Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 845 The Iron Dumbbell Breaks the Shell!

Chapter 845 The Iron Dumbbell Breaks the Shell!
"Look, Hupa said he felt Lu Ze's breath!"

As soon as Lu Ze came over from the golden circle, he saw Little Hoopa talking to Giratina and Kyurem with a proud face.

"Hey? What's the situation?"

"It's not you, it suddenly disappeared."

Kyurem said, and glanced at Giratina.

"Someone panicked."

Giratina didn't care about Kyurem's intentions. After Lu Ze came back, he flashed back to Lu Ze's shadow.

Lu Ze was a little strange, he thought Giratina had already left after the World Championship.

The result has been in his shadow.

"Where have you been? Why did you suddenly disappear?"

After seeing Lu Ze come back, Ning Nuannuan also asked curiously.

"Go, another world."

Lu Ze said to little Hupa after putting on the Poke Ball belt that Deoxys had handed over to him again.

"Little Hoopa from another world can already pass through his own golden ring?"


Little Hupa looked shocked, and looked at Lu Ze cutely.

"how is this possible!"

"No way!"

"How did you do it!"

Shocked for three consecutive times, Little Hupa asked Lu Ze in disbelief.

"Is such that."

After releasing his Pokémon from the poke ball, Lu Ze began to tell them.

Lie Kong sat beside him with an arrogant expression on his face.

This kind of scene where others explain themselves to be the most handsome is simply too handsome.

"So, why did he break through?"

After listening to what Lu Ze said, Little Hupa was still puzzled.

Are you kidding me, is that guy named Xiaozhi so powerful?

Just a few words can make that Hoopa break through his heart?

Moreover, Angry Hoopa himself doesn't seem to have any.

Little Hupa held his chin, thinking sadly.

Lu Ze smiled and rubbed Little Hupa's head.

"This, of course, is up to you."

After saying that, Lu Ze got up and stretched.

"It's time to go home too."

"Nahupa will see you off."

Lu Ze's comfort seemed to have some effect, and little Hupa no longer had the frowning face just now, and said to Lu Ze with a smile on his face.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"You're welcome~"

After Little Hoopa happily opened the portal, Lu Ze greeted Hoopa, Kyurem, and Darkley, and then Hoopa and Liekong sat and left together.

Of course, Lu Ze didn't forget to leave some of his specially made delicious energy cubes before leaving.

During this trip, the delicious energy cubes I made before have basically been consumed.

Kuailong from Dragon Island, and the one he reserved for Xiaozhi and the others.

After leaving the last ones for Little Hoopa and the others, I will make some more when I go back.

He just didn't know if the backpack he left for Xiaozhi and the others was found.

After leaving the portal, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing when he thought of the surprise appearance of Xiaozhi and Pikachu.


In Xiaozhi's world.

Hoopa, who had just made a decision, was excited when suddenly he saw a backpack floating on the sea surface out of the corner of his eye.

"Well, who accidentally dropped it?"

Looking at the backpack that was very close to the ruins of Arceusta, Hoopa asked curiously.

"Take it over to see if there is any information about the owner."


After Balza finished speaking, Hoopa nodded, the golden ring on his body flew out, and a backpack fell out of the golden ring.

"Open it and have a look."

After getting the backpack, Xiaozhi and the others also came up and said to Little Hoopa.

But Xiaozhi always felt that this backpack looked so familiar.

Haven't seen a backpack like this before?
It must have been seen recently.

Xiaozhi was a little puzzled. At this time, Hoopa had already opened the backpack.

"There's a note."

Yurika's eyes were very sharp, and she directly saw the note in the backpack.

"It's the first time we meet, be careful, please accept it?"

"Lu Ze!"

Xiaozhi picked up the note and read out the content on the note.

The last person who saw the message was Lu Ze, and then he looked up at everyone with an unbelievable expression.

"This is what Lu Ze left for us!"

Semei was also very surprised.

When did you leave it, why didn't you have any impression.

"It should have been left when the destructive force appeared."

Xitron pushed his eyes and said: "We were inside at that time, and he was riding Ladias outside, it should be that time."

"Pickup pickup!"

"Indeed, that's the only time he has time."

Xiaozhi and Pikachu nodded at the same time, but Hoopa beside him couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Look at what he left for us?"

Under the curious eyes of Little Hupa and everyone else, Xiaozhi began to take things out of the space backpack.

"Is this an energy cube?"

Semei looked at the boxes of energy cubes a little strangely.

"Aren't energy cubes used by coordinators?"

"Is he a coordinator?"

Semei was a little curious, but Xiaozhi was still holding things out.

After the five boxes of delicious energy cubes were taken out, there were also small round cakes specially made by Lu Ze as snacks on the road to Victini.

"Haha, I'm sure you'll like this biscuit victini very much."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but think of Victini after seeing the small round cakes taken out of his backpack.

Victini really likes to eat these small round cakes.

"Do you like Victini? Can Hoopa try it?"

After hearing that Victini liked it very much, Victini also became interested, looked at Xiaozhi expectantly and asked.

"Of course, this is a gift from Lu Ze to us all."

As Xiaozhi said, he distributed the small round cakes in his hand.

But he didn't send all of them out, and he left a small box to send to Victini at that time.


After Hoopa took a bite of the biscuit, he immediately became happy.

The taste of this little round cake is delicious!
Not only Hoopa, but Xiaozhi, Semei, and Pikachu all thought it was very delicious.

"It feels even more delicious than those made by Tiantong."

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, knowing that Victini liked the small round cakes made by Tiantong very much.

Would Victini like it more if it was the small round cake made by Lu Ze now?

Xiaozhi couldn't help laughing when he thought of Victini's happy look after eating the buns.

After Pikachu stuffed all the biscuits in his mouth, he looked curiously at the energy cube box on the ground.

The small round cakes are so delicious, the energy cubes should taste good too, right?

try one?
Pikachu tugged on Xiaozhi's trouser legs, and after realizing that Xiaozhi didn't respond, he sighed helplessly.

I can only come by myself.

After opening the box of the energy cube, Pikachu immediately smelled a very good smell.

The smell is like the fragrance of the field, like the pocket of the mother's bag, like Xiaozhi's hat, like the delicious food made by Xiaozhi's mother.

After Pikachu took a deep breath of happiness, he picked up a power cube.


With one bite, Pikachu bounced happily off the ground instantly.

At this time, what Xiaogang and what Tiantong, although the food they made is very delicious, but they are not as good as this small energy cube!
Xiaozhi and the others noticed Pikachu's abnormality.

However, compared to the Pikachu that Xiaozhi and the others noticed, and the long-tailed Firefox who was still outside, the frog noticed the energy cube in Pikachu's hand.

"Pikachu, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu who jumped up suddenly and asked a little strangely.

But at this time, the long-tailed Firefox and the croaking frog had already arrived in front of the energy cube box.

Looking at the opened box, he curiously picked up an energy cube.

Bite down, then narrow your eyes happily.

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu raised the energy cube in his hand to Xiaozhi and the others, and said to Xiaozhi.

"You mean this?"

Xiaozhi turned his head and glanced at the energy cube box curiously, but happened to see the long-tailed Firefox and the croaking frog squinting happily.


After Hoopa saw that they also had an energy cube in their hands, he also leaned over it curiously, took an energy cube and took a bite.

"This is delicious!"

Hoopa also became excited, and said to Xiaozhi and the others with a happy face.

"It's even more delicious than the small round pancakes just now!"


"Ah, finally home."

When Little Hupa's portal opened, it was directly Lu Ze's door in Shangqing's house.

Without hesitation, he opened the door and lay down on the sofa.

"Can anyone help me get a cup of Mrs. Hua Jie's scented tea?"

Lu Ze lay on the sofa and didn't even want to open his eyes.

Although the theatrical version of Super Demon God is really exciting, it is really cool.

But it did make Lu Ze physically and mentally exhausted after the experience.

"Then I'll go home first?"

Lioulu trotted towards the refrigerator, and Ning Nuannuan who was outside also came in and said to Lu Ze.

"it is good."

Lu Ze nodded and got up quickly.


I still have to send it.

After watching Ning Nuannuan leave, Lioulu also ran over holding Mrs. Huajie's sweet tea.

"Thank you, Riolu."

"you are welcome."

Riolu smiled, and then ran towards the nursery.

Lu Ze watched this scene with a smile, and did not rush to follow.

Now that the nurturing garden is open, his Pokémon basically like to stay in the nurturing garden.

After all, there are many Pokémon here, and the place is huge.

After taking a sip of Mrs. Huajie's sweet tea, Lu Ze couldn't help moaning in comfort.

Anyway, there is no one else now.

Happy, enter the house.

After taking out the two mediums from the backpack, Lu Ze took out the Arceus-attribute slabs that were used as the medium.

"The two of you can be regarded as playing in another world."

Lu Ze said to the medium while placing the attribute slate under the medium.

He put these two elf eggs in the culture medium and put them in his space backpack.

During the battle of divine beasts, he was afraid that some divine beast would accidentally attack the backpack behind him.

That's why he often wanders outside the main battlefield.

But now it's all right, we're in a safe place.

After Lu Ze smiled, he put the dragon stone slab he just got from Ning Nuannuan under the culture medium of the single-headed dragon.

"Come out quickly, there are a lot of delicious food waiting for you."


As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, a voice came from the elf egg in the culture medium.

Then Lu Ze saw a crack appear on the elf egg.


Lu Ze was a little surprised, so fast!

Afterwards, the elf egg glowed, and in the white light, a Pokémon also appeared in the culture medium.

After knocking off the cover of the culture medium, the Pokémon that appeared inside crashed directly into Lu Ze's arms.

A big scarlet eye stared straight at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze laughed and touched his metal body: "It will be ready for you soon."

Lu Ze said, and walked upstairs with the iron dumbbells.

"To be honest, I didn't expect that your iron dumbbell is also a little glutton."

Lu Ze laughed, and broke out of his shell when he heard that there was something delicious.

Obviously waited so long before.

I knew it earlier.

However, the iron dumbbell can only absorb the magnetic force in the magnet now.

Now that he has no mouth, he can't eat anything delicious.

It will be fine after it evolves into a metal monster.

After having a mouth, you can eat some other food.

Unlike now, only the magnetic force in the magnet can be used as food.

By the way, when will the shining talisman be used for the iron dumbbell?

Natural iron dumbbells are indeed not as handsome as silver-white iron dumbbells.

Wait two days?

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he quickly made a decision.

"Now, these are all yours."

After Lu Ze went upstairs, he opened the door of the warehouse with the iron dumbbell, pointed at the pile of steel and all kinds of steel madness and said to the iron dumbbell.

"Now you can only use this."

Lu Ze smiled, took out a magnet from it, and placed it next to the iron dumbbell.

Who knew that the iron dumbbell didn't even look at the magnet.

After breaking away from Lu Ze's embrace, he flew directly towards a steel ore.

Immediately afterwards, the claws behind him firmly grasped the iron ore.

Lu Ze was surprised, iron dumbbells, you can't eat them with your butt, right?
But soon Lu Ze understood.

Iron dumbbells don't eat iron ore with their butts.

He does not have a mouth, but he can rely on the sharp claws behind him to absorb the energy in the iron ore.

"That's fine."

Lu Ze murmured, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at the squinting iron dumbbell on the iron ore, Lu Ze also checked the information of the iron dumbbell.

Elf: Iron Dumbbell

Gender: no gender
Attributes: steel, psychic
Ability: Eternal Pure Body (Pokémon with this characteristic will not be reduced by the moves and characteristics of opponents and companions under normal circumstances.)
Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: impact, slam, mind head hammer, comet punch, enhanced punch.

Genetic Skills: None

"The last three skills should be the three skills given by the attribute slate."

Lu Ze looked at the message of the iron dumbbell and thought: "But I remember, the iron dumbbell before seems to be red?"

(End of this chapter)

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