Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 829 The True Function of the Attribute Slate

Chapter 829 The True Function of the Attribute Slate
"Yo, Rayquaza came so early?"

Lu Ze looked at the black dragon swooping down from the sky curiously and said jokingly.

Rayquaza often flies above the clouds because he doesn't want to draw attention from others.

When you get there, dive straight down.

Chaomeng looked at Raykongzao who swooped down, his eyes flickered.

Although the little ones are also used to the sense of oppression brought by the beast here.

But they still couldn't help but panic when Liekong sat down on the black dragon.

In the end, it was Deoxys and Chaomeng who jointly released the superpower barrier to block the oppressive feeling brought by Rayquaza, which restored the little guys to calm.

After noticing this scene, Lie Kongzuo restrained his sense of oppression and looked at Lu Ze.


Liekong sat watching Lu Ze tilt his head, some did not quite understand what Lu Ze meant.

Lu Ze was amused, and handed the extra bowl to Lie Kongzuo.



Rayquaza looked curiously at the white soup and the black or brown meat in the bowl?
Liekong sat on the bowl with his paws, and looked at Lu Ze suspiciously.

After seeing Lu Ze making a gesture, Lie Kongzuo stuck out his tongue and tasted it.


Raymond frowned slightly.

this smell...

Not bad looking.

After nodding to Lu Ze, Lie Kong sat down a bowl of haggis soup in one gulp.

Although the Haggis Soup is really delicious, Lie Kongzuo didn't come here this time to eat.

There are more important things.

So Liekong sat down and killed more than ten bowls of haggis soup one after another, then pulled Latios over, and then came to Lu Ze with a serious face.


"He said that he came to you this time to ask how to perform super evolution."

Lie Kongzao asked, and Chaomeng came up curiously, looking at Lu Ze and Liekongzuo.

After the little guys on the side were full, those who should have been lying down and resting already, and those who didn't want to lie down also started to play around.

Snorkel and Electric Shock Warcraft led the store staff to start packing up large and small pots and stoves.

If you rent it from someone else, they will take it away after you pack it up.

"Your situation."

Lu Ze looked Lie Kongzao up and down, and touched his chin.

Seeing Lu Ze's action, Lie Kongzuo couldn't help becoming nervous.

But after only being nervous for a while, Lie Kongzao came back to his senses.

Are you nervous?
It must be an illusion!
After Lie Kongzao denied himself for a while, he immediately resumed the attitude of the boss just now.

But whether Liekongzuo is nervous or not, maybe only he knows.

"In your case, it should be better than Chaomeng."

After thinking for a while, Lu Ze glanced at Chaomeng next to him and said.

That old Liekongzai had already talked to Liekongzai about how to perform super evolution.

It is nothing more than learning the exclusive skill [Finishing Point], and then using [Finishing Point] to crush the meteorite with colorful patterns.

Compared with Mewtwo's super evolution, it is much easier.

But the question now is, how should Raykonza learn [The finishing touch]?
Judging by the old Lie Kongzao's appearance, he should not be able to teach Lie Kongzao to learn.

It may be that Raykong needs to sit on his own to find the learning method of [finishing the finishing touch].

Although I don't know why I used [Finishing Touch] to crush the colorful meteorite at the end.

But Lu Ze thought, it should have something to do with Liekongzai's super-evolved emperor's organ.

Maybe the colorful meteorite was used to activate the emperor's organs in his body.

But now comes the problem.

If Lie Kongzuo didn't have the teaching of the old Liekongzuo, how would he learn 【The finishing touch】?

"How to say?"

After hearing Lu Ze's words, Lie Kongzai became nervous again unconsciously.

This kind of thing that can improve his strength is what he cares most about, so it is not surprising that he is nervous.

"What Lie Kongzuo said to you that day should be to ask you to learn exclusive moves, right?"

"Do you know what this move is?"


Facing Lu Ze's question, Lie Kong couldn't help showing a blank expression.

Exclusive moves?
No one told me that.

"You do not know?"

After seeing Liekong sitting like this, Lu Ze couldn't help being a little surprised.

Lie Kongzai doesn't even know his own exclusive skills?
So what has he been doing all this time?
Liekongzu scratched his head with his paws: "颲."

"I really don't know."

Lattios translated to Lu Ze with a smile.

Chaomeng also took a weird look at Ray Kongzao.

Don't know what your own exclusive move is?

Lu Ze couldn't laugh or cry: "You don't know, didn't you ask Lao Lie Kongzuo?"


Rayquaza scratched his head again.

Don't even ask, since we met that day, his second uncle has never been found again.

Lie Kongzao wanted to cry but had no tears. Lu Ze and Chaomeng, who had listened to Latios's translation, could only hold back their own smiles after seeing Liekongzao like this.

After all, among other things, even if Rayquaza doesn't have a super evolution, his combat effectiveness is still very strong.


After holding back his own smile, Lu Ze nodded solemnly to Lie Kongzuo.

It's a bit tricky now.

Rayquaza didn't know about his exclusive skills.

I can't just sit down with Liekong and say, I know what your exclusive skill is, it's [finishing touch], right?

This is somewhat unreasonable.

Lu Ze has a big head, not only has to worry about Likongzao's exclusive skills.

I also have to look at Ray Kong sitting scratching his head and holding back his smile.

Although, Raykong sitting like this is really funny!

"Then, is there anything special about the ethnic group that Liekongzao has? Maybe there will be some clues there?"

Lu Ze couldn't think of any good way at this time, so he could only tentatively ask Lie Kongzuo.


"Special place..."

Raykong sat silent.

To be honest, he is a bit different from other Rayquazas.

The other Liekongzai have basically just stayed beside their elders since they were born, living in the ozone layer, and wandering around the universe from time to time.

At most, when Kioka and Gulardo fight, a powerful Raykong will be sent out to stop the fight between the two of them.

But he is different.

Since he was a child, he has a different color from other Raykonzas, and naturally he has different ideas from other Raykonzaans.

He has no idea of ​​living forever in the ozone layer.

He wants to be the strongest!
To become the strongest, you must challenge the strong.

So Ray Kong sat out of the ozone layer not long after he was born, and constantly challenged other powerful Pokémon in the world.

Since leaving the ozone layer, Rayquaza has become stronger step by step.

Until he met Mr. Wang Yi, his father

Although the individual strength of the old man's Pokémon is not as good as him.

But the father of Mr. Wang Yi, who was still a young man at that time, was still very powerful.

The six Pokémon wheel battle finally defeated Raykongza.

Since then, Liekong Zuo has become the covenant beast of the Dragon Kingdom.

Originally, the Liekongzai clan did not need to become covenant beasts.

After all, their duty is to protect the earth from the impact of extraterrestrial meteorites.

By the way, mediate the battle between Kyoka and Gulardo.

But he is different, he has become the covenant beast of the Dragon Kingdom.

The first thing to do to become a covenant beast is to defeat the covenant beasts of all invading countries.

It was also after defeating these covenant beasts that his strength broke through a level again.

So now Lu Ze suddenly asked him if he knew something special about his family.

He was a bit of a Muggle.

Of course he didn't know it since he was a child!

Where does he know where to go!
"I seem to know."

Suddenly a voice came, making Lu Ze and the others turn their heads to look over.

"Come on, sit down first."

Lu Ze was not surprised to see the girl coming.

After all, it was almost two o'clock after they finished eating and clearing up.

Now this point is not surprising.

Lu Ze was not curious to ask how the girl got in.

After all, Lu Ze, who is such a big squirrel beside him, can also see it.

"You are, the person from yesterday?"

The girl cautiously approached Lu Ze, and kept looking at Liekong sitting on them.

Whether it's Lie Kongzao in front of Lu Ze, Latios next to Liekongzao, or Chaomeng and Deoxys next to Lu Ze.

She still knew Rayquaza and Latios.

But she is not very familiar with Chaomeng and Deoxys next to Lu Ze.

However, it is just not familiar with it.

She also watched the World Youth Championships.

So at this time, she obviously recognized Lu Ze's identity.

Lu Ze smiled and nodded, admitting his identity.

After the girl saw Lu Ze nodding, her cheeks puffed up instantly.

"The champion of the world youth championship, the beast trainer, hum!"

The girl complained, and suddenly remembered that she was the one who proposed to fight yesterday, and it seemed that the other party could not be blamed.

"Aren't you also a beast trainer?"

Lu Ze smiled and gestured to Xie Mi in the girl's arms.

"Okay, let me formally introduce myself, Lu Ze, Lu Ze from the third-year cultivation department of Shangqing."

"A freshman in Shangqing, fighting department Ning Nuannuan."

After Ning Nuannuan saw the smile on Lu Ze's face, although she was a little annoyed, she still introduced herself.

"Yo, junior girl."


"Stop talking about the old days, let her talk."

Before Lu Ze could finish his sentence, Lie Kong sat beside him with some anxious voices.

He didn't want to care about what happened between the two of them.

The important thing now is not where the special place in my home is!

"Dragon Island, Dragon Valley."

Ning Nuannuan turned her head to look at Liekongzuo and said: "My grandma told me this, it should be a more important place for your Liekongzai clan."


"do not know."

The girl shook her head: "I just know there is such a place, but I don't know where it is."


"Yes, but it should be somewhere in the sea. It's not easy to find."

Ning Nuannuan said to Lie Kongzuo with a serious face.

Lu Ze on the side also watched the communication between this person and the Pokémon with great interest.

Latios looked depressed at this time, because he seemed useless.

But this also allowed Lu Ze to be sure.

The girl in front of her, Ning Nuannuan, indeed has the power to overcome.

Among the four special abilities, the ability to communicate with Pokémon can only be achieved by the power of ordinary pan and the power of overcoming.

The power of Viridian can perceive the thoughts of Pokémon, but the power of Chaoke can directly communicate with Pokémon.

In contrast, Lu Ze's waveguide power can only communicate with Pokémon that are equally powerful and can use waveguide power.

Like Lucario.

But the waveguide power of other Pokémon Lu Ze is not very able to communicate.

Of course, if it's one-way communication, Lu Ze's waveguide power can still do it.

After Lie Kongzuo and Ning Nuannuan finished communicating, Liekongzai fell into a sad state again.

"Here, the slate I promised you."

Ning Nuannuan reluctantly took out a red-brown slate from her backpack, and handed it to Lu Ze reluctantly.

"Thank you then."

After Lu Ze smiled, he took the slate from Ning Nuannuan's hand.

"Well, can you, if you can in the future, lend it to me?"

Ning Nuannuan bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind, she looked at Lu Ze anxiously and asked.

"Of course it can, but you haven't told me what the purpose of this slate is?"

Although I won it by my ability, but Ning Nuannuan is like this now, and she did keep her promise to send it to herself.

Then I promise her this condition.

Anyway, it's only for occasional use, and even if it is given to Arceus, it will be given after collecting everything.

"I only know two functions of this slate."

"The first one is that it can increase the power of the nearby stone slab to the elf eggs hatched near the stone slab."

The girl said, and then pointed to the miniature dragon and Zoroya who were playing around.

"Like the two of them."

"If both of them were close to the dragon attribute slate during the elf egg period, then the miniature dragon would be more friendly to the energy of the dragon, and would be able to learn and use dragon attribute skills better."

After the girl finished speaking, she pointed to Sorolla again: "If it's her, then she can learn dragon skills that she couldn't learn."

Even when you are born, you will be able to use certain skills of the dragon family just like genetic skills.

After Ning Nuannuan finished speaking, Lu Ze couldn't help looking at the Wind Fairy who was fighting Prince Bo in the distance.

At this time, the Wind Fairy just used [Thunder Fist] to hit Prince Bo.

In this way, the wind goblin should be close to the lightning slate and fist slate that he obtained in the national treasure house of the British island.

After all, when Kapok Ball was just born, there were [Thunder Fist] and [Sonic Fist] in the skill pool, which she could not have learned, such as electric and fighting skills.

"There is one more..."

(End of this chapter)

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