Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 848 Professional Granny!

Chapter 848 Professional Granny!
"Is it packed?"

Sui Yan stood in the distance, looking at Lu Ze on the grass and asked loudly.

"If it's not packed, then I'll wait and come again!"

"Wait a fart, hurry up and come with me!"

After Lu Ze turned his head and shouted, Sui Yan cheerfully came to Lu Ze's side.

"What else is there to do?"

"It's good to spread this tablecloth with the electric shock beast."

Now the tables have been set up, one by one on the grass, and then the food will be placed on the table.

It's just the last step.

Just spread the tablecloth on the table and wait for the food to arrive.


After Sui Yan nodded, he began to work with the electric shock beast.

At this time, Lu Ze finally sat on the ground and took a rest.

I started to get busy just after eating at noon, and I am busy now.

Fortunately, with the help of Snorkel and Electric Shock Beast.

But even so, he didn't get all ready until after four o'clock.

"Is Li Bingqi here?"

"No, but I sent him the location, and he should be there in a while, right?"

"Brother Lu, I'm here!"

As soon as Suiyan finished speaking, Li Bingqi's voice came over.

Lu Ze turned his head to look, and was immediately amused: "Yo, your mother didn't beat you to death with your hair?"

Sui Yan's aunt is hot-tempered, if he sees Li Bingqi's purple-blond hair now.

Tsk tsk, Li Bingqi has been sitting in the office for a long time in the past two years if he can run out.

"Hey, didn't you come out to go to college?"

After Li Bingqi chuckled, he quickly came to Sui Yan's side and took over the work in Sui Yan's hands.

Lu Ze and Sui Yan looked at each other and smiled. They both grew up together, so they naturally knew what this kid wanted to do.

"Okay, okay, let Elledo go and see your current Pokémon."

Lu Ze didn't mean to tease Li Bingqi on purpose, and after saying something to Sui Yan, he let Li Bingqi come over.

Ailu Leiduo nodded, stepped forward to take over the work in Li Bingqi's hand, and then acted.

"These are my three Pokémon."

As Li Bingqi said, he took out his elf ball.

As the poke ball fell to the ground and opened, three red lights appeared, and three Pokémon also appeared in front of Lu Ze and Sui Yan.

Lu Ze looked at the three Pokémon in front of him and looked up at Li Bingqi strangely.

"Want to go through the system?"

Lu Ze was a little puzzled. There were three Pokémon, one super-type, one grass-type plus poison-type, and one fighting-type.

What kind of system can this go?


Li Bingqi nodded seriously: "Look at my brother, his Sunny Team is very strong, and he even published a thesis."

Seeing Li Bingqi like this, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Well, this guy is still the same as before.

Although he is not so reckless after growing up, his temperament is still the same.

"The attributes of your three Pokémon are different, and there is no similarity. How do you go to the system team?"

Lu Ze looked helpless, and Sui Yan next to him also nodded.

"That's right, you might as well be like your brother Lu, even if you don't have a system, you are still very strong."

"Hey, isn't that why you came to Brother Lu for this? Wasn't it your idea that my brother's mutant Sunny Team back then was also your idea?"

Li Bingqi didn't pay any attention to what the two said, and looked at Lu Ze with a flattering smile and said.

The meaning is obvious, just want to take the system team.

There is no other meaning, there is no system, if you rely on the individual strength of Pokémon, you can't see the strength of him as a trainer!

As for the system team, they can know the trainer's strength through their own Pokémon.

"But you haven't..."

Lu Ze looked at Li Bingqi's Pokémon, and wanted to say that there was nothing similar, but suddenly thought of a special system team.

Build the old craftsman, reveal the ball mushroom, and the double egg cell ball.

Isn't this the prototype of the space team?

Although it is not a good choice for the space team to play singles.

But that was in the [-]rd singles, and in the [-]th and [-]th singles later, the Space team was not very weak.

Plus this is the real world, there is no limit to four skills.

In this way, the space team seems to be doing well.

Six-four and six-six singles require two players in the space team who can open space.

But that's a game.

In reality, there is no limit to the four skills, and many space fighters can directly transform into space fighters.

Just like the bronze bell, excluding the four weaknesses of the [floating] characteristic, seven resistances, one quadruple resistance, and one immunity.

Counting the [Levitation] characteristic, there are only three weaknesses, and one more immunity.

The attack is not weak, the defense is strong, and it can open up space by itself.

After opening up the space by yourself, you don't need to rotate, and you are directly a powerful combat force.

This is also the case with Pokémon such as Silly King, Huayan Monster, Night Demon, etc.

They are all Pokémon with strong combat effectiveness and the ability to open space.

Without the restriction of four skills, their combat ability must be stronger.

So as far as Li Bingqi's team is concerned, the space team seems to be okay.

Seeing that Lu Ze hesitated to speak, and then showed a thoughtful look, Li Bingqi became excited instantly.

Brother Lu's expression like this shows that there is something going on!
When I was young, I took us to do bad things... When I went to play, once I showed this look, I was able to make a plan in a short time!

So after seeing Lu Ze's expression, although Li Bingqi was excited, he didn't interrupt Lu Ze's thinking.

"There is a more suitable system."

After a while, Lu Ze looked up at Sui Yan and said to Sui Yan.

Li Bingqi was taken aback, didn't you tell me?
"What system?"

Sui Yan was also a little curious. These three guys not only have different attributes, but also have nothing in common.

Suiyan really couldn't figure out what system was suitable for these three Pokémon.

"Space team."

As soon as Lu Ze spoke, Sui Yan froze for a moment.

Space team?
He remembered what Lu Ze told him before, that there seemed to be an Air Qing team?

It seems to be a variant of Team Sunny, the core of which lies in the skill [Magic Space].

This space team...

"That's right, it's the one of the Kongqing team I told you about at the time, and it also relies on the skill of magic space."

Lu Ze said, then turned to look at Li Bingqi: "You know the skill of trick space, right?"

"Yeah, I know."

Li Bingqi nodded quickly.

[Trick Space] Of course he knows this skill.

A wonderful space is formed, and then the speed of Pokémon in the space is exchanged.

In other words, slow Pokémon have an advantage in this space.

And it just so happened that his old builder and Bailu Mushroom were of the slower kind.

Thinking of this, Li Bingqi's eyes lit up instantly.

It seems that it is a good choice!
"Why do you have to take the system team?"

Lu Ze was a little puzzled, Li Bingqi's current team match looks pretty good.

There is no need to go in the system team at all.

And if you don't take the system team, you can also choose your favorite Pokémon.

How nice that is.

Just like myself.

"Hello, sorry to bother you."

Just when Li Bingqi was about to answer, a voice suddenly came.

"Hmph, anyway, I won't give up, I just want to take the system team."

Li Bingqi turned his head and saw that the person was someone he didn't know, then he hummed to Lu Ze.

My mother said that I can match myself casually, and I don’t need to follow the example of Sui Yan’s brother to follow the system team, and it’s impossible to succeed anyway.

Hey, I'm not!
I just want to try and see if I can succeed!

Lu Ze and Sui Yan didn't care about what Li Bingqi said.

Anyway, now that he has a specific idea, it's good to let him choose by himself.

It doesn't matter whether it's a system team or a self-matching like Lu Ze, it's all possible.

"Come on, sit first."

Lu Ze got up and patted the stool next to him, then said to Meng Fanxing.


Meng Fanxing nodded, came to sit next to Lu Ze, and then turned to look at Li Bingqi.

He knew both Lu Ze and Sui Yan, but Li Bingqi.

"Let me introduce, this is Suiyan's cousin, Li Bingqi, who is also our junior, a freshman."

"This is my friend Meng Fanxing, who is also your senior, a sophomore."



The two got up and shook hands, and after nodding, Lu Ze continued.

"Tell me about him first, and I'll talk to you later."

Meng Fanxing nodded: "Okay, I'm not in a hurry."

"So, do you still want to take the system team?"


Li Bingqi nodded with a serious face. He is sure to leave this system team.

Although I haven't understood it carefully, just from the understanding of [Magic Space] and the degree of fit between my three Pokémon and the space team.

He wants to try the space team.

"Okay, since you've decided, let's try."

Lu Ze said, and then casually opened the Pokémon battle game on the phone.

"Come on, try."

After adjusting a space team, Lu Ze handed the phone to Li Bingqi.

Li Bingqi took the phone and looked at it, the first three were his Pokémon.

Artificial cell eggs, exposed mushrooms and old builders.

The next three are Dumb King, Super Armored Rhinoceros and Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit.

"This is?"

"This is the space team. The King of Silence, the artificial cell egg, and the crystal lamp fire spirit all have a large space. See if you can beat the opponent."

As Lu Ze said, he clicked on the match on the phone.

Although Lu Ze doesn't pay much attention to this Pokémon game anymore, it can still be seen from the matching speed.

It took less than two seconds to enter the battle. Obviously, the audience of this game is quite large.

After Li Bingqi saw that he had entered the battle, he quickly started to operate.

"Can you play this game?"

Lu Ze turned his head to look at Meng Fanxing who was also curious, and said to Meng Fanxing.

"will not."

Meng Fanxing shook his head, he didn't have time for games.

In addition to attending classes every day, the rest of the time is basically making money.

My own steel-type Pokémon are very expensive.

"You can try to learn."

After Lu Ze took out Suiyan's phone, he turned to the background of station b.

"The income from an account is still very considerable." Lu Ze said, looking up at Meng Fanxing.

Sui Yan lives a wonderful life now, and he doesn't have to play games anymore because of this.

As a small up master, he can now make a lot of money with just one video.

This is what Lu Ze thought of after Suiyan came back from the World Youth Championship and was scolded.

Sui Yan has won No.3 in the World Youth Championship and has become a king-level trainer.

After coming back, I still have to play exhibition games with them to make money.

This pissed off those people.

This is really unbeatable!

Generally, for events held in shopping malls or other places, the better the ranking, the more money.

And the appearance of Suiyan meant that the most money was gone.

Can they not scold them!
After finding Lu Ze, Lu Ze thought of station B.

He had also seen the Pokémon battle video on station B before, and it looked interesting, so he asked Suiyan to do it too.

Suiyan has the title of No.3 in the World Youth Championship, and his popularity is still very high.

So just after entering station B, I made a lot of money.

And it was precisely for this that Meng Fanxing was called over today.

After all, he was also Mo Qiancheng's apprentice. Although he couldn't teach fish directly, it was still possible to teach him how to fish.

"This, can I?"

Seeing the world youth bidding for the third runner-up and the title of student king on Suiyan's background interface, Meng Fanxing also had some doubts about whether he could really do it.

Student King is the official title given to Lu Ze, Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin.

Well, of course, it's just a little broken station.

But it has been recognized by the public.

After all, there is only one youngest heavenly king, and it would not be good to have three.

So Meng Fanxing hesitated after seeing this title.

His own personality doesn't seem to be as interesting as Brother Yan's.

And it also doesn't have as much attention as Brother Yan.

Can I really do it myself?
"Of course you can!"

After Lu Ze returned the phone to Suiyan, he pulled Meng Fanxing and started talking.

"Your focus should not be on the game of Pokémon Battle."

"Of course, there is no problem in uploading a video of the game once in a while, or playing this game during a live broadcast."

"But your main point is to manage and cultivate steel-type Pokémon, and this is the selling point of your video."

Lu Ze studied it when he came back last night.

There is no professional nurturing video in this small broken station in this world.

Usually it’s some combat videos, daily videos and the like.

If Meng Fanxing releases a professional Pokémon breeding video as he said, he must be the first person to eat crabs.

Meng Fanxing is the apprentice of the world's number one steel king, Mo Qiancheng, so he still has some professionalism!
Don't worry about the heat at all.

Although Tang Yunqin has the certification of the student king, she basically doesn't play Xiaopozhan.

And the popularity of the Xiaopozhan accounts of himself and Suiyan is very high.

As soon as the traffic was drained in the early stage, Meng Fanxing's account could take off immediately.

At that time, maybe a new type of video will become popular on Xiaopo Station.

After all, Meng Fanxing was just a single steel-type Pokémon bred.

"I can't do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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