Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 825 Victini and Lu Ze's First Time

Chapter 825 Victini and Lu Ze's First Time


The girl blurted out, but she seemed to remember something, and didn't say all of it.

Originally, she wanted to say that she didn't need divine beasts to fight.

After all, looking at Lu Zefeng's appearance, there is a high probability that he will not listen to Lu Ze's command.

In this way, his chances of winning are very high.

But she reacted the moment she spoke.

If Lu Ze was aiming at the attribute slate of Arceus from the beginning.

The wind goblin's appearance must have been faked.

The wind goblin is actually very powerful, but because she wants to lose the game, she will go up to catch the opponent's attack.

After thinking of this, the girl shut up all of a sudden.

If the wind goblin played normally, then he would not be sure that he would be able to win.

The fairy attribute of the wind goblin is immune to damage from dragon skills.

If your own buzzing bat faces the wind goblin, basically the two most powerful skills of the dragon can't be used.

You are not sure about the outcome, should you agree?
The girl looked up at Lu Ze unwillingly.

Lu Ze was very excited at this time.

The girl in front of her knew about the Arceus tablet, she also had one.

What a surprise!

Seeing the girl hesitate to speak, Lu Ze seemed to understand what the girl was thinking.

"Then forget it."

Lu Ze frowned, spread his hands and was about to turn around and leave.

But as Lu Ze expected, the girl stopped him again.

"Wait, what do you want to do!"

There was a strong displeasure in the girl's eyes, but there was nothing she could do about Lu Ze.

After all, what Lu Ze is showing now is that he doesn't care.

One doesn't care, the other cares, it's clear at a glance who has the initiative.

Still young.

Lu Ze shook his head slightly, and then a smile appeared on his face again.

"It's not impossible if you want me to agree to fight with you."

Seeing the nervousness of the girl, Lu Ze continued without making a fuss.

"Add a condition."

"I'll give you the slate after you win, and you'll give me the slate after I win, but no matter who wins, you have to tell me what the slate does and what it's for. Tell me clearly, how is it?"

"it is good!"

The girl nodded without hesitation.

With a divine beast in hand as a hole card, he is very confident.

But I was really anxious just now.

Now it seems that Lu Ze should only know that this is Arceus' slate.

Although he doesn't know where he got it from, it's obvious that he doesn't know what the slate does.

But the request he made was already obvious.

It is to use your own slate to exchange the information and functions of the slate.

In that case, does he have other slates in his hand?

Although this guy is not the same type of person as him, she is not sure if Lu Ze has others.

But I have the confidence to win!
Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help but relax.

With Xie Mi here, I was never afraid of victory or defeat, but of your refusal.

Now you say yes!

Then the slate will belong to me!
The girl's face showed a strong confident color: "Where shall we go to fight?"


Lu Ze originally wanted to say that he would just find an elf battle center.

But think about Shamy in the arms of the girl opposite.

The battle between the gods and beasts, the elf battle center is obviously unbearable.

"Well, if you want to believe me, how about letting me find the place?"

"…it is good."

The girl glanced at Lu Ze vigilantly, then hugged Xie Mi in her arms, and then she nodded and agreed as if she felt a sense of security.

I have Xie Mi, the beast, here.

What are you afraid of?
When Lu Ze saw the girl's actions, he could clearly see what the girl was thinking.

But he didn't say much, just smiled and called Zhuge Ziyu.

After a while, the matter was settled by An Ran.

"Okay, let's go directly."

As Lu Ze said, he was about to walk to the subway station.

The girl nodded, followed behind Lu Ze, and walked towards the subway station together.

Xie Mi at this time is the source of her sense of security, so she is not afraid of where Lu Ze will take her.

The power of the beast.


The girl snorted inwardly, the power of the divine beast is not just what she just showed on the battlefield.

After the two got on the subway, Lu Ze remembered Wang Xingqiu's brother and sister.

"Why did you forget the two of them?"

After Lu Ze patted his forehead lightly, he sent a message to Wang Xingqiu.

Lu Ze: I'm going back first. I have something to do. I'll pick up Mini Dragon and Zoroya later.

Wang Xingqiu: ...

Wang Xingqiu: All right.

Wang Xingqiu who received the news looked down at Wang Lingran helplessly.

"That guy Lu Ze left first."


Wang Lingran opened his mouth and looked at Wang Xingqiu in disbelief, as if tears were about to flow from his big eyes.

"Then we won't see Mr. Snakemon today?"

Seeing his sister like this, Wang Xingqiu couldn't help feeling a little tight in his chest.

"Yes, I will take you there!"

In the end, Wang Xingqiu gritted his teeth and decided to take Wang Lingran to Lu Ze's nursery.

Lu Ze had told him before he was recognized.

At this time, his Kirby and Forked Bat are in the newly opened breeding garden in the school.

In this case, it seems that it is not a big problem without Lu Ze to take him.

After all, Lu Ze's Pokémon basically all know him.

And almost all of Lu Ze's beasts knew him.

After saying that, Wang Xingqiu took Wang Lingran and prepared to go to Shangqing.



Not long after the subway journey, Lu Ze brought the girl to Zhuge Ziyu and the battlefield provided by them.

Unexpectedly, there is an elf battle center next to it.

"It's not over there, it's over here."

After stopping the girl who was about to go to the elf battle center, Lu Ze entered the nearby building.

His waveguide has sensed the familiar waveguide.

If nothing else, the familiar waveguide should be Zhuge Ziyu.

"Uncle Ziyu."

"Well, come in."

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Ze opened the door, he saw Zhuge Ziyu sitting on the sofa at the door.

After the two greeted each other with a smile, Zhuge Ziyu led Lu Ze and the girl to the battlefield behind.

Zhuge Ziyu looked curiously at Xie Mi in the girl's arms, then looked away.

As one of the officials in charge of Dragon Kingdom, Zhuge Ziyu has seen Xie Mi quite a lot.

Shaymi fights though?

He really hadn't seen this before.

After Zhuge Ziyu brought the two of them in, he didn't say much, and directly opened the battlefield.

"On stage."

Lu Ze has already told him about the ins and outs.

And Lu Ze also said that this girl has a very important secret.

This secret has something to say to him, etc.

This is why Zhuge Ziyu came here in person.

"Okay, get ready to play."

Zhuge Ziyu said to the two of them after seeing the prepared referees also came out.

"it is good."

Lu Ze nodded, and walked directly to the field without looking at the girl beside him.

Not to be outdone, the girl followed Lu Ze to the field.

"Please send out your Pokémon."

The referee raised the small flag in his hand expressionlessly and said to the two of them.

Leolu's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he jumped out of Lu Ze's arms without hesitation.

Lu Ze had already told him when he was on the road.

Although he lost that battle, there is still a battle with Yaya and Buzzing Bat.

Winning can wash away the shame of defeat.

And not just this one, but another one.

Because the opponent in this game won the championship, defeating him is equivalent to defeating another opponent who made us fail.

After hearing what Lu Ze said, the blood in Riolu's body immediately boiled.

What else is there to say, it must be a victory!

If Lu Ze hadn't stopped the hot-blooded Riolu, he would have almost gotten into a fight with the girl on the subway.

Now that he came to the battlefield, Riolu couldn't wait to jump out by himself.

The girl is also very confident. Even though she guessed that Lu Ze's first Pokémon would choose Riolu, she didn't choose the humming bat to fight.

"Go, Fang!"

Seeing the Yaya sent by the girl, Lu Ze couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Really confident.

But it's okay, if the other side sends a humming bat, he must replace the wind goblin.

Now Leolu, who doesn't have any long-range attack skills, is really not easy to fight against flying and dragon-type humming bats.

Especially the strength of the buzzing bat is much higher than that of Riolu.

Seeing Yaya on the other side who was playing again, Riolu was ready to rush forward eagerly.

But the battle hasn't started yet, so today I can only suppress the restlessness in my heart.

"Is this Lu Ze's second team?"

Zhuge Ziyu, who was watching the game from the sidelines, couldn't help but smile when he saw Riolu after playing.

Sure enough, everyone who has the power of waveguide will have a Lucario.

Before, I wondered why Lu Ze didn't have Lucario. Look at Lu Xingguo, look at Father Lu, and look at Lu Zhengjie.

They all have a Lucario by their side.

But now I understand that Lu Ze just didn't meet his own Lucario.

Now he has.

"I'm so envious."

After Zhuge Ziyu murmured, the battle on the field began the moment the small flag fell from the referee's hand.

"Riolu, Bullet Punch! Then Freeze Punch!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Ze directly directed Riolu to use the preemptive skill [Bullet Fist].

Now this battle is not aimed at losing.

Since it's aimed at winning, of course we can't let the water go this time!

Riolu nodded excitedly, then his body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the opposite Fangya.

This is already the second time the two of them have fought, so I have already prepared for Yaya and the girl.

The moment he entered the field, Ya Ya directly used [Dragon Claw], just because he was afraid that when he entered the field, the speed of the opponent Leolu would be too fast, and he would not be able to react.

Now it seems that his decision is still very correct.

Protecting his chest with both claws, he directly blocked the [Bullet Punch] from Riolu.

However, the [Bullet Fist] was followed by a [Frozen Fist], which Yaya did not expect.

With a right uppercut with a cold breath, he hit his teeth directly and was caught off guard.

Yaya was kicked back a few steps, looking at Riolu opposite, he was a little surprised.

I remember that Riolu was not so fierce in the last game.

But soon, the blood of the dragon-type Pokémon in Yaya's body also surged, and rushed directly towards Riolu.

"Riolu, double refund!"

Lu Ze commanded again, this time without paddling himself, it won't be so difficult for Riolu to beat you again.

Lu Ze had a smile on his face, and so did Riolu's face.

Watching Yaya waving [Dragon Claw] on the opposite side, Riolu just crossed his arms to block Yaya's [Dragon Claw] attack.

Before Yaya's second attack landed, a brown light cluster appeared inside Riolu's body.


After the brown light group entered Yaya's body, Yaya was immediately interrupted by the power from his body to attack.

"Double return!"

The girl gritted her teeth, she hadn't seen Riolu use this skill in the previous battle!

Sure enough, the previous battle was aimed at losing, so I didn't use all my strength, right?
The girl gritted her teeth and commanded Yaya to stand up, at the same time, she involuntarily looked at the wind goblin with a happy face on Lu Ze's shoulder.

If this is the case, isn't the Wind Fairy also very strong?

Can your humming bat defeat the wind goblin on the opposite side?

But it doesn't matter, I still have the trump card Xie Mi in my hand.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, but this time she did not recklessly command Yaya to launch an attack.

[Double return] This is still quite hurt.

A [Frozen Fist] and a [Double Return] Yaya has already fallen into a disadvantage.

Next, if you want to win, you have to play steadily and steadily.


After the girl took a deep breath, she began to watch her opponent Riolu's movements seriously.

It is also very easy to stop being hurt by [Double Refund].

That is defensive counterattack.

So at this time she was waiting for her opponent to make the first move.

"Riolu, Bullet Punch and Freeze Punch!"

Lu Ze did not disappoint him, and directly directed Riolu to launch an attack again.

Naturally, he could see that Yaya on the opposite side wanted to play a defensive counterattack now.

But defense will inevitably have flaws.

There will undoubtedly be more loopholes caused by defensive counterattacks.

So Lu Ze directly directed Riolu to attack.

As long as you find the flaws in the opponent's Yaya, based on the damage already suffered by Yaya, you can defeat Yaya with just one hit.

Lu Ze passed his command through the waveguide, so Riolu's response was also very fast.

Now that one person and one Pokémon Bird are connected to each other, one person and one Pokémon are as if they are one.

This speed is much faster than Lu Ze commanding other Pokémon.

Even if you command the crossbat and the squirrel, they can also use the power of the waveguide to command at the same time, so the delay time should be shortened.

But Riolu is obviously faster.

Because in the battle with Riolu, Lu Ze's command had no delay.

Riolu used [Bullet Fist] very fast, although Yaya had already prepared, using [Dragon Claw] was waiting for Riolu to come.

But Riolu's speed still made him grit his teeth involuntarily.

Yaya's speed is relatively slow.

And he doesn't have the preemptive skill of Riolu's [Bullet Fist].


After the flesh-to-meat collision, Riolu repeated his tricks again, hitting Fang Ya's body with a [Frozen Punch].

But this time Yaya also had a long memory, and turned around abruptly facing the [Frozen Fist] that was followed by Riolu.


The sound of gold and iron colliding came, and after Yaya turned around, 【Iron Tail】slapped directly on Riolu's fist.

The strong impact brought by the tail not only blocked Leolu's [Frozen Fist], but also made Leolu take two steps back.

"Yaya, iron head!"

Seeing this scene, the girl was overjoyed, and quickly directed Yaya to pursue the victory.

Yaya's head was covered in silver-gray, and he bumped towards Riolu.

Riolu had just stood firm now, and there was no room to dodge at all, so he could only stretch out his hands to block Yaya's [iron head] as much as possible.

Pushing Yaya's head with both hands, it has to be said that the natural physical strength of Dragon Pokémon is still very useful.

Just like now, even though Riolu had exhausted all his strength, he was still pushed back by Yaya's [Iron Head].

"Riolu, Lightning Fist!"

"it is good!"

Riolu gritted his teeth and gave a sharp force, and then his hands flashed with lightning.

The thunder flashed, and Yaya, who was pushing his head with both hands, naturally felt uncomfortable.

After being stimulated by lightning, Yaya's legs immediately went limp.


There was a flash of light in Riolu's eyes, and the lightning on the fist disappeared instantly, and then the fist with a cold breath came up.


With an uppercut, Ya Ya was sent flying backwards.

After landing on the ground, Yaya struggled a little, but finally did not move.

"Yaya has lost the ability to fight, please change the Pokémon!"

After the referee stepped forward to check Yaya's condition, he raised his small flag and announced the verdict.

A smile appeared on Leolu's face, but the face of the girl opposite suddenly turned dark.

Although I know that my Fangya really can't beat Riolu on the opposite side.

But such a big difference between releasing water and not releasing water still made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Lu Ze released the water, but Riolu barely beat his own Yaya, and his condition was not very good.

But Lu Ze didn't let the water go, his teeth were defeated without any suspense.

This is entirely the trainer's problem!

I am not as good as Lu Ze as a trainer!

Although the girl is very reluctant to admit it, but the fact is like this.

I am indeed inferior to Lu Ze!
"Go, humming bat!"

Although, the battle is still going on, and now is not the time to think about it.

I have a divine beast, and the final victory still belongs to me!

"Humbat, blade of air!"

After the buzzing bat entered the field, he still used [Air Blade] on Riolu as before.

But this time was different from the last time. Last time, Riolu didn't have much physical strength to avoid the attack of humming bats.

This time, Riolu still has a lot of energy left.

Facing the [Air Blade] that the buzzing bat didn't release at all, Riolu directly closed his eyes and used the waveguide to perceive the attack route of the [Air Blade].

Jump one step back.

Then roll forward to the right.

The moment he stood up, he immediately jumped up.

Roll back again after landing.

Jump back!

The last 【Frozen Punch】!

Following the hit of [Frozen Fist], the last [Air Blade] also turned into transparent fragments and fell down in the short stalemate with Riolu's fist, disappearing in the field.

Seeing Riolu's flowing movements, the girl couldn't help opening her mouth slightly.

No, this is not scientific!
Obviously, the last game was not like this!

Did you put so much water in it?
The girl was a little dissatisfied, and once again commanded the humming bat to attack.

A large number of [Air Blades] were released and flew towards Riolu.

Riolu still closed his eyes tightly, relying on the waveguide to avoid the attack of [Air Blade].

But this [Air Blade] is too much.

Although he doesn't have the accuracy and speed of the big sister of the forked bat, but the [Air Blade] all over the sky directly blocked most of his evasion routes.

In desperation, Riolu could only be forced to attack [Air Blade] continuously while dodging.

But launching an attack is obviously not as efficient as simply multiple times.

In a short while, [Air Blade] left several wounds on Riolu's body.

"Do you want to let the wind goblin play?"

"I want to try it!"

Riolu looked at the humming bat in the air with a solemn face and said.

In the last game, he was defeated by the buzzing bat.

This time he wanted to see if he could defeat the humming bat.

Lu Ze felt a little helpless looking at Riolu like this.

Why is this little guy so stubborn!
When you go back, let the forked bat education educate you!
Lu Ze was in a hurry, but the ending was already doomed, so it didn't matter if Leo Lulang waited for a while.

"OK then."

Lu Ze nodded, but at this time the humming bat also launched an attack again.

After [Shadow Clone] is used, the sky-filled [Air Blade] is released again.

The girl and the humming bat knew that Riolu had no means of long-range attack.

In addition, Riolu's [Frozen Fist] can cause quadruple damage to humming bats.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, the girl will never let the humming bat use the melee attack skill.

【Air Blade】Constantly released, it is not impossible to slowly grind Riolu to death.

Lu Ze looked helplessly at Riolu who kept dodging and resisting in the sky full of [Air Blades], but was finally taken away by the [Air Blades] to take away his last bit of physical strength and shook his head.

What a dumbass.

After shaking his head helplessly, Lu Ze took back Riolu, who had lost the ability to fight, into the elf ball.

Zhuge Ziyu, who was watching the battle, couldn't help laughing when he saw Riolu like this.

It seems that Lu Ze's little Leolu is still a strong boy.

I just don't know how Lu Ze will teach him in the future.

Zhuge Ziyu was sitting on the sidelines, drinking tea and watching the battle between the two, feeling very comfortable.

"I leave it to you, Wind Fairy!"


The Wind Fairy flew from Lu Ze's head onto the field, happily flying in the air.

"Humbat, Hot Wind!"

After the wind goblin entered the stage, the girl commanded the humming bat to attack without hesitation.

High power, wide range of fire skills [Hot Wind].

This is a move that has never appeared before!
There was a smile on the girl's face. She didn't know that Lu Ze could see the Pokémon's skill pool.

"Wind Fairy, Storm!"

A smile appeared on Lu Ze's face.

How could he, who can see the opponent's Pokémon skill pool, miss the skill [Hot Wind].

In the last battle, he was on guard against this skill.

Although the opposite side didn't use it, it didn't affect anything.

The wind goblin happily circled in the air, and [Storm] also appeared in the field following her rotation.

The collision of [Storm] and [Hot Wind].

Although [Storm] does not have the blessing of [Rainy Day], it is not a problem to resist [Hot Wind].

The two skills collided with each other in the field, and were quickly offset and dissipated at the same time.

The storm on the field dissipated, and it was time for the Wind Fairy to show off.

"Wind Fairy, Sonic Fist!"


After hearing Lu Ze's command, the wind fairy in the air rushed towards the humming bat at a very fast speed.

The humming bats, who were not too close, were calm and relaxed at first, but they didn't expect the speed of the wind goblin to be so fast.

Before he could react for a while, the humming bat was punched in the face by the wind goblin.

"Sonic Fist?"

The girl was unbelievable, apparently she also recognized what skill the Wind Fairy used just now.

But [Sonic Fist]?
The girl suddenly had a bold guess in her heart.

In addition to the steel slate he just obtained, Lu Ze will at least have a boxing slate.

And if nothing else happens, Lu Ze should have mastered how to use the slate.

The girl was a little surprised. Since Lu Ze knew, why did he give her the steel slate and get information from her?
Could it be that he knew, but he only knew a rough idea, just a guess?

Or, this time just occasionally?

When the wind goblin was still an elf egg, did it happen to be together with the boxing slate?

Although I don't know what the situation is, it is obvious that Lu Ze does not only have one attribute slate in his hand.

In this case.

There was a sly look in the girl's eyes.

Can I get close to him, and then get his stone slabs into my hands one by one?
Although I haven't talked about any love, but with my appearance, no one should refuse.

When the girl thought of this, a sweet and lovely smile appeared on her face.

But then she was a little disgusted by her actions.

Forget it, next time.

Let's talk about it later, inquire about his situation first, using beauty tricks is only a last resort.

After the girl made up her mind and nodded vigorously, she commanded the humming bat to launch a counterattack again.

"Humbat, attack with wings!"

Although the humming bat is a flying Pokémon, she has also been trained in her physical attack ability against the humming bat.

No way, who made [Dragon's Dive] and [Inverse Scale] in the genetic skills of the humming bat both powerful physical attack skills of the dragon type.

Although these two skills are useless against the wind goblin now.

The buzzing bat's wings shone with white light, and it slashed directly at the wind goblin.

But the wind goblin didn't mean to be afraid.

What the hell are you doing, have you practiced with Kirbymon's boxing for nothing?

The electric current flickered in both fists, and the wind goblin directly fought with the buzzing bat.

The humming bat was a little puzzled at this moment, how could this guy be so strong in close combat.

It's not like she hasn't played with kapok balls before. Aren't kapok balls usually attack from a distance?

Why is the melee attack so powerful after the kapok ball evolves?

The buzzing bat was puzzled, but the girl fully understood why the wind goblin's melee attack ability was so powerful.

This is exactly the power brought by the boxing slate!
The girl curled her lips: "Buzzing bat, hot wind!"

The buzzing bat took two steps back, and after getting out of the attack range of the wind goblin, it began to flap its wings.

"Wind Fairy, interrupt him with Sonic Fist!"

After seeing the humming bat's movement, Lu Ze couldn't help being shocked.

If this [Hot Wind] hits, the Wind Fairy will definitely not feel well.

This distance is completely too late for the wind goblin to use [Storm] to block [Hot Wind].

The wind goblin has just evolved not long ago, and the proficiency of many skills is only at the point where it can be used.

[Storm] It's true that she can use it.

But it takes time.

And this distance is obviously not enough time, it is better to interrupt the opponent's skill use directly.

The wind goblin nodded, and at the same time she rushed towards the humming bat.


[Sonic Fist] hit, and the painful humming bat was forced to stop using [Hot Wind].

The hot air around the humming bat dispersed slightly, and the wind goblin also breathed a sigh of relief.

But what followed was anger.

Damn it, everyone is fighting well, you insist on running farther to beat me up!
The wind goblin's eyes seemed to burst into flames, and she stared closely at the humming bat in front of her.

Seeing the appearance of the wind goblin, the humming bat didn't know that he was a little guilty.

But soon the buzzing bat became confident again.

It's fighting, I'm fine!
But before he raised his head, the wind goblin's slap landed on him.

Humming bats slapped by the stormy [Wake Up Slap] couldn't help being a little stunned.

"Humming Bat, Iron Tail!"

Just when the buzzing bat was a little dazed, the girl's voice sounded, and she successfully pulled the buzzing bat back.

After the buzzing bat reacted, it used its not-longer tail to draw directly on the body of the wind goblin.

After knocking the wind goblin into the air, the humming bat breathed a sigh of relief.

The wind goblin is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

It is completely different from the Wind Fairy in the game just now.

At this time, the buzzing bat has already begun to miss the wind fairy who took the initiative to attack him.

"Wind Fairy, get rid of him, the magic shines!"

Seeing the panting appearance of the humming bat opposite, Lu Ze once again commanded the wind fairy to launch an attack.

The humming bat has no other means, and this [Magic Flash] can solve it directly.

Although the wind goblin was beaten back a few steps, she was not far from the buzzing bat.

After hearing Lu Ze's voice, the wind goblin smiled at the buzzing bat, and her body began to glow pink.

Seeing this, the buzzing bat quickly flew back to avoid it.

However, the speed of the buzzing bat is obviously not as fast as that of the [Magic Shine] light.

In the end, the humming bat was swallowed by the energy of [Magic Flash].

"The humming bat loses its ability to fight, please change to the next Pokémon."

After checking the status of the buzzing bat that fell from the sky, the referee raised the small flag in his hand and said to the girl.

"I'll leave it to you next."

The girl sighed helplessly, and after taking the humming bat back into the elf ball, she said to Xie Mi in her arms.

"No problem, don't worry!"

Xie Mi nodded energetically at the girl, then flew out of the girl's arms and came to the field.

After seeing Xie Mi play, Lu Ze didn't hesitate, and let the wind goblin come back.

The girl who saw this scene did not have the slightest expression fluctuation.

Then he should surrender.

After all, what he was facing was Xie Mi, a divine beast.

The power of the beast is beyond your imagination.

But Lu Ze's actions in the next second surprised her.

After the wind goblin left the field, he gave "Electrical Mouse" a high-five, and "Electronic Mouse" came to the field.

"Are you going to use the flying mouse to fight my Xie Mi?" The girl couldn't help but asked Lu Ze loudly.

"Why, can't it?"

Lu Ze smiled, and when he was about to let Victini take off his disguise, he heard the girl's words again.

"This is a divine beast, how could your electric flying squirrel beat the divine beast!"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Lu Ze smiled without saying a word, watching Victini begin to take off his disguise.

The camouflage coat of this electric flying squirrel is quite difficult to make, so it cannot be damaged here.

"You don't know anything about the power of divine beasts!"

The girl was also a little angry when she saw Lu Ze's stubbornness.

She thought that Lu Ze wanted to see the power of divine beasts, that's why he let her "pet" Pokémon play.

"Since you are obsessed with your obsession, let me show you what the power of a beast is!"

The girl's voice again made Lu Ze a little helpless.

I know more about the power of divine beasts than you, so I can't say less.

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, and Zhuge Ziyu, who was watching the battle, was also happy.

No wonder Lu Ze packed himself so tightly, it turned out he was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

What a poor little girl.

Zhuge Ziyu smiled and shook his head, continued to drink tea and looked at the two people on the field.

At this time, Victini on the field had already taken off the camouflage coat of Electric Momonga and handed it to Lu Ze.

At this time, the girl couldn't help being a little surprised when she saw that "Electric Momonga" had turned into another Pokémon.

"Bee, Victini!"

Victini is still very famous because of Li Shimin and his title of "Pokémon that Brings Victory".

Victini is mentioned in high school history textbooks.

But the girl did not expect that Victini would appear in front of her in this way.

"You also have divine beasts!"

After seeing Victini, the girl immediately understood that Lu Ze was playing tricks on her!
I thought he didn't have a beast!

I thought he was here to surrender.

I'm still going to ask Xie Mi to take it easy...

The girl felt a little wronged, it turned out that all this was just her own imagination.

"Did I say I didn't?"

Lu Ze smiled, and Victini on the field also reached out to say hello to the bewildered Xie Mi.

Sammy hadn't reacted yet.

I felt that there was something wrong with the "electric flying squirrel" opposite.

But I didn't expect that "Electronic Mouse" turned out to be the mythical beast Victini in disguise!
Now it's a Muggle.

Xie Mi has some headaches. He belongs to the new generation of Xie Mi, and he knows Victini from the stories told by the older generation of Xie Mi.

Seriously speaking, Victini can be regarded as his senior.

However, now they ran into each other in battle.

Xie Mi couldn't help feeling a little headache.

Why is it Victini? Didn’t I hear from the elders that Victini has lived in seclusion and basically won’t come out again?
"Are you still fighting?"

Looking at the girl who was staring at him angrily and her chest was still heaving up and down, Lu Ze asked the girl strangely.

What's the matter with this guy, don't want to fight anymore?
Want to admit defeat?
Lu Ze was puzzled, but the girl's response came quickly.

"Of course, Shamy, seed flash!"

The girl's delicate voice came, and Xie Mi also flew into the air, and her body began to glow.

"Really, so suddenly."

Lu Ze shook his head slightly: "Pictini, block it with a strong mind!"

Originally, I planned to play Deoxys more safely.

After all, Arceus' slate is more important.

But Victini was very excited on the way here, saying that he also wanted to fight side by side with him once.

It was only when Victini said this that Lu Ze remembered.

It seems that I have never fought with Victini.

In this case, it seems that it is not impossible to let Victini play.

Compared to Xie Mi, Victini's combat power is not bad among small Eudemons.

Two powerful exclusive skills, one [Fire Bomb] and one [V Flame], especially the power of [V Flame] is as high as [-] in Nintendo games!

Among the ordinary skills, it is second only to the two skills that will perish together [jade and stone (self-explosion)] and [big bang].

In addition, Victini is a Pokémon of the fire type and the super power type, and it also restrains the grass-type Xie Mi.

So if Victini wants to play, just play.

Anyway, Victini has a big advantage against Xie Mi, and it is basically difficult to lose.

[Spiritual Thought] was released, and after wrapping the energy brought by [Seed Flash], it quickly dissipated the energy of [Seed Flash].

"Is this the strength of the predecessors!"

After Xie Mi saw this scene, he stared seriously at the happy Victini on the opposite side and said.

Victini seems to be stronger than him.

"Xie Mi, seed bomb!"

Seeing that Xie Mi's attack was blocked by Victini on the opposite side so easily, the girl was also a little out of breath, and directed Xie Mi to launch an attack again.

Damn it, why does this guy also have a beast!

I thought it was really his "pet" and had no fighting power!

Sure enough, you can't believe what a man says!

Grandma is right, men are big dicks!

(End of this chapter)

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