Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 824 Arceus Tablet and the Girl's Secret

Chapter 824 Arceus Tablet and the Girl's Secret
After seeing the movement of the wind goblin, Lu Ze also nodded in satisfaction.

Well, I'm relieved to leave it to you!

With the appearance of the wind goblin, the battle between the two Pokémon began again.

"Wind Fairy, Shunfeng!"

"Humbat, Shunfeng!"

The two trainers unanimously made the same choice, and they both chose [Tailwind], a skill that has no attack power but can increase their speed.

As for why increase your own speed?

Of course, it was because he was able to control the battle situation in his own hands.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that the opponent also chose to increase their speed.

If both sides improve, it means that neither side has improved.

The two Pokémon are again on a horizontal line.

Lu Ze was a little puzzled, but he was not in a hurry to command his Wind Fairy to attack.

But the strange thing is that the opponent did not command the humming bat to attack.

The situation immediately became deadlocked.

This behavior of the girl made Lu Ze feel a little strange.

No, [Shunfeng] is already open and still not launching an attack?
The girl was also a little strange, why didn't the opponent directly attack?
But the silence between the two was just for a moment, and soon they realized that this could not be the case.

"Humbat, blade of air!"

"Wind Fairy, absorb!"

After a moment of silence, the two commanded their Pokémon to attack at the same time.

The humming bat released [Air Blade], and the Wind Fairy used [Drain] on the humming bat.

But it's a little strange that after the skill used by the wind fairy hit the humming bat, the buzzing bat's [air blade] didn't hit the wind fairy?

Mo De, is it crooked?
Lu Ze looked puzzled at the [Air Blade] flying past the motionless Wind Fairy.

Could it be that the buzzing bat is predicting the wind fairy's position?
As a result, the wind goblin didn't move?

Lu Ze was puzzled, but at this moment the girl was laughing wildly in her heart.

I missed you, but you hit me, and now my winning percentage is reduced by [-]%!
If it continues like this, I will lose this game soon!

The girl laughed heartily, but she still had to show an unhappy look on her face.

After all, his humming bat's attack did not hit the opponent.

"Humbat, don't be discouraged, let's use the air blade again!"

After the buzzing bats in the air nodded seriously, they flapped their wings, and [Air Blades] hit the wind fairy again one by one.

No, it's absolutely wrong!
Lu Ze's pupils shrank. It was obvious that the [air blade] released by the humming bat could not hit the wind fairy in the judgment of the power of the waveguide.

When the wind goblin does not move, [Air Blade] will only pass by the wind goblin, and will not hurt the wind goblin at all.

Not only that, but only one or two wind blades passed by the wind goblin, and the rest almost went to the Pacific Ocean.

Lu Ze was startled. This guy doesn't want to lose, does he?

No no no!

Lu Ze quickly shook his head, denying his own idea.

She lost because of Arceus' attribute slate, but why did she lose the game?

She has the strength to win the championship, how could she deliberately lose to him?
It can't be for Arceus' attribute slate, right?

What a joke, how could she do this for a useless thing.

Lu Ze shook his head. Apart from him, no one else should want Arceus' attribute slate.

After all, it doesn't matter if you don't know what this thing is, and this slate is useless.

Except for the attribute energy of each stone slab containing different attributes in each stone slab, the others have no effect at all.

Lu Ze touched his chin.

Could it be that the trainers and humming bats on the opposite side are not proficient enough?
Shouldn't it?

While Lu Ze was still thinking about what was going on, the Wind Fairy moved.

The wind goblin has been a little confused since the humming bat used [Air Blade] for the first time and missed her.

Think about the [Air Blade] used by the big sister of the forked bat, and then look at the one used by the humming bat on the opposite side.

It feels like it was intentional!

After seeing the [air blade] used by the humming bat this time, the feeling in the wind goblin's heart became even stronger.


Feng Yao thought carefully, and immediately ran towards the nearest [Air Blade].


With a soft sound, the [Air Blade] collided with the Wind Fairy and exploded.

The wind goblin also fell down with a smile.

Sure enough, as she thought, the humming bat should have done it on purpose.

Although she didn't understand why the humming bat did this, she must have done it on purpose.

Especially after seeing the shock on the humming bat's face during the fall, the wind goblin was even more sure.

The humming bat was also really shocked.

This was the first time I saw an opponent bumping into his own attack.

Not only was the buzzing bat surprised, even the girl couldn't help opening her mouth slightly, looking dully at the wind fairy falling from the sky.


The girl is also a little uncertain, after all, which normal Pokémon will deliberately bump into the opponent's attack!

Unless the opponent wants to lose!

But what good is losing a game?

It's no good at all!
He is different from himself, and he doesn't have the same feeling as grandma!
The girl was puzzled, could it be a coincidence?
It just so happened that the Wind Fairy wanted to avoid the [Air Blade]'s attack, but unexpectedly, she ran directly into it?
"Humbat, blade of air?"

The girl wanted to test it, and once again commanded the humming bat to use the [Air Blade] to hit the wind fairy.

Humming Bat nodded, and he also couldn't figure out whether it was just a coincidence or not.

It's good to try it out.

The buzzing bat nodded, and the 【Air Blade】 was released again while waving its wings.

But this [Air Blade] is much smaller than before.

Not only is it much smaller, but its speed is also much slower. It looks like it's useless?
But even so, the Wind Fairy who had just landed did not let go.

"Standing up" and "stumbling" stood up, and flew into the air again.

However, it seems that the chance to choose is not very good, and there are a lot of [Air Blades] oncoming.

Others don't know, but Lu Ze and Feng Fairy understand it very well.

If you follow the original path of the wind goblin straight up and down, you can perfectly avoid all the [air blades], and finally return to the air unscathed.

I have to say that this humming bat is also a talent.

The course of action of the wind goblin was also calculated.

Based on this point alone, the humming bat's proficiency in [Air Blade] is also very high.

If he did it on purpose.

But what you are facing is a wind goblin!

Lu Ze laughed heartily, watching the wind goblin "stagger" and then left the straight up and down route.

Then he was hit by a lot of [air blades], and he was so crushed that he couldn't lift his head.

A question mark appeared on the humming bat's head.

Why is this guy really bumping into my skills!

Touch porcelain!

"How do I feel, the wind goblin took the initiative to bump into it?"

After two times in a row, the reporters who were watching also felt that something was wrong.

The first time was fine, but the second time obviously felt that he would not be hit by so many [Air Blades].

Moreover, you can avoid all the [Air Blades] by dodging to the side, so why do you have to fly up to meet the [Air Blades]?
"Indeed, but the humming bat is also a little strange."

Another reporter on the side also nodded, pointing to the humming bats on the field.

"Look, the humming bat's first attack just now was like this, the wind goblin didn't even move and he missed."

"It's the same for the second time. If the wind goblin doesn't move, the air blade still won't hit."

"Yeah, that's exactly what you said!"

"It feels like both of them are a little weird." The reporter shook his head and said with a puzzled expression.

"Tell me, could it be that man fell in love with that woman, so he lost on purpose?"

Another reporter pouted at the two people on the field with a teasing face and said.

"It seems that this possibility is not impossible. That woman is indeed beautiful, and there is also a divine beast."

"With the divine beast, that man knew he couldn't win, so he took the initiative to act and let himself lose the game!"

"Damn it, master!"

The two reporters looked at the Wind Fairy's trainer with admiration.

"Although you can't see the face, but judging by the figure and the shape of the face, it shouldn't be bad. Maybe someone will succeed."

The two reporters were chattering, laughing and trembling.

But at this time, Lu Ze on the court was trying his best to hold back.

I couldn't help myself from laughing out loud.

It has to be a wind fairy!
Look, see how smooth this skill hits!

Hit the skill twice more and your goal will be achieved!

"Wind Fairy, come on!"

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help but cheer up the wind goblin.

Of course, what is added is the oil that continues to touch porcelain.

The wind goblin obviously understood what Lu Ze meant. After turning her head and blinking at Lu Ze, she flew into the air again and looked at the opponent's buzzing bat.

Really, why didn't the humming bat take advantage of the victory when she fell to the ground just now?

If she took advantage of the victory and pursued her, she would have lost her ability to fight and fell down by now.

Don't want any victory at your fingertips!
The wind goblin complained inwardly, and the humming bat was a little panicked at this moment.

No, why is this guy like this!
Does she not want to win!

That is to say, I used the least powerful [Air Blade], otherwise I would be afraid to kill you directly!

The two Pokémon kept complaining in their hearts, but they still watched their opponents vigilantly.

The girl was also caught in a tangle at this time, gritting her teeth and not knowing what to do.

You can't keep the humming bat from attacking.

But if he launches an attack, what if the wind fairy on the opposite side bumps into him again.

Does this wind goblin have some physical problem, it's out of control!

Really, why did you meet such an opponent!
"Humbat, use Bite!"

The girl had a headache, and finally gave the order to attack the humming bat.

After all, he is still young, his skin is too thin, and he is completely incomparable with Lu Ze.

Look at Lu Ze, you don't attack and you don't attack, you don't look embarrassed at all.

But if you attack.

I'm sorry then.

I'm going to hit it!

Facing the hesitant buzzing bat, the wind goblin's eyes lit up, and she went up to it.

That appearance almost sent his neck up.

Come on, bite me, bite me quickly!

The humming bat hesitated a bit when he saw the wind fairy approaching him.

Feeling a bit toothache.

But the wind goblin didn't care about you, and directly used [impact] to crash into the arms of the humming bat.

After the buzzing bat felt the weak [impact] from the wind goblin, it could only lightly bite the wind goblin.

The wind goblin was a little dissatisfied, and looked up at the humming bat.

What, didn't eat!
Why do you have so much energy?
The wind goblin cursed.

Sure enough, relying on others is worse than relying on oneself, he has already pretended almost, and looking at the other side, he seems to have discovered his purpose.

In this case.

The wind goblin knocked the buzzing bat back with a punch, and then turned her head to gesture to Lu Ze.

After Lu Ze saw the signal from the wind goblin, he nodded a little dumbfounded to say yes.

Before the start of the game, the Wind Fairy raised an idea to Lu Ze in order to win the game.

This idea can completely defeat him and make Lu Ze lose the game.

However, Lu Ze did not choose to accept it, after all, this act was too much.

The wind goblin also felt that there was such a suspicion, so she said that she would only use it as a last resort.

When the time comes to use it, it will send a signal to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze agreed, after all, it is very important for him to lose.

So just now, the wind fairy felt that it was the last time, so she sent a signal to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze also felt that the buzzing bat opposite was a bit strange, so he nodded in agreement with the wind fairy to do so in order not to have long nights and dreams.

At this time, the humming bat and the girl were in a state of excitement.

The wind goblin on the opposite side hit him!

That's totally a good start.

As long as I don't fight back, I can be defeated by the wind goblin!

But when the humming bat was excited, the wind fairy opposite suddenly showed him a smirk.

The buzzing bat was startled, but the next second he saw the wind goblin throw something towards him.

The humming bat wants to dodge, but this skill is different from the slow speed that the wind fairy has always shown.

This skill came very quickly, hitting the humming bat in one go.

But the strange thing is, why didn't I feel any pain?
The buzzing bat was a little puzzled, but the next second he saw that the wind fairy opposite had landed on the ground, and then turned his eyes in circles.

and many more…

Before the humming bat had time to wonder, it immediately felt the decrease of its physical attack and special attack.

"A parting gift!"

After seeing the situation of the wind goblin, the girl gritted her teeth and said these four words.

That's right, the skill that the Wind Fairy used just now is [Parting Gift].

Let yourself fall into a state of being incapacitated, and then reduce the opponent's physical attack and special attack by two levels.

But the price is that you will lose your ability to fight.

But isn't this exactly what Lu Ze and the wind goblin want.

After Lu Ze "reluctantly" retracted his Wind Fairy into the elf ball, he raised his left hand.

"I abstain!"

As Lu Ze's voice fell, not only the referees and the audience looked at Lu Ze in disbelief.

Even the opponent was shocked.

"Don't you still have an electric flying squirrel?"

The girl's surprised tone came over, but Lu Ze just smiled and touched the head of "Electronic Mouse".

"This, this is not a battle Pokémon, she has no fighting ability."

"I do not believe!"

The girl shouted loudly, but the referee directly raised the small flag in his hand, indicating that the girl had won.

It doesn't matter whether Lu Ze's electric flying squirrel is capable of fighting or not.

Everyone has already stated that this is not a battle Pokémon, and even abstained.

You can't let other people's pet Pokémon fight on the field.

After Lu Ze showed a very sunny smile at the girl, he proudly hugged "Electrical Mouse" and ended up.

The girl itched her teeth in anger, but there was nothing she could do about Lu Ze.

After all, they have been beaten, and even if they "can't beat", they can't beat them, so what else can they ask for.

But if Lu Ze does this, Guaranteed No. 2 will not be able to get what he wants!

After the battle was over, the girl followed Lu Ze angrily, and walked towards the elf treatment center together.

Lu Ze also noticed the girl following behind him, but he didn't care.

After all, her Yaya has lost her ability to fight, so she should come to the Elf Healing Center.

After Lu Ze handed over the pokemon balls of Riolu and Wind Fairy to Happy Egg, he sat quietly on the stool outside.

Just as Lu Ze sat down, the girl holding Xie Mi rushed in.

After scanning and seeing Lu Ze, he handed the two poke balls in his hand to the staff.

Without hesitation, the girl came to sit beside Lu Ze.

"You lost to me on purpose, didn't you!"

The girl has bright eyebrows and bright eyes, and her delicate face is full of unhappiness and incomprehension.

"See, I'll say this kid is a master!"

At this time, the two reporters who followed the two to the elf treatment center also admired this scene after seeing this scene.

Deliberately lose the game, and then let the girl come to him.

Hard to catch!

What a master!
The girl was indeed very beautiful, not much different from Tang Yunqin.

However, Lu Ze saw Tang Yunqin every day, so he naturally developed some resistance to this beauty.

Facing the girl Lu Ze who came to the door, he didn't have any other emotions, he just raised his eyebrows and looked at the girl.

"Deliberately lose to you? No, I only have these two Pokémon."

As Lu Ze said, he tapped the "Electric Flying Squirrel" on his shoulder.

"He doesn't have much fighting ability, so we can't let him play against you, right?"

As Lu Ze said, "Flying Squirrel" rubbed Lu Ze's finger with his head very cooperatively.

Seeing Lu Ze like this, the girl couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

But Lu Ze said that she had nothing to do.

After all, you can't force people to send Pokémon that you don't have the ability to fight.

"you you!"

The girl was so angry that she couldn't speak. After saying a few words in anger, she sat beside Lu Ze with her arms crossed and her chest puffed up.

He didn't speak, he didn't do anything, he just sulked alone.

Lu Ze gave the girl a strange look, but soon his attention was on Xie Mi who was on the girl's shoulder.

At this time, Xie Mi was looking at the "electric flying squirrel" in Lu Ze's arms with a puzzled expression.

I always feel that this electric flying squirrel is a bit unscrupulous?

Is it my delusion?

Should not be ah.

It feels like there is something familiar about the electric flying squirrel.

Xie Mi was puzzled, and Lu Ze also looked at Xie Mi curiously, and then at Victini in his arms.

Shamy, you don't recognize Victini, do you?
Lu Ze thought of it curiously.

The electric flying squirrel camouflage coat on Victini was specially developed by the Dragon Country Research Institute.

Not only does it wrap Victini's whole body, but it also makes Victini's appearance completely look like an electric flying mouse.

This electric flying squirrel camouflage outfit shouldn't make Victini any uncomfortable.

There is even heating in winter and air conditioning in summer, which is wonderful.

Although Victini is originally a fire beast, the weather in winter and summer has little effect on him.

But this electric flying squirrel camouflage coat is still very complete.

Xie Mi, you shouldn't be able to see it, right?

Lu Ze was a little curious, but he didn't bother Xie Mi who was still frowning, but just watched with interest.

Victini knew Shaymi.

But Xie Mi belonged to an ethnic group, and he didn't know this Xie Mi.

He didn't even know if this Shaymi belonged to the same group as the Shamy he knew.

So he didn't pay attention to Xie Mi, but lay lazily in Lu Ze's arms, looking at the ceiling of the Elf Healing Center and wondering what he was thinking.

Lu Ze looked at Xie Mi, Xie Mi looked at Victini, Victini looked at the ceiling, and there was an angry beautiful girl sitting beside her.

No matter how strange this scene looks, it is inexplicably harmonious.

"Why didn't he continue to talk, wouldn't it be better to go up and coax him at this time."

The young reporter hid aside and couldn't help asking when he saw them like this.

"No wonder you are licking a dog. This is called playing hard to get, you know what a fart!"

The middle-aged reporter looked disdainful: "Your goddess, you have been licking for so long, have you caught up?"

The young reporter shook his head blankly: "No."

"If you don't have it, you should study hard and watch others watch you."

After the middle-aged reporter finished speaking, the two continued to look at Lu Ze and the others.

But what the middle-aged reporter didn't see was the excitement in the young reporter's eyes.

After waiting for a while, Lu Ze got up and stepped forward when he saw Happy Egg bringing his Riolu and Wind Fairy.

"Thanks for your hard work~"

After thanking the happy egg, Lu Ze took Riolu and the wind fairy and was ready to return to the field.

Riolu was a little unhappy, he had just heard what the wind fairy said.

After he lost the ability to fight, the wind goblin also failed to defeat the opponent's buzzing bat, which finally caused Ozawa to lose the game.

Riolu blamed himself a little. At this moment, all he could think about was his own training plan after returning.

I have to become stronger, I have to become stronger, so that Ozawa will not lose the game!
Compared with Riolu's rich inner activities, the Wind Fairy is more excited.

Although I was a little curious why I saw my opponent sitting with Ozawa when I just came out.

But these are small problems, as long as Ozawa's goal is achieved.

Lu Ze glanced at the sulking girl over there, smiled at Xie Mi, said hello, and walked out of the elf treatment center.

Seeing Lu Ze's actions, the girl couldn't help but become even angrier.

This guy, he didn't even say hello to me when he said hello to Xie Mi!
"Study hard, this young man's tricks, tsk tsk."

After the middle-aged reporter patted the shoulder of the young reporter beside him, he followed behind Lu Ze and left.

Get ready, Shaymi should play again in the next final.

After the middle-aged reporter left, the young reporter's eyes kept flickering with a strange light.

Looking at the message from the goddess on the phone.

Goddess: I'm free tomorrow, let's go have dinner together.

After the young reporter thought for a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth that he thought was very handsome.

Handsome and invincible lord: No.

goddess:? ? ?
The young reporter couldn't help but smile when he saw the news from the goddess again.

Sure enough, she didn't reply so quickly before!
The young reporter smiled confidently, put his phone away with a flick of his hair, and walked outside.

Woman, hang out with you for a while!
On the field, after Lu Ze came back, the qualifying match between No.3 and No.4 was about to start.

After Lu Ze played, Leolu was still the starter.

After Riolu's defeat just now, this battle made his fighting will even more bursting.

After defeating the opponent's two Pokémon with all their strength, it was the turn of the wind fairy to play next.

After Riolu and the opponent's second Pokémon were replaced, he showed a firm look at the wind fairy above Lu Ze's head.

I'll leave the rest to you!

But what he didn't know was that when he fell down, Lu Ze and Feng Fairy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although I feel a little sorry for Riolu.

After all, the Riolu universe exploded, and one Pokémon fought two Pokémon that were stronger than him.

In the end, the two of them actually discussed how to backstab him!
Lu Ze and Feng Fairy looked at each other, and each Pokémon saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Watching Riolu show off his might, finish off the first Pokémon in a desperate manner, and get into a fierce battle with the opponent's second Pokémon.

To be honest, both of them were a little afraid that Riolu would go straight to three.

If Riolu is really three in a row, what they have done before will be in vain.


After the wind goblin patted her chest with her small hand, she slapped Lu Ze on the field.

Leave it to me!

After Feng Goblin came on stage, Lu Ze immediately felt relieved.

If there are no accidents, I think there will be no accidents.

Sure enough, the wind goblin still continued her style of the game against the buzzing bat after she came on the field.

Don't dodge the attacks that can hit you, and get together with the attacks that can't hit you.

The opponent's Pokémon is all about winning, not like a humming bat.

So after a while, the wind fairy successfully completed her task.

Lu Ze was happy, and so were the girls off the field.

After watching the game of Wind Goblin, she understood a little bit.

Maybe Lu Ze didn't want to lose on purpose.

But this wind goblin might be a real dish.

The smile on the girl's face brightened again, and the next thing was the match between her and Wang Xingqiu.

Although the game just now did not achieve his goal, there is still a chance now.

As long as he can defeat Wang Xingqiu, it will be fine!
There was a firm look in the girl's eyes, and she walked towards the field with Xie Mi in her arms.

But these have nothing to do with Lu Ze.

My goal has now been achieved.

The next thing I have to do is to wait until the finals are over, and go on stage to receive my prize.

Tablet of Arceus' attributes.

Lu Ze hummed a ditty, and after handing Riolu and Wind Fairy to Happy Egg, he sat on the stool and waited.

However, compared to the laid-back Lu Ze, Wang Xingqiu on the court at this time was a bit uncomfortable.

The Fangtooth Shark is still very powerful.

His strength in this kind of competition is basically a dimensionality reduction blow, and no opponent can support the attack of the sharp tooth land shark.

The same is true for this game.

The girl's Yaya and Buzzing Bat were quickly defeated under the powerful attack of the Fangtooth Land Shark.

But the girl's last Pokémon is not something that Fangtooth Shark can deal with.

After Xie Mi came on the stage, relying on his strength far surpassing Fang Lu Sha, he defeated Fang Lu Sha in a short time.

After the Fangtooth Shark fell, Wang Lingran's Pachi Liz also played.

But Paciliz, who was not as strong as the sharp tooth land shark, was quickly beaten and lost his fighting ability.

At this moment, Wang Xingqiu couldn't help feeling a little tangled.

Is it to ask for a leave of absence from the king and try to see if he can kill the gods.

Or just abstain?
Although Xie Mi on the opposite side can be regarded as the weaker among the beasts.

It is still possible to kill God after his own leave king comes on the stage.

But bullying a girl is still a girl who just got Pokémon not long ago.

Still on this baby cup.

To be honest, Wang Xingqiu was somewhat unable to do such a thing.

But at this time, he has reached the final step, under the temptation of the champion and killing gods.

Wang Xingqiu hesitated.

Wang Xingqiu, who was hesitating, couldn't help but looked up at Lu Ze.

But at this time, Lu Ze was still resting in the elf treatment center.

Wang Xingqiu, who did not find Lu Ze, looked at Wang Lingran again.

Although Wang Lingran's two Pokémon have already fallen.

But looking at his sister's happy smile, Wang Xingqiu seemed to understand something.

If it was Lu Ze now, what would he do?
After Wang Xingqiu thought for a while, he finally raised his hand amid the urging voice of the referee.

"I don't have any Pokémon anymore, so I abstain."

Lu Ze will definitely not bully children.

Once the goal has been achieved, the result is no longer important.

Wang Xingqiu smiled at the girl and left.

Isn't my purpose just to let my sister see how powerful my Pokémon is.

Defeated all opponents, and finally lost to the hands of the beast.

This goal has been achieved, isn't it?
Wang Xingqiu smiled freely, hugged the younger sister who rushed down and rushed towards him in his arms, and took her to the Spirit Healing Center together.

"My brother is so handsome!"

"Of course, your brother is the most handsome in the world!"

"Slightly slightly slightly, shameless, I'm talking about the Fangtooth Land Shark."

"soy Mujer!"

The two came to the Elf Healing Center while laughing and laughing.

At this time, because there were no more players to fight against, there was no one else in the Elf Healing Center except Lu Ze.

"Yo, the battle is over, how is it?"

Lu Ze, who was comforting Lioulu, heard the voice and looked up. He happened to see Wang Xingqiu and Wang Lingran who came in, so he asked.

"Didn't you ignore me?"

Wang Xingqiu rolled his eyes, good guy, just ignored him because of the reporter's reason, and now he took the initiative to talk to him again.

"Isn't that because there were reporters there just now? I'm also afraid that my identity will be exposed."

"Brother lost."

After the little girl Wang Lingran made a face at Wang Xingqiu, she said to Lu Ze with a smile.

"I lost to Xie Mi, right? It's okay, after all, he is a beast." Lu Ze said with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, the mythical beast is also my Pokémon."

At this time, the girl who just won the championship also walked in, and said with a proud face after hearing Lu Ze's words.

Lu Ze smiled, did not speak, turned his head and continued to comfort the sullen Lioulu.

Wang Xingqiu handed the two little guys who had lost their fighting ability to Xingfudan, and found a seat to sit down.

At this time, Wang Lingran moved to the girl's side very naturally and began to chat with the girl.

The sunshine in the winter afternoon was also very good, making Mini Dragon and Zoroya a little drowsy in Wang Lingran's arms.

Lu Ze didn't go to the two of them right now.

After all, the awards ceremony hasn't started yet, so there are still many people waiting.

It has been hidden for so long, and it is not good to be exposed at the last moment.

Wang Lingran and the girl didn't know what they were talking about, they both looked happy anyway.

Although the girl was also curious about the miniature dragon and Zoroya in Wang Lingran's arms, Wang Lingran didn't reveal Lu Ze's identity to me, but just said that it was her brother's Pokémon, and came to play with her It's over.

Soon Fangtooth Shark and the girl's Pokémon were healed.

After the three of them went back to attend the awards ceremony, the competition was over.

Wang Xingqiu, No.2, got a dispensable prize, and Lu Ze, No.4, got the slate of attributes that he was thinking of.

And the No.1 girl got the most valuable super evolution stone set in the eyes of others.

But I don't know if it's Lu Ze's illusion. I always feel that the girl doesn't care about the super evolution stone set in her hand.

Instead, his eyes looked at the slate of Arceus in his hand from time to time.

But this slate is now in your hands, even if you really want it.

Even if you have a beast, even if you use the rob.

After Lu Ze thought about this possibility for a while, a smile could not help showing at the corner of his mouth.

I brought Victini and Deoxys with me today!
If you really want to grab it.


Lu Ze smiled triumphantly in his heart, but the next second he noticed the girl who had come in front of him.

"Why, what are you doing?"

Lu Ze was startled, this guy doesn't really want to grab things in broad daylight, does he?

"Can we discuss something?"

The girl bit her lip, held Xie Mi and looked at Lu Ze pitifully and asked.

"whats the matter?"

Lu Ze was a little curious, but the young reporter who was paying attention here became excited at this moment.

Is this the power of playing hard to get!
Thinking of this, the young reporter quickly turned on the phone.

It's almost time to dry, it's time to give you a little warmth.

Handsome and invincible lord: Woman, I can give you a chance!
goddess:? ? ? ? ? ?

Handsome and invincible lord: Since you are sincere, I will go to dinner with you tomorrow.

Handsome and invincible lord: How about it, be moved!
"Hey? Why can't it be sent out?"

The young reporter looked puzzled at the red exclamation mark that appeared in front of the message sent from the mobile phone.

"That's right, I want to exchange the super evolution stone set in my hand for this stone in your hand, is that okay?"


Hearing what the girl said, Lu Ze immediately frowned.

"Why do you want to change this stone... head?"

Replace a useless slate with a super evolution stone set?
Does this guy know something?

She knows that this is Arceus' attribute tablet?
Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help becoming more vigilant.

The girl was speechless, and she didn't expect Lu Ze to ask such a question.

A useless stone and a priceless super evolution stone set, isn't this interchangeable?

The girl said weakly, "That's it. I like the color of this stone, and it's square. It's rare to see such a stone naturally, so I want to take it back for collection."

Lu Ze looked at the girl like this and laughed: "Do you think I believe it?"

Among other things, Lu Ze didn't believe that the girl was just taking it back for collection.

The current action and the behavior when he was fighting with him just now made Lu Ze probably have a reason in his heart.

This girl probably knows what this slate is.

Plus Shami…

Lu Ze looked up at Xie Mi in the girl's arms.

It is also possible that Xie Mi knew that it was something from Arceus, so he told the girl.

But no matter what the reason is, there is no possibility of handing over the slate once it is in his hands.


Lu Ze rolled his eyes: "Well, tell me what it is, and I'll think about it."

Seeing the smile on Lu Ze's face, the girl put away her previous appearance.

"Are you sure you want to know? This may not be a good thing for you."


Lu Ze didn't answer the girl's question, but just said two words softly.

Lu Ze smiled, turned around and was about to leave.

The way the girl shrank her pupils after hearing these two words meant that she really knew that the slate belonged to Arceus.

Although I don't know how she knew it, it doesn't affect anything.

"and many more!"

Hearing the girl's voice, a smile appeared on Lu Ze's face again.

"What else?"

Lu Ze turned around, but the smile on his face disappeared the moment he turned around, and changed into an impatient expression.

"Let's fight, serious fight!"

The girl looked at Lu Ze seriously, and then pointed to the steel slate in Lu Ze's hand.

"If I win, you give me this!"

"What if you lose?"

The corner of Lu Ze's mouth raised, and he asked back.

"If I lose, I'll give you a slate too!" the girl gritted her teeth and said.

Lu Ze smiled: "You have a beast, why should I have this unfair fight with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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