Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 832 I am going too

Chapter 832 I am going too
Ning Nuannuan sent a message early the next morning.

Ning Nuannuan: Lu Ze's magical slate is here, have you woken up yet?I'll take it for you.

Lu Ze: So fast?

Ning Nuannuan: Of course, it was sent urgently.

Ning Nuannuan: Straightforward.jpg
Lu Ze: Alright, then come here.

Ning Nuannuan: okk~
After discovering the news, Lu Ze touched Victini's head in his arms and watched the training on the grass not far away.

Father Lu's Lucario is here today.

Lu Ze invited Lucario to come and train Leolu and Mu Shougong.

Although Mu Shougong couldn't learn how to use waveguide.

But I am still very yearning for learning Mu Shougong in close combat.

[Leaves] After condensing in the hands, imitate Lucario and wave the leaves in his hands.

Of course, Lucario uses a bone rod made of waveguide condensation.

What Riolu used was a branch covered with the power of a waveguide.

"Do you want to train too?"

After Victini left happily, Lu Ze noticed the tortoise with envy on his face.

The grass seedling turtle looked longingly at Lucario's training of Leolu and Mu Shougong not far away.

But after hearing Lu Ze's words, the grass seedling turtle quickly shook his head, showing a look of indifference, smiled at Lu Ze and left.

Seeing the back of the grass seedling turtle leaving, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing.

Wooden Shougong and Grass Miaogui.

Lu Ze smiled, and he probably understood what the tortoise was thinking.

Every time Mu Shougong is shy or something, he will hide behind the grass seedling turtle.

The grass seedling turtle will also stand up very bravely to protect the wooden Shougong.

Although both of them are girls, they were born around the same time.

But looking at the two little guys is like a sister protecting her sister.

The elder sister protected her younger sister since she was a child, but she watched her progress little by little and become stronger little by little.

Until a little bit, I don't need my sister's protection.

This situation is still very unacceptable for my sister.

But the problem is coming.

Wood Shougong and Iron Claw Lobster have similar battle routes. With Iron Claw Lobster as their predecessor and benchmark, Wood Shougong will make rapid progress without any detours.

Coupled with the current "sparing partner" Lioulu and the coach Lucario, Mu Shougong's progress will only be faster.

This makes the tortoise who has no goal, no coach, and no training plan of its own can only be left farther and farther away.

Watching the child who was protected by him behind him stand in front of him to protect himself.

The tortoise will be very pleased.

But more may still be lost.

"If you have a heart that wants to become stronger, then you can naturally become stronger."

Looking at the lonely back of the grass seedling turtle, Lu Ze smiled and said softly.

After having this idea, a plan soon took shape in Lu Ze's mind.

After taking out his mobile phone and making two calls, Lu Ze slowly came to the grass seedling turtle.

"Do you want to continue guarding Mu Shougong?"

Lu Ze came to the grass seedling tortoise lying on the ground, followed the grass seedling tortoise to look at Mu Shougong, who was training, and smiled lightly.


The tortoise raised its head, tilted its head when it saw Lu Ze, and asked Lu Ze curiously.

At this time, there are no translators like Latios, Chaomeng or Riolu beside Lu Ze.

However, Lu Ze could still see what the tortoise was thinking.

The tortoise's eyes were filled with anticipation and confusion.

"Actually, you don't need to be so entangled. It is your own business to become stronger, and only by becoming stronger can you protect Mu Shougong, right?"

Lu Ze still looked at the Mushou Palace in the distance and said to the grass seedling turtle.

The tortoise still lacks a recognition.

Acknowledgment of effort and getting stronger.

Lu Ze gave him this recognition!
Then there is the matter of the tortoise.

"If you want to become stronger, you can come to me, I will find you a good master."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he patted the tortoise... on the head of the grass seedling tortoise lightly, then turned and left.

The tortoise froze in place, but now she was the one who looked at Lu Ze's back in a daze.


After Lu Ze returned to his previous position, he saw Ning Nuannuan's figure.

I have to say that Ning Nuannuan is really pretty.

And the figure is also very good, even her own down jacket can't block the curve of her body.

But at this moment, Lu Ze's attention was not on Ning Nuannuan's figure.

"That is the magical slate, right?"

Lu Ze came to Ning Nuannuan and pointed to the backpack behind Ning Nuannuan and asked.


Ning Nuannuan nodded and opened the backpack: "This is Kuailong Express, otherwise it wouldn't have arrived so soon."

While talking, Ning Nuannuan handed the magic slate to Lu Ze.

After she talked to grandma yesterday, grandma directly asked Kuailong Express to deliver the magic slate.

Since it is indeed possible to increase the attribute energy of Pokémon, of course it must be replaced earlier.

The magical slate has no effect on you now, but the dragon slate has a great effect.

Instead of focusing on the issue of her losing an attribute slate, Granny supports her choice.

After all, who would have thought that the opponent would be Lu Ze, the champion of the World Youth Championship.

If the opponent is not Lu Ze, it is not the few players who have participated in the World Youth Championship.

Among other things, the divine beast Xie Mi can be regarded as killing ordinary people indiscriminately!

But unfortunately, Lu Ze went to participate in the Baby Cup on a whim, and then she was sad.

"Hey, this is the dragon stone slab."

After receiving the magical slate, Lu Ze handed the Dragon Slate that had been prepared to Ning Nuannuan.

Ning Nuannuan couldn't help being happy after receiving the Dragon's Slate.

"Well, there's one more thing."

"Well, what?"

Ning Nuannuan's face was a little rosy: "Can I go to Long Island with you?"

"Huh? Why?"

Lu Ze was a little curious. When Ning Nuannuan said this yesterday, he didn't say that he wanted to go with him.

Why are you following up today?

Faced with Lu Ze's curiosity, Ning Nuannuan also told Lu Ze what her grandmother told her yesterday.

"It's like this. There are many dragon-type Pokémon living in Dragon Island, and I am also a dragon-type trainer, so I want to go to Dragon Island with you to tame two dragon-type Pokémon."

As Ning Nuannuan said, she looked at Lu Ze cautiously.

"Of course, I can show you the way!"

"Grandma told me about the location of Dragon Island. Although it's not easy to find on the sea, because the power of overcoming has communicated with an ancient existence in Dragon Island, grandma said that I'm on the sea, and after being closer to Dragon Island It will be able to sense the position of Long Island."

"That's it."

Lu Ze looked at the nervous Ning Nuannuan, and nodded thoughtfully.

"Then, how do I know if you want to go with me, and then use this excuse to lie to me?" Lu Ze asked Ning Nuannuan with a serious expression on his face while smiling.

"How could I lie to you!"

Ning Nuannuan became a little anxious, puffed up, looked up at Lu Ze with a flushed face.

"If, if you think I'm lying to you, then I won't go."

Ning Nuannuan felt a little wronged, but she couldn't prove whether she was lying to Lu Ze.

After all, I am not sure whether I can really perceive it.

This is just what my grandma said, and she really doesn't know if it can be done.

Lu Ze looked at Ning Nuannuan with red eyes, tears welling in his eyes, and panicked as he turned around and left after glancing at himself.

"No, no, just kidding, kidding, I believe you."

Lu Ze quickly stopped Ning Nuannuan and began to explain.

"I believe in you. I still understand that the power of overcoming has some special abilities, so you believe in me, I really believe in you."

Lu Ze stopped in front of Ning Nuannuan, feeling a little helpless when he saw a tear on Ning Nuannuan's cheek.

Why is this little girl so impulsive?

"How do you know?"

Ning Nuannuan looked up at Lu Ze stubbornly, as if Lu Ze couldn't explain why she came and she was about to leave again.

Lu Ze was a little helpless, but he also knew that if he wanted the little girl to believe him now, he could only use that trick.

"Then you look good."

As Lu Ze said, Ning Nuannuan also looked up, looking at Lu Ze very seriously with a stubborn face.

She wants to see how Lu Ze proves that he understands the special ability of the power of overcoming!

Obviously I don't understand it very well.


As Lu Ze said, he stretched out his right hand and began to gather the power of waveguide.

After such a long period of training and practice, Lu Ze at this time has been able to condense the power of waveguide into shape like Lucario.

Glancing at the bone stick formed by the power of waveguide in Lucario's hand not far away, a long strip was slowly formed in Lu Ze's hand.

"This is!"

Ning Nuannuan looked at Lu Ze in surprise, and she didn't care that her tears hadn't been wiped yet.

"That's right, the power of waveguide."

Lu Ze lightly waved a chopstick in his hand, and said to Ning Nuannuan.

Although, this is already the limit of what Lu Ze can do.

A smooth and round chopstick.

Not only can he not make the bone stick formed in Lucario's hands now, he can't even make a pair of chopsticks.

"Now you can trust me, I am also the owner of special abilities."

As Lu Ze said, the blue radiant chopsticks in his hand turned into the power of waveguide again and disappeared.

"Well, I believe you."

After Ning Nuannuan sniffled, she nodded and said to Lu Ze.

But soon she realized that she looked a little uncomfortable, and quickly turned her head away, lowering her head and turning her back to Lu Ze.

"Sorry, wait a minute."

The sound of urgency and urgency came, and Lu Ze also became happy.

This little girl only cares about her own image now.

However, Lu Ze didn't intend to go forward, and let the little girl tidy up by herself.

"Yo, did you bully the little girl?"

At this time, a familiar voice came, it was Sui Yan who had arrived here.

"go away."

Lu Ze rolled his eyes.

Well, he was indeed a bully.

"Tell me, why did you call me here?"

Sui Yan chuckled, and stopped paying attention after only taking a look at Ning Nuan Nuan.

He has Wu Mengxin, so naturally he can't pay more attention to other girls.

Although Wu Mengxin didn't ask for anything.

But Suiyan wants to prove that his heart is already with her!
"Miao Frog Flower, I want your Miao Frog Flower to teach my grass seedling turtle."


After Lu Ze finished speaking, Sui Yan nodded without hesitation.

Pokémon teaching Pokémon is of great benefit to both the Pokémon being taught and the Pokémon teaching Pokémon.

It's like Kirby who taught several Pokémon.

While he is constantly teaching other Pokémon how to learn the Farmer's Three Fist, his own Farmer's Three Fist is also constantly proficient.

So Sui Yan was also very happy with Lu Ze's request.

"there's one more thing."


Sui Yan turned his head to look at the grass seedling turtle, he had already begun to think about where to start teaching Miaowahua.

Frogflower and Turtle can be regarded as the same type of Pokémon.

Although compared to Miaowahua, the grass seedling turtle's final evolution of the earth turtle is slower, and the two Pokémon are good at different things.

Miaowahua is good at special attack, and the special defense is also relatively high.

The earth turtle is good at physical attack, and its physical defense is also relatively high.

But there is no problem with Miao Frog Flower, who has reached the strength of the heavenly king, teaching the grass seedling tortoise who is still at the elementary strength.

"I'm going out for a while in two days, please help me take a look at the cultivation garden during this time."

Lu Ze hugged Sui Yan's shoulder with a smile and said to Sui Yan,

I don't know how long it will take to go out this time.

After all, Lie Kongzuo promised to accompany him.

Who knows if Liekong will come back after learning [finishing touches] on Dragon Island when he sits.

And not to mention this, it may take a while to find Dragon Island.

It is said that it is on the high seas, who knows where it is on the high seas?

Looking for a small island in the vast sea.

So Lu Ze called Lu Ze to not only want Miao Frog Flower to teach the grass seedling turtle, but also want Sui Yan to help him see the door.

"Where are you going?"

Sui Yan asked curiously: "Didn't your nursery just open for a long time?"

Lu Ze spread his hands helplessly: "Sit with Liekong and find out how to make him super-evolve."

"Okay, but who is she?"

After Sui Yan nodded in agreement, he whispered in Lu Ze's ear.

"Let me introduce, Ning Nuannuan, our school girl, who just entered her freshman year this year."

"Oh, junior girl, hello, I'm Suiyan."

"Enn, I know you."

Ning Nuannuan has also returned to her normal appearance at this time, except for the slightly red eye sockets, she can no longer see that she has cried.

"Then you guys chat, I'll go to the grass seedling turtle."

After Sui Yan pursed his lips and smiled at Ning Nuannuan, he gave Lu Ze a "you know" look and left.

Lu Ze rolled his eyes, ignored Sui Yan, but turned to Ning Nuannuan and asked.

"I want to sit with Ray Kong, wait and ask Ray Kong to see what he says?"

(End of this chapter)

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