Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 839 Super Rayquaza, debut!

Chapter 839 Super Rayquaza, debut!

Entering the cave, you will see rows of elf eggs.

Roughly estimated, there are at least more than 100.

You know, the eggs here are basically the elf eggs of dragon Pokémon.

More than 100…

But it is also true that the elf eggs of Dragon Island are basically self-hatching.

Here, where culture medium and nutrient solution are not used to increase the hatching speed, it seems that there is no problem with accumulating more dragon-type elf eggs.


Nian Meilong, who was arranging the elf eggs, felt someone coming in, turned around and looked at Lu Ze and Kuailong.

Nian Meilong seems to be very old.

Not only the skin on the body is a little loose, but even the eyebrows have drooped.

After seeing Lu Ze, Nian Meilong tilted his head, and looked at the human next to Kuailong suspiciously.

One must know about Long Island, but no humans have entered for a long time.


After Kuailong explained to Nian Meilong, he pointed to Lu Ze and then to the rows of elf eggs, and then Nian Meilong turned his attention to Lu Ze.

After a little hesitation, Nian Meilong looked at Lu Ze, then at Kuailong, and finally nodded.

He smiled kindly at Lu Ze, and then walked outside slowly.

Here we leave it to Lu Ze and Kuailong.


Kuailong reached out and gestured to Lu Ze, indicating that Lu Ze could start to choose.

Lu Ze couldn't wait a long time ago, so he turned on the "scan" and looked at them one by one.

Turtle, these dragon-type elf eggs, although they are not quasi-god elf eggs.

But it's exciting enough.

Seeing that Lu Ze has never seen the world.Kuailong's face could not help showing a little pride.

Mini Dragon, Blue Mianniao, Yaya, Red Faced Dragon and so on.

Lu Ze didn't waste any time, and quickly looked over one by one.

Since there are so many elf eggs in front of him, let him watch and choose.

Of course, it is to choose an elf egg that I think is the best.

After a while, Lu Ze picked out the elf eggs.

Elf: Single-headed Dragon

Gender: Male

Attributes: evil, dragon

Ability: Vitality (The power of Pokémon with this characteristic increases when using skills, but the hit rate decreases.)
Qualification: Gold

Basic Skills: Impact, Qi Gathering

Inherited skills: Wave of Evil, Double-bladed Hammer, Power of the Earth, Frozen Fang.

I have to say that it is worthy of being the Pokémon in Dragon Island.

Although the elf egg of this single-headed dragon is already very good.

But there are two more similar to this single-headed dragon.

One for mini dragons and one for slime.

The miniature dragon is because I already have a miniature dragon, and it is still a different color.

In the case of Sticky Treasure, because of the existence of wind fairies in the second team, Lu Ze in the second team basically wants to choose the kind of Pokémon that has more attack than defense.

Like Nian Meilong, he is more defensive.

That's why Lu Ze chose the single-headed dragon's elf egg in the end.

After the final evolution of the single-headed dragon, the three-headed dragon can also use double swords.

Although the special attack of the three evil dragons is stronger than the physical attack, the physical attack ability of the three evil dragons is not low.

Coupled with the acceleration of the wind goblin and Lucario, who also has two swords.

One-headed dragon is obviously a better choice than sticky treasure.

Of course, this is only because there is only one place to choose.

If there are two.

If you want an aggressive Pokémon, sticky treasure is also very fragrant!
If there were three...

Then find a little partner for the miniature dragon.

It's a pity that in the elf egg of the very qualified mini dragon, the mini dragon is female just like Lu Ze's mini dragon.


hey baby baby

The two miniature dragons with very high aptitude must have a very high aptitude child.

At that time, your own breeding garden can be renamed as Mini Dragon Breeding Garden.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

Kuailong on the side glanced curiously at the smile on Lu Ze's face.

Did this guy pick the Pokémon he wanted?

so smart.

After Kuailong glanced at Lu Ze with admiration, he led Lu Ze outside.

Liekongzuo has successfully learned [Drinking the finishing touch], and Lu Ze and Ning Nuannuan have also harvested a new Pokémon on Dragon Island.

Then they should leave.

Long Island will also restore the peace of the past again.

After Kuailong brought Lu Ze out, he saw Ning Nuannuan hugging Tiantian Minilong and smiling happily at him.

Lu Ze was not surprised either, this miniature dragon was Ning Nuannuan's target.

In the past two days, she has been getting close to this miniature dragon with the face of Lu Ze's miniature dragon.

Today's result is also very reasonable.

After Lu Ze came out, he stood with Ning Nuannuan.

Kuailong also grinned, and directly issued an order to evict the two of them.


"Guests, it's time to leave."

After translating Kuailong's words, Lattios turned to look at Lu Ze.

After Lu Ze took out a special energy cube from his backpack and handed it to Kuailong, he turned around and dissipated the waveguide power to summon all his Pokémon back.

Kuailong smiled, his eyes narrowed into two slits.

After taking the box of energy cubes from Lu Ze, he turned and left.

My old dragon, the scene of parting is the most unbearable in my life.

When I think that there will be no such delicious energy cubes in the future, my heart is so cold.


It's so delicious, I'll go back and eat one first.

On a!
"I didn't expect this fast dragon to be reluctant to part with me. It's really me."

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel complacent after seeing Kuailong's tear falling from the air as he turned and left.

Lu Ze laughed happily, and after a while, the cross bats came over.

After putting all the little ones into the elf ball, Lu Ze was ready to go.

Let's find Ray Kong first.

Rayquaza should be not far away.

Lu Ze was riding on Latios, and Ning Nuannuan was sitting on Latias' back.

After waving at the Pokémon who came down to see them off, the two set off.

"Rayquaza, it shouldn't be far away, right?"

After Lu Ze murmured, he turned on his waveguide.

"I found it, over there."

Sure enough, Rayquaza was not far away, and after the waveguide was opened, he found the familiar waveguide of Rayquaza directly.

"it is good."

After Lattios nodded, he accelerated and rushed towards the direction Lu Ze was pointing at.

Ray Kong sitting not far away was also a little depressed at this time.

Just after I successfully mastered the [Finishing Touch], I rushed out quickly, wanting to try super evolution and experience the feeling of super evolution.

According to Chaomeng, super evolution is very comfortable.

The feeling of soaring strength for a moment is simply too exciting.

When I first heard it, I was envious, but now I can super-evolve.

Although I heard from Lu Ze, he has not been able to perform two super evolutions like Chaomeng.

But only this kind of super evolution also makes Long very excited.

But just after coming to the surface of the sea, after using the [finishing touch] to smash the colorful meteorite given to him by his second uncle.

Just when he raised his face and was about to enjoy the pleasure of this power surge.

After a moment of silence, nothing happened.


Rayquaza opened his eyes in a daze.

Didn't the second uncle say that as long as you use the power of the "finishing touch" to smash the colorful meteorite, you can super evolve?

What, no response now?
After sitting in a daze for a while, Liekong began to check the changes in his body.

After careful inspection, he found that a certain part of his body was opened.

"It seems that the super evolution that the second uncle said should use this?"

After thinking for a while, Liekong began to mobilize the energy of the emperor's organs.

With the mobilization of energy, Lie Kongzao's body also began to emit colorful rays of light.

Ray Kong's eyes lit up.


That's what it feels like!

He also looked like this when he watched Chaomeng's super evolution.

It seems that extreme joy begets sorrow?
Lie Kongzuo was excited, and the colorful light that had just begun to condense dissipated in the air.


Rayquaza was confused again.

This is…

Lie Kongzuo was a little puzzled, but also a little bit dissatisfied.

Immediately continue to mobilize the energy in the emperor's organs.

With the flickering of the emperor's organs, Raykuza felt the full energy filling his whole body again.

The colorful lights flickered again.

Lie Kongzuo absorbed the lesson just now, and calmed down this time.


With a soft sound, Rayquaza's appearance remained unchanged.

Rayquaza's super evolution failed again.

Ray Kong sat in a complete daze.

I did it according to what my second uncle said.

Why didn't it work?
After Lie Kongzao calmed down, he started the third attempt again.

But not surprisingly, Lie Kongzuo failed in the end.

"Could it be that, like Latios, I have to find a trainer before I can super evolve?"

After Lie Kongzuo murmured, his eyes became firm again.


"I'm Rayquaza!"

"What Chaomeng can do, I, Raykongza, can do it too!"


Lie Kong sat on his body and his momentum surged again, and Long Yinzhong suddenly rushed to the sky.

"What is Raykong doing here?"

Lu Ze and Ning Nuannuan who just came over looked at Lie Kongzuo strangely, not understanding what he was doing.

"It should be super evolution." Lu Ze explained.

The super evolution of Rayquaza is a bit strange, it is not like Mewtwo, Latios and Diancie, who use super evolution stones for evolution.

Moreover, Rayquaza, Kyoka, and Gulardon evolve in different ways.

This made Lu Ze a little confused about Lie Kongzao's situation.

So now seeing Lie Kong sitting like this, Lu Ze can only guess.

Lie Kong sat soaring into the sky, at this time the belief in his heart and the energy in his body had reached their peak.


After a dragon chant resounded through the sky, a colorful light appeared beside Lie Kongzao again.

The sound of the dragon's chant fell, and Liekongzuo also rushed out of the colorful light.

The clouds dispersed, and a blue sky appeared in front of the two of them.

Super Rayquaza!

The black body shines brightly in the sun like a black gem.

The newly added "Delte" pattern on the top of the head, and the black and red lines continue on the body.

Long golden tentacles protruded from the protruding jaw, releasing golden particles continuously.


Looking at Lie Kongzao, who has been super-evolved in the air, Lu Ze couldn't help but praise him.

The black super ray sky seat in the Hoopa movie version has already amazed Lu Ze.

But now that it appeared in front of his eyes, the real Raykonza still amazed Lu Ze, who already knew what the super-evolved Raykonza was like.


Lie Kongzuo raised his head again and gave a dragon chant, and then couldn't wait to check his super-evolved body.

So handsome!
Is this the power brought by super evolution!
Rayquaza was so excited that he wished he could find one right now...

Do not!
A group of opponents came to verify their power after super evolution!

After Liekongza carefully checked his super-evolved physical condition again, he reluctantly withdrew from the super-evolved state.

"So handsome!"

At this moment, Ning Nuannuan came back to her senses, and looked at Lie Kongzai in the air with bright eyes.

For a dragon trainer like her.

Rayquaza was an irresistible temptation.

What's more, this Rayquaza is still of a different color.

After the super-evolution of the black Rayquaza, the body color is black and red, plus the golden tassel-like tentacles around the body.

Really handsome!
I believe that no dragon trainer can refuse such a handsome and powerful dragon beast Lie Kongzai?

Let's go!

Lie Kongzuo also noticed Lu Ze and the others at this time, and after coming to Lu Ze and Ning Nuannuan beamingly, he said to them.

What a refreshing day!

Hurry up and go back to fight Chaomeng!

The other Latios can no longer be my opponents!
Lie Kongzai raised his head excitedly, his smug eyes resembled the emoji of "I'm so awesome, I can put my hips on my hips".

"Okay, let's go!"

After Lu Ze spoke, he was ready to exchange places with Ning Nuannuan.

"Well, can I let Ray Kong sit with me?"

Ning Nuannuan looked at Lie Kongzuo with bright eyes, and asked Lu Ze.


Liekong sat looking at Ning Nuannuan, and grinned widely.

Then he shook his head suddenly.

The meaning was obvious, and Ning Nuannuan was directly rejected.


After being rejected by Lie Kongzuo, Ning Nuannuan turned to look at Shui Jun again.

Suicune was much easier to sit and talk than Ray Kong, and after hesitating for a while, he nodded in agreement.

After Ning Nuannuan went to Shui Jun, Lu Ze smiled, and didn't change positions anymore, just sat on Latios' body.

"Come on, let's go back."

"it is good."

After the two nodded, Lu Ze sat on Latios' body, Ning Nuannuan sat on Shui Jun's body, and walked towards Dragon Kingdom together.

Rayquaza danced in the air excitedly.

Without Lu Ze, he flew wantonly, releasing the excitement in his heart in the air.

Not long after they had just left, two golden rings suddenly appeared in the air.

"Hupa, Lao Lao!"

(End of this chapter)

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