Chapter 851
Hearing the voice in his mind, Lu Ze frowned.

This is?

What does the waveguide sense?

Lu Ze turned his head and looked beside him: "Did you hear anything?"


Mo Qiancheng froze for a moment, then turned to look at Lu Ze with some doubts.


Deoxys showed his figure and shook his head at Lu Ze.

Mo Qiancheng was speechless, he didn't ask me.

"You didn't hear that either?"

Lu Ze frowned deeper.

Could it be that he was the only one who heard the voice just now?

Sound perceived by the waveguide?

There seems to be something wrong with this secret realm.

Lu Ze raised his head, looking at the crack in the secret realm in front of him with burning eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Lu Ze like this, Sui Yan asked curiously.

"It's okay, let's go back first."

"it is good."

"Stinky brat!"

Seeing Lu Ze and Sui Yan who turned around and left, Mo Qiancheng, who felt neglected, complained helplessly, and followed behind them.

Although the steel armored crow has reached the strength of the king of heaven under his cultivation.

But still not as fast as the fire-breathing dragons of the two of them.

The three of them soon arrived at their gathering place on the island.

"came back."

After seeing Mo Qiancheng bring the two back, the two heavenly kings in the camp also greeted with smiles.

"Is there anything strange about this secret realm?"

"A strange place?"

The two heavenly kings looked at Lu Ze with a serious face, and then at Mo Qiancheng next to him.

"It seems that there is nothing strange?"

Gao Jiatong scratched his head, looked at Mo Qiancheng with some uncertainty and said.

"It's almost the same as the usual secret realm, right?"

Although Mo Qiancheng didn't know why Lu Ze asked this question, he followed Lu Ze's meaning and asked the two of them.

After all, he hasn't been here for almost two months, and he doesn't know much about the situation here.

"Yeah, basically there is no difference."

Gao Jiatong nodded, not understanding why they would ask such a question.


After receiving no news, Lu Ze also became quiet.

At this moment, he was still thinking about the voice that just appeared in his mind.

However, why does it feel familiar to me?

Lu Ze was a little puzzled.

This confusion continued until the next day without any answer.

I always feel that voice is very familiar, but compared with everyone around me, it is a little different from that voice.

"what happened?"

Sui Yan also saw that something was wrong with Lu Ze, and asked Lu Ze curiously while eating breakfast.

"It's okay, let's eat first."

Just a voice, and one that leaves no record.

Talking to Suiyan now has no effect.

"By the way, how is your second team?"

Lu Ze brought up a topic and forced himself not to think about the voice he heard yesterday.

"Team two."

Suiyan has a headache.

My second team of Pokémon is still those two.

However, in the past few months, both Duohuomao and Caracalla have evolved.

But Sui Yan also knew that Lu Ze was not asking about this.

He should be asking about the other Pokémon of his second team.

But for other Pokémon, they basically didn't go to the elf store, nor did they buy elf eggs or anything.

"Or those two?"

Seeing Sui Yan like this, Lu Ze asked curiously.


Sui Yan nodded in distress, then turned to look at Lu Ze tearfully.

"What should I do in the days without you in the future!"


As soon as Suiyan spoke, Mo Qiancheng and the others couldn't help but spit out the food in their mouths.

Lu Ze also had black lines all over his head: "You must be sick!"

"Hahaha, just kidding."

Sui Yan smiled, took a few mouthfuls of rice quickly, and then spoke to Lu Ze.

"Let's see if we can tame two Pokémon in the secret realm this time."

"See how many you can subdue, and make up for the rest when you go back."

"Alright, I also plan to see if I can tame one or two Pokémon in the secret realm."

"Excuse me, hello."

Just as Lu Ze finished speaking, a voice came over.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a blond gringo standing aside, smiling happily at them.

"is there anything?"

Mo Qiancheng raised his head and asked the man indifferently.

"That's right, I want to have a fight with him."

The blond middle-aged man pointed to Lu Ze, the smile on his face remained unchanged.

"You say you will fight against each other?"

Mo Qiancheng was also not polite, he knew this person.

Although it is not on the top of the list of world kings, but the distance is not very far.

In the next World King Challenge, if nothing else happens, he should be able to make the list.

"And what about this?"

The blond middle-aged man still had a smile on his face, and directly took out a stone slab.

"I hear you guys are collecting this."

When Lu Ze saw the big red slate in the man's hand, his eyes froze.

The problem with slate is trivial.

Importantly, who revealed the problem?
"The slate that Zhuge Ziyu asked for, if you want to use this as a bet, you should go to Zhuge Ziyu."

Mo Qiancheng refused without hesitation.

What a joke, I don't need this.

After seeing Mo Qiancheng like this, the blond foreigner couldn't help but froze the smile on his face.

But thinking of what he had promised his nephew, he forced a smile and continued.

"Zhuge Ziyu's search for this thing should be very important to him. Even if you don't use it, it's good to give it to him after you go back."

"Then what will we pay if we lose?"

"No need to pay anything!"

The blond foreigner's eyes lit up, and he immediately turned to look at Lu Ze.

His nephew's request was nothing more than a lesson to Lu Ze.

Just reach the goal.

After I finish this matter, after my nephew becomes the patriarch, won't my status go up?

Just a slate of no use.

So much gain for so little cost.

This is simply bloody money!

"Are you sure you want to fight against him, his strength has almost reached the level of the top [-] in the world king list."

"That slate is what I want."

After whispering in Mo Qiancheng's ear, he ignored Mo Qiancheng who was a little stupefied, turned his head and nodded to the man.

"Okay, I accept it, but you have to put the slate here first, so that you won't be fooled later."

"Hahaha, good!"

The blond foreigner nodded with a smile.

He will lose?
What a joke!
It's just a guy who wants to lick Zhuge Ziyu!

After watching the man hand over the slate to Gao Jiatong, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's say it first, you can't use divine beasts in this battle!"

Before the start of the game, a smile suddenly appeared in the eyes of the foreigner, and he said directly to Lu Ze.

"Hey, hey, why didn't you say that just now?"

Seeing this foreigner like this, Mo Qiancheng instantly became a little unhappy.

What a joke, he wasn't worried just now because Lu Ze had a beast.

But now you come to a beast that cannot be used?
"Of course I can't use it, and I don't have a beast, so aren't you bullying me if you use it?"

Looking at the heavenly kings from various countries gathered around to watch the excitement, the blond foreigner said with a proud face.

"You Dragon Kingdom people are not afraid of losing, are you? You can't win without relying on the beast?"

Christian looked at Lu Ze arrogantly: "You don't have any loss if you lose, you don't dare to do this, do you?"

"It's okay, come on."

After grabbing Mo Qiancheng who was about to go forward to spray again, Lu Ze said indifferently.

"Can you?"

"do not know."

Lu Ze has never fought against the top-ranked kings in the world, so naturally he doesn't know their specific strength.

But now the other party has come up with the name of Dragon Kingdom.

This is not going to go up.

What's more, the fireball slab is what I want.

"Come on then."

After seeing that Lu Ze agreed, Christian also showed a smug smile on his face.

"Then here it is."

As Lu Ze said that, the people watching on the side moved their positions one after another, leaving a large enough space for the two of them.

But this battle is not on a professional battlefield after all.

Without the protection of the energy barrier, they released their Pokémon one after another.

Prepare to wait to protect yourself from the aftermath of a battle between the two Pokémon.

"The coin lands, the battle begins, how about it?"

After the two stood up, they immediately released their first Pokémon.

Because he didn't know the other party's situation, Lu Ze chose his strongest forked bat.

The Pokémon chosen by the opposite side is a Charem of the fighting type.

Elf: Charem

Gender: male

Attributes: fighting, super power

Features: Power of Yoga (The attack power is doubled.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Carry props: Charem Evolution Stone.

After seeing that the item carried by Charem on the opposite side was the super evolution stone of Charem, Lu Ze immediately had an idea.

After the two released their Pokémon, Mo Qiancheng on the side flicked out the coin without the slightest hesitation.


The moment the coin fell on the ground, Christian's hand fell on the super evolution stone on the necklace around his neck.

"Charem, Super Evolution!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Charem chose super evolution the moment the battle started.

"Forked Bat, turn back quickly!"

"Charem, bullet fist!"

Both sides directed their Pokémon to attack at the same time.

Super Charem uses [Bullet Fist] very fast, but the speed of the cross-bat is also very fast.

The two Pokémon collided with each other, but the moment the forked bat turned into a red light and returned to the poke ball the moment they made contact.

To deal with Charem after super evolution, we still need a player who can also super evolve.

A smile appeared on Lu Ze's face: "Go, fire-breathing dragon!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, super evolution!"

After seeing the Super Charem on the opposite side, Lu Ze replaced the Charizard with a Super Evolution Stone.

But this time I chose the Super Charizard Y Stone.

After seeing the super evolution of the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side, Christian was a little bit disapproving.

After all, his super charem physical attack ability is very powerful under the blessing of [Yoga Power].

Even if you evolve into a Super Charizard, his [Dragon Claw] feature is not as good as Super Charem's [Yoga Power] feature.

But when he saw a small sun appearing in the sky, he suddenly felt a little bad.

The colorful light dissipated, and what appeared in front of him was indeed Super Charizard Y.

As a flying and fire-type Super Charizard Y is relatively restrained by his Super Charem.

Even more restrained than the forked bat.

After all, compared to the super charizard Y's close-up ability, the forked bat's close-up ability is definitely not good enough.

And Super Charizard Y's special attack is also relatively strong.

Flying skills also have a restraining effect on Super Charem.

In addition, Super Charizard Y's physical attack ability is also not weak.

Apparently it was a Pokémon choice that gave him some headaches.

After seeing the ugly expression on his opponent's face, Lu Ze couldn't help but smile.

All I want is for you to be uncomfortable.

Can the forked bat fight?

Can fight!

But compared to Super Charizard Y, his offensive is obviously not so disgusting to the opponent.

Attack the heart first!
The recent art of war by Sun Tzu is not without the slightest effect.

"Charem, bullet fist!"

"Hot air!"

Facing Super Charem rushing again, Lu Ze commanded Super Charizard Y to use a wide range of skills without hesitation to limit Super Charem's approach.

Super Charem's [Yoga Power] characteristic is certainly very strong.

But if you, a fighting-type Pokémon, are not close, most of its effects will be lost.

In this case, Super Charizard Y relies on the advantage of flying, isn't it the same as handling a little chicken.

The super fire-breathing dragon Y [hot wind] roared, and the Super Charem who was about to rush over was also stunned.

"Charizard, Air Blade!"

Seeing the opposite Super Charem struggling in the [Hot Wind], Lu Ze directed at Super Charizard Y again.


Super Charizard Y flew in the air, and kept releasing [Air Blade] at Super Charem on the ground.

Not only that, the current weather is [Sunny], Super Charizard Y is not the kind of wasteful person.

While releasing [Air Blade], it is also releasing fire-type skills.

Not only [Jet Flame], but also [Hot Wind] and [Big Character Explosion] are constantly being released.

Seeing this scene, Sui Yan, who was watching the battle, also smiled happily.

This is the content of the special training of the two fire-breathing dragons during this period of time.

"How to incarnate as a ruthless output machine! "

How well the two fire-breathing dragons are learning, you can tell by looking at it now.

The skills one after another have not been broken, and the Super Charem who hit the ground has no power to fight back.

"Charizard, try new skills!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Lu Ze's face: "Furious!"

(End of this chapter)

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