket.

But odd-colored Pokémon are relatively rare.

Not only Lu Ze, but even the referee on the side couldn't help but look at it twice before dropping the chess piece in his hand.

The flag falls and the battle begins!
Lu Ze was only surprised for a while, and then stopped being surprised, and directly directed Riolu to launch an attack.

Different-color Pokémon, I also have it at home.

Not only one, but two!

And I still have a shining talisman, so I can get another Pokémon of a different color at any time.

So it's the same for different-colored Pokémon.

"Riolu, Bullet Punch!"

The speaker cricket is a bug-type Pokémon, and the attack of the fighting system skill on the speaker cricket is halved.

But Riolu doesn't just have fighting skills.

Steel skills can also be learned by Riolu.

It's a pity that [Flame Fist] Riolu in the Farmer's Three Punches cannot learn it.

Otherwise, using [Flame Fist] is the best choice at this time.

After receiving Lu Ze's command, Riolu rushed towards the speaker.

A silver-white streamer flashed, and the sickle-like hand in the speaker cricket's hand was also raised.

The two Pokémon collided instantly.

Although the speaker cricket successfully used the skill [Consecutive Slash], he was knocked back by two steps before hitting Leolu.

The two steps that were repelled also made it impossible for him to hit Leolu directly, and he had to take a step forward to reach it.

Riolu naturally understood this, although he hadn't learned much about long-range attack skills.

But in the face of this situation, he naturally has his means.

Riolu didn't move forward in a hurry, but took a step back while the speaker took a step forward.

It was the distance of this step that made the speaker cricket, who was ready to attack, stop his hand in the air again.

Riolu's eyes flashed, and he seized the momentary opportunity.

After taking two sudden steps forward, Thunderbolt's flickering fist hit the speaker cricket's body.

[Thunder Fist] After the hit, it seems that the goddess of luck also thought of Lu Ze, and the electric current on the opposite speaker cricket flickered like a thunder snake.

The speaker cricket fell into a [paralyzed] state.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze and Riolu couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Today's luck looks pretty good!

Taking advantage of the speaker cricket's [paralysis] state, Riolu pursued the victory again.

But this time, Riolu's action failed to hit.

The young man with a flat head on the opposite side chose to change the Pokémon.

After the flashing speaker cricket was taken back into the Poke Ball, he sent out the second Pokémon he had prepared without hesitation.

Elf:Two-Tailed Hand
gender: female

Attribute: General

Features: Skilled Master (When using a skill whose power is less than a certain level, the power will be increased by 50.00%.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: double chop, scratch, tail wagging, sand picking, frightening, tickling, high-speed star.

Inherited skills: serial slaps, tail slaps, chasing hits, bag drop.

"The two-tailed monster?"

Lu Ze murmured as he looked at the energetic Two-Tailed Hand on the field.

"Do you want to let the wind goblin play?"

"I want to try it!"

Leolu didn't turn his head, and said to Lu Ze, still looking at the opponent's two-tailed monster on the field.

As the final evolution form, the various abilities of the two-tailed monster are still very good.

Especially in terms of speed.

Coupled with the bonus provided by the characteristic of [Skilled Master] for the two-tailed monster, it can be regarded as the biggest enemy of Riolu since his debut.

none of them!

"Two-tailed monster, high-speed star!"

After the young man with the flat head came on the stage, he directly commanded the two-tailed monster to launch an attack.

The two-tailed monster jumped into the air, and white stars shot towards Riolu like streamers.

Riolu wasn't afraid. After posing, his hands shone with a silvery white light.

[Metal Claw]!
There was a confident smile on Lu Ze's face, and there was no problem with the skill [High Speed ​​Star], Riolu.

After all, Riolu's daily training includes the training of playing BB bullets with bare hands.

At first, I wanted to train Riolu's dodge ability.

But after the BB bombs increased, Riolu couldn't dodge.

After being unable to dodge, Riolu had a whim and used [Metal Claws] to knock all the BB bullets that came over into the air.

Since then, it has been on a road of no return.

Back on the court, facing the coming [High Speed ​​Star] Riolu, he was not afraid at all.

While backing away, he kept waving his hands, and quickly knocked down all the [High Speed ​​Stars].

After all the [High Speed ​​Stars] were knocked down, a smug smile appeared on Leolu's face.

But the two-tailed monster's attack did not end. After using [High Speed ​​Star], the two-tailed monster rushed towards Riolu.

The speed of the two-tailed monster is very fast, and the speed can almost catch up with the speed of Riolu's [Electric Flash].

"Riolu, double refund!"

Lu Ze used the power of waveguide to command Leolu, and Leolu also looked serious, showing nothing special.

The two-tailed monster came very quickly. As soon as Lu Ze's command arrived, the two-tailed monster came in front of Lu Ze.

There was a happy smile on the face of the two-tailed monster, and the same was true on the face of the young man with the flat head.

My own two-tailed monster's hand speed is very fast.

Not only that, but the attack power of the two-tailed monster is not bad.

He came here for the No.1 Super Evolution Stone reward.

And the two-tailed monster is the most powerful Pokémon in his team!

A frantic smile appeared on the face of the young man with flat hair.

Although it is possible that you can't beat that mythical beast Xie Mi, it's still no problem to beat you, a rookie!

"Twin-tailed monster hands, double slash!"

The slap-like tail behind the two-tailed monster's hand lit up white, and it slapped Leolu directly.

The moment he slapped down, another tail that looked like a palm slashed down fiercely.

Leolu's eyes were firm, and after blocking the first slash, he used [Double Return] to return it.

Riolu's fist and the two-tailed monster's second slash hit each other at the same time.

The two-tailed monster flew upside down, and Riolu took a few steps back to stabilize his body.

Looking at the form of the two Pokémon on the field, Lu Ze frowned at the same time as the young man with a flat head.

In this confrontation, Riolu obviously did not have the upper hand.

Judging from this, Riolu seems to be a bit difficult to fight next.

The short-haired young man also frowned, but the reason for his frowning was that.

Why didn't Riolu get beaten honestly?
Not only was he not beaten, but he also launched a counterattack.

The power of the counterattack does not seem to be low.

In the previous battles, this kind of situation has never happened to his own two-tailed monster.

The speed of my two-tailed monster is very fast, and most opponents have no time to react.

Of course, the inability to respond here is not just the inability of Pokémon to respond.

The trainer didn't react, which caused the Pokémon to react, but it couldn't form an effective defense or dodge, and it would be hit by the two-tailed monster.

But now, Riolu actually reacted.

Although Riolu's trainer didn't seem to react, but Riolu chose to fight back on his own?
This has never happened in his previous battles.

I think that no matter whether I got the two-tailed monster in high school or after I went to college, my strength has always been top-notch in school.

How could it be possible to lose in such a small competition!
Thinking of this, the face of the flat-haired young man became frenzied again, and he directed the two-tailed hands to attack again.

"Two-tailed monster hands, sweep the tail and slap!"

With a strange cry, the two-tailed monster rushed towards Riolu again.

"Riolu, cross chop!"

Lu Ze also frowned, directing Riolu through the waveguide.

Riolu's strength is not as good as that of the Two-Tailed Hand. If you want to defeat the Two-Tailed Hand, you can only use Riolu's strengths.

Needless to say, Riolu's strength is attack.

Riolu's attack is not to mention his strength, but his physical attack skill pool is not bad.

Although it is not very rich, but the powerful ones, the proficiency of the skills practiced from birth is still good.

Leolu's small face was full of seriousness, and the power of the waveguide was fully activated, capturing the trajectory of the two-tailed monster's hand.

"It's now!"

Lu Ze also activated the power of waveguide to capture the trajectory of the two-tailed monster's hand.

After seeing the two-tailed monsters come to the attack range of Riolu, Lu Ze yelled in the waveguide communication network, and the power of waveguide also blessed Riolu's body.

Riolu crossed his hands, saw the timing, and slashed down suddenly.

With the blessing of his own strength and Lu Ze's waveguide power, before the two-tailed monster could slap his tail over, he was sent flying by Riolu.

"Twin-tailed monster!"

The young man with a flat head and a smile on his face changed his face instantly after seeing this scene, and shouted in horror.

But unfortunately, the two-tailed monster did not stand up again.

Looking at the two-tailed monster who had turned his eyes in circles, the referee looked at Leolu in surprise, and then stepped forward to check the situation of the two-tailed monster.


"The two-tailed monster hand lost the ability to fight, please change the Pokémon!"

The small flag in the referee's hand was raised, also announcing the fall of the two-tailed monster.

"Damn it! Jedi comeback?"

"No, this can win!"

The reporters and anchors who were originally chasing the beasts Xie Mi and Wang Xingqiu couldn't help being a little surprised after seeing this scene.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if there is no accident in this match, Riolu will definitely not be able to beat the two-tailed monster.

But what about now?
Riolu knocked the two-tailed monster out of combat ability with just one blow.

This was completely unimaginable before this happened!
But just when everyone was surprised, something happened again on the field.

The young man with the flat head hadn't reacted yet, and he hadn't had time to retract the two-tailed monster's hand back into the elf ball.

As soon as the referee's verdict fell, Riolu fell backwards.

Before Lu Ze could react, he sensed that the link between the two waveguides was broken.

"Leo Lu!"

(End of this chapter)

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