Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 822 Will!

Chapter 822 Will!

Lu Ze panicked for a moment, and hurried forward to help Leolu up.

But fortunately, Riolu didn't fall down yet, and still opened his eyes, panting heavily in Lu Ze's arms.

Lu Ze couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Riolu like this.

Fortunately, it was just out of strength, not as Lu Ze imagined.

And it seems that Riolu is not just out of strength, even the waveguide is completely exhausted.

That's why Lu Ze felt that the waveguide link with Riolu in his mind was broken just now.

"so far so good."

After Lu Ze patted his chest with some gratitude, he picked up Riolu and walked to his place.

After Lu Ze picked up Riolu, the Wind Fairy naturally floated down from Lu Ze's head and came to the field.

Pokémon Replacement!
After returning to his position with Riolu in his arms, the young man with the flat head also retracted the hands of the two-tailed monster, who had lost his fighting power, into the elf ball.

"Go, Long Nose Leaf!"

The young man with a flat head did not choose to send out his own flash speaker cricket, but instead chose his third Pokémon.

But it seems that the strength of this long nose leaf should be similar to that of Riolu.

Compared with the previous two Pokémon, the strength is indeed a bit weak.

Facing Long Nose Ye, who was restrained by her own attributes, Feng Xie didn't have any intention of holding back.

After the two [Power of the Moon] hit, Long Nose Leaf was defeated as expected.

Now the young man with a flat head only has a strange-colored speaker cricket left.

The young man with a flat head didn't struggle any more, and chose to surrender directly.

Lu Ze won, and he was one step closer to the Arceus attribute slate that he had been thinking about.

After winning, Lu Ze didn't have a high-profile appearance, and left the stage with the wind goblin and Riolu bowing his head.

Not to mention that Riolu lost his strength just now, the power of waveguide has basically been consumed.

Although Riolu recovered slightly during the battle of the wind goblin.

But it would be better to take it with you to the elf treatment center.



"How about it?"

After taking over Riolu from Happy Egg, Lu Ze asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm fully recovered."

After making a bodybuilding move, Riolu grinned at Lu Ze with a grin.

After seeing Leolu like this, Lu Ze also felt relieved, but he still had to say a few words about Leolu's behavior.

"If you face an opponent who is much stronger than you, or you are not easy to face, you can hand it over to your teammates, such as the wind goblin, such as the iron claw lobster."

Lu Ze looked serious: "You are not just yourself, there is a team behind you!"

Riolu was a little dazed, but he quickly came to his senses.

After looking up at Lu Ze, then at the wind goblin above Lu Ze's head and the Victini on Lu Ze's shoulder, he raised his face and looked at Lu Ze seriously.

"However, if I don't challenge a strong opponent, I will never break through myself!"

Leolu's eyes were firm, and he continued without waiting for Lu Ze to speak: "If I lose my determination to dare to challenge my opponent, I may become mediocre."

"I do not like this!"

Riolu's eyes were firm, but Lu Ze was a little shaken.

The way I have always fought has the shadow of the Pokémon ladder battle.

Tactical rotation, attribute advantages, strength crushing.

This is basically Lu Ze's way of fighting.

When facing an opponent, he will basically choose to change the Pokémon and choose the Pokémon with superior attributes to play if the Pokémon he is on the field is unfavorable.

The advantage of this is that your Pokémon will not suffer too much damage, and you can also win the battle.

But if it is bad, it may be what Riolu said just now.

Lu Ze's eyes wavered for a moment, but soon became firm again.

"You are indeed right."

With a smile in his eyes, Lu Ze touched Riolu's head gently.

"But I have my fighting ideas, you have your fighting ideas, this is undeniable."

"But in the process of cooperating with each other, Pokémon and humans are also running in with each other."

"I don't deny your fighting methods, and I will try my best to match your fighting methods."

Lu Ze said, his expression became serious again: "But, you have to know, I am not just your trainer, nor are we just the relationship between trainers and Pokémon!"

"I don't want you to get hurt, and I don't want to see the thought of you just giving up your all and getting hurt to defeat your opponent."

Lu Ze looked directly at Leolu, and Leolu couldn't help but feel a little moved when he heard Lu Ze's words.

"You have me behind you, and I am your most solid backing."

A smile appeared on Lu Ze's face: "Forked Bat, Snorby Beast, Charizard, Iron Claw Lobster, Electric Shock Beast and Onion Ranger, I brought them out in this way."

Lu Ze walked towards the field holding Leolu in his arms.

"But have you seen that they are also invincible under my leadership."

"Because I am their most solid backing, I can let them grow quickly, so that they don't have to put everything in their hands to challenge one opponent after another. Only by getting themselves covered in bruises can they progress."

"This is what it means for me to be a trainer!"

"You can challenge powerful enemies, and you can also use your methods to oppress yourself and promote yourself to make faster progress. I have no objection to these."

As Lu Ze said, he put Riolu in his arms on the stool.

He squatted down and looked directly into Riolu's eyes.

"But, promise me, I will be your strongest backing!"

"So, if you can, please don't bruise yourself all over."

As Lu Ze said, he stretched out his little finger towards Leolu.

Leolu stared blankly at Lu Ze, who had a gentle smile on his face, and stretched out his hand involuntarily.

After the puppy's paws tightly held Lu Ze's little finger, Riolu suddenly felt that the waveguide power he had just recovered began to fluctuate violently.

Not only Riolu, but even Lu Ze's waveguide power also began to fluctuate violently.

But in an instant, the waveguide power of one person and one Pokémon stopped fluctuating.

But this one person and one Pokémon can clearly perceive it.

The power of waveguide between the two of them is obviously more compatible, more like coming from the same source.

After a while, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing looking at Leolu in front of him.

After seeing Lu Ze's smile, Riolu also laughed happily.

After embracing Riolu who was rushing towards him, Lu Ze continued to walk towards the field.

At this time, the battle on the field was drawing to a close.

Because Wang Xingqiu had already exposed the reason, so he didn't hide anything at this time.

After commanding Fang Lu Shark on the field with a [Dragon Claw] to take away the opponent's Pokémon, there was also a happy laugh from the audience.

"Fangtooth land shark, it's too powerful!"

Wang Lingran was very excited watching his sharp-toothed land shark show off its power from above the auditorium.

Excitedly holding the mini dragon and Soraya in his arms, jumping up and down.

The Fangtooth Shark in the field naturally heard the voice of his little trainer.

While raising his head and showing a smile to Wang Lingran, he also raised his paw to signal Wang Lingran.

Fang Lusha's movements made Wang Lingran even more excited.

After all, Fangtooth Shark is his own Pokémon.

And it seems that Fangtooth Shark can still get a good ranking.

Although Wang Lingran didn't care about rankings.

After all, the No. 1 reward is not very attractive to her.

But who wouldn't want to see their Pokémon win a battle?
And it's still the kind that wins all the time, always wears the team to win!

After Wang Xingqiu won the victory, he also got off the field.

After seeing Lu Ze, Wang Xingqiu subconsciously wanted to walk towards Lu Ze.

However, Lu Ze, who was reacted, quickly waved his hand to stop Wang Xingqiu's behavior.

If you come here, I will be exposed.

I'm hiding well now, stay away from me!

Under Lu Ze's strong "clear instructions", Wang Xingqiu could only curl his lips helplessly, and then walked aside.

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief and continued to watch the game on the field.

Because of going to the elf treatment center, he didn't see many players' matches.

But it's not a big problem. The players who didn't see it were basically eliminated, and it's too late to watch now.

See if there are any powerful opponents.

If not, that would be great, since my Victini doesn't need to appear on the stage, and the chance of being exposed is much smaller.

But if there is a strong opponent, Victini should still play.

Although there is a high probability that he and Victini will be exposed after Victini's appearance.

After all, Victini was in disguise, and the holster on his body was not enough to support him in battle.

Although he will also use the skills of the electric system, it can make the opponent invisible.

But a quick battle is okay, if you are hit by an opponent's skill, it will be very easy to be exposed.

Although Victini is the strength of a beast, but if he can't be allowed to play, Lu Ze will try not to let him play.

However, Arceus's energy slate is still very much needed.

But fortunately, after the third round of sixteen and eight, Lu Ze didn't see any particularly powerful opponents or particularly powerful Pokémon.

If there is no accident, Victini should not need to play.

And unexpected words.

Lu Ze turned his head to look at the girl who was hugging Xie Mi not far away.

If you accidentally run into her before getting No.4.

That was an accident.

The girl holding Xie Mi seemed to have noticed Lu Ze's eyes, so she turned her head to look at Lu Ze curiously.

But at this time Lu Ze had turned his head away.

"There's something wrong with that electric flying squirrel."


The girl looked down at Xie Mi, and asked curiously.

"That electric flying squirrel, it feels like something is wrong."

Xie Mi shook his head, looked at the electric flying squirrel lying on Lu Ze's head and said to the girl.

"However, I don't know what's wrong."

Xie Mi shook her head in distress, but the girl didn't care.

"It's okay, our goal is just that thing, isn't it?"

"That's right, then I'm relieved."

Xie Mi squinted his eyes, found a comfortable place, and continued to look at the lottery results on the field with a comfortable face.

After looking at Xie Mi's appearance, the girl gave a doting smile, then turned her head to look at Lu Ze, and then continued to look at the lottery on the field.

After the [-]-to-[-] match, it is now the draw for the quarter-finals.

This time Lu Ze was finally not the second to appear on the stage, this time he was the first to draw his number.

After seeing his opponent, Lu Ze couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it wasn't the girl holding Xie Mi, nor was it Wang Xingqiu.

In this case, as long as this battle is won, he can then obtain Arceus' attribute slate according to his own plan.

It's not good to win, and it's not good to lose.

Lu Ze chuckled, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Unfortunately, Lu Ze's laughter seemed very mocking to his opponent.

"Are you looking down on me?"

The young man with muscular chest had a low voice, and asked Lu Ze beside Lu Ze with a look of displeasure.


Lu Ze was a little puzzled, why look down on you?

Do I know who you are?
Oh, it can be regarded as acquaintance, after all, he has seen the battle of No. 34 player before.

The strength is also pretty good.

But look down on you?

Lu Ze had a puzzled look on his face, but this expression was mocking in the eyes of the muscular young man.

Still pretending to be stupid?
The young man with muscular chest looked at Lu Ze displeasedly: "It's useless to talk too much, see you on the field."

"I will crush you hard!"

The young man with strong chest muscles tapped Lu Ze's chest with his index finger, and said viciously.

However, in Lu Ze's opinion, his force is useless. After all, although his waveguide force can't produce [wave missiles], it can still cover an area for self-protection.

But you can't just be provoked in vain like this!

Lu Ze's waveguide power covered it again, but this time it covered his fingers.

If you click on my chest, I will naturally click back.

But before Lu Ze raised his hand, the young man with strong chest walked towards the field.

At this time, the first game of the quarterfinals has begun.

After the young man with pectoral muscles came on stage, he hooked his fingers at Lu Ze provocatively, and then shook his index finger.

The meaning is already very obvious.

This time, Lu Ze's anger also came up a little bit.

We are all young people. Although I am a five-good young man in the new era, you are so provocative because I am easy to bully, right?

"Crush them!"

Lu Ze's face was displeased, and Riolu's angry voice also sounded from Lu Ze's mind.

Not only Lu Ze, but the actions of that person just now made Riolu very angry.

Can't fight back?

This is not my style!

Lu Ze looked at the burly young man on the field, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he strode towards the field with big strides.

Although the forked bats and the Kirbymons are not there.

But to deal with you, you don't need their appearance yet!

After Lu Ze entered the field, the opponent didn't say anything, but just hit his neck.

Lu Ze didn't say anything, just looked at his opponent with a smile on his face.

Strength speaks.

"Please send out your Pokémon!"

As the small flag in the referee's hand was raised, at the same time as the opponent threw the poke ball, Leolu, who was in Lu Ze's arms, also jumped out and came to the field.


Gender: Male

Attribute: fighting
Characteristic: Enthusiasm (Pokémon with this characteristic will not fall into a sleep state, and sleep skills will be invalid.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic Skills: Grab, Stare, Throw, Gather Qi, Grab Randomly, Kick Down, Ground Throw, Bluff, Cross Chop.

Inherited skills: sneak attack, arrogance, sleep talk.

After looking at the genetic skills of the opponent Monkey Monster, Lu Ze couldn't help but took another look at the Monkey Monster's characteristics.

"Ha, amazing."

Lu Ze is delighted, a monkey monster with the attribute of [Energy], who cannot use the skill of [Sleep], and will not fall into the state of [Sleep], has a genetic skill of [Sleep Talk]?
May I ask how to activate this [Dream Talk]?

But Le Guile, the monkey monster on the opposite side is quite strong.

Not only is his strength stronger than Riolu, but even these skills are very troublesome.

But Lu Ze didn't mean to worry, the power of waveguide was instantly linked with Riolu's waveguide on the field.

After this inexplicably strengthened waveguide is linked with Leolu's waveguide, it seems that Leolu's strength has been improved a bit.


The flag falls and the battle begins!
"Riolu, Bullet Punch!"

Relying on the advantage of the interconnection of the waveguide, Lu Ze took the lead in commanding Riolu to launch the attack.

Riolu rushed towards the opposite monkey monster like the wind.

And the monkey monster on the opposite side was still beating his chest excitedly.

The moment Riolu arrived, it was obvious that the excited expression on Monkey Monster's face froze for a moment.

But in the next second, he was punched by Riolu and took a few steps back.

"Lightning Fist!"

Lu Ze continued to direct, and Leolu also took two steps forward again, and the electric fist in his hand hit the monkey monster again.

The monkey monster seemed to have reacted at this time. Although it was hit by the [Thunder Fist], it also launched a counterattack to Riolu in a hurry.

Riolu's reaction speed was very fast, and he had already retreated while the monkey monster counterattacked.

The monkey monster's attack was bye.

The monkey monster also recovered from the series of attacks by Riolu.

Looking at his fist, and then at his chest that was hit by lightning just now, which was already blackened, he couldn't help but feel a little furious.

"Monkey, rush up and use Random Grab!"

After the monkey monster jumped angrily on the spot a few times, Zhuang Shuo directed the monkey monster to launch a counterattack.

For a trainer specializing in fighting like him, although he likes Pokémon like Riolu very much.

But it's still fighting.

Fighting is the most important thing!
Besides, the person on the opposite side mocked him in public!
I don't know if the goddess heard it.

Thinking of this, the burly young man couldn't help turning his head to glance at the girl who was holding Xie Mi on the sidelines and watching the game.

Seeing Xie Mi buried his head in the softness with a comfortable face, the burly young man was also envious for a while.

At this moment, it would be great if I were Shamy.

Zhuang Shuo sighed, and the monkey monster was also being beaten.

The monkey monster rushed over and successfully used the skill of [Random Grasping].

However, under Bird's "surveillance", both Riolu and Lu Ze responded quickly.

When the monkey monster came, Lu Ze directed Leolu to use [Electric Light Flash] to distance himself.

The Monkey Monster's [Random Grab] was empty, but because there was no next command from its own trainer, the Monkey Monster rushed towards Riolu again.

At this time, Lu Ze and Riolu also seized the opportunity and seized a flaw in the monkey monster to launch an attack.

Without the slightest hesitation, [Cross Slash] hit the monkey monster on the forehead, and knocked the monkey monster out immediately.

After sliding on the ground for a certain distance, Zhuang Shuo turned his head and saw his miserable appearance.

"how is this possible!"

Zhuang Shuo subconsciously shouted, isn't his monkey monster stronger than the opposite Riolu?

Why is it like this now?
Zhuang Shuo subconsciously wanted to look at his goddess.

But the moment this idea appeared, he understood why the monkey monster was so miserable.


After lightly slapping himself on the face, Zhuang Shuo began to direct the standing monkey again with a serious face.

But the state of the monkey monster at this time is not very good.

A [Bullet Fist], a [Thunder Fist] and a [Cross Slash].

Although there is no reason for attribute restraint, the power of these skills is not small.

Even without the double damage caused by attribute restraint, it is remarkable that the monkey monster can stand up now.

The monkey monster rushed forward in a frivolous footstep. After seeing the monkey monster like this, the burly young man also reacted at this time.

The monkey monster should have run out of physical strength.

Just as he was about to take out the poke ball to take back the Monkey Monster and replace the Pokémon, he saw that Riolu had already arrived in front of the Monkey Monster.

With a smile on his face, Riolu raised his leg and kicked the monkey monster's chest, kicking the monkey monster to the ground.

After the monkey monster fell to the ground, there was no movement of struggling, and it just turned its eyes in circles.

"The monkey monster has lost its ability to fight, please change the Pokémon!"

As the referee's voice sounded, Zhuang Shuo could only retract the monkey monster into the poke ball even if he was upset.

"Go, porter!"

"Another fighting Pokémon?"

Lu Ze touched his chin, and looked curiously at the young man with big chest muscles.

Are the big pectoral muscles more inclined to fighting-type Pokémon, or because of fighting-type Pokémon, they exercise together?
this is a problem.

Lu Ze smiled and looked at the information of the porter.

Elf: Porter
Gender: Male

Attribute: fighting
Feature: Iron Fist (The power of boxing skills is increased by 20.00%.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: slap, stare, kick down, rockfall, Qi gathering, bodybuilding, rock avalanche, flame fist, freezing fist.

Inherited skills: Sonic Punch, Enhanced Punch, Continuous Punch.

"Is it iron fist?"

After Lu Ze saw the characteristics and skills of the porter, he couldn't help but feel a little dignified.

Several characteristics of the porter are very good, very suitable for the characteristics of fighting Pokémon.

Whether it is [Iron Fist] or [Forcing], the [Persistence] characteristic is very suitable for fighting Pokémon.

Three characteristics and three different fighting styles.

Compared with Riolu, the characteristics of the little porter are really good.

The porter in front of him has the [Iron Fist] characteristic.

The skill pool is basically boxing skills.

Especially genetic skills.

You know, if you want to learn the skill of [Continuous Boxing], you can only learn it through inheritance, and you can't comprehend it yourself.

But among the genetic skills of this small transporter, there is the skill of [Consecutive Punch].

I have to say that this person is very lucky.

[Continuous Punch], [Sonic Punch] and [Enhanced Punch] among the genetic skills are all good skills.

An initiative, a buff, and an attack.

Plus the specially learned Farmer's Three Punches.

It can be said that the strength of this little craftsman will not be worse after moving.

As long as the strong young man on the opposite side will train the little craftsman well.

After Lu Ze sighed, Bird sensed that the porter on the opposite side directly attacked Riolu.

"Riolu, Bullet Punch!"

Lu Ze didn't hesitate either. Facing this preemptive skill, if he also chooses the preemptive skill, the next thing to compete is the speed of the two Pokémon.

Obviously, Riolu's speed is faster than the porter on the opposite side.

After Riolu rushed out at a faster speed, the two Pokémon collided in the field.

Fist and fist collided, but after the collision ended, there was no intention of separation.

The two Pokémon started a close combat at the same time.

Riolu clenched his claws, lightning was entangled in his hands, and he punched the carrying boy's chest.

The little porter did not show any weakness either. After resisting with the crossbar in his hand, another flaming fist also hit Riolu.

Leolu hurriedly dodged from the [Flame Fist].

Although Riolu has not evolved into Lucario now, he does not have the steel attribute on his body, so he will not be double damaged by [Flame Fist].

But the additional effect of [Flame Fist] is [Burn].

Although the probability is not high, once he falls into the [burn] state, his physical attack will be halved.

Halving physical attack is definitely the least favorite negative effect of fighting Pokémon.

So Riolu chose to dodge without the slightest hesitation, and did not confront the tough.

However, Leolu's hiding was also seized by the porter.

The little porter stepped forward, hitting Leolu with his flaming fists.

Riolu had nothing to do, he could only keep backing away because he didn't want to be hit by [Flame Fist].

But it's not a good idea to keep retreating like this.

Lu Ze thought about it, and Riolu kept thinking about the solution in his mind.

"No way, I can only choose to trade injuries for injuries. Take a gamble!"

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he discussed with Riolu with a serious face.

After all, Riolu is still relatively young, and he hasn't learned many skills yet.

Otherwise, Riolu wouldn't be in such a tangled state at this time.

In addition to the unexpected joy of the Arceus attribute slate, this time also exposed the shortcomings of Riolu.

Riolu doesn't have any long-range attack skills right now.

Although relying on preemptive skills such as [Electric Flash] and [Bullet Fist], it can be close to the opponent.

But when you encounter this kind of opponent who is forced to stick to your face, it will be difficult to deal with the Pokémon that you are not yet easy to shoot.

Among other things, after this competition is over, Lu Ze will definitely put the learning of Leolu's long-range attack skills on the agenda after returning.

And now.

We can only go head-to-head, and bet that Riolu won't be [burned] by his opponent!

"Cross chop!"

The moment Riolu nodded in agreement, Lu Ze's voice also came over.

Lu Ze is already ready!

After taking two steps back, Leolu crossed his hands and slashed at the porter.

Injury for Injury!

When Riolu was hit by [Flame Fist], his [Cross Slash] also hit the transporter.

Both sides fell at the same time!

After a little relief, Riolu got up quickly.

"No burns!"

After checking his own status, he breathed a sigh of relief!

After Leolu's surprised voice came, Lu Ze couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It couldn't have been better without being caught in the [burn] effect.

"Leo Lu, self-motivation!"

Before the porter on the opposite side got up, Lu Ze quickly directed Riolu to use enhanced skills.

Although the porter on the opposite side is not as fast as Riolu, the attack of the porter is higher than Riolu because of the bonus of the [Iron Fist] attribute.

It can be seen from the confrontation just now.

[Flame Fist] is not as powerful as [Cross Slash], but the two Pokémon received similar damage.

The porter was knocked down, and Riolu was also knocked down.

If you want to be evenly matched at this time, you can only weaken your opponent or improve yourself.

Coincidentally, Riolu's [Self-motivation] is a strengthening skill.

After the porter got up, Riolu's skill strengthening was almost complete.

Seeing Leolu like this, the little porter used [Sonic Fist] to rush towards Leolu regardless of whether he was still standing still.

But [Sonic Fist] Even if it is very fast because of the bonus of the first system.

But Riolu's [Self-motivation] was also quickly used.

Facing the small porter rushing towards him, Riolu had time to smile at him before turning sideways to dodge.

"Riolu, Frozen Fist!"

Although Riolu didn't learn [Flame Fist], it doesn't have the effect of [Burn].

But the [Freeze] effect is also very good.

If the [Freeze] effect is triggered, Riolu will be strengthened twice more during this time, and the opponent's next Pokémon will not have to worry about it.

Unfortunately, although [Frozen Fist] struck up, the opponent's attack also hit Riolu.

Not to mention that the effect of [Freezing] was not triggered, a stream of light rose from the transporter.

【Enhanced Fist】

Lu Ze was a little helpless, as long as the [Enhancement Fist] can hit, it can increase the physical attack ability by one level.

The mover's current style of play is obviously to use his own physical strength to replace the increase in his physical attack ability.

When two Pokémon collide and attack Riolu, Riolu cannot escape.

This is completely an injury-for-injury style of play!

But the effect is also very significant.

After the transporter's physical attack was raised by one level, Riolu was suppressed again in the collision of Pokémon from both sides.

[Self-motivation] What is improved is a level of physical attack and a level of special attack.

[Enhanced Fist] What is improved is the physical attack of the first level.

Special attack is useless for Riolu now.

But in terms of physical attack, the two Pokémon returned to the initial state again.

In the same state, the physical attack of the porter is higher than that of Riolu.

After the two Pokémon have collided for a while, they are still in a state where no one can do anything to the other.

Although the physical attack of the porter is higher than that of Riolu, but after Riolu changed his strategy, the porter has nothing to do with Riolu who cannot actively collide.

However, the battle during this period of time did consume a lot of physical strength of the two Pokémon.

The two Pokémon who were separated for a short time were both panting.

But even so, they still stared at each other firmly, ready to charge up again.

"How about it, do you want to change to the Wind Fairy?"

At this time, the state of the two Pokémon is also a matter of a skill hit.

Whoever hits the opponent first will win the battle.

But it was precisely because Riolu was in this state at this time that Lu Ze asked him if he wanted to change the game first.

"I can defeat him!"

Riolu shook his head, his eyes still fixed on the porter and said to Lu Ze.

"it is good!"

Lu Ze nodded, at this moment he chose to believe in Riolu.

In fact, he already understood Riolu's answer from the time he asked the question.

Of course Riolu, who has worked hard for the entire game, will not back down at the last moment!

"Now that you've decided, let's go!"

Riolu let out a low growl, as if speaking to Lu Ze.

It also seems to be cheering myself up!

Leolu forced himself to straighten up, and then he rushed straight to the porter with his fists flashing.

Seeing Riolu like this, the little porter's eyes were full of competitive fire.

[Bullet Fist] VS [Sonic Fist]!
Under everyone's attention, the two Pokémon rushed towards the opponent at the same time.


Flesh-to-flesh contact, fist-to-fist collision, [Bullet Fist] and [Sonic Fist] collision!

The two Pokémon touched each other, and the two fists collided together.

The attack was blocked by the opponent!

Both Pokémon refused to admit defeat, even if fist collided with each other, then he still has another fist!

Another light sound came from the field. At this time, the audience on the sidelines held their breath, looking forward to the two little guys on the field.

No one spoke loudly, and no one made any movement.

They are all afraid that it will affect the performance of the two Pokémon on the field.

Riolu's fist collided with the crossbar in the hand of the porter.

But this time it was not like before.

After the two Pokémon collided this time, their legs softened at the same time, and they fell down clinging to each other.

"We fought until the last moment."

"The two little guys don't have any extra energy, they can't even stand up."

The onlookers began to discuss after seeing the battle between the two Pokémon on the field temporarily come to an end.

At this time, the referee also came forward, ready to check the status of the two Pokémon.

"Leolu and the porter lost their fighting ability at the same time, please replace the Pokémon!"

After checking the status of the two Pokémon, the referee directly raised the small flag in his hand and announced the verdict.

The two Pokémon cuddled together and supported each other, but all of them had turned around and lost their ability to fight.

"Come back, Riolu, you did a great job!"

With a gentle smile on Lu Ze's face, he directly took out Riolu's poke ball, and took Riolu back into the poke ball.

"Luxury ball?"

Although Lu Ze tried his best to cover it, the unique pattern on the luxury ball was recognized by a reporter on the side.

But the reporter didn't say anything. After all, he didn't see it clearly. He wasn't sure if it was a luxury ball. He could only watch the video later.

If it is really a luxury ball.

Thinking of this, the reporter couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Put normal Pokémon in luxury balls?

Although it's not like no one has done this kind of thing, it's very rare.

Coupled with the fact that the World Youth Championship has just ended, the most impressive thing about the luxury ball is that it is basically filled with mythical beasts.

The rest is Lu Ze and Sui Yan, both of whom use luxury balls for all their Pokémon.

Luxurious ball, ordinary Pokémon, plus the World Youth Championship player Wang Xingqiu who appeared here at the same time.

If it is really what I guessed, then I will really be famous this time!
The reporter thought excitedly, wishing he could watch the replay now to see if the elf ball was a luxury ball.

But now there are too many same numbers on the field, it's not suitable.

Coupled with the fact that the person was wrapped tightly, it is not certain that it is one of Lu Ze or Suiyan.

Although there is a high probability that the Pokémon of the fighting type and the fairy type is not Suiyan.

But that guy Sui Yan's Sunny Team still has a Pokémon with super powers and fighting types like Elle Duo.

So it's not good.

Now that you have a guess, the next step is to find evidence.

If no evidence can be found, let them guess by releasing the news of this luxury ball.

If you find it, then the luxury ball is not important!
The reporter sneered in his heart. At this moment, others didn't care anymore, and he just had to keep a close eye on him!
At this time, Lu Ze didn't know that he was being targeted.

After taking back Riolu's poke ball, the wind fairy went straight to the field.

The burly young man on the opposite side seemed to have lost his will to fight, and sent out his last Pokémon softly.

After Lu Ze saw the last Pokémon of the burly young man, he immediately understood why the other party had lost the will to fight.

Elf: Naughty Panda
Gender: Male

Attribute: fighting
Ability: Guts (Pokémon with this characteristic can hit Ghost-type Pokémon with normal and fighting-type skill attacks.)
Qualification: blue

Basic skills: hit, stare, push, provoke, push, kick.

Inherited skills: Mountain Lass Throw, Arrogance, Earth Throw.

Without any long-range attack skills, it's no wonder that the strong youth has no fighting will.

Lu Ze couldn't hide the smile on his face anymore. In this case, there is no way to deal with the wind goblin.

"Wind Fairy, Shunfeng!"

Not only was it restrained, but there was no way to attack the wind goblin.

Even though the strength of the Rogue Panda is similar to that of Riolu, he still has no ability to defeat the Wind Fairy!
Especially when Lu Ze commanded the Wind Fairy to use [Downwind] at the beginning of the game!
(End of this chapter)

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