Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 831 Flashing Iron Dumbbells! !

Chapter 831 Flashing Iron Dumbbells! !

"Be with me?"

Lu Ze pointed at himself in disbelief and asked.

What's the use of keeping up with yourself?


Liekongzu nodded: "Because I need someone to give me advice!"

Lie Kongzuo put his head in front of Lu Ze with a serious face, and said to Lu Ze.

He admitted that he was okay with fighting.

But you have to let him do something else.

Sorry, my old dragon can't do it!
Be confident.jpg
Lu Ze couldn't laugh or cry when he saw Lie Kong sitting in such a domineering manner.

Although I know that this is the original appearance of Rayquaza.

But this is the first time I have seen Lu Ze who is so righteous in asking for help.

"Okay, but it shouldn't be very good in the past two days."


Liekong sat and tilted his head, looking at Lu Ze suspiciously.

"I'm going to pick up Uncle Mo Qiancheng this afternoon, and then I might have to prepare." Lu Ze said after thinking about it.

Mo Qiancheng arrived in Beijing around [-]:[-] this afternoon, and there are still three or four hours before now, which is enough time.

Then, Ning Nuannuan said that Long Island is in the high seas, so if you want to find Long Island, you have to go abroad.

If you want to go abroad, of course you have to prepare well.

By the way, in these two days, the matter of the nursery will be settled.


Lie Kongzuo nodded. Although he was very anxious, he was not in a hurry for two or three days.

At that time, after Lu Ze has packed up, just take Lu Ze there.

After Lie Kongzuo nodded, he stretched out his dragon claws to Lu Ze.

The meaning is obvious, high-five, this matter is settled!

Lu Ze laughed, but reached out and patted Liekong's dragon claw.

After Lie Kong nodded in satisfaction, he went straight to the sky and went back to his place.

"Well, I'll go back first too."

After Lie Kongzuo left, Ning Nuannuan also stood up after checking the time, ready to leave.

"After I go back, I will talk to grandma and try to bring it to you tomorrow."

"Okay, don't worry, just watch your time."

After Lu Ze nodded, Ning Nuannuan left.

After politely sending Ning Nuannuan out of the nurturing garden, Lu Ze relaxed.

It seems that there is nothing going on.

Lu Ze lay on the grass, with his legs crossed, and looked at the Pokémon not far away playing and playing on the grass with a leisurely look.

Almost Wawa and Xiao Fudan took the Wind Fairy away for treatment. Although Prince Bo couldn't stand up anymore, he still had a happy smile on his face.

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, these two guys.

After the almost baby took the wind fairy away for treatment, she soon came back and took Prince Bo away.

This is what Lu Ze told Qiqiwa.

Once the battle between two Pokémon is over, make sure they go to the Spirit Healing Center for a checkup.

In other words, it is better to detect and treat dark injuries early.

Otherwise, the accumulation of hidden injuries can easily cause big problems.

"Lucario should be here soon."

After Prince Bo was also taken away, Lu Ze turned to look at Leolu.

At this time, Riolu was fighting against Mu Shougong with a stick in his hand.

Mu Shougong's training plan was also formulated by Lu Ze.

What Mu Shougong at this stage has to do now is to train the skill [Leaves].

Mu Shougong can't learn the skill [Leaf Blade] for the time being, and he can only learn it after he evolves into a forest lizard.

Although the finally evolved Lizard King's special attack ability is stronger than physical attack.

But it is also possible to take the physical attack route as a lizard king with two swords.

In particular, this Wooden Shougong still has the characteristic of [Light Armor].

Originally, the speed is very fast, once the [Light Armor] feature is activated, the speed doubles again.

Then [Sword Dance] is strengthened, and [Leaf Blade] attacks.

There is absolutely no problem playing as a high-explosive assassin.

Strange to say, there are two Pokémon, the Lizard King and the Iron Claw Lobster.

One is that physical attack is higher than physical attack ability value, and the other is that special attack is higher than physical attack ability value.

Both Pokémon can also learn [Dragon Dance].

However, although the Iron Claw Lobster has low special attack ability, he can learn [trick], a skill that greatly increases special attack.

But the Lizard King, who has a higher special attack, does not.

This is rather strange.

And one more thing.

Iron claw lobsters with higher physical attack ability than attack have many powerful special attack skills.

Lizard King, whose special attack is higher than physical attack, has many good physical attack skills.

That's weird.

So the two Pokémon are actually similar.

Lu Ze is also planning to train Mu Shougong in the direction of iron claw lobster.

They're all dual swordsmen.

Moreover, the appearance of two Pokémon can also catch the opponent by surprise.

After all, the conventional cultivation methods of iron claw lobsters are all materialistic.

Lizard King's conventional training methods are special attack style.

When the time comes to play, the lizard king will use physical attack, and the iron claw lobster will use special attack.

What a wonderful scene~

With a crisp sound, Mu Shougong and Leo Road crossed each other.

The emerald green [leaves] flashed across the air, and then the branch covered by the power of the waveguide in Riolu's hand snapped off.


Seeing this scene, Lu Ze didn't hold back his applause at all, and praised Mu Shougong directly.

But Lu Ze's praise made Mu Shougong a little shy.

Originally immersed in the excitement of cutting off the weapon in Riolu's hand, Lu Ze's sudden opening made Mu Shougong panic.

Looking back, Mu Shougong suddenly became flustered when Lu Ze was looking at him appreciatively and applauding.

The little face blushed, and quickly hid behind the grass seedling tortoise, sticking out a small head to look at Lu Ze cautiously.

Although he has been in contact with Lu Ze many times since he was born.

But his character is destined to be a slow one.

That is to say, he can be familiar with the two Pokémon that are together every day, Turtle and Riolu.

The others are like Lu Ze, who often shyly hide behind the tortoise.

The miraculous thing is that the tortoise still protects him all the time, and doesn't seem to encourage Mu Shougong to socialize.

Lu Ze smiled when he saw Mu Shougong like this, gave Mu Shougong a thumbs up, and then stopped looking at him, so as not to make him feel more uncomfortable.

After Lu Ze turned his head away, Mu Shougong breathed a sigh of relief and came out from behind the tortoise.

He also saw the thumbs up Lu Ze gave him just now.

The shyness is over, now it's pride time!

Leolu couldn't help laughing at the triumphant look of Mu Shougong who walked up to Leolu with his chest up and his head up.

You were not like this just now.



"Are you late?"

At seven o'clock in the evening, Lu Ze sat on the stool at the airport exit and looked at the airport exit.

It was past seven o'clock now, so Mo Qiancheng should have arrived.

But now there is still no one at the airport exit.

"Tili Tili~"

Victini, who was disguised as an Electric Momonga in his arms, shook his head blankly.


what is that?
As a Pokémon who just woke up from a deep sleep, he has just been on the plane twice, so he naturally doesn't know what will happen to the delay.

Of course, when traveling around the world with Mengmeng and Manafei, I have seen a lot of planes.

"Okay, wait a little longer."

Lu Ze was a little helpless, but soon he saw people appearing at the exit.

"Is this here?"

Lu Ze stood up and saw Mo Qiancheng within a short time.

The one in Mo Qiancheng's hand?

Oh, it should be the elf egg he said he prepared for me, right?

See the patterns on it?

Lu Ze was a little funny. Could it be that Mo Qiancheng has become enlightened, and his Pokémon has also enlightened?

The silver-white pattern is obviously the elf egg of the steel-type Pokémon.

Just don't know whose it will be.

Lucario is obviously a little unlikely.

After all, Riolu is a fighting Pokémon, and the elf eggs are brown.

Slash Commander?

Strong Shield Sword Monster?
Boss Cordora?
Self-exploding magnetite?
Preferably a golden monster!

But Mo Qiancheng's golden monster looks cold, so it shouldn't be a golden monster, right?
Lu Ze touched his chin, thinking silently.

take a look?
After all, Lu Ze couldn't hold back. Before Mo Qiancheng came out, he used the system to check the information of the elf egg in Mo Qiancheng's arms.

Elf: Iron Dumbbell

Gender: no gender
Attributes: steel, psychic
Ability: Eternal Pure Body (Pokémon with this characteristic will not be reduced by the moves and characteristics of opponents and companions under normal circumstances.)
Qualification: Red

Basic Skill: Bash
Genetic Skills: None

"Iron dumbbells!"

Lu Ze couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the information about the Pokémon in Mo Qiancheng's arms.

Although he wanted iron dumbbells very much, he really didn't expect that Mo Qiancheng would actually bring him back an iron dumbbell elf egg!

"Good guy, cheating, right?"

Mo Qiancheng, who just came out, naturally heard Lu Ze's exclamation.

After thinking about the characteristics of Lu Ze's waveguide power, Mo Qiancheng couldn't help raising his brows, and said to Lu Ze.

The power of this waveguide is really a cheating device!

Why don't you have it yourself?

How enviable.

Mo Qiancheng handed the elf egg directly to Lu Ze with an expression of envy and hatred.

"Since you already know, there will be no surprises, so I will give it to you directly."


Lu Ze chuckled, Victini climbed onto Lu Ze's shoulder neatly, and gave up the position in his arms to this little guy who hadn't been born yet.

"This is my golden monster's elf egg, please treat him better."

"Do not worry!"

Lu Ze patted his chest hard.

If you don't count the miniature dragon, this seems to be the first quasi-god I got!
"But what I didn't expect was that when you bloomed, the golden monster also bloomed."

Lu Ze and Mo Qiancheng walked outside side by side, Lu Ze teased Mo Qiancheng with a smile on his face.

Although Metagross is a genderless Pokémon, he still needs a partner if he wants to have children.

Of course, Pokémon are different from humans. The appearance of elf eggs is naturally born after the spirits of two Pokémon collide with each other.

So even if the golden monster is genderless, as long as it has a partner, it can have its own children.

And the elf egg of this iron dumbbell is obviously his child.

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful and wait for the giant gold monster to come out and beat you."

After hearing Lu Ze's words, Mo Qiancheng couldn't help showing a smile.

Speaking of which, the golden monster was a pimp he personally pulled.

He didn't think it before, but now that he has a wife and is about to have a child, he is a little concerned about this kind of thing.

In addition, none of his Pokémon have a partner, which led to him personally going into battle to pimp.

Commander Chop and Lucario of Father Lu don't care about this, let them do it themselves first.

But he still wants to solve the personal problems of his number one general, the golden monster.

It just so happened that this time he was going to guard the secret realm on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom. His old opponent, the former world's first steel king, and now the world's second steel king also came.

So the two hit it off.

After the two golden monsters have been together for a while, each of them has a golden monster's elf egg.

The two also made an appointment, and gave the two iron dumbbell elf eggs to the juniors they were optimistic about, and then after the iron dumbbells evolved, let the juniors who got the iron dumbbells have a competition.

Both made a bet.

Mo Qiancheng's bet here is a gem of steel.

The opponent's bet is a piece of meteorite.

Mo Qiancheng himself had apprentices.

But obviously, this apprentice of his is not very good at this aspect.

Not to mention that his apprentice is not as good as Lu Ze in terms of cultivation.

Let's just talk about the Cocoa Dora that my apprentice just conquered.

This is simply a big foodie?

In addition, Meng Fanxing himself is very ambitious, and he doesn't really want to accept funding from his master Mo Qiancheng, so he often goes out to play games and is self-sufficient.

So Meng Fanxing's life is quite tense. Up to now, he is already a sophomore and still only has five Pokémon.

Including Cocodora, who has just been tamed.

In this case, as long as the iron dumbbell dares to be handed over to him, his capital chain will be broken.

So after Mo Qiancheng hesitated for a while, he finally handed over the iron dumbbell's elf egg to Lu Ze.

He believed in Lu Ze's strength.

When the time comes, after a battle with the younger generation of the opponent, the king of heaven, the meteorite iron won will be handed over to his apprentice.

As for the sixth Pokémon, let's wait until he speaks up or has something suitable.

The iron dumbbell's fairy egg was handed over to Lu Ze. After Lu Ze cultivated it, he defeated his opponent to get the trophy Meteorite, and then handed it over to Meng Fanxing.

This wave is a win-win!

I won twice!

It's a pity that there was another purpose for Lu Ze to pick up the plane.

Forget it for now, and talk about it later.

Although the age difference between the two is a bit big, there are still many common topics.

The two chatted all the way, and soon sent Mo Qiancheng to his home.

After Mo Qiancheng arrived home, Lu Ze didn't stay behind either.

Wait until Mo Qiancheng has to drive to a more remote place in the suburbs to pick up Ji Qianyi who has gone back to his hometown to raise his baby.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, the victory belongs to me."

"Okay, I believe in you, train well!"


"Don't worry, Metagross, it's fine to hand over the child to me!"


Lu Ze said something to Mo Qiancheng and the golden monster, and then left in the car.

Looking at the elf egg of the iron dumbbell in his arms, Lu Ze couldn't help but get excited.

I have just obtained a steel slate, and Ning Nuannuan may send a magical slate tomorrow.

Then the steel slate plus the magical slate, plus the fist slate!

What kind of iron dumbbell will it be if it is cultivated by three slates?

And he also has a shining talisman!

There is also a golden crown that can improve aptitude!
Iron dumbbells plus steel slate plus magical body plus boxing slate plus shining talisman Golden crown equals
The ultimate flashing golden monster!
(End of this chapter)

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