Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 833 Go, Poke Ball!

Chapter 833 Go, Poke Ball!

"Has the elf egg hatched yet?"

On Latios's back, Ning Nuannuan looked at the medium Lu Ze was holding in his arms curiously and asked.

Lu Ze's culture medium is very weird. There is an attribute slab under the square medium, an attribute slate on the top, and an attribute slate on the back. A total of three attribute slabs wrap the medium.

Ning Nuannuan, who has the power of overcoming, can barely see that the three stone slabs are continuously sending energy to the elf eggs in the culture medium after fully unfolding her overcoming power.

"I'm also surprised. It stands to reason that the elf eggs in the culture medium can hatch in about three days."

Lu Ze sat on Lie Kongzao, looked at the elf eggs in the culture medium in his arms, shook his head strangely and said.

It was the fourth day since Mo Qiancheng got the iron dumbbell's elf egg.

Although it is the next day to put the elf eggs into the culture medium.

But it was already the third day.

Originally, I thought that the iron dumbbell could be hatched before leaving with Raykong.

I didn't expect that when I was about to leave this morning, it still hadn't hatched.

No way, Lu Ze could only choose to hold the iron dumbbell's elf egg in his arms, and set off with him.

As for why it is not two days late?
Who knows when this elf egg will hatch.

And you can tell by Ray Kongzao's excited look.

If there were no accidents, Lu Ze would probably be taken off by Lie Kongzai directly.

Lie Kongzuo was so anxious that he didn't even have the slightest opinion on Ning Nuannuan's following.

What can Lu Ze do?
However, because Ning Nuannuan didn't have a Pokémon that could keep up with Lie Kongzai's flying speed, Latios also followed.

Not only that, Latios also brought Latias, who had grown into a house girl, with her.

Now Latias is flying beside Latios, feeling the salty sea breeze.

Liekongzao's speed was still very fast, and they reached the surface of the sea in a short while.

According to the direction Ning Nuannuan pointed at, they were still traveling very fast.

But unfortunately.

The scenery on the sea is no longer visible.

Rayquaza and Latios flew above the clouds for faster speed and to avoid the planes flying in the sky.

Below is the thick cloud layer, not to mention that it cannot be seen from the sea.

Even long-winged gulls and toucan gulls can't be seen.

Not to mention the others.

This made Lu Ze, who thought he could see the sea scenery along the way, a little disappointed.

As mythical beasts, Rayquaza and Latios are still very fast.

But because they don't know exactly where Long Island is, their speed is naturally not very fast since their direction is uncertain.

"Are you sure that if we fly above the clouds, you can sense the position of Dragon Island?"

At noon, Lu Ze, who landed on a small island and was about to eat, turned his head and asked Ning Nuannuan curiously.

After flying all morning, they found out when they decided to look for the island at noon.

It seems that if you fly above the clouds, you cannot see the islands below.

Since they couldn't see it, could they have missed Long Island?

Lu Ze didn't know that Lie Kongzao was also looking at the sky expressionlessly.

I seem to be wrong?
But I'm Rayquaza!

Well, just keep them from seeing it!
Lu Ze and Ning Nuannuan naturally didn't know Liekong's little thought.

Ning Nuannuan was also a little uncertain at this time.

She didn't feel anything when she went up above the clouds.

But when she got down, she realized that there seemed to be some distance between the clouds and the sea.

Can she perceive this distance?
She doesn't know either.

Seeing that Ning Nuannuan was a little confused and hesitant, Lu Ze also sighed.

Well, with Ning Nuannuan's appearance like this, he already understood.

At this time, Lu Ze already missed his father a little.

Among other things, the special ability of my father's wave guide can definitely allow them to fly above the clouds, but it can also detect the sea surface.

Not like him.

Flying above the clouds, even if he extends the power of the waveguide downward with all his strength, he can only detect one-third of the distance.

"In that case, let's fly next to the sea."

After Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, he looked at Lie Kongzuo and said.


Lie Kongzuo nodded, the meaning was obvious.

what you say.

Lu Ze was a little helpless, sitting alone in Liekong, his face was full of listening to your orders.

A Ning Nuannuan with a blank face.

A Latios, all the attention is on Latias.

A Latias...

Well, I'm back.

Looking at Xiaohong running towards him excitedly holding his things in the distance, and the equally excited mini dragons behind her, Victini and Zoroya, Lu Ze was also a little tired.

Especially when they saw a group of violent monkey monsters behind them.

My heart is more tired.

"Wind Fairy, Riolu, it shouldn't be a problem to leave it to you, right?"

As Lu Ze said, he threw out the elf balls of Wind Fairy and Riolu.

The wind goblin and Riolu are relatively reassuring, and they can just stay in the poke ball.

Unlike Tiny Dragons and Zoroya.

If nothing else, with the assistance of the Wind Fairy, Riolu will have no problem.

After all, that group of about ten monkey monsters was not as strong as Lioulu's.

Not to mention that Ning Nuannuan at the side also threw her elf ball excitedly.

"Go humming bats, Yaya, deal with them!"

As Ning Nuannuan's voice fell, the falling red light condensed, Leolu and Yaya looked at each other, and then turned their heads together and "hummed".

However, after feeling the [Tail Wind] activated by the wind fairy, they rushed towards the monkey monster together.

There was a flash of light in Riolu's eyes, and the moment the [Bullet Fist] was activated, it surpassed Fangya, and rushed towards the monkey monster rushing in the front.

Ya Ya looked at it, and immediately became a little anxious.

However, Ya Ya didn't have any preemptive skills, so he could only grit his teeth and speed up again.

The claws light up, and [Dragon Claw] is also ready.

While the wings of the buzzing bats in the air were waving, the [Air Blade] was continuously released, hitting a group of monkey monsters below.

[Blade of the Air] successfully caused panic among the monkey monster group.

Just when they were flustered, they suddenly saw a companion flying into the air.

The wind goblin is faster than Riolu.

After she was flying with a [Sonic Fist], the concatenated [Rising Sky Fist] directly knocked out a monkey monster.

Riolu followed closely behind, [Cross Slash] hit, and the hit monkey flew out backwards, directly opening a path in the group of monkey monsters.

Riolu's offensive continued unabated, and the two Pokémon, the Wind Fairy and the Wind Fairy, killed all directions like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

After three or four monkey monsters flew out in a row, Yaya finally arrived long overdue.

However, Yaya, who was already in a hurry, obviously didn't hold back his hands. As soon as he swung [Dragon Claw], a monkey monster was beaten and lost its fighting ability.

Xiaohong, Mini Dragon, Victini, and Soroya who were still running away just now stood aside and cheered them on excitedly after seeing this scene.

Although Ladias and Victini are mythical beasts, facing a group of monkey monsters will be easier than Riolu and the others.

But they didn't mean to do it.

Not only did he have no intention of doing anything, but he was also cheering on the side, while eating the apples he had just picked.

Lu Ze didn't understand, he was already full just now, but now he was still eating.

Could it be that the escape just now took some energy?
Lu Ze didn't understand, but this didn't affect the four little guys who beat all the monkey monsters back into the forest in a short time.


After the wind goblin and Riolu came back, Lu Ze did not hesitate to praise himself.

After touching the heads of the two little guys and praising them, he took them back into the elf ball.

After paying attention for so long, it is time to prepare to go.

It was already ready to go.

As a result, Lu Ze didn't pay attention, and Xiaohong ran away with the mini dragon and Zoroya.

"Let's go, let's fly close to the sea this time."

As Lu Ze said, he skillfully came to Liekong's back.

After Ning Nuannuan nodded, she also took back her Yaya and humming bat into the elf ball, and came to Latios's back.

After Xiaohong transformed into Latias, the mini dragon and Zoroya quickly lay down on it.

"set off!"

With the excited voice of Latias, Latios and Rayquaza took off together.

Latios was at the front, and Raykon followed behind.

Ladias followed, but occasionally he would fall behind after seeing something novel.

I have to say that the scenery on the sea is more beautiful than above the clouds.

Because of the existence of Suicune in this world, the water quality of the ocean is also very good.

At least Lu Ze, who was sitting on Lie Kong's body, could clearly see the body of the Whale King in the water.

"The Howling Whale King is really big."

After all, this is the first time Lu Ze has seen the Roaring Whale King.

The roaring whale king usually appears in the sea far away from humans.

It can be said that, except for long-distance ships, it may not be easy for ordinary people to see the real wild Howler Whale King.

Next to the Howler Whale King, there is a group of Howler Whales.

The Roaring Whale surrounded the Roaring Whale King like the stars holding the moon, and swam with the Roaring Whale King.

Long-winged gulls are flying in the sky, and the swaying figure of the love fish can still be vaguely seen in the water.

I just don't know if there are wild Menas in this area.

Menus is one of the most beautiful Pokémon in the Pokémon world, and Lu Ze also really wants to have it.

There are also many waterways in the own cultivation garden, which is only one menus away.

Lu Ze also tried to find Lu's father and mother's Menus.

But it's a pity, I don't know if it's because of the education of the children by the two Menus or what.

The ugly fish in the pool are not that confident.

Let's not talk about the arrogant character of Papa Menus and the others.

Not even Tang Yunqinmenas' self-confident character.

But it is also understandable, after all, if the ugly ugly fish are like Papa Menus, then there will not be so few Menus.

"Mo Haima, Mo Haima!"

"Latios, please stop!"

While Lu Ze was still admiring the beautiful scenery on the sea, and thinking about whether to wait to see Manafei when he came back, Ning Nuannuan beside him started yelling.

"what happened?"

Lu Ze turned his head curiously, but saw that Latios had nodded helplessly and dived down.

While diving down, [Frozen Beam] also hit the sea surface, forming an ice platform on the sea surface.

"Mo Haima, let's fight!"

As Ning Nuannuan's voice came, Lu Ze finally understood what happened.

Just now a Mo Haima suddenly jumped out of the water, and Ning Nuannuan took his fancy.

After Mo Haima jumped out of the water, he had no intention of running away when he heard Ning Nuannuan's voice.

Instead, she looked at Ning Nuannuan with a cute face.

Now Ning Nuannuan couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

Then the scene just happened.

Faced with Ning Nuannuan's request to fight, Mo Haima still did not flee, but looked at Ning Nuannuan full of fighting spirit.

Ning Nuannuan didn't hesitate, and threw her elf ball after standing on the ice.

"Go, humming bat!"

Flying-type humming bats don't need a foothold to fight on the sea, so it is most appropriate for him to appear.

After the buzzing bat came out, Mo Haima directly vomited [Dragon's Breath].

After seeing [Dragon's Breath], Ning Nuannuan was even more pleasantly surprised.

Mo Haima, who knows the skill of [Dragon Breath], either has high talent or a genetic skill.

No matter which one it is, it shows that this Mo Haima is very good.

Coupled with his character of not being afraid of people and the fighting spirit in his eyes just now, this made Ning Nuannuan even more fond of Mo Haima.

After seeing Mo Haima use [Dragon's Breath], Lu Ze also looked at Mo Haima's information curiously.

Elf: Mohaima

Gender: Male

attribute: water

Features: Sniper (The damage is greatly increased when hitting the vital point.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: water gun, stare, smoke screen, tornado, gas gathering, dragon breath.

Inherited skills: Octopus Barrel Cannon, Turbidity Current, Reverse Scale.

After reading Mo Haima's message, Lu Ze couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

I have to say that Mo Haima's aptitude is really good.

Especially hereditary skills, all three are very good skills.

Especially [Octopus Barrel Cannon], except for the genetic skill, it is basically impossible for Mo Haima to learn this skill.

This little girl looks lucky.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help but glance at Ning Nuannuan.

At this time, Ning Nuannuan was commanding the humming bat to attack vigorously.

Although she is not able to see the information of Pokémon like Lu Ze.

But with her knowledge of Pokémon, she also knows.

This ink sea horse is really good.

After the buzzing bat quickly avoided Mo Haima's [Dragon's Breath] attack, the [Air Blade] was continuously released and hit Mo Haima.

Mo Haima didn't react for a while, and wanted to shrink into the water, but just as he retracted into the water, he was hit by the [Air Blade].

[Penetration] The humming bat's attack penetration is really strong.

After Mo Haima was hit, he refused to accept it, poked his head out and immediately prepared to launch a counterattack.

However, he was bumped into by the rushing humming bat.

【Dragon's Dive】!
"Go, Poké Ball!"

Seeing that Mo Haima was confused, Ning Nuannuan threw the poke ball without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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