Chapter 847

After the matter was resolved, the onlookers gradually dispersed.

A wry smile appeared on Meng Fanxing's face, and he came in front of Lu Ze and the others.

"Brother Lu, Brother Yan, long time no see."

"Let you see a joke."

Meng Fanxing lowered his head as he spoke, not daring to look into Lu Ze and Suiyan's eyes.

After all, no matter how you say it, your Pokémon did steal something from others.

"It will be fine."

Lu Ze patted Meng Fanxing's shoulder comfortingly and said.

For Meng Fanxing's current situation, Lu Ze really has nothing to do.

This boy's self-esteem is still very strong, and he doesn't want to accept Lu Ze's funding, including Mo Qiancheng's.

It's the same even if Mo Qiancheng is his master.

He said it himself, the master taught me how to raise Pokémon is already very good.

To support myself and my Pokémon is what I should do.

Mo Qiancheng also talked with Lu Ze and Lu's father about this matter, but there was no good solution.

The young man's self-esteem made him helpless even as a master.

"It's quite profitable to play games, haven't you accepted the game or the challenge?"

Seeing Meng Fanxing like this, Sui Yan was also a little curious.

Generally speaking, the main means of making money for Pokémon trainers is various commercial competitions.

As long as one's own strength is strong enough, generally speaking, making money is really not a big problem.

Just like Suiyan himself, he made a lot of money in just one vacation.

Not only can I rent a small house in Shangqing, but it is also enough for my living expenses for the second half of the semester.

Not to mention that he also participated in the World Youth Championship.

Although that competition is for honor, but if you compete for honor for the country, the country will naturally give you bonuses.


Meng Fanxing took a look at Cocodola who was still in her arms, and her face was still ignorant, and she felt bitter.

Cocoa Dora is too delicious.

Not only can they eat, but they also eat iron ore, ore, which is much more expensive than ordinary elf food.

Plus the ore that other Pokémon eat.

It doesn't matter if he keeps playing.

Every time I get a bonus, I buy food for my Pokémon.

In this case, he had no choice but to work part-time to make a little money.

What's more, Cocoa Dora has nothing to eat now.

Only after today's wages are paid can we have money to buy food for them.

Seeing Meng Fanxing's subconscious eyes, Lu Ze and Sui Yan immediately understood Meng Fanxing's current situation.

The Pokémon of the Cocodora race are similar to the Snorlax, and they are all very edible.

However, the difference is that the Snorlax is more edible, but the choice of food is also more diverse.

Although the Cocoa Dora family does not have as much food as the Kabimon family, their food is more expensive.

If it is calculated carefully, the food cost of Cocodora may be more than that of the small Kabimon.

When Lu Ze raised the little Snorkellings, because of the nutrition energy cubes, the actual cost was not a lot.

In addition, he gave the energy cube formula to Mama Lu, and Mama Lu would give him a share every month.

Although the pocket money is gone, the share is obviously much more than the pocket money.

So Lu Ze was not short of money when he raised the little Kirby.

But Meng Fanxing is different now.

Originally, the family conditions were not very good, and the steel-type Pokémon that was cultivated was still very expensive.

Although he had Mo Qiancheng, the king of the steel system, as his master, he did not seek help from his master, but instead relied on himself.

To be honest, Lu Ze admired this alone.

But admiration is all admiration, if the current Cocoa Dora does not have enough energy sources, the strength of the finally cultivated Boss Cocoa Dora will be greatly reduced.

"Well, tomorrow's New Year's Day, are you free? Let's get together."

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he also had a general idea in his mind.

However, this idea is not mature yet, so I have to check some information after I go back.

"Tomorrow's New Year's Day, I should spend it at home with my mother."

After Meng Fanxing hesitated for a while, he finally gave Lu Ze such an answer.


Lu Ze nodded, indeed he wanted to accompany his family on New Year's Day.

It's just that my own family doesn't seem to need my son to accompany me.

"Well, come and find me when you are free."

"it is good."

After Meng Fanxing nodded, Lu Ze and Suiyan left.

After seeing the two leave, Meng Fanxing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Big Mouth Baby lowered his head and followed behind Meng Fanxing.

Meng Fanxing came to the elf store with Coco Dora in his arms. After buying some food, he took the two little ones and prepared to go back to the dormitory.

Another roommate in the dorm has moved out, so now he is the only one in the two's dorm.

"Let's eat first."

After gently stroking Big Mouth Baby's head, he put the food in front of Big Mouth Baby.

Big Mouth Boy hesitated, looked up at Meng Fanxing, and then at the serious Emperor Nabo.

After seeing Emperor Nabo nod his head, Big Mouth Baby began to eat cautiously.

Compared to Big Mouth Baby, Cocoa Dora on the side was a little heartless, and gnawed on the iron ore he had just bought.

Meng Fanxing didn't speak, and Meng Fanxing sat in front of Dazuiwa after Dazuiwa had finished eating.

"You shouldn't look like that today."

Meng Fanxing hooked the corners of his mouth, forced a smile, and then spoke to Big Mouth Baby.

"We did something wrong in the first place, how can we take the initiative to attack others."


Big Mouth Baby was still a little unconvinced, after all that person scolded him for so long.

"We did something wrong, of course we have to get forgiveness from the other side."

Meng Fanxing smiled helplessly, and reached out to touch the top of Big Mouth Baby's head.

"To get the other party's forgiveness, of course you have to let the other party calm down first, right?"


Big Mouth Baby nodded slightly, it was indeed what Meng Fanxing said.

But I was just so angry!

Big Mouth Baby pouted, and Meng Fanxing couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, until you are good for me."

"Mita, Mita!"

Big Mouth Baby nodded vigorously, looked at Meng Fanxing seriously and said.

"Then let's make an agreement not to attack others casually in the future, shall we?"

"After all, you still have to obey my orders."

Meng Fanxing looked at Big Mouth Baby with a kind smile on his face.

Big Mouth Baby was a little annoyed when he heard the previous sentence.

However, after hearing Meng Fanxing's words that he really wanted to listen to his command, he was discouraged.

That's right, as Meng Fanxing's Pokémon, I can only attack if I listen to him.

“Mitat Mitat~”

With a little reluctance, he reached out his hand, hooked up with Meng Fanxing's little finger and pulled, and the agreement of one Pokémon per person was fulfilled.

Seeing the two of them like this, a smile appeared on the faces of Emperor Nabo and Aluminum Ganglong beside them.


But in the next second, their smiles froze on their faces.

Ke Kedora, who had just finished eating, came up happily, but was kicked out by the big mouth baby who had nowhere to vent.

Seeing Big Mouth Baby's angry back, Meng Fanxing couldn't help but laugh too.

Hmm, small problem.

It is not the first time Coco Dora has been beaten.

Every time he was beaten, he didn't have a long memory, and he would still go up to him when he saw the big mouth baby.

"Go to bed early today, after the game tomorrow morning, go home and spend New Year's Day with mom!"



After all the Pokémon nodded in agreement, the lights in the dormitory were turned off, and they soon fell asleep.



After Lu Ze and Sui Yan returned home, Lu Ze didn't go to sleep directly.

After checking the prospect of what he had just thought on the Internet, Lu Ze began to send messages in his small group.

Lu Ze: Tomorrow's New Year's Day, what's the plan?
Lu Ze: @all staff.

Su Tingxi: What arrangements can I make? I can't take a plane back to Chang'an just for this day's vacation.

You Yu You: Exactly.

Lu Ze: Then come to my place tomorrow?
Wang Quan: Noon or night?

Lu Ze: Evening.

Wang Quan: I have no problem at night.

You Yuyou: We are both fine.

Tang Yunqin: Me too.jpg
Su Tingxi: Me too.jpg
Lu Ze: @岁炎 Remember to call your girlfriend and Li Bingqi too.

Suiyan: OK.

After they confirmed it, Lu Ze also quit the group chat and sent a message to Lu Zhengjie.

Lu Ze: Do you have time tomorrow night? Come celebrate New Year's Day with me.

Lu Zhengjie: okk~

After everything was done, Lu Ze was ready to sleep with a smile.

Tomorrow, I won't cook by myself.

There are so many people, just order some outside.

After thinking about it, Lu Ze fell asleep.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Meng Fanxing took his Pokémon to the competition.

Meng Fanxing's strength is still very strong.

Although there are only five Pokémon in hand, the other one is Cocodora, who was just born.

But he was also very high in their sophomore year.

No.9, he is still very comfortable in small games like this outside.

After receiving the No.1 bonus, Meng Fanxing showed a happy smile.

First took out the money from Meteorite Iron and returned it to the uncle in the uncle's shop. Meng Fanxing also bought some steel in the uncle's shop as food for Cocoa Dora and Al Ganglong.

The rewards for No.1 this time are still very rich.

In addition, the uncle admired Meng Fanxing more after this incident, so he took the initiative to give him a [-]% discount.

After Meng Fanxing thanked him happily, he bought some more vegetables and went home.

"How have you been lately?"

Meng's mother cooks, and soon brings up the fried dishes.

While eating, the two chatted.

"It's not bad, there's nothing wrong with learning or raising Pokémon."

As Meng Fanxing said, Mother Meng also turned her head to look at the little guys over there who were happily nibbling on the steel.

Mother Meng smiled happily, but she did not forget to tell Meng Fanxing.

"Your master is very kind, you have to be grateful."

"Well, I will."

"Students should also get along well, you know."


Mother Meng smiled happily when she saw Meng Fanxing's obedient appearance.

His son knew that he must have done what he said just now.

But I still couldn't help nagging Meng Fanxing.

"Okay, okay, Mom won't talk, let's eat first."

Mother Meng smiled, and after ordering something for Meng Fanxing again, the two began to eat.

After Meng's mother finished speaking, it's time for Meng Fanxing.

While eating, Meng Fanxing told his mother about interesting things that happened at school recently.

He also talked about the encounter with Lu Ze and Sui Yan yesterday.

However, he just casually raised the matter that his Cocoa Dora ate the uncle's steel.

Cocoa Dora ran out secretly and saw that he ate some of the steel, and he had already paid for it.

Then he said that Lu Ze invited him to find Lu Ze, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Since you don't know what's going on, go over and ask."

Mother Meng said with a smile on her face that she also remembered the two people who followed Mo Qiancheng back then.

Then I saw them both on TV.

On behalf of Longguo, he won No.1 and No.3 in the individual competition.

He also led Long Guo to win No.1 in the team competition.

She still has a deep impression of these two young people.

"If they need your help, don't just refuse, after all, they have helped us too."

The elf egg of Aluminum Steel Dragon was chosen by Lu Ze, and Meng Fanxing also told her about it.

Although the aluminum steel dragon is not a quasi-god, it is also a very powerful Pokémon of the steel type and the dragon type.

In this way, he gave it to his son lightly.

"Well, that's for sure."

Meng Fanxing nodded vigorously, then shook his head helplessly: "They probably don't need my help."

In terms of strength, Lu Ze is stronger than himself.

If you want money, you can rent a house by yourself in Shangqing, so it's not bad.

What's more, Lu Ze also has a Kirby.

People who can afford to raise Snorlax are not the kind of people who have no money.

"That's his business."

Mother Meng said to Meng Fanxing with a serious look in her eyes.

"Today is New Year's Day, bring presents to visit your master and wife in the afternoon."

"In the evening, didn't he invite you to have a gathering? Bring some food and drinks to have a look."

"it is good."

After Meng Fanxing hesitated for a while, he finally nodded.

Mother Meng smiled happily, and the two continued to chat while eating.

After eating, Meng Fanxing took out his phone and sent a message to Lu Ze.

Meng Fanxing: In the evening, Brother Lu, are you free?
Lu Ze: Yes, come to me directly, I just have something to tell you.

Meng Fanxing: Okay, see you tonight.

Lu Ze: See you tonight.

After putting down the phone, Meng Fanxing breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the beautiful transparent bell in his hand, Meng Fanxing also smiled happily.

The little guy in Master's belly, I hope he will like this.

(End of this chapter)

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