Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 843 The Love and Hate Between Gulardo and Kyoka

Chapter 843 The Love and Hate Between Gulardo and Kyoka
"Is it all summoned by Hoopa and Shadow?"

Looking at the group of divine beasts in front of him, Balza couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Hee hee hee~"

Little Hoopa smiled complacently. For him, this is also an experience of his own ability.

"It's a great feeling~"

After Lu Ze glanced at the Rockets trio that appeared, he immediately sensed something was wrong, and looked up into the sky.

"Sure enough, it's not over yet."

Lu Ze murmured, the sky darkened instantly, and a huge black hole appeared above Arceusta, directly covering Arceusta.

The black-purple energy fell from the sky, and began to shrink inward with Arceusta as the center.

Constantly devouring the objects it touches.

"This is?"

"The space is distorted!"

Balza looked at the black-purple energy and said uncertainly.

"It may be the effect of barely summoning the legendary Pokémon!"

"It should be the reason for the twin gods of time and space."

Outside this energy body, Lu Ze turned his head and glanced at Palkya and Diya Luka next to him.

If I remember correctly, the theater version of the decisive battle at the Tower of Time and Space was also like this at that time.

The battle between Dialga and Palkya caused a change in dimension.

But I have to say that the dimension here is still quite strong.

There are so many beasts, as well as the twin gods of time and space, and two Hupas.

Persisting until now before it collapses is considered strong.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

At this time in Arceusta, Xiaozhi once again commanded Pikachu to use [one hundred thousand volts], trying to stop the advancement of the energy body.

But unfortunately, Pikachu's [one hundred thousand volts] that can injure Arceus has no effect this time.

The black-purple energy body is still shrinking, and Arceusta also began to be decomposed after touching the black-purple energy body.

"try it?"

Lu Ze turned to look at the divine beast next to him and asked.

As soon as the words fell, Palkya stood up and directly used his signature skills against the black-purple energy.

[Subspace Slash]!
[Subspace Cleave] Hit the black-purple energy, but it didn't produce any effect. It just produced some fluctuations on the energy body and there was no follow-up.

Faced with this situation, Latios, Latias and Giratina also launched attacks at the same time.

Two shots of [Dragon Wave] and [Shadow Ball] hit at the same time.

However, it is the same as [Yakong Split Slash], except that there is a slight fluctuation on the energy body and then disappears.

"Can't you get out?"

"What should I do now?"

Semei looked in panic at the approaching black-purple energy body.

At this time, little Hoopa stood up with a firm face, and said to the pot of punishment in Xiaozhi's hand.

"Xiaozhi, use this!"


"it is good!"

Xiaozhi nodded in agreement, and a smile appeared on Little Hoopa's face!

Outside the black-purple energy body, Liekongzuo and Diya Luka are also trying.

However, the attack on it still had no effect.

"Come on, Hoopa!"

Inside the black-purple energy body, Xiao Zhi also opened the Pot of Punishment.

The energy in the Pot of Retribution was released, hitting Little Hoopa in the air.

A golden light flashed, and the figure of Little Hoopa also continued to grow bigger in the golden light.

"The real Hoopa is here!"

Jiefang Hupa crossed his arms and appeared in front of everyone with a proud expression on his face.

"Come on!"

"Real Hoopa!"

"True power!"

Jiefang Hupa shouted, six arms spread out, and six golden rings also appeared around him, shining with light.

The golden ring opened outside, and the people inside also lined up one by one, and were transferred from the golden ring to the outside of the black-purple energy body.

"The portal is open."

After Lu Ze saw the people coming out of the square in the distance, a smile appeared on his face.

He also saw the Rockets trio mingling into the crowd.

After this incident is over, no matter what you say, go get acquainted with the Rockets trio.

With the disappearance of the golden circle, all the people inside were moved outside by Hoopa in a short while.

Of course, Xiaozhi and the others are still left.

"Let's go, all of you!"

"But Hoopa can't go through the ring."

After Meria finished speaking, Yurika turned her head and looked at Jiefang Hupa worriedly and said.

Xiaozhi was silent for a moment, then raised his head, with a firm expression on his face: "How will you know this kind of thing if you don't try it!"


As Xiaozhi's voice fell, Jiefang Hupa also looked at Xiaozhi and murmured.

"Hoopa, my wish is to leave here with you!"


After Xiaozhi finished speaking, he opened the lid of the pot of punishment in his hand, turning Liberated Hoopa into Little Hoopa again.

The golden circle opened again, and Yurika, Semei, Firefox, Quakpao and Xitron also came out of the golden circle in turn.

Seeing the smaller and smaller black-purple energy body, Lu Ze also patted Latias under him.

"Let's go and have a look over there."

You can't see the black and purple energy, but you can see how they come out of the golden circle.

Ladias nodded, and flew to the square not far away with Lu Ze.

At this time, Semei also clearly saw Lu Ze on Latios and Latias.

But compared to this stranger who suddenly appeared, she was still more worried about Xiaozhi who was still in the black-purple energy body.

After Lu Ze arrived, he didn't say anything, he just sat quietly on Latias and looked at the only remaining golden ring.

That way, except that there is no watermelon in hand, it is completely no different from the people who eat melons.

The golden ring fluctuated again, and then Xiao Zhi's upper body and a Hoopa in his arms appeared in the golden ring.

However, it seems that the space energy in the golden ring is bound, and one person and one Pokémon still cannot rush out in the end.

After a while, the golden ring fluctuated again.

But this time there is one more Meria than the last one.

Semei grabbed Meria's shoulders and brought Meria out without much effort.

But unfortunately, Xiao Zhi who was holding Hoopa was finally bounced back together with Hoopa.

The golden circle waved for the third time.

But this time Melia was replaced by Balza.

This time it turned out that Xiaozhi came out, and Balza was bounced back while holding Hupa.

"It should be over soon."

Lu Ze turned his head to look at the black-purple energy, and murmured at the already very thin black-purple beam of light.

If I remember correctly, this theatrical version will end after Hoopa and Balza come out.

Lu Ze lay leisurely on Latias' body.

"It seems good to experience the theater version so closely."

Different from the "theatre version" in this world, this time the theatrical version is a bit exciting except for being chased and killed by the beasts, and he doesn't have to do anything at other times.

It feels good to not have to use your hands or your mind.


Suddenly, as if feeling something, Lu Ze raised his head and looked above the black-purple energy body.

A golden beam of light fell from above the black-purple energy body, delaying the contraction of the black-purple energy.

"That shadow..."

Lu Ze squinted his eyes. If nothing else happened, that shadow should be Arceus.

"Sure enough, this is Arceus' test for little Hoopa."

Lu Ze chuckled, the Hoopa of this world is such a test.

What kind of trials will Hoopa in this world go through to end his grounded life?

When he glanced at the faintly glowing Arceus logo on Meria's chest, Lu Ze confirmed his thoughts.

The golden circle fluctuated again, and Balza charged over again holding Hupa.

However, it is still bound by space energy.

"Believe in yourself, Hoopa!"

"Melia, use the power, I will use it from there!"

Xiaozhi and Balza spoke at the same time, and then Balza withdrew from the golden ring.

The golden light was shining, and the owners of the two superpowers, one inside and one outside, were using the superpowers, trying to help Hoopa break through his golden ring.

"come on!"

"Pickup pickup!"

"Restraint or something, step over him!"

People on both sides are working hard, pulling here, pushing there, Xiaozhi is still building up Hoopa's heart.

"Hoopa won't go away!"

"Hoopa wants to be with everyone!"

After a while, Hoopa woke up from the memory, and suddenly roared, and then the energy exploded, and Hoopa was directly pulled out of the golden ring by Xiaozhi.

"Balza, come out!"

The moment Hoopa landed on the ground, he immediately stood up and came in front of his golden ring.

At the moment when the golden ring shrunk and was about to disappear, Hupa grabbed Balza's hand.

The moment Balza was pulled out, Arceus' energy disappeared.

The black-purple energy contracted again, swallowing up the place where Balza was standing just now.

The golden ring lost its light and returned to Little Hoopa's body.

Little Hoopa looked at Balza who came out, and couldn't hide the smile anymore.

The golden light falling from the sky slowly dissipated, leaving only Arceusta in ruins.

Lu Ze also turned his head and looked at the lonely figure of Gulardo in the water. He didn't know why he always wanted to laugh.

Gulardo: So lonely...

Why are you all flying in the sky?

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze couldn't help taking out his phone to take a picture.

It must be interesting to show Gulardo in this world after we go back.

See, you can't fly.

While Lu Ze was watching a joke, the Arceus logo on the chests of Balza and Meria suddenly flickered.

Then Arceus, who was covered in golden light, fell from the clouds.

However, Arceus only appeared for about two seconds before he took his steps again and ran out into the distance in the sky.

It seems that he came just to show his face.

However, the appearance of Arceus still shocked Xiaozhi and Balza.

With the departure of Arceus, Dialga, Palkya, Yanbai Kyurem, Giratina, and Gaioka, who had just been teleported, also left one after another.

After a while, the four beasts flew into the clouds and disappeared.

What about another one?

Of course it was our Gaioka, flew to the side of Gulardo, and got into the water in front of Gulardo.

Then he flew out of the water again, and left without even looking at Gulardo.

Now Gulardo is the only one left in the water, going back and forth with a displeased face.

"Don't you open a portal for him?"

After Lu Ze finished taking the photo, he turned his head and said to Little Hupa.

If Gulardo is really allowed to go back, will Gulardo not go back to Fengyuan the next time the theatrical version is opened?

The next theatrical version is Volkenion and Magearna.

Gulardo did not appear.

Justify your guess.

He didn't walk back if he didn't send him.

"oh oh."

Seeing the lone Gulardo not far away, Little Hoopa realized this and nodded quickly.


After Ladias brought Lu Ze to Gulardo's side, Lu Ze yelled at Gulardo.

Now it was Little Hoopa, and Little Hoopa didn't have the power to free Hoopa.

If you want to send Gulardo back, you need Gulardo not to resist.

"You won't... um, that, Hoopa said he would send you back."

Lu Ze blurted out, but he reacted in an instant, and quickly changed his words.

However, Gulardo could obviously hear it. After glancing at Lu Ze, he turned his head stubbornly and continued his great cause of hiking.

Lu Ze laughed, this Gulardo is quite arrogant.


Lu Ze shook his head and called out to Gulardo again.

But this time Gulardo did not turn his head around.

"Well, let Hoopa send you to Kyoka's house."

"You know where his home is!"

"After Kioka gets home, if he sees you taking a step ahead of him, think about his expression."

Lu Ze joked, Gulardo frowned.

Think about Gaioka's expression at that time.

It seems a little emotional, right?

Gulardo finally stopped and turned to look at Lu Ze and Hupa who followed him.

Poker face.

I'm not here to see Kyoka's expression.

I just thought about it for a while, it's a waste of time to walk back like this.

By the way, send me to Kyoka's house, I know where his house is.

Lu Ze didn't understand what Gulardo was saying, but he could feel Latias shaking, as if trying to hold back something.

Hoopa also had the same expression, without even saying a word, he opened the portal directly.

After Gulardo glanced at Lu Ze who was bewildered on Latias, he turned his head and entered the portal.

After sending Gulardo away, Latias and Hoopa couldn't help laughing.

"No, what are you two laughing at?" Lu Ze wondered, and asked Latias and Hupa.

"Is such that."

Latias translated what Gulardo had just said with a smile on his face.

Lu Ze couldn't help laughing after hearing that Gulardo said such a thing just now.

This Gulardo is really interesting!
It's a pity, if it is recorded for Gulardo in this world, Gulardo in this world might go berserk.

After sending Gulardo away, Latias brought Lu Ze and Hupa back to the square just now.

"Hello, let's get to know each other again. I'm Lu Ze, a traveler from another world."

"Hello, I'm Xiaozhi, and my goal is to become a Pokémon master!"



Although the environment in the water made Gulardo very uncomfortable, Gulardo still endured the discomfort and waited for Kioka's return at Kyoka's house.

After waiting for a long time, Kaioka returned to his home.

"That guy Gulardo, don't know where he is now?"

Gayoka laughed and opened the door of his house, and then closed it abruptly.

and many more!

I just entered the water so hard that I had an illusion!

Open it again!
The smile on Gaioka's face disappeared, and he carefully opened the door of the house again.

However, it was still Gulardo's big, smiling face that had pulled into the distance and caught his eyes.

Hahaha, Gaioka, you tm have today too!

Gulardo laughed, squeezed Kyoka away and was about to leave.

I am very happy to see Gaioka's blank eyes successfully!

"No, why are you at my house!"

"No, how did you come back so fast!"


 Although the environment in the water made Gulardo very uncomfortable, Gulardo still endured the discomfort and waited for Kioka's return at Kyoka's house.

  After waiting for a long time, Kaioka returned to his home.

  "That guy Gulardo, don't know where he is now?"

  Gayoka laughed and opened the door of his house, and then closed it abruptly.

  I just entered the water so hard that I had an illusion!

  Open it again!
  The smile on Gaioka's face disappeared, and he carefully opened the door of the house again.

  It was still Gulardo's big, smiling face that had pulled into the distance and caught his eyes.

  Hahaha, Gaioka, you tm have today too!

(End of this chapter)

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