Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 846 Teenager's Self-Esteem

Chapter 846 Teenager's Self-Esteem
Lu Ze scratched his head. If he remembers correctly, when the Electric Shock Beast was just born, it seemed...

The aptitude has also changed from red to gold, right?
In this way, the slate can also enhance the aptitude of Pokémon?
In other words, the aptitude of the Pokémon still in the elf egg?

If this is the case, then this slate is indeed somewhat powerful.

However, it is not surprising that the slate of Arceus has this function.

Lu Ze thought about it, and the iron dumbbell seemed to be full, and it floated down from the iron ore and came to Lu Ze's arms.


The iron dumbbell murmured, lying in Lu Ze's arms and closing his eyes.

"The appetite is so small."

Lu Ze couldn't help laughing at the iron dumbbell in his arms, and then carried the iron dumbbell into the room.

Lu Ze, who was lying on the bed with the iron dumbbell in his arms, also started to feel sleepy.

After a while, he fell asleep like an iron dumbbell.



"Sleep so soundly."

A voice came, and Lu Ze quickly opened his eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

After seeing that the person next to him was Sui Yan, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the bed again.

"what time is it?"

"It's past seven o'clock, and it's getting dark, why don't you treat me to a meal?"

"Please, please."

As Lu Ze said, he forced himself to sit up.

"This is?"

Just as Lu Ze sat up, Sui Yan saw the iron dumbbell in Lu Ze's arms.

"Iron dumbbell, just hatched today."


After shaking the iron dumbbell towards Sui Yan and Lu Ze, it left Lu Ze's embrace and flew towards the door.

"He is this?"

Sui Yan looked at the flying iron dumbbell strangely and asked Lu Ze.

"I'm probably hungry, let's go find something to eat."

After Lu Ze got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face, he walked downstairs with Sui Yan.

The iron dumbbell doesn't have a lot of appetite, and it flew down again after a while, and came to Lu Ze's arms.


Tilting his head, he let go of his brain that had just woken up and hadn't recovered.

"Let's change the body color first."

As Lu Ze said, he went to the small room and took out the shining talisman that had been prepared.

After sticking the shining talisman on the iron dumbbell, the color of the iron dumbbell changed from metallic to off-white in a short time.

The iron dumbbell's big eyeballs rolled, and he was very excited after seeing his body change color.

But just after the iron dumbbell spun two times in the air, it was hugged by Lu Ze in his arms.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet your brothers and sisters."

Lu Ze said, and went to the nurturing garden with Sui Yan.

The little ones in the nursery were also very excited to see this newly opened iron dumbbell.

After a while, they played and played together.

"Come on, let's go eat."

After talking to the cross bat and letting the cross bat look at the iron dumbbell, Lu Ze and Sui Yan walked outside together.

"Where to eat?"

"Canteen, otherwise."

Lu Ze smiled, but walked towards the school gate.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Seeing Suiyan like this, Lu Ze immediately knew that Suiyan had something to tell him.

"Well, there are."

Sui Yan did not hesitate, nodded and said to Lu Ze.

Originally, he came to Lu Ze to talk about this matter.

As a result, Lu Ze was in a hurry to leave, so he didn't say anything.

But if you don't say anything now, it may be too late.

"What's the matter, tell me."

"Forget it, let's talk about it when we eat."

Sui Yan hesitated for a while, but in the end he still didn't say what he wanted to say.

Lu Ze had no choice but to eat and talk about eating, it's not a big deal.

The two soon came to a skewer shop near the school.

A bunch of skewers, two bottles of beer, and then the two started chatting.

"What's the situation?"

"The one at my aunt's house..."

As soon as Suiyan opened his mouth, Lu Ze couldn't help being startled.

"The one at your aunt's house?"

"Yes, I passed the exam."

Sui Yan smiled wryly and took a sip of wine: "But it's okay, he should have grown up now, and his personality is much better."

"Oh, that's good."

After hearing what Sui Yan said, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

When I was young, I was really tossed by this kid from his aunt's house.

He is really rebellious, he must do what he is not told to do.

After Lu Ze remembered the past, he shook his head helplessly.

"So, what are you worrying about?"

"My aunt said to let him join me and tell him about the weather team."

Since the World Championship, Sui Yan has also become a reformer of the Weather Team.

The current weather team is no longer what it used to be.

The sunny team is all fire-type, the rainy-day team is all water-type, and the sandstorm team is all rock and steel.

So it stands to reason that Sui Yan has no problem with the weather team.

"If I remember correctly, your aunt also belongs to Team Sunshine because of the Wind Speed ​​Dog?"

Lu Ze hesitated for a moment: "Could it be, is there any accident?"

"Of course there was an accident."

Sui Yan smiled wryly: "You remember that kid has been rebellious since he was a child?"


Lu Ze nodded, and then suddenly reacted: "You mean?"

"That's right, there is no weather system."

Sui Yan took another sip of wine.

You said that if he goes to the Sunny Sky team, there is no problem in coming to him.

My current research on the Sunny Team is relatively thorough.

Even if you have a sandstorm team, a rainy day team, etc., I can ask Fugui or Lu Ze for you.


Sui Yan remembered that his cousin came to look for him that day, and told himself shyly.

"Well, brother, I don't know what to do now, how to build a team, and who to find the next Pokémon."

Sui Yan wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Anyway, you have an idea!
After I have an idea, I can give you a rough idea of ​​how to say it.

You don't have anything, so you come here alone and tell yourself, it's up to you next.

rely on me?
Do you rely on me to create a team of Pokémon for you out of thin air?

Sui Yan had no choice but to come to Lu Ze.

Find yourself this external brain.

After telling the matter to Lu Ze, Lu Ze couldn't help having a headache.

"It's a bit of a headache."

"That's right, that's why I wanted to ask you." Sui Yan touched Lu Ze with the bottle and said.

"By the way, do you know who his current Pokémon are?"


Sui Yan stopped drinking.

Hey, I seem to have really forgotten this.

"Okay, let's call him over on New Year's Day tomorrow and discuss it with him."

Lu Ze was also happy, but it just so happened that tomorrow is New Year's Day.

Lu's father and Lu's mother are going to find Mo Qiancheng and the two of them to see Ji Qianyi's current situation.

Grandparents will also call Mo Qiancheng's father, Mo Anguo to eat at home.

This is basically a regular program for the three of them on New Year's Day every year.

Coincidentally, there's no need to go home on New Year's Day tomorrow, and Fugui, Lu Zhengjie, and You Yuyou are all invited to celebrate New Year's Day together.

You Yuyou, Yin Hanling, and Su Tingxi's family all belong to Chang'an, so they probably won't go back to celebrate New Year's Day.

After all, school isn't on holiday yet.

He is the only one in Lu Zhengjie's family now, so there is no problem.

Fugui's family is from Beijing, so go and ask.

Let's see if wealth comes.

By the way, there is also a child from Aunt Suiyan's family, Lu Ze is also very familiar with this guy.

Then they called Tang Yunqin and Suiyan's girlfriend Wu Mengxin.

I just don't know if Ning Nuannuan will come.

However, Lu Ze has not yet decided whether to call her together.

After all, the two had only known each other for a short time.


Sui Yan nodded, and after temporarily settling the matter, the two quickly finished their meal.

"That's right, let's go for a stroll."

"Okay, let's diffuse the smell of wine."

Hearing Suiyan's words, Lu Ze couldn't help but tease him.

"Why, you two are living together? She still cares about your drinking?"

"I want to live together."

There was also a trace of helplessness on Sui Yan's face.

Although the distance between the universities of the two of them is quite close.

But to be honest, the house outside is really not as good as the house inside their school.

And because of the long-standing relationship between Shangqing and Beijing University, even though they are boyfriend and girlfriend, they have also been affected to some extent.

Both are reluctant to live in each other's schools.

Then the matter was delayed.

"Tsk tsk, the beauty is in my arms, and I still care about these things."

After hearing Sui Yan's concerns, Lu Ze shook his head with a smile and said to Sui Yan.

"It's really a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is hungry. If I have a girlfriend, I will live wherever my girlfriend tells me to live."

Sui Yan gave Lu Ze a helpless look, and secretly cursed in his heart.

If you were really enlightened, you would have had a girlfriend a long time ago.

A guy with seven orifices and six orifices who specifically blocked a love hole is really indescribable.

Seeing Suiyan shaking his head helplessly, Lu Ze also patted Suiyan on the shoulder and comforted him.

"How about listening to her once?"

"Anyway, after getting married, I have to listen to others."

"Go to hell!"

Sui Yan rolled his eyes and pushed Lu Ze away.

"Hey? What are you doing up front?"

While the two were talking and laughing, they suddenly saw a group of people not knowing what they were doing not far in front of them.

"I don't know, go and see."

It is human nature to watch the excitement, and Lu Ze and Suiyan are no exception.

After a while, the two squeezed to the front.


"Is that Meng Fanxing?"

Looking at Meng Fanxing who was being scolded in the middle of the crowd, Sui Yan turned his head and asked Lu Ze in disbelief.

"Well, it's Meng Fanxing."

Lu Ze nodded. The person in the crowd who was being reprimanded by a middle-aged uncle was Mo Qiancheng's apprentice Meng Fanxing.

But I just don't know why he was reprimanded?
Still under such a large crowd.

"What's the situation?"

Lu Ze was not in a hurry to stand out, but chose to ask the person next to him first.

An aunt next to her with a vegetable basket heard someone asking, and immediately spoke up.

"This young man works nearby, and this middle-aged man sells steel bars here."

"Then one day he found that one of his steel bars was missing after sending it to the buyer, but he didn't care, thinking he had forgotten it."

"Of course this kind of thing happened several times during this period, and then he became more aware."

"I finally found out that the young man's cocoa dora came over and ate it."

Vegetable basket aunt said a lot, but the core meaning is this.

The uncle sells steel bars, but after melting the steel bars, one or two bars are always missing after being drawn into strips.

It was finally discovered that Meng Fanxing's Cocoa Dora had stolen it at some point.

"Then doesn't that young man know?" Lu Ze asked again.

Meng Fanxing knew about it and didn't know about it, these are two different things.

So it is better to ask clearly.

"It seems that I don't know."

Vegetable basket aunt shook her head and said.

"I probably don't know."

An old man next to him also spoke at this time.

"I know this kid. He works part-time in a dessert shop. His Pokémon and Coco Dora usually train in the open space behind the shop, so he doesn't even notice when he's busy."

While the two were talking, there was a sudden change on the field.

The elf ball on Meng Fanxing's waist suddenly opened.Then the big mouth baby rushed out from inside.

The moment the big mouth baby came out, he gave the middle-aged uncle a fierce look.

Then Big Mouth Baby suddenly rushed towards the middle-aged uncle.

The middle-aged uncle was startled, and everyone who saw this scene also panicked.

Pokémon attacking humans in the street?

Lu Ze didn't have time to think, and directly opened a poke ball on Suiyan's waist.

Although he didn't know whose poke ball it would open, as long as he could stop Big Mouth Baby.

Suiyan's Wind Speed ​​Dog appeared, but Lu Ze was stunned.

The Big Mouth Baby hit Meng Fanxing directly on the chest.

Meng Fanxing gritted his teeth suddenly, but still took two steps back abruptly.

"This is…"

The middle-aged uncle supported Meng Fanxing in a daze, and he didn't understand why things had turned into this way.

He noticed the moment Big Mouth Baby came out of the poke ball just now.

But it was too late for him to stop Big Mouth Baby, so he could only choose to resist with his body.

Seeing Big Mouth Baby's unbelievable, terrified, and sad look, Meng Fanxing didn't say much.

After barely showing a smile and comforting the big mouth baby, Meng Fanxing stood up and faced the middle-aged uncle.

"Sorry, please make a list, and I will compensate you for the loss."

The ninety-degree bow made the uncle a little confused.

Then he quickly waved his hand: "Forget it, forget it, forget about ordinary steel, just pay me the money for the meteorite iron."

"it is good."

Meng Fanxing nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

After seeing this scene, Sui Yan couldn't help but want to go forward to compensate Meng Fanxing, but was held back by Lu Ze.

"what happened?"


After Lu Ze said something lightly, Sui Yan immediately understood.

That's right, Meng Fanxing's master is Mo Qiancheng, among other things, Mo Qiancheng will never be embarrassed by just a piece of meteorite iron.

But he didn't choose to find Mo Qiancheng because of his self-esteem.

Lu Ze gave Meng Fanxing a complicated look. It was for this reason that he didn't choose to come forward immediately.

Teenager's self-esteem.

Sui Yan clicked and pulled Lu Ze. After realizing it, he obviously knew that leaving at this time was the best choice.

Unfortunately, Meng Fanxing had already seen the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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