Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 823 Why do you want to lose too!

Chapter 823 Why do you want to lose too!

"Good job!"

After Lu Ze glanced at the naughty panda who had fallen to the ground, he rubbed the head of the wind fairy with a smile and praised.

The wind goblin also looked at Lu Ze with a proud face, and swayed happily to the top of Lu Ze's head, lying on Lu Ze's hair.

Hearing the cheers from the audience around him, Lu Ze also laughed happily.

After winning the quarter-finals, you don't have to worry about the next game.

Although you can't directly choose to admit defeat, it is still very simple to deliberately lose a game.

Everyone is already an eight-to-four player, so you can't return the food so much that you can't even beat yourself by deliberately delivering it?

Lu Ze is in a happy mood, and after he treats Riolu, he will make a plan with them.

See how to beat fake matches.

Really, how comfortable it is to surrender directly, hello, hello, hello everyone.

Why can't you surrender before the battle for the sake of watching the game.

Lu Ze was in a happy mood all the way, and walked towards the elf treatment center happily.

On the field at this time, the battle of the girl holding Shaymi has already begun.

Her opponent is contestant No. 52.

Xie Mi has been exposed, so she did not take Xie Mi back into the poke ball.

The girl holding Xie Mi confidently directed her buzzing bat to attack the opponent's Pokémon.

The strength of the opponent's Pokémon is not bad, but it can be seen that under the pressure of Xie Mi in the girl's arms, player No. 52 does not seem to have any fighting spirit.

Judging from his appearance, it seems that he just came here to go through a process.

But yes, even if Xie Mi is not the kind of very powerful beast.

But people are always divine beasts.

In this kind of competition that can be regarded as the Baby Cup, Xie Mi is basically invincible.

Even if the girl's first two choices of Pokémon are still Buzzer and Fangya, it doesn't make them eager for victory.

After all, the girly Xie Mi is destined to be used as the finale.

With Xie Mi around, the girl has absolutely no chance of losing.

She has no possibility of losing, so the only one who loses is herself.

Since it is already a losing situation, no matter how hard you try, it will be of no use.

In just a moment, the three Pokémon of player No. 52, who had no fighting spirit, lost their fighting ability and lost the match with the girl.

After the girl won the competition, a bright smile appeared on her face.

The smile was very touching, at least Wang Xingqiu, who was on the preparation table, was already intoxicated by the girl's dimples.

After Wang Lingran in the auditorium saw the girl like this, he couldn't help asking Mini Dragon and Zoroya with a sad face.

"That Xie Mi looks so powerful, can Fang Lusha beat Xie Mi?"

The two little guys in Wang Lingran's arms shook their heads without the slightest hesitation.

The two of them have also seen a lot of beasts.

And they have also seen a beast like Xie Mi before.

Not to mention anything else, the victini on Lu Ze is also a beast similar to Xie Mi.

Although Victini's combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Deoxys, Victini is still very strong.

Although the two little guys haven't seen Xie Mi and Victini's full shot.

But what is certain is that the sharp-tooth land shark can never beat Xie Mi, a mythical beast.

"Ah, that's it."

After seeing the unhesitating actions of the two little guys, Wang Lingran immediately turned bitter.

"Then can brother Lu Ze defeat him?"



Wang Lingran asked again, but this time he got an affirmative answer from the two little guys.

Are you kidding me, Ozawa is very powerful!
Not to mention only one Shemi, there is no problem with a few more!
Mini Dragon and Zoroya proudly looked up at Xie Mi off the court and thought.

"So, I... well, is there any chance my brother can beat Shaymi?"

After Wang Lingran got affirmative answers from the two little guys, his eyes lit up immediately, and he asked again.

But this time the Mini Dragon and Zoroya are in a bit of a dilemma.

Ozawa was able to defeat Shaymi because of Victini.

Among other things, Victini's combat effectiveness is obviously stronger than that of Xie Mi.

But Wang Xingqiu didn't have a divine beast.

Or, relying on his own Pokémon?
Xie Mi is only a king-level strength at the level of the beast.

Wang Xingqiu's leave king is also a heavenly king.

It shouldn't be a problem for the outburst of asking for leave to beat Xie Mi, right?

The heads of the two little guys, Mini Dragon and Zoroya, turned quickly.

But in the end, the two of them didn't figure out what to do.

He could only give Wang Lingran a troubled expression.

Wang Lingran immediately understood after seeing the expressions of Mini Dragon and Zoroya.

It seems that it is really difficult for my brother to defeat Xie Mi.

In this case, wouldn't the No.1 of Fangtooth Shark be gone?
Wang Lingran turned his head unwillingly and glanced at the girl who was hugging Xie Mi.

Although I always feel that this girl has a strange aura that makes me want to get close.

But the sharp-toothed land shark that blocked him won No.1!

The girl wrinkled her nose and hummed unhappily.

I'm really unhappy, why can't my brother subdue a divine beast!

If my brother also has a beast, then he will definitely be able to get No.1 in this game.

Although Lu Ze's elder brother seems to be stronger than his own elder brother.

But Mr. Forked Bat and Mr. Kabymon didn't come.

If it's just Wind Fairy and Riolu, then they won't be my opponents.

After Wang Lingran thought of this, he couldn't help becoming excited again.

My brother defeated Lu Ze's brother.


Why do you still look a little excited.

Wang Lingran snickered, at this moment she didn't care about the girl and Xie Mi in the girl's arms.

Originally, I came here to see how strong Fangtooth Shark is now.

It doesn't matter if you don't get No.1 in the end.

Anyway, the purpose has been achieved.

Thinking of this, Wang Lingran dangled his little feet again, hugged Mini Dragon and Soraya on the stool and happily watched the third game.

The last game will be Fang Lusha and their match, so looking forward to it~



"Oh, divine beast."

In the elf treatment center at this time, player No. 52, who had just been defeated, was feeling emotional.

His own time is not bad, if there is no such beast as Xie Mi, there is no problem at all in the top four.

And even after entering the top four, his own strength is not necessarily inferior to them.

But unfortunately.

I was not very lucky, I met the woman with the beast in the quarterfinals.

What a pity, what a pity.

Contestant No. 52 shook his head helplessly, but happened to see Lu Ze who was talking to his Pokémon in the corner.

Seeing Leolu's bewildered expression and Wind Fairy's excited expression, contestant No. 52 was a little curious about what they were talking about.

"Look, don't use too much force when you are on the field, just fall down if the situation is not right." Lu Ze said excitedly to Leolu.

The plan has just been made with the wind goblin.

But there seems to be something wrong here in Riolu.

Riolu is still young, and he doesn't understand what it means to fight counterfeit matches.

After all, in his view, fighting is to go all out to defeat the opponent.

This is what counts as a real battle.

Obviously, Lu Ze's words "fake match" and "deliberately lost the match" touched his blind spot of knowledge.

A fight is a fight, and losing on purpose is why.

Leolu tilted his head, looked at Lu Ze with a puzzled expression and continued talking there.

Lu Ze felt a little helpless looking at Leolu like this.

Sure enough, it is still a bit difficult for more righteous Pokémon like Riolu and Lucario to let them do this kind of thing.

It's like the stronghold where I took my father's Lucario to the church.

What should I do if I miss Geng Gui?
I think the cooperation with Geng Gui back then gave me a lot of harvest.

Now if Geng Gui cooperates with me, wouldn't Arceus' attribute slate be easily grasped?
It's a pity that my own Pokémon is a Pokémon that represents justice and integrity.

Lu Ze looked at the bewildered Leolu a little dotingly, then shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, then you can play normally."

In desperation, Lu Ze could only do this first.

Anyway, Riolu's strength is not very strong, and the strength of each player in the top four should not be underestimated.

Whether it's the girl with the beast in hand or Wang Xingqiu.

As long as the wind goblin plays well, the failure will definitely be her own.

As for Riolu, go back and explain to him.

Lucario rejected the action of "harvesting the spoils" at the beginning, but he didn't refuse to go with him.

This shows that their justice can also be stuck with bugs.

I didn't hear anything about Riolu's match-fixing match just now, but now he's making an all-out shot and playing normally is still understandable.

"Then leave it to me!"

After Leolu patted his small chest excitedly, he jumped into Lu Ze's arms.

"I'm worried about leaving it to you."


Lu Ze murmured, and Riolu immediately looked up at Lu Ze.

It feels like Ozawa just said something?

"It's okay, come on, I like you!"

"Well, don't worry!"

Riolu also nodded excitedly.

Although I have lost the ability to fight several times a day today, I have entered the elf treatment center several times.

But for me, this is the meaning of life.

Compared with training, fighting is really much more exciting!

But unfortunately, what I enjoy is the feeling of victory, so I still have to train hard so that I can always enjoy the feeling of victory!

With firm eyes, Leolu looked at the field ahead with a smile on his face.

At this time, he had already thought about how to train after winning the game.

The first is physical training.

Then there is training in remote skills.

I am now all melee attack skills, so the restrictions in the battle are indeed a bit big.

You can't always look at the melee attack skills to dominate.

Just like the Electric Shock Beast, you have to cultivate both material and law, and you have no weaknesses at all!
I'm a good seed born with two swords!
After recalling what the Electric Shock Beast said to him, Riolu couldn't help feeling even more excited.

After Lu Ze returned to the field, the battle between Wang Xingqiu and player No. 44 had just begun.

Lu Ze didn't care about the excited eyes of the people around him, so he found a seat and sat down, then began to watch Wang Xingqiu's battle.

After watching Fangtooth Shark skillfully use [Dragon Claw] to defeat the first opponent, Lu Ze nodded involuntarily.

The strength of this Fangtooth Shark is really good.

It would be great if my next opponent is Wang Xingqiu.

Fangtooth vs. Riolu.

After directly defeating Riolu, the rest is easy to say.

The wind goblin plays the first hand, and Victini does not need to play because it is not the Pokémon to fight.

In this case, you can directly get a failure.

Although the organizer of Longtan Park requires a three-on-three Pokémon match.

But it didn't say that there can only be three Pokémon on the field.

There was also a case where one person used five Pokémon in two games.

It makes sense that I only have two Pokémon, right?

What, you said "electric flying squirrel"?
"Electric Momonga" is not a Pokémon for battle.

Did you see him play in those previous games?


Since I didn't play, is there anything wrong with the Pokémon I played?

No problem!

Lu Ze had a smile on his face. Although Riolu didn't quite understand the meaning of a fake match, he already had the chance to win.

No stress at all!
Lu Ze smiled happily, and Wang Lingran in the audience also smiled happily.

Wang Lingran, who watched the sharp-tooth land shark killing all directions, stood up directly from the stool, hugged the mini dragon brother Soraya, and began to support the sharp-tooth land shark.

Pachilis could see clearly on Wang Xingqiu's shoulder, and at this moment, she also felt a little lost in her heart.

Of course, this disappointment was not because he didn't play, and the limelight was robbed by Fang Lu Shark.

It was purely because she felt that if she didn't play, why would she be on Wang Xingqiu's body instead of Chenchen's.

After watching Fangtooth Shark beat the opponent's second Pokémon again, Pachilitz lay on Wang Xingqiu's shoulder rather bored.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I really want to sleep now.

Just as Patchiliz complained, Fangtooth Shark also fiercely attacked the opponent's last remaining Pokémon.

Wang Xingqiu's battle ended soon.

Under the pressure of strength, Fangtooth Shark beats the opponent very fast.

After a while, the Kung Fu opponent could only leave the field sadly.

After a short rest, and after Wang Xingqiu returned from treating Fang Lu Shark, the draw for the semi-finals officially began.

The first one drawn out was Wang Xingqiu.

After seeing Wang Xingqiu's sign, Lu Ze became excited instantly.

If you draw yourself next, it will be great!

I just need to lose to Wang Xingqiu...

Palletizing, wait, no!

Suddenly, Lu Ze reacted.

Even if he loses to Wang Xingqiu, he will have another match.

After all, there are still two losers, No.3 and No.4, who need to compete for the ranking.

In other words.

After losing to Wang Xingqiu, will he lose to the opponent who lost in another match?
Lu Ze was a little helpless. He always won the championship and No.1, but he forgot about it.

Really helpless.

Lu Ze looked helplessly at the result of the lottery on the field.

But something even more helpless happened.

The second player brand to appear is player number 57.

And this is exactly Wang Xingqiu's opponent.

The results of the opponents in the first round came out, and Lu Ze's opponents were already obvious.

The girl who embraces the mythical beast Shaymi!

It seems that it is not bad.

Lu Ze touched his chin, then turned his head to look at the girl holding Xie Mi.

At this time, the girl also turned her head to look at Lu Ze.

The moment the two looked at each other, a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths at the same time.

"No, what is she laughing at?"

"No, what is he laughing at?"

The two of them turned their heads with puzzled expressions on their faces.

What is that guy laughing at!

The girl looked puzzled, but she was smiling when she met her?
Is Shaymi joking?
Still, he knew what I was thinking!
The alarm bell in the girl's heart rang loudly, and she turned her head to look at Lu Ze with an incredulous expression.

Seeing Lu Ze frowning, the girl quickly shook her head.

Impossible, and he doesn't have mind reading skills, so how could he know what I'm thinking.

He patted his chest lightly, the comfort brought by the waves made Xie Mi squint his eyes.

Lu Ze was also wondering at this moment, what is that woman laughing at?

Looking at your own food?

So it feels safe?
Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help turning his head to look at the girl and rolling his eyes.

Let you play a round, that is, I have my plan.

Otherwise, my victini combat effectiveness is not weak!
Lu Ze was full of displeasure. It was always uncomfortable to be looked down upon by others.

Even if my original plan was to lose.

But you can't make your opponent feel that you are bad!

Amid Lu Ze's unhappiness and the girl's joy, Wang Xingqiu's competition had just begun.

It is still the starter of Fanged Land Shark.

Fangtooth Shark's strength is top-notch in the entire Longtan Park competition.

In addition to the girl's mythical beast Xie Mi, Fangtooth Shark is indeed the strongest in terms of strength.

Although the time for Fangtooth Land Shark to get it is not much different from the time when these college students got their own Pokémon.

But who made the trainer of Fang Lu Shark be Mr. Wang Yi.

Nominally, Wang Lingran is the trainer of the Sharptooth Shark.

However, the training plan and cultivation of the Fangtooth Shark are basically done by Mr. Wang Yi.

As the most powerful master trainer in the Dragon Kingdom, the Fangtooth Shark personally trained by Mr. Wang Yi must be very powerful.

Even though Fangtooth Shark has a relatively long evolution cycle as a dragon-type Pokémon.

But as a dragon Pokémon, the Fangtooth Shark is also very powerful.

Dragon type, quasi-god, plus the cultivation of Mr. Wang Yi.

It is equal to dominating the competition in Longtan Park!

That is to say, there was an accident of Xie Mi, otherwise, Wang Xingqiu would be the first to have no accident.

Wearing teams every game.

Really ridiculously strong.

Naturally, this game was no exception. After Fang Lu Shark came out, he knocked out the opponent's Pokémon.

While the opponent's Pokémon was getting up, Fang Lusha did not hesitate to use [Sword Dance] to strengthen itself.

The strengthening of [Sword Dance] also declared the end of the game.

The opponent's three Pokémon couldn't last long under Fang Lusha's men after being blessed by [Sword Dance], and after a while, they followed in the footsteps of the previous few again.

The girl holding Xie Mi couldn't help but look a little dignified when she looked at Fang Lusha, who was crossing the team again.

If I didn't have Xie Mi, would I be able to defeat this Fanged Land Shark?

It is impossible to think about it.

But soon, the girl's face also eased.

Anyway, my original goal is not No.1 and No.1 reward.

If he could meet Fangtooth Shark, then it would be reasonable for him to lose.

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help turning her head to look at Lu Ze again.

This person's strength also seems to be very strong?

It seems that none of his Pokémon are very strong, but he can always win with two Pokémon.

Could it be that the strength of his trainer is too strong?
But I didn't see him directing Riolu either.

Well, it should be that Riolu's own talent is very strong.

The girl looked at Riolu in Lu Ze's arms, and her eyes were full of admiration.

After the first game is over, the second game begins.

Before going on stage, Lu Ze was still telling the wind goblin to perform well.

Otherwise, with Lioulu who is full of energy, if the wind fairy doesn't act, it will be easy to advance.

But the Wind Fairy is different from Riolu after all.

Compared to Riolu's justice, the wind goblin is a bit immoral.

She has no idea of ​​justice or injustice.

All she cared about was Lu Ze's thoughts and whether it was fun.

Just like what Lu Ze told her now made her feel very amusing.

Plus this is Lu Ze's idea.

So she has no reason to disagree.

The wind goblin excitedly stood up from Lu Ze's hair, and waved her small fist aggressively at the girl who had already played.

The girl on the field also saw this scene, but she didn't have any idea of ​​getting angry, instead she looked a little happy.

Wind Fairy is so cute.

Especially this way of waving her little fist, it just hit her cute spot.

Another one, she originally came here to lose the game.

But it can't be too obvious.

In this case, if the opponent is stronger, everything is very reasonable.

That's why the girl was a little surprised when she saw the excited Riolu and the Wind Fairy who was already warming up.

If this is the case, then my plan can be completed very satisfactorily!

A smile appeared on the girl's face, and the two dimples were extremely intoxicating under the sunlight.

"Please send out your Pokémon!"

As the small flag in the referee's hand was raised, the girl also took out her elf ball.

"Go, Fang!"

"I leave it to you, Riolu!"

Leolu nodded excitedly, then jumped out of Lu Ze's arms and landed on the field.


The Pokémon Fang of the opposite girl also appeared from the Poké Ball, standing on the field and looking at Leolu with excitement.

Elf: Tooth
gender: female

Attribute: Dragon

Characteristic: Exception (When a Pokémon with this characteristic uses a move, it can invalidate the characteristics of the target itself, the target companion and some of its companions.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: grabbing, staring, biting, pointing to the end, malicious pursuit, provocation, splitting, double chopping, dragon claw, iron head, crushing.

Inherited skills: Iron Tail, Assault on the Vitals, Water Tail, Whirlwind Knife.

Lu Ze couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw the information about his opponent's Yaya.

I didn't notice it before, but looking at it now, this Yaya's talent is quite strong.

Although Yaya's final evolution, the double-axe battle dragon, is not a quasi-god.

But the Double Axe Dragon is considered to be relatively powerful among the dragon-type Pokémon.

Now this Yaya is not weak, after all, the skill pool is also rich.

Moreover, they are all physical attack skills that Yaya is good at.

I don't know if Riolu can defeat this Fangya.

Lu Ze thought with some excitement.

If Yaya defeats Riolu, then it will be easy to fight next.


The flag falls and the battle begins!
"Riolu, Bullet Punch!"

Although it has been decided to start the show, but Riolu doesn't understand it, so it can't be too obvious.

Anyway, the opponent's Yaya is not weak, let's try first to see if Yaya can beat Leolu directly!

After Lu Ze's command was passed to Leolu through the waveguide, Leolu's eyes lit up and he rushed out immediately.

The speed increase brought by the preemptive skill [Bullet Fist] is still very fast.

At least now that Riolu was in front of Yaya, Yaya only reacted.

But it was too late, Yaya was directly hit in the chest by Riolu's punch.

Although Yaya was hit by Riolu, his counterattack came very quickly.

The moment he took two steps back, Yaya suddenly turned around.

The not very long tail behind him was covered with a layer of silver-white light, and the tail was drawn directly towards Riolu.

Riolu's face changed, and he quickly folded his hands to cover his chest.

However, Yaya's strength is not small. Although Riolu had blocked with his arm, he was still pushed back a few steps.

But the strange thing is that the girl on the opposite side didn't look happy when she saw this scene on the field, but looked helplessly at the excited Yaya on the field.

Although Lu Ze was a little strange, he didn't think too much about it. Instead, he continued to direct Riolu to launch an attack.

"Riolu, Bullet Fist, and Freeze Fist!"

The opponent's Yaya is a dragon-type Pokémon, which is restrained by ice.

So there is nothing wrong with Riolu's use of [Frozen Fist] at this time.

But after experiencing the sudden attack by Riolu just now, Yaya was obviously on guard.

Watching Riolu move forward again, Yaya's claws popped out, and [Dragon Claws] directly lit up.


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and Riolu's [Frozen Fist] also collided with Yaya's [Dragon Claw].

There was a sound, followed by the sound of gold and iron clashing one after another.

The two Pokémon were tense, [Frozen Fist] and [Dragon Claw] kept waving and colliding with each other.

Seeing the two Pokémon fighting with all their strength on the field, Lu Ze and the girl showed the same helplessness on their faces.

The girl was helpless, she had already agreed with Yaya, after going on the court, let the water go, we only need to lose, not win.

But who knew that Lioulu, the stunned young man on the opposite side, punched Ya Ya when he came up.

Now it's all right, Yaya became competitive after being punched.

He immediately forgot what he had just said to her, and started fighting with Riolu.

But fortunately, the strength of Riolu on the opposite side is not bad, maybe he can defeat Yaya.

As long as Riolu defeats Fang, it will be easy.

Compared to Yaya, who is on the top, the humming bat is very calm, and she trusts her very much.

After sighing helplessly, the girl had no choice but to direct Yaya to launch an attack.

And Lu Ze shook his head helplessly after seeing Riolu's movements.

Leolu must have put in too much effort. His effort made himself, a teammate who wanted to paddle secretly, a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Yaya on the opposite side is powerful, and it seems that he can barely press Leo Lulu to fight.

If that's the case, then I'm relieved.

As long as Riolu is defeated by Fang on the opposite side, the rest will be easy.

The wind goblin perfectly understands what I mean.

Although the opponent's Pokémon are all dragon-type, it's not easy to win, and it's not easy to lose?
Lu Ze smiled confidently, and began to direct the Riolu attack through the waveguide.

The two Pokémon collided constantly, [Frozen Fist] left frostbite on Yaya's body, and Yaya's [Dragon Claw] also left a few scratches on Riolu's body without showing any weakness.

After the two Pokémon collided violently again, they separated again.

But this time, the two Pokémon didn't rush up again, but stood there at the same time and gasped for breath.

This series of uninterrupted full-force collisions made the two of them feel a little tired.

Take a break.

Just a moment!
While panting heavily, the two Pokémon were still glaring at each other.

No matter the size, weight, or physical attack of the two Pokémon, the speed is almost the same.

Not only that, but the fighting methods of the two Pokémon are also similar. Both are melee attacks. There is no temptation for long-range attacks, and there is no increase or debuff state of changing skills.

So after the two Pokémon have been fighting for a while, this is the top.

Both Pokémon's competitive spirit has been stimulated.

As for what my trainer just said?
One is that he didn't understand at all, and the other is that he has left it behind.

After the two Pokémon took a short rest, before their trainer could speak, they rushed up again.

But Lu Ze and the girl obviously know how to act.

This scene must not only be performed for the audience, for the opponent, but also for his own Pokémon.

So the moment the two Pokémon are in action, the command of the two is also passed on at the same time.

"Riolu, Frozen Fist!"

"Yaya, Dragonclaw!"

The two gave the same order again, one claw was shining with light, and the other fist was emitting cold air.

The two Pokémon collided again, and the clanging sound continued to ring out on the field.

Lu Ze waved the power of the guide, carefully observed the movements of the two Pokémon, trying to analyze which of the two Pokémon has a higher winning rate.

However, the winning rate has not yet been analyzed, and Ya Ya's attack method made Lu Ze frown involuntarily.

After Lu Ze got used to the attacking methods of Charizard, Lucario and Electric Shock Beast, Yaya's attacking methods made Lu Ze feel that something was wrong when he looked at Yaya again.

Yaya's attack, why does it feel like there will be a slight flaw from time to time?

At first, Lu Ze thought it was just a coincidence, but after watching it for a while, Lu Ze realized that a flaw would appear every once in a while.

In contrast, Riolu, who has been taught by the fire-breathing dragon and the electric shock beast, does not have this problem.

After watching it for a while, Lu Ze finally understood.

Fang now fights the same way his Snorbeast and Forkbat fought in the beginning.

They all belong to that kind of wild way.

Later, it was only after he constantly challenged Pokémon stronger than himself that he changed the battle that was still so wild, and there were not so many small flaws that he didn't notice from time to time.

As for Snorbeast and Iron Claw Lobster, it was because of the teachings of Papa Lu and Lu Xingguo's Pokémon that they slowly changed their original fighting style.

It is said that it is Ye Luzi's fighting style, but in fact, he has relatively little combat experience, and there are many problems that he did not notice during the battle, and he all fought with his own instinct.

Just like teeth now.

When he saw Riolu's fist coming, he blocked it, and then subconsciously launched a counterattack.

This kind of wild way is hard to say, there are also strong ones who rely on their own instincts to fight.

For example, Lu's father's stick-tailed scale armored dragon, that one completely relies on his own instinct to fight.

However, although the staff-tailed scale armor dragon fights with his own instinct, he can avoid most of the flaws through his rich combat experience.

Not like this tooth now.

Now Lu Ze is praying, and his own Riolu can't find this.

Otherwise, if you catch a weak point in Yaya, you can easily defeat Yaya.

Now Yaya's combat experience is still too little, and he is not like the stick-tailed scale armored dragon at all.

Riolu is different, because of the presence of Bird, so from the beginning Riolu is not the kind of wild way of fighting.

Lu Ze's team also has Pokémon with that wild fighting style.

For example, electric shock monsters, such as iron claw lobsters, are also counted as half.

But they call it Yeluzi rather than calling it a wild way of fighting.

Once the electric shock beast turns on the melee combat mode, it basically fights with its own instinct.

And the iron claw lobster is similar, because of its very strong skill proficiency, so many times the iron claw lobster has claws faster than the brain.

As for why he is said to be half.

Because compared with the full dependence of the electric shock beast, he still needs to judge which one will cause more damage to the opponent under the blessing of [Adaptability], the attribute restraint or his own skills.

The battle on the field has now reached a fever pitch.

But Lu Ze also fell into a state of despair.

Because his waveguide and Riolu's waveguide are linked together.

So at this moment, he could clearly sense that Riolu's waveguide was watching Yaya's actions.

I was still calculating Yaya's flaws in my heart.

"It's now!"

Suddenly, Riolu let out a low cry, and then jumped into the air.

Grabbing Yaya's attack and being frozen for a moment after being bounced off, he suddenly pushed down!

[Flying knee kick]!
The knee fell suddenly, and the powerful impact directly hit Ya Ya's chest.

This sudden violent attack made Yaya a little bit unbearable, and he was beaten and lost his fighting ability the moment he was hit.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

When Riolu landed on the ground, he couldn't help but grinned when he saw Yaya who had turned his eyes in circles.

Although I don't have much physical strength left, I am very happy to have successfully defeated my opponent.

The girl had a smile on her face, but she quickly hid it.

But Lu Ze sighed helplessly.

In the end, Riolu found a chance.

If Riolu hadn't found this opportunity, according to the battle between the two of them just now, Yaya should be the one who won in the end.


After Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, he saw Riolu who turned his head.

"That's amazing, Riolu!"

Lu Ze quickly changed his face and gave Leolu a thumbs up with admiration.

Riolu chuckled, then turned to look at the girl, looking forward to her next Pokémon.

"Go, humming bat!"

The girl didn't let Riolu down either, she took Fangya back into the Poké Ball, and sent out her next Pokémon.

Elf: Humming Bat
gender: female

Attributes: Flying, Dragon
Ability: Penetration (Pokémon with this characteristic are not affected by the opponent's reflective wall, light wall, mysterious guardian, white jade, double and aurora curtain.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: impact, absorb, wind, supersonic, shadow clone, wing attack, bite, air blade, hot wind, iron tail.

Inherited skills: Reverse Scale, Dragon's Dive, Tailwind, Clear Fog.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up when he saw the buzzing bat's message.

This humming bat is indeed very good.

Both self-learned skills and inherited skills are very good.

Whether it is the powerful dragon skills such as [Reverse Scale] in the genetic skills, [Dragon's Dive].

Or functional skills such as [Shunfeng] [Clear Fog] are very good.

"Humbat, Air Blade!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the girl let the humming bat attack.

Although I want to lose, if I don't attack in this situation, it's really a bit too fake.

Although she really didn't want to attack, she wanted Riolu, who had no physical strength, to directly defeat her humming bat.

But doing so is obviously unlikely.

After defeating Riolu, it might be faster to let the wind goblin fight.

Own humming bats can also fall faster.

The buzzing bat flew into the sky and directly attacked Riolu below.

A large number of [Air Blades] fell. Although Riolu had tried his best to resist, his movements slowed down due to his lack of physical strength.

In the end, he was hit by [Air Blade] and lost his ability to fight.

"Riolu has lost the ability to fight, please change the Pokémon!"

As the referee's voice fell, Lu Ze also directly took out Leolu's elf ball and took Leolu back into the elf ball.

After Riolu fell down, Lu Ze couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I'll leave it to you, Wind Fairy.

After Lu Ze blinked at the wind goblin, the wind goblin also raised an eyebrow proudly at Lu Ze.

Don't worry, leave it to me!

(End of this chapter)

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