Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 838 The finishing touch

Chapter 838 The finishing touch
Three days passed in a flash.

Rayquaza had disappeared for three days.

If it wasn't for the frequent roar of Lie Kongzao coming from the depths of Dragon Island.

Lu Ze thought that something happened to Lie Kongzuo.

During the time when Lie Kong was practicing, Lu Ze and Ning Nuannuan were not idle.

Ning Nuannuan has no intention of choosing the elf egg.

She wants to choose a Pokémon that has already been born.

According to her, she can sense the Pokémon that suits her with her superpower.

But the elf egg is not so good, she can't use her superpower to perceive whether the Pokémon in the elf egg is suitable for her.

But Lu Ze didn't have this problem, so he chose the elf egg.

So in these three days, the two acted separately.

One is wandering around on Dragon Island, constantly "encountering" Pokémon cubs that suit him.

One followed Kuailong. After using a box of special energy cubes and a small assist from the mini dragon, Lu Ze got the chance to go to their dragon cave.

The elf eggs of Dragon Island are all in the Dragon Cave.

However, the current Dragon Cave is occupied by Liekongza, so if Lu Ze wants to go in and pick the elf eggs, he needs to wait for Liekongzai to learn 【Dining Point】and come out.

However, during these three days, Lu Ze was not idle.

Although you can't enter the dragon cave to pick the elf eggs.

But there are still many Pokémon on Dragon Island.

For example, the king-level fast dragon, tyrannosaur, three-headed dragon, sticky dragon, stick-tailed scale dragon and biting land shark.

Six quasi-gods with the strength of the heavenly king level, and they are not the elementary strength of the heavenly king level like the forked bats.

During these three days, six quasi-gods at the level of heavenly kings conducted special training for the cross bats at Lu Ze's request (gift offensive).

Of course, Lu Ze was not idle during the training (tortured) by the cross bats.

With the wind goblin and Riolu, and the elf egg holding the iron dumbbell, Lu Ze also took the two of them to find the cubs of the dragon quasi-god to fight.

Although there are only dragon-type Pokémon here, it has to be said that the fighting atmosphere here is still very strong.

The Pokémon of Dragon Island, whether it is the quasi-god with the strength of the heavenly king or these Pokémon cubs.

They are not only very powerful in combat, but also very rich in combat experience.

Watching their battle also allowed Lu Ze to find some problems with his Pokémon.

My own Pokémon don't seem to know how to fight wildly.

Wild fighting, as the name suggests, is the ability to fight in the wild.

Like the Pokémon of Dragon Island, the wild fighting ability is basically very powerful.

But his Pokémon are more like those from a professional class.

Compared with the Pokémon on Dragon Island, Lu Ze also discovered something during the three-day battle.

My Pokémon seem to lack some spirituality when fighting independently?
I can't tell the difference, but when fighting the Pokémon of Dragon Island, without Lu Ze's command, except for the forked bat, the Squirrel and the fire-breathing dragon, the other Pokémon have some difficulties. Feel.

The iron claw lobster is okay, but the onion ranger is unusually obvious.

Watching the battle of his Pokémon, Lu Ze couldn't help shaking his head.

Compared with the Pokémon on Dragon Island, the battle between them is indeed too "mild".

"It seems that it's time to go to the secret realm for a while, so that they can also adapt to the wild fighting environment."

Compared with the combat environment in which I played games before, the combat environment in the secret realm is more inclined to wild fighting.

The domestic secret realm is okay, although you can directly attack the trainer, but everyone is their own, and there is still some sense of proportion in the shots.

But in foreign countries, or in other words, in the secret realms that are publicized by the country, people from all countries can enter, there is no such a relaxed environment.

There is no psychological burden to attack the opponent's trainer in there.

As long as they see people who are not from their own country, or even people who are not their own acquaintances, they will attack them.

And the attack is not like attacking Pokémon in a ring battle.

Most of them attack the Trainer directly.

Unless a trainer is particularly famous.

Known for the fact that a certain Pokémon is particularly powerful.

In this case, people will choose to take away the strongest Pokémon first.

Of course, although most of the secret realm is chaotic, it can be considered orderly in chaos.

Inside the secret realm and outside the secret realm are two rules.

Just a while ago, Mo Qiancheng invited him to play in the secret realm.

Just to exercise the wild fighting ability of my Pokémon.

Now it is much better than when I first went to the secret realm.

Not only is his Pokémon already strong, but he is also protected by divine beasts.

It can be said that when Deoxys is by his side, most of the dangers have nothing to do with Lu Ze.

So now he has no idea of ​​fear at all.

The existence of Deoxys!

Full of security!
After deciding to go to the secret realm, Lu Ze stopped thinking about these things and began to observe the battles of his Pokémon carefully, looking for their weak spots.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and that was the voice of Ray Kongzao.

But Lu Ze didn't even turn his head.

Not only Lu Ze, but also the Pokémon who are fighting.

Also including the little ones playing on the grass.

After all, Liekong has made too many voices in the past two days, and I don't know if he has been abused.

Although today's voice sounds a little...excited?look.



In the next second, Liekongzuo let out another loud roar, and at the same time as Liekongzao's voice sounded, there was a sound like an explosion.


Another sudden sound not only attracted Lu Ze's attention, but the Pokémon who were fighting and the little guys playing on the grass also turned their heads and looked at the place where the sound came from.

"This is?"

As the black dragon soared into the sky, the orange fast dragon in the pool beside it also soared into the sky, and flew towards the place where Lie Kong sat just now.

"This group of Liekongzu must be sick!"

"For every Liekong who has just learned to draw the finishing touch, the first to suffer is the roof of my dragon cave!"

"Damn it, it's been repaired several times!"

"It's all the fault of the messenger of Arceus!"

"If it wasn't for him, I didn't intend to open the door!"

Kuailong was swearing in the air, and he completely lost the gentle and cute expression that Lu Ze had when he saw it in the past two days.

After quickly coming to the hole that Rayquaza just hit, he ignored Rayquaza who was swaying excitedly in the air.

Kuailong went straight in.


After seeing that there was only a big hole at the top, Kuailong was relieved.

The former Liekong sat not good at learning skills, and when he went out with [Drawing the finishing touch], he not only made a hole at the top, but also knocked down a lot of rocks near the mountain.

Since then, Kuailong has been very careful when receiving Lie Kongzao again.

However, Liekong usually sits for five or six days, and it takes about a week to learn the [finishing touch].

I didn't expect this black Rayquaza to learn so quickly.

He didn't react at all, Lie Kongzuo rushed out directly.

After looking around, and finding that there was no damage, Kuailong hesitated for a while, and finally chose to go out from the place where Liekong was knocked out just now.

The black dragon was still twisting its body excitedly in the sky.

But soon, the Kuailong that rushed out of the stone cave that Lie Kongzao broke just now hit the body of Liekongzai
"You bloody bastard!"

"Hey? Hey! Hey!!"

Liekong sat in pain, but at this time she felt a little bit wronged, although she was a little upset, she didn't make a move.

"I will pay for it!"

Liekong raised his head proudly, looked down at Kuailong and said.

Kuailong frowned: "What compensation do you get!"

"I take. I take"

Liekongzai was righteous and confident, but soon became weak.

What compensation do you get for yourself?

Ray Kongzai glanced unnaturally.

Suddenly, he saw Lu Ze who was looking at them with a suppressed smile.

Liekong frowned, isn't the compensation coming soon?
Lu Ze couldn't help being taken aback when he saw how Liekong was sitting.

Because of Latios' vivid translation just now, Lu Ze also knew what Lie Kongzuo and Kuailong were talking about just now.

It's nothing more than compensation.

Lie Kongzuo, as the covenant beast of the Dragon Kingdom, is backed by the Dragon Kingdom, so what compensation can't be done?
But judging by the way Raykong is sitting now, it seems that

"Ozawa, we are brothers, aren't we!"

Before Lu Ze could react, Lie Kongzuo suddenly swooped down from the sky.

After surrounding Lu Ze, Lie Kong's dragon claws rested on Lu Ze's shoulders.

Victini on the other shoulder looked at this scene with some amusement.

I didn't expect that I haven't seen it for so many years, but the Liekongzu clan also produced a strange dragon.

Lattios suppressed a smile, and dutifully helped Rayquaza to translate.

He knew that Lie Kongzuo had something to ask from Lu Ze now, if he didn't translate for him.

Might be forced to fight.

With a helpless expression on his face, Lu Ze reached out to push away Lie Kong's dragon claws.

However, Lie Kongzuo seemed to have made a decision, and the one on Lu Ze's shoulder didn't move at all because of Lu Ze's movement.

Lu Ze raised his head and couldn't help being a little funny when he saw Lie Kongzao's smiling face.

"How to compensate?"

How to compensate?

Kuailong folded his arms on the side, with the same smile as Alice Kuailong, and looked at Lie Kongzao with disdain.

It was meant to be said.

None of the Liekongzao in the past should be compensated.

You are still the first.

I want to see how you can compensate me.

It's best if you can do it, and also clear the accounts of your seniors by the way.

Kuailong folded his arms and looked at Lie Kongzuo.

Lie Kongzuo didn't care about Kuailong's appearance at all, and still looked at Lu Ze with a smile on his face.

Lu Ze had no choice but to nod in agreement.

This can be regarded as official business.

This should be reimbursed by the Dragon Kingdom official.

If this is the case, the compensation is good.

The Dragon Kingdom is officially rich and powerful!


What compensation do you want, say it!
After receiving Lu Ze's help, Lie Kongzuo turned his head and toes and looked at Kuailong and asked.

Kuailong froze for a moment, and the disdainful expression on his face froze.

Also, really compensation?

Kuailong really didn't expect that the guy brought by Liekongzuo would be so talkative.

Are you talking about compensation?

"Choo Choo Choo."

"Then, let's look at the compensation."

After Lattios finished translating, Lu Ze also narrowed his eyes seeing Long's appearance, and smiled slightly.

In this case.

"Okay, then, wait for our professionals to come and connect with you."

Lu Ze said with a smile, but Kuailong obviously hadn't reacted yet. After hearing Lu Ze's words, he nodded blankly.



After hearing Latios' translation, Lu Ze laughed.

Of course Zhuge Ziyu had to come forward for this kind of thing.

And after Zhuge Ziyu came forward, Long Island.


After Zhuge Ziyu came, with his terrifying communicative ability as a social terrorist, this Dragon Island would obviously become one of his circle of friends.

"Then, promise my elf egg."

After solving the issue of compensation, Lu Ze took advantage of the situation and raised his own concerns.

Now Rayquaza was satisfied and flew out of the island.

He's going to try super evolution.

After all, Dragon Island is still not big enough to test the power of super evolution.

Go outside to the sea.

The second uncle said, as long as this colorful meteorite is smashed with [finishing touch], it will be able to super-evolve!
Raykong flew away.

Lu Ze didn't know why Lie Kong was sitting there.

He is now all about the elf egg of the dragon quasi-god.

If he wants to know that Rayquaza is going to experiment with super evolution, he has to follow and see what he says.

He was also very curious about how Rayquaza could super-evolve.

Crush the colorful meteorite.

Lu Ze really couldn't understand what it had to do with Rayquaza's super evolution.

But now Lu Ze doesn't think about it at all.

He just wants to get the elf egg of the dragon quasi-god as soon as possible, and then go home.

I have been away for several days, and the little ones in my nurturing garden should also miss me.

After Kuailong nodded at Lu Ze, he took Lu Ze together and entered through the entrance of the dragon cave.

Unexpectedly, the inside of the Dragon Cave was not as dark as Lu Ze thought.

On the contrary, some glowing ore flickered above the head, illuminating the cave in the Dragon Cave very brightly.

Kuailong walked in front, and Lu Ze followed.

Looking at the place where the sun fell in front of him, that was the place where Ray Kong sat and smashed the cave.

Kuailong also looked at that place, and after sighing, he took Lu Ze to a turn.

Dots of fluorescent lights flickered around, and the seeds floating out of unknown plants beside them were also glowing.

But at this time Lu Ze's attention was not on these glowing plants or stones.

The one who is interested in this should be that guy Dawu.


It is here.

After arriving at the place, Kuailong seemed to be proud, and pointed to the hole next to him with his head raised.


As soon as Lu Ze entered, he was shocked by the scene inside!

"This! It's a big scene!"

(End of this chapter)

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