Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 842 I Can't Fly?

Chapter 842 I Can't Fly?
Super Latios and Super Latias fast forward.

He chased after the golden ring thrown by Hoopa in anger.

The golden ring was suspended in the air, and a hand stretched out from it.

But at this time Super Latios and Super Latias also came to the front.

The two divine beasts used [Dragon's Wave] at the same time, and hit the angry Hoopa's hand protruding from the golden ring.

At the same time, the man in Arceusta noticed the movement from the explosion.


But at this time, the beasts on both sides assembled again, and confronted in front of Arceusta.

Of course, there is no Gulardo in it.

Because everyone is in the air.

On Lu Ze's side are Super Rayquaza, Super Latios and Latias.

On the other side of Angry Hoopa are several other mythical beasts except Gulardo.

Dialga attacked first, and [Roar of Time] hit Arceusta in an instant.

A big hole was punched out of Arceusta, and countless gravels fell from above Lu Ze.

At this time, Hoopa's Pot of Retribution has reached the final moment of remodeling.

Now it's just a matter of withstood the last pressure.

"Rayquaza, use Tornado!"

"Stir up a tornado!"

Xiaozhi gritted his teeth, and directed to Lie Kongzuo.

Lu Ze didn't open his mouth either. At a time like this, it would be fine to let Xiaozhi come up if there is no accident.

I don't have Pokémon by my side, and I don't have Deoxys and the others by my side, so it's better to be more cautious.

He figured it out, the Hoopa here belonged to Lalie Kongzuo, Latios, and Latias.

He was just pulled over by hand.

But it's not bad, it's like experiencing the theater version in person.

It's still Liekong sitting one dozen seven, the theatrical version of Fengshen.

Lu Ze smiled and looked at Chao Lie Kongzao.

Chao Liekongzai also looked at Lu Ze.

After grinning at Lu Ze, he flew directly into the sky.


Rayquaza was also very excited at this time, having encountered so many capable opponents just after super evolution.

It’s true that all wishes come true!

Excited, Liekong sat in the clouds and kept spinning, driving the clouds faster and faster.

In a short while, layers of tornadoes carrying thick clouds enveloped Arceusta.


Angry Hoopa couldn't help being taken aback after seeing this scene.

Um?Still have this kind of operation?

"Latios, Latias, use mental interference!"

Xiaozhi commanded again, and Super Latios and Super Latias also used [Mental Disturbance], wrapping huge superpowers on the [Tornado] used by Super Rayquaza.

"Very good, that's it!"

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi waved his fist excitedly, then turned to look at Lu Ze beside him.

Lu Ze froze for a moment, then quickly gave Xiaozhi a thumbs up.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also showed his signature smile.

But at this time, they didn't want to bear the angry Hoopa on the other side.

Each of them directly used their own signature skills.

Angry Hoopa's 【Evil Wave】.

Yanbai Kyurem's 【Extremely Cold Flame】.

Palkya's [Subkong Slash].

Dialga's [Roar of Time].

Kioka's [Root Waves].

Giratina's [Shadow Ball].

And right now, they were on the ground, staring blankly at the six divine beasts in the air.

He was in a daze looking at the six beasts who didn't play with him.

The six attacks of different colors, but equally gorgeous, directly hit the [tornado] used by Super Rayquaza.

Xiaozhi also turned his head at this time, the smile on his face disappeared, and he watched the scene nervously holding Pikachu and Little Hoopa.

After the first wave of attacks by Angry Hoopa and the others, [Tornado] did not appear to be broken through.

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi also heaved a sigh of relief.

But soon, the attacks of the beasts struck again.

This time it's not just the six of them.

Realizing that they didn't bring him to play, Gulardo also silently walked into the water and stood under them.

If you don't take me to play, then I'll do it myself!
Humble, but fierce!

With Gulardo joining, Angry Hoopa threw the golden ring in his hand again in front of the six Pokémon.

This time, he wants to concentrate everyone's strength to break through the defense of Super Raekongza [Tornado] at once.

Six golden rings were opened in front of [Tornado], and the six divine beasts also released their attacks at the same time.

This time, I don't know if it was because Gulardo joined or because the distance was shortened by the angry Hoopa golden ring.

Six attacks of different colors hit [Tornado], but [Tornado] still stood firm.

At this time, Angry Hoopa finally made another move.

【Shadow Ball】!
A [Shadow Ball] hit the [Tornado], right in the middle of the Super Rayquaza that was continuing to roll up the storm.

As [Super Rayquaza] was hit, the [Tornado] that was besieged outside quickly dissipated.

After a puff of black smoke, [Tornado] quickly disintegrated, revealing the Arceusta wrapped inside.


Xiaozhi exclaimed, angry Hoopa took back his golden ring, looked at the shocked Xiaozhi and smiled triumphantly.

Let's see what else you can do!
Giratina [Shadow Ball] was released again, but it didn't hit Super Latios.

After Super Latios and Super Latias reacted, they also used [Dragon Wave] to launch a counterattack.

[Dragon Wave] hit Giratina and Yanbai Kyurem, and a burst of white smoke scattered in all directions.

Palkya couldn't sit still any longer, he stood up and shot [Sky Slash] and hit Super Latios.

The speed of [Subspace Cleave] is very fast, because it is relatively close, so Super Latios did not completely dodge it.

In the end, it was still wiped by Palkya's [Arkon Split Slash].

Super Latios fell down with Xiaozhi.

But he was just scratched and didn't suffer much damage.

Although Xiaozhi fell from the air to the ground, he didn't suffer any damage.

But Super Lattios didn't seem to notice that Xiaozhi fell from his body, and got up and rushed into the air again.

Now Gaioka and Dialga found the opportunity.

[Root Wave] and [Roar of Time] hit Xiaozhi directly.

Although Lu Ze also didn't understand why they wanted to beat Xiaozhi.

But after seeing Xiaozhi running fast with Little Hoopa in his arms and dodging the attacks of the two divine beasts, he felt relieved.

"Dragon Wave!"

Xiaozhi was knocked out, and then only he was in command.

Without hesitation, Lu Ze commanded Super Liekongza and Super Latias to attack the opposite divine beast.

[Dragon Wave] Hit Gaioka and Diyaluka who attacked Xiaozhi just now, and it can be regarded as revenge for Xiaozhi.

But soon, Giratina's [Shadow Ball] hit Super Rayquaza and Super Latias.

The two divine beasts dispersed in an instant, dodging Giratina's attack.

However, Super Latias led Lu Ze to avoid the [Extremely Cold Flame] that Yanbai Kyurem called again.

However, Super Likuza was hit by Palkya's [Akon Cleave] and Angry Hoopa's [Evil Wave].

Super Rayquaza fell from the black smoke from the explosion and fell heavily to the ground.

"It would be nice if Deoxys was here at this time."

Seeing the Super Liekong sitting on the ground, Lu Ze couldn't help but said.

If Deoxys is here now, they don't need to be so difficult.

Super Rayquaza's strength is very strong, there is nothing wrong with it.

But none of the beasts on the opposite side is weak.

Flame white Kyurem that can be switched at will.

Kyoka and Groudon are back from the original.

The twin gods of time and space.

There is also a Giratina that seems to be paddling.

The point is, Wrathful Hoopa is not weak either, and is also very powerful at the same time.

Super Rayquaza's ability to fight against them like this already speaks volumes about his strength.

After all, in this situation, Super Latios and Super Latias are completely like two laggards.

Seeing that the six players above were all showing off their power, Gulardo, who was standing in the water, was instantly unhappy.

Finding the right opportunity, he directly launched an attack on Super Latios and Super Latias in the air.

[Flame Jet] collided with two [Dragon Waves], and finally exploded, turning into a cloud of black smoke.

Black smoke enveloped Xiaozhi and Hoopa in Xiaozhi's arms.

At this time, the angry Hoopa also came in front of them.

"Xiaozhi, be careful!"

After seeing this scene, Lu Ze quickly shouted a reminder.

But it seemed that it was too late, the angry Hoopa's hand had already grabbed Xiaozhi.

"Super Latios!"

Just when Lu Ze was about to let Super Latios attack, he suddenly saw a figure appearing on the ruins.

It was Balza who was holding the Pot of Punishment.

The sun also appeared just right at this time, and the angry Hoopa's figure also began to blur.


Angry Hoopa roared, and the divine beast summoned by him was also dissipated under the control of [Spiritual Disturbance].

The hazy red light in the eyes of the six divine beasts all disappeared, and the original calm was restored.

The divine beast that regained its sanity noticed Gulardo standing alone in the water.

At this time, they no longer had the heartlessness just now, and they all went into the water to stand in the water with Gulardo.

Don't worry, Gulardo, we will accompany you if you can't fly!
Lao Gu was moved by the affection of the beast, but at this time Balza didn't care about the emotions between them.

After opening the Pot of Punishment in his hand, Balza absorbed Hoopa's anger into the Pot of Punishment.

However, after Wrathful Hoopa was put into the Pot of Punishment, the moment Balza closed the lid, the power of Wrathful Hoopa directly caused the Pot of Punishment to be thrown out.

"I come!"

With a sprint, Xiaozhi jumped up suddenly, and immediately hugged the Pot of Punishment in his arms.

"As expected of a super true rookie."

Lu Ze sat on Super Latias and watched this scene.

He knew what was going to happen next.

Sure enough, in just a moment, Xiao Zhi was directly controlled by the angry Hoopa.

Opening his eyes, Xiaozhi turned his head to look at Little Hoopa with red eyes.




"The sealed power has spoken!"

Little Hoopa exclaimed, and Balza, Meria, and Semei were all frightened, and looked at Xiaozhi in panic.

Balza frowned: "That guy probably occupied Xiaozhi's body!"

"You bastard disappear!"

"I am the real Hoopa!"

"It's me who should stay!"

Xiaozhi, who was holding the Pot of Punishment, looked more and more fiercely, which startled little Hupa.

But this does not affect Lu Ze is still watching the show.

No matter what Xiaozhi is doing now, the angry Hoopa will still be resolved under their mouths.

This is not this world, there will be so many special situations.

If there are no accidents, this should be Xiaozhi's theatrical version of the world.

The priority of the theater here is still very high, and it will not be easily affected.

Little Hoopa plucked up his courage: "Xiaozhi said, he wants to help Shadow!"

"Give me away!"

"Don't be angry when I tell you about Hoopa, listen carefully!"

As Little Hoopa said, he stretched out his hands and released an unknown energy to Xiaozhi.

"Everyone is waiting for Hoopa to recover."

"Little Hoopa used Memory Kill."

Lu Ze chuckled, looking at the angry Hupa who had fallen into the memory and said.

"Surprise it, Shadow will be very happy in the future."

After a while, Hoopa said gently to the angry Hoopa, "Hoopa, I've been waiting for the shadow!"

As Hoopa increased his use of energy, a golden beam of light rose into the sky.

Then it dissipated and turned into golden rain.

Xiaozhi also recovered his original appearance in this golden light rain.

"I hear your voice."

"That fellow Shadow must have heard it too."

After glancing at the friends running over, Xiaozhi got up and said to Little Hoopa with a smile.

Balza closed his eyes, and after feeling the breath of the Pot of Punishment, a smile appeared on his face.

"The evil spirit is gone."

"Tsk tsk, this picture is really beautiful."

At this time, Lu Ze was lying on the back of Super Latias, holding his chin, looking at the crowd under the morning sun.

"Thank you, Ash!"

After Melia yelled excitedly, Semei and the others also became happy.

Five of the six divine beasts in the distance flew up.

Now that the matter is over, it is time for them to leave.

Gulardo turned his head in astonishment and looked at the five flying figures next to him.

He took another look at his middle position in the water.

grass!They absolutely did it on purpose!
"what did they say?"

Xiaozhi asked the smiling little Hoopa strangely.

"They said they were shocked too."

Hoopa chuckled and translated to Xiaozhi.

"Let's go, it's time for us to release the super evolution state."

Lu Ze said, Super Latios and Super Latias also released the super evolution state at the same time.

The same goes for Super Rayquaza.

After the three divine beasts released their super-evolved state, they flew around those six guys.

Just as fierce as you just beat us?

(End of this chapter)

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