Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 850 The Imminent Secret Realm

Chapter 850 The Imminent Secret Realm
"Lu Ze, open the door!"

"I'm coming."

"Early in the morning."

After Lu Ze murmured, he quickly came out of the kitchen and opened the door.


As soon as Lu Ze opened the door, he saw Mo Qiancheng standing outside the door, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Why is it so late?"

"It's cooking, have you eaten yet?"

"No, rub it for a while?"

"Give it a go."

Lu Ze was amused, with Kabimon present, Lu Ze basically cooks a lot every time he cooks.

So now there is no problem for Mo Qiancheng to take a bite.

"Why do you have time to come to my place today?"

Lu Ze asked Mo Qiancheng after bringing up the Hu spicy soup and steamed buns for breakfast this morning.

"Eat and talk."

"It's delicious."

Mo Qiancheng's eyes were all on Hu spicy soup.

While talking to Lu Ze, he took the hot and spicy soup from the Snakemon.

"Hiss, hot mouth!"

"Slow down."

Lu Ze couldn't help laughing, can you not burn your mouth just out of the pot?

"Is such that."

After Mo Qiancheng dipped a steamed bun in the hot and spicy soup, he spoke to Lu Ze.

"Come with me for two days."


Lu Ze was a little curious, with him?what?

"Do you still remember the secret realm I told you about a while ago?"

Mo Qiancheng stuffed the steamed bun into his mouth in one gulp, showing an expression of enjoyment, and then said to Lu Ze.

"The secret realm is about to open?"

"Yes, how about it, are you going or not?"


Lu Ze hesitated, it's almost Chinese New Year.

It has been almost two months since their last New Year's Day gathering.

There are still about ten days before Chinese New Year.

Going to the secret place on the high seas at this time, can I come back to celebrate the New Year?
"It's almost New Years, isn't it?"

After Mo Qiancheng took a sip of Hu spicy soup, a trace of displeasure appeared on his face.

Lu Ze was worried that he would not be able to pass the New Year when he came back, and he was also worried.

There is also a pregnant woman in my family.

But in this situation, there is no more suitable past than him.

"But there's nothing I can do. Now I have to go." Mo Qiancheng shook his head helplessly and said.

"Okay, then I will accompany you."

After hearing what Mo Qiancheng said, Lu Ze didn't say anything more.

Let's go together.

"By the way, call Sui Yan."


Mo Qiancheng nodded, it would be best to have someone to accompany him.

What's more, Suiyan's strength is not bad.

Every country in the secret land above the high seas will send their own kings.

This is not just a question of the secret realm, but also a time for various countries to show their strength.

Bring Lu Ze and Sui Yan, although they have just entered the Heavenly King level, their strength is not bad.

Especially a weather team like Suiyan.

[Sunny Day] Once activated, the damage it can cause in field battles may be higher than that of Lu Ze.

"When to set off?"

"The sooner the better."

After chatting for a while, the Hu spicy soup is not too hot.

Gududu didn't work for a while, and Mo Qiancheng finished a bowl of Hu spicy soup.

"Okay, I'll call him."

After Lu Ze finished his breakfast, he got up and called Sui Yan.


"almost there!"

As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, Sui Yan hung up the phone and was about to come over.

Lu Ze was amused.

This is Suiyan, he came here just by saying it.

Don't even ask why.

"He'll be here soon."


Mo Qiancheng was already holding the second bowl of Hu spicy soup and started drinking it.

Lu Ze looked at it and couldn't help it.

Just drank it too fast and didn't taste the flavor.

Well, another bowl.

The house Sui Yan rented was not far from Lu Ze's house, so he arrived soon.

"Bring me a bowl, I just haven't had breakfast."

After Sui Yan came over, he sat next to Lu Ze and said to the Kirby beast.

Kirbymon didn't mean to protect the food, so he took a bowl and filled it happily.

Snorlax doesn't have the habit of protecting food and not letting others eat it.

What he prefers is that other people also share the food he likes to eat.

This will make him happier.

Maybe it's because Lu Ze hasn't been short of food since he was a child.

Anyway, Snorlax is very generous with food.

The scene fell silent for a while, and everyone was working hard to cook.

After a while.

"Where are we going?"

After Sui Yan finished eating, he raised his head and asked Lu Ze.

Mo Qiancheng, who had just stuffed a steamed bun, looked up at Lu Ze in a daze.

"No, didn't you tell him?"

After quickly swallowing the steamed bun, Mo Qiancheng glanced at Suiyan in surprise, and asked Lu Ze.

"No ah."

Lu Ze nodded confidently, then turned his head to look at Sui Yan: "Go to the secret realm, the newly opened secret realm on the high seas, shall we go?"


Sui Yan was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it almost Chinese New Year?"


Lu Ze nodded: "But I'm sure I'm going, are you going?"

Sui Yan hesitated for a moment, looked at Lu Ze, then at Mo Qiancheng.



Lu Ze nodded, and after Mo Qiancheng nodded, Sui Yan nodded too.

"Let's go, when."


After Lu Ze said that, he got up and went upstairs to pack his things.

Among other things, you still have to bring food for your Pokémon.

"Okay, then I'll go back and clean up." Sui Yan nodded and turned to go out.


Mo Qiancheng looked at the backpack behind him, and a proud look appeared on his face.

Hmph, I have a wife!
My daughter-in-law has packed it up for me!

After a while, the three of them got together again.

"Set off?"

"Set off."

After Lu Ze nodded, everyone released their flying Pokémon.

Lu Ze and Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon, Mo Qiancheng's steel armored crow.

The three Pokémon took off from the ground, and after Lu Ze greeted the Pokémon in the nursery below, he also got up and left.

"When will the secret realm open?"

"do not know."

"What type of secret realm?"

"do not know."

"What do you know?"

"I know you shouldn't ask me."

Seeing Lu Ze's still expressionless face, Sui Yan was a little helpless.

Well, I shouldn't have asked you.

You will know when you arrive.

The three of them flew towards the open sea in a Pokémon.

But ordinary Pokémon are not mythical beasts after all.

As soon as they arrived at the harbor, everyone decided to take a break.

"How long will it take?"

After choosing a hotel to stay in, Lu Ze asked Mo Qiancheng.

"Probably another two days or so."

Mo Qiancheng was also a little helpless, there was no way, the speed of the steel armored crow was indeed a bit slow.

However, the steel-type Pokémon is not particularly fast.

"It's not bad, it just so happens that I can enjoy the scenery on the sea these two days."

Lu Ze looked at Suiyan and rolled his eyes.

The scenery on the sea?
The endless ocean is not as happy as enjoying it on the shore.

After the three of them went to the hotel to rest for a night, they set off again the next morning.

"By the way, why don't we fly?"

When he found a small island on the way to rest for a while, Sui Yan lay on the back of the fire-breathing dragon and said with a tired face.

Sure enough, in the middle of the sea, there is nothing to see in the sea.

"Hey, that's right!"

Hearing what Sui Yan said, Lu Ze clapped his hands suddenly.

That place is on the open sea, and the nearest island is just a small island, and there is no way to park the plane at all.

So you can't go by plane.

But you can't take a plane, can't you take a portal?

As Lu Ze spoke, he called Hupa's portable communication device.


As soon as the call was connected, Little Hoopa's happy voice came over.

After hearing this voice, Sui Yan and Mo Qiancheng on the side also instantly became excited.

That's right, wouldn't it be much more convenient if Hoopa was there to help!

"Hoopa, do me a favor."

"You said, Hoopa can definitely do it!"

Little Hoopa was talking happily over there, and the golden ring in his hand was shaking constantly.

"That's right, I want you to send us to a place."



Lu Ze turned to Mo Qiancheng and asked.

After Mo Qiancheng gave an address, Little Hupa frowned immediately.

"Are you going there?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"There's something weird about the space there."

Hoopa sensed when the secret realm appeared there.

However, he always felt that the space there was a bit strange, as if it was different from the secret realm that appeared before.

"That's right, a new secret realm is going to appear there." Lu Ze didn't realize what Hupa said, and still said cheerfully to Hupa.

"Hoopa knows, but..."

Hoopa frowned, but didn't know what to say.

Finally, Hoopa breathed a sigh of relief after thinking of Deoxys and Giratina in the shadow of Lu Ze.

With the two of them around, it should be fine.

"Okay, then I'll send you there."

"Okay, thank you little Hupa for your help!" Lu Ze cupped his hands at little Hupa with a smile on his face.

Little Hoopa blushed: "No, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

As Hupa's voice fell, a golden ring appeared in front of Lu Ze.

"Then let's go."


After Hupa nodded, Lu Ze led Suiyan and Mo Qiancheng into the golden circle.

The other side of the golden circle is the island Mo Qiancheng mentioned.

At this time, all the people sent by various countries to enter the secret realm are here.

Not only that, but there are also many scattered people who want to be the first to enter the secret realm and get the most benefits.

"This is?"

He was smoking on the grass and rocks, and the people who were chatting couldn't help being stunned when they saw a golden ring suddenly appearing beside them.

Then they saw three Dragon Kingdom people walking out of the golden circle.


After seeing Lu Ze, someone immediately recognized what the golden ring was.

After Lu Ze won the World Youth Championship, his fame soared for a while, so it's not surprising that someone can recognize him now.

Not only that, because Lu Ze played Hupa in the World Youth Championship.

Although Hoopa doesn't have much ability to use his golden ring.

But Hoopa's appearance also made people in other countries scrutinize it carefully.

After this investigation, he naturally knew the ability of Hoopa's golden ring.


After seeing Lu Ze, Sui Yan and Mo Qiancheng coming out of the golden circle, the scattered people next to them couldn't help but cursed.

"A champion of the World Youth Championship, a third runner-up, and a steel king who is number one in the world, what a joke!"

"The main reason is that these two young ones are also heavenly kings, so what's the point of playing!"

"Let them take advantage of all the benefits, and we don't care anyway."

"That's right, there are two dragon kings in the camp over there, isn't it just a secret realm, as for!"

"Five heavenly kings of the Dragon Kingdom, come to a secret place, the food looks really ugly."

"What are you afraid of, the secret realm is so big, and you are afraid that the five of them will wipe out all the resources?"

"That's right, there are a lot of people in the US and Russia, and they can't take it all."

"And those two people are just entering the Heavenly King class, what strength can they have?"

"Wait and see the two of them get defeated by the veteran king, hahaha!"

Lu Ze, Sui Yan and Mo Qiancheng ignored the whispering.

Mo Qiancheng led them towards Longguo's camp on the island.

"You are finally back."

When the two middle-aged men in the camp saw Mo Qiancheng come back, a smile appeared on their tense faces.

The two of them are not as powerful as Mo Qiancheng.

Sometimes they are really afraid that when the secret realm is opened, it will be troublesome if the two of them can't control the others.

Fortunately, Mo Qiancheng is back now.

Don't look at the trainers who are also heavenly kings.

The two of them who didn't make it to the world's king list are far inferior to Mo Qiancheng, who is both ranked high on the world's king list.

The king of heaven is also ranked by strength.

In the eyes of their heavenly kings, they can be regarded as real heavenly kings only after they are listed on the world's heavenly king rankings.

"Thank you, how are you doing?"

After arriving at the camp, Mo Qiancheng introduced them to both of them, and then asked them questions.

The stronger one is the king of the rock department, and the thinner one is the king of the super energy department.

"It's still the same, but according to observation, the time for the secret realm to open should be these two days."

Gao Jiatong, the king of the rock department, glanced at the crack in the sky in the distance, then turned his head and said to Mo Qiancheng.


Mo Qiancheng nodded, then turned to look at Lu Ze and Sui Yan.

"Would you like to take a closer look?"

"Look, I haven't seen the secret realm that is about to open yet!"

As soon as he said this, Sui Yan became excited.

The only upcoming secret realm that he and Lu Ze came into contact with was in Chang'an City.

But it's a pity that they didn't go there until the secret realm was opened, so they didn't see what the secret realm that was about to open looked like.

"In that case, let's go."

As Mo Qiancheng said, the three released their flying Pokémon again, and flew towards the crack in the secret realm.


Just as Lu Ze approached, a voice came from the waveguide.

Seems familiar?

(End of this chapter)

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