Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 830 Dragon Island, Dragon Valley

Chapter 830 Dragon Island, Dragon Valley

"What's the other one?"

Seeing that Ning Nuannuan hesitated to speak, Lu Ze asked curiously.

"The other one is just a guess, and I'm not sure."

Ning Nuannuan smiled awkwardly: "Although this Dragon Slate was owned by my grandma at that time."

"But the first one is what we have identified, and the second one is still under study."

As Ning Nuannuan said, she pointed to the Dragon Tablet in Lu Ze's hand.

"When a Pokémon is close to a stone slab with the same attribute as its own for a long time, it will increase its own energy intensity of that attribute."

"Energy intensity?"

After hearing this, Lu Ze looked thoughtfully at the iron claw lobster not far away.

The iron claw lobster sleeps on the dripping slate every night.

If it changes...

Seriously, the [Crab Claw Hammer] used by the iron claw lobster, or the [Shell Blade], has already done more damage than the [Sneak Attack].

Not only the damage is high, but the release speed is also faster.

This is what the iron claw lobster showed after obtaining the water drop slate for a period of time.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the iron claw lobster's current water-type skills are stronger than the evil-type skills.

You know, in the beginning, the iron claw lobster was better at attacks with evil attributes.

Saying so.

The role of this is still under study, there should be no problem.

"Then the second function should be no problem."

After Lu Ze nodded, he pointed to the iron claw lobster over there.

"When he first started, he was more inclined to evil skills, and he often practiced evil skills."

"But now, his control of water-type skills has surpassed that of evil-type skills. Not only the strength of the skills is higher, but the release speed is also faster."


Ning Nuannuan immediately became excited after hearing what Lu Ze said, and looked at Lu Ze with bright eyes.

My grandma was just a guess.

But because grandma has only one dragon-type Pokémon, and it's just a single-type sticky dragon.

So even with this conjecture, it is not certain.

After all, the addition of this department and the practice of training can improve.

But like Lu Ze now, one water element and one evil element, the difference between the two attributes can be fully explained.


"and many more!"

After Ning Nuannuan got excited, she quickly reacted, her eyes turned into peas, and she looked at Lu Ze blankly and asked.

"You, and the dripping slate?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?"

Lu Ze spread his hands, chuckled, and took it for granted.

Ning Nuannuan was silent, grandma still has the superpower to detect attribute slates.

As a result, after so many years, I only found two.

But what about Lu Ze!
What is certain is that Lu Ze does not have the power to overcome.

So here comes the question, the dragon slate, the water drop slate, and the steel slate obtained in the game.

How old is Lu Ze, and he has already collected three stone slabs!

Thinking of this, Ning Nuannuan couldn't help becoming a little crazy.

I originally planned to come out to collect attribute slates.

Originally, when I saw the steel slate, I thought I was the protagonist.


But someone else gave him the upper hand!
Forget about this, and pay out a piece!
It is still the most important dragon slate to me!
You know, her Pokémon are basically dragon-type Pokémon, and the dragon-type slate has a greater bonus to her.

But there is no way, because she has dragon-type Pokémon on her body, so she also brought a dragon-type slate when she came out.

If it didn't take about two days for the courier to arrive, then the slate was delivered to Lu Ze by courier.

But time is a problem, and I dare not tell my grandma that I have exported the slate.

This is also a big problem.

I just don't know if the slate can be replaced.

After sending the slate over, exchange it with Lu Ze, and replace it with the dragon slate that is more important to you.

I was planning to do that.

But when Lu Ze confirmed that the Pokémon's strength had been greatly improved after long-term contact with the attribute slate, she came up with this idea.

Compared with the improvement of one's own strength, it is better to be scolded when scolded.

"Well, is it possible that I use another stone slab to replace the dragon stone slab?"

Ning Nuannuan sighed, looked at Lu Ze eagerly and asked.

"Do you have any other tablets?"

Lu Ze looked at Ning Nuannuan curiously, and sure enough, there was more than one attribute slate in his hand for the attribute slate.

"Well, can I?"

As Ning Nuannuan said, she didn't hide anything from Lu Ze, and just said what she just thought.

Lu Ze looked at Ning Nuannuan with a smile on his face: "Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy, just grab your slate too?"

"You know, if the function of the attribute slab is spread, there will be many people fighting for it."

As Lu Ze said, he also glanced at Lie Kong sitting beside him.

Raymond tilted his head in some puzzlement.

You two are talking about yourself, why are you looking at me suddenly?
"Not afraid!"

Ning Nuannuan shook her head, and proudly said to Lu Ze with her hands on her hips.

But I’m so awesome, I’ll have my hips on my hips.jpg
Seeing this, Lu Ze couldn't help but smile: "How can you be sure that I'm not a bad person?"

Ning Nuannuan also smiled: "Since I have told you so much, I might as well tell you more."

Lu Ze looked at the proud Ning Nuannuan with interest and nodded.

"You said."

"Does Arceus know?"

"Well, I know, God of Creation."

"Respect, great creator god!"

"Yeah, okay, the great God of Creation~"

Seeing Lu Ze's perfunctory look, Ning Nuannuan curled her lips before continuing.

"I am the messenger of the creation god Arceus, and I have the power to overcome. Of course, I can tell whether you are a bad person."

As the girl said, she looked at Lu Ze smugly, and almost wrote it on her face.

Lu Ze twitched his lips. Can the power of overcoming restraint distinguish the bad guys?
If it is possible, how could Arceus in the theatrical version of Chaoke's time and space be taken away by someone, let alone the attribute slate, and was almost sealed by mercury.

But it's hard to say, after all, time and space are different, and Arceus is also different.

In the official setting, Arceus has different projections in each time and space.

Therefore, according to the setting, Arceus in each time and space is a different individual.

Of course, this is just an official setting, and I don't know what Arceus in this real world is like.

Maybe it's Arceus himself.

Maybe there is no parallel time and space, no other Arceus.

But this kind of thing is not what he is considering now.

"Okay, what kind of slate are you using to exchange for the Dragon's Slate, let me see if I can use it."

I don't have a dragon-type Pokémon, so holding the dragon stone is useless.

Instead of this, why not take a look at another slate in Ning Nuannuan's hands to see if it is useful to him.

"Well, the magical tablet..."

After Ning Nuannuan looked around at Lu Ze's Pokémon, she said weakly.

Lu Ze, apart from mythical beasts, doesn't seem to have any super-type Pokémon.

And can the slate have an effect on the beast?
Ning Nuan has doubts about this.

After all, Liekongzao didn't respond when the Dragon's Tablet was taken out just now.

According to what grandma said, Pokémon responds to stone slabs of this attribute.

Even if it's very close.

But judging from the current distance of Lie Kongzao, it seems that it is not very far away.

So she was also a little worried, if the stone slab had no effect on the beast, would Lu Ze change it back?
After all, he is also his opponent.

To enhance the opponent's strength, he shouldn't do this, right?

Ning Nuannuan took a cowardly look at Lu Ze, and after finding that Lu Ze still had a smile on his face, she dared to ask.

"How? Can you?"

"Okay, when to exchange."

Lu Ze nodded. Compared with the Dragon Slate, the Magical Slate can be handed over to Deoxys, Latios and Chaomeng.

It's better than Dragon's Slate, which has no place to use it.

"Okay, let's take these two days, and then I will come to you to change."

After Ning Nuannuan nodded with a happy smile, she sat down on the grass.

"It's a great place."

Seeing Yaya who was fighting with Riolu, the grass seedling turtle, and Mu Shougong not far away, she had no intention of stopping it.

Children, the more they fight, the more they grow.

Besides, it's not a formal battle, just play around.

Look at the little guys next to them, aren't they also playing and playing and... messing around?

That should be Lu Ze's Kirby, and there is another brother who should be Kirby.

After the two big guys went to the grass, [Sunny Sky] was released immediately.

The little sun lay across the sky, illuminating the area where they were lying warm.

Under the leadership of the two Snorbies, many other Pokémon gradually surrounded them and smashed them together.

Kodak duck tilted his head, and with a lift of his little feet, he climbed onto the carby beast.

Kabimon looked down, didn't care about anything, and continued to lie down and fell asleep.

Compared to Lu Ze, what is the Kodak Duck?

piece of cake.

But soon Kirbymon didn't think so.

With Kodak taking the lead, many Pokémon around couldn't help but feel excited.

Liuwei, Eggy, Little Eevee, Lazy Weng, etc. also began to climb on the Snorkel one by one.

At this time, Snorkel has fallen into a deep sleep state, and has no feeling at all about these not very big Pokémon coming to him.

But soon, his body was full of Pokémon.

Although only a dozen or so of the little ones born this time climbed onto the Snorby.

But because of Lu Ze's help, there is also a group of Ibrahimovic, a group of Pichu.

The little guys from these two groups occupied more than half of the Snorby beast's body.

After the Snorby was occupied, the remaining little guys who wanted to go up but had no place turned their eyes to the patterned Snorkel.

After a while, the courageous Ibrahimovic climbed onto the Kabimon.

Patterned Snorby is different from Snorby.

Snorkel has been raised on its stomach since childhood, and it has long been used to it.

But the patterned squirrel does not have this habit.

So the moment the little Ibrahimovic came up, the Kabimon had already sensed it.

However, the patterned Kirby did not move, nor did it open its eyes.

He was afraid of scaring the little guys.

After all, he had been looking forward to this scene for a long time!

After the Pokémon appeared on Snorby, I began to envy and look forward to it.

Naturally, you can't move casually at this time, what if you scare them away?
But even though he said that, he still couldn't help but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The patterned fork bat in the distance also showed a happy smile on its face after seeing the patterned squirrel like this.

The sudden happiness of the patterned forked bat made the forked bat also a little curious.

But when he followed the patterned fork bat's gaze, he immediately understood the smile on the patterned fork bat's face.

Little Ibrahimovic found a comfortable position on the belly of the Kabimon and lay down after seeing that the Kabimon didn't move.

After the little guys below saw the appearance of the Ibrahimovic, they immediately became excited, and began to climb onto the patterned Snorkel beast lightly.

The corners of the patterned cardbi beast's mouth grinned even wider.

"Hey? There are Pokémon growing on Kirbymon?"

After hearing Ning Nuannuan's exclamation, Lu Ze also turned his head and looked over.

But just turning his head, he saw two Snorbys covered in Pokémon.

If it wasn't for the fact that its head was still exposed, he really wouldn't be able to recognize that it was a Kirby.

"The Pokémon are so happy, it's really pleasant to watch." Ning Nuannuan said with a sigh, with a smile on his face.

It was almost like the scene in her dream.

Live in harmony with Pokémon, and enjoy harmony between Pokémon and Pokémon.

The relationship and intimacy between myself and Pokémon.

What a beautiful scene.

"It's fun?"

A question mark appeared on the heads of Lu Ze and Lie Kongsi at the same time, and they looked at the Wind Fairy and Prince Bo who fought over there because they had a disagreement.

Wubo was already in the act at this time, these two guys had been fighting too often.

At first he tried to persuade the fight.

But now...

Just watch quietly from the sidelines, anyway, it won't be long before it ends.

After the end, the two of them will return to normal.

"By the way, when are you going to look for Dragon Island and Dragon Valley?"

After Lu Ze looked at it for a while, he turned his head and asked Lie Kongzao curiously.



Latios was still by the side, and he weakly translated.

He wanted to run just now, but was held down by Lie Kongzao.

Lu Ze and I haven't finished talking yet, what should we do if you run away?
Latios really wanted to say that Chaomeng was still there.

But looking at Chaomeng like this, he knew it.

I think more.


"You come with me!"

Lie Kong looked at Lu Ze with bright eyes and asked!

(End of this chapter)

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