Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 852 Space Kirby Beast

Chapter 852 Space Kirby Beast


The fire-breathing dragon roared towards the sky, and then a mass of black flames shot towards Super Charem.

Super Charem wanted to dodge this attack, but was stopped by the following 【Air Blade】.

After hesitating for a while, Super Charem finally chose to face the relatively familiar skill [Air Blade].

[Flame Fist] waved and shattered the [Air Blade] while avoiding the [Burning in Rage] used by the fire-breathing dragon.

Lu Ze curled his lips. Obviously, the fire-breathing dragon's proficiency in "burning with anger" is not very high.

Otherwise, the Super Charem on the opposite side would not be able to hide so easily.

After Super Charem avoided the attack of the fire-breathing dragon, he soared into the sky and rushed towards the super fire-breathing dragon.

[Sonic Fist]!
The extremely fast speed makes the Super Charizard have no reaction time.

But he who has evolved into Super Charizard Y is not afraid of melee combat.

[Flame Fist] and [Thunder Fist] collided together, and the super fire-breathing dragon was directly sent flying by the powerful force of Super Charem.

Super Charem was unreasonable, and bounced up again after landing, chasing the Super Charizard.

"Charizard, distance yourself."

After Lu Ze roared at the fire-breathing dragon, he chose to let the fire-breathing dragon distance itself first.

Super Charem's physical attack is too strong, Charizard is no match at all.

In this case, you can only attack from a distance, and choose an aspect that the opponent is not good at attacking.

"This is the strength of the veteran heavenly king. That kid from Longguo is still a bit over his head."

"It's true. Veteran kings and rookie kings have different combat experiences. Just look at Christian."

"Even if the attribute is unfavorable, people can still find a way to counter it."

"Isn't it too early to say this now? Are you afraid of being slapped in the face?"

Hearing the words of these people next to him, Sui Yan rolled his eyes and directly turned over.

Are you as old as you are strong?
What a joke!
I may not be very familiar with the strength of Lu Ze's other Pokémon.

But can I not understand the fire-breathing dragon?

"How do you talk, little doll, we are your elders!"

"You, Smecta, have the face to call your elders in front of us Longguo people?"

Sui Yan mocked: "If you don't accept it, let's have a fight, let's see who is the elder among us!"

As soon as Sui Yan said this, the little stick who was still furious just now withered instantly.

What a joke, you can just let him say hello.

Really made Sui Yan angry, not to mention his white dragon Laixi Ram.

Just saying that he has already formed a system of sunny team can't beat himself.

Letting myself fight with him, isn't that embarrassing our big Smecta!

How can this work!

"whispering sound."

Seeing Xiao Bangzi like this, Sui Yan also showed a disdainful expression on his face.

This is the stick?
Just when Suiyan and Bangzi were fighting each other, the situation on the court also changed.

After Super Charizard Y opened the distance, he stopped letting Super Charem get close.

The punch he was hit just now can be regarded as a long memory for him.

The constant [Hot Wind] and [Air Blade] forced the Super Charem to dodge and defend. There was no way to get close to the Super Charizard and attack the Super Charizard.

Seeing this situation, Christian was also furious.

No matter how powerful Super Charem can fight, no matter how powerful the attack is.

But it's useless if you can't touch the other party.

"Come back, Charem."

After Christian took a deep breath, he retracted Super Charem into the poke ball.

Since you like long-range attacks, come to long-range attacks!
"Go, Jewel Starfish!"

Elf: Gem Starfish
Gender: no gender
Attributes: water, super energy
Characteristics: Analysis (If other Pokémon's actions are ahead of your own, then your own skill power will increase.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Carry props: Orb of Life.

"Charizard, burning with anger!"

After seeing the jewel starfish on the opposite side of the field, Lu Ze commanded the fire-breathing dragon to use the skill [Burning in Rage] again.

[Burning in Rage] is a skill with evil attributes, which can cause double damage to gem starfish.

As for the [Analysis] feature of Gem Starfish.

Little problem.

As long as you don't let the gem starfish touch you.

A black flame spewed out from the super charizard's mouth again.

Lu Ze took out the poke ball the moment it sprayed out.

"Come back, fire-breathing dragon."

Lu Ze is not stupid, how could he let the super fire-breathing dragon, who no longer has the blessing of weather, face the gem starfish whose attributes restrain him.

"Go, Electric Shock Monster!"

"Electric shock monster, pray for rain!"

As soon as Lu Ze came on stage, he commanded the Electric Shock Beast to activate the skill [Praying for Rain].

"Stop him!"

Christian panicked when he saw this scene, and quickly directed at Gem Starfish.

Gem Starfish, who had just avoided [burning with anger], launched a super power directly at the electric shock monster.

[Spiritual Strong Thought] was released, but at this time, the electric shock monster did not take any action in the face of the gem starfish's attack.

A wild smile appeared on the corner of the Electric Shock Monster's mouth, and then the small water polo in his hand was lifted into the air.

Light rain began to fall from the sky.

Facing Gem Starfish's [Spiritual Sense], Electroshock Warcraft also chose [Spiritual Sense] to deal with it.

Pushing out both hands horizontally, a huge superpower was also released from the Electroshock Monster.

The two energies collided with each other, stalemate each other.

But no one can help anyone.

Soon, both sides stopped at the same time.

It doesn't make any sense to stand still.


The Electric Shock Beast frowned, raised its head to the sky and roared furiously, and then a thick thunderbolt landed on Gem Starfish.

It's too late to change the weather now.

If you choose to change the weather of Gem Starfish, you will be hit by [Thunderstorm] again when changing.

After the second thunder hit, the gem starfish might not be able to fight anymore.

"Come back, Jewel Starfish."

Christian's action was very fast, and he took the gem starfish back into the elf ball before the electric shock monster used the next [Thunderbolt].

[Rainy Day] The lightning speed was too fast, he was afraid that he would not be able to react.

"Go, Desert Dragonfly!"

A sullen Christian released his third Pokémon.

The desert dragonfly of the ground type and the dragon type can't be better against the electric shock beast.

Elf: Desert Dragonfly
Gender: male

Attributes: Ground, Dragon
Feature: Levitation (Pokémon with this feature will not receive ground-type damage during battle.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Carry props: Leftovers.

"A desert dragonfly?"

Lu Ze looked at the desert dragonfly opposite and thought for a while.

In his team, it seems that no one is particularly good at fighting desert dragonflies.

The only weaknesses of Desert Sunny are ice, dragon, and fairy.

He is restrained four times by the ice attribute, but in fact, the electric monster can barely deal with it.

But in the face of the desert dragonfly, the electric shock monster is too restricted.

Not only can't use electric skills, but even the ground skills that are better at it are also useless to the desert dragonfly.

The electric monster will use [Frozen Fist].

However, the desert dragonfly can fly, and there is a high probability that the electric monster will not be able to touch the desert dragonfly.

Lu Ze had a more adventurous plan in mind.

Now it seems that it is not impossible.

Judging from the current situation, he still has an advantage.

In this case.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Ze's mouth: "Electricize the beast, use provocation."

Watching the Electric Shock Beast hook its fingers at the desert dragonfly on the opposite side, in exchange for a wild bombardment on the opposite side, Lu Ze also directly took the Electric Shock Monster back into the elf ball.

"Go, Wind Fairy."

In the next second, Lu Ze directly threw the fairy ball of the wind fairy.

"Wind Fairy?"

Seeing Lu Ze's latest Pokémon, Sui Yan and Mo Qiancheng couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

How did you choose to let the wind goblin play?

The wind goblin's current strength has not yet reached the level of a heavenly king.

Letting him play, wouldn't it mean that there is one less fighting force in his team out of thin air?

Sui Yan and Mo Qiancheng were not only puzzled by the choice of this handy fairy.

Even the other people in the crowd didn't understand why Lu Ze chose to play a wind fairy who didn't reach the level of a heavenly king in this kind of battle.

"What is he doing, knowing that he will lose, so the last one was not a king-level Pokémon?"

"After all, after losing like this, there will be an excuse, which is a good choice."

"That's right, I let you have a Pokémon, and I let you win."


Speaking of this, the surrounding heavenly kings couldn't help but let out ear-piercing laughter.

Among other things, in the battle between Lu Ze and Christian, they had never been optimistic about Lu Ze.

How old is Lu Ze, a brat.

Can he beat Christian, who is almost 50 years old?

To put it bluntly, Christian has been through far more battles than you.

Why are you?
Hearing the mocking laughter next to him, Lu Ze couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Although the current strength of the wind goblin has just reached the senior level.

But it is enough to play a support in the battle of the king of heaven.

"Wind Fairy, magic space."

Without any hesitation, Lu Ze asked her to activate the [Magic Space] just after she came on stage.

The wind goblin obviously understands her mission, and she didn't make any extra moves after playing.

After [Trick Space] was activated, the Wind Fairy used [Rapid Return].

When Christian and the desert dragonfly had just reacted, the Wind Fairy had already ended after the [Rapid Return] hit.

The wind goblin with the characteristic of [Mischievous Heart] activated [Trick Space] too quickly, completely catching Christian by surprise.

"Go, Snorkel."

After the wind goblin returned to the elf ball, Lu Ze sent out the Kirby.

Snorkel felt something was wrong as soon as it came on the field.

[Trick Space]!
Snorlax's eyes lit up instantly, he had experienced the effect of the Wind Fairy [Magic Space].

In [Magic Space], Snorkel has become what he wants most.

A fast fat man!

A hexagonal warrior!
"Snorby, Frozen Fist!"

After the Kirby came on the field, Lu Ze directly directed the Kirby to attack.

"Desert dragonfly, dragon's breath!"

After Christian saw the Snorbeast enter the field, he also commanded his desert dragonfly to attack.

However, under the cover of [Tricking Space], the speeds of the two Pokémon have swapped.

The desert dragonfly's eyes dazzled, and the next second the Snorkel appeared on his face.

Immediately after [Frozen Fist] hit, the desert dragonfly was knocked out of the sky with one punch.

After knocking down the desert dragonfly, Snorlax did not stop its offensive.

The Snorby raised its fist and fell down, and [Frozen Fist] hit the desert dragonfly's head again.

"Desert Dragonfly!"

Christian roared, and quickly took out the desert dragonfly's elf ball.

But at this time, Kirbymon's third punch also fell.


A small pit was smashed out on the ground, and the desert dragonfly lost its ability to fight and lay in the pit with its eyes turned around.

Kirby stood up, still smiling with the same harmless smile on humans and animals.

But at this time, the smile on Snorkel's face made the people watching beside him unable to laugh.

Ask yourself, is there anyone among their Pokémon who can stop a Snorby in this state?

But definitely not much.

As a general-type Pokémon, Snorkelmon can still master a lot of skills.

The Snorbeast, which has mastered so many skills, basically has no blind spots.

As long as you dare to let me get close, I dare to beat you to death!
This is what Kirbymon learned from the king who asked for leave.

Now it seems that it looks good.

Lu Ze looked up at those heavenly kings who were not optimistic about him.

The Law of Smile Conservation!

Didn't their smiles transfer to the faces of Snorby and me at this time?

Lu Ze smiled very brightly, but this smile turned into a mockery in Christian's eyes.

"Go, Super Charem!"

Christian finally chose to let Super Charem play.

He believes that even in [Trick Space], the speed of Super Charem is slower than that of the opposite Kirby.

But as long as Snorlax gets close, his Super Charem will let that fat man know.

What is real power!

Moreover, isn't it [Trick Space].

A mocking smile appeared on Christian's face.

If there is no [Magic Space], can you Kirby be so arrogant?
"Snappy, yawn!"

"Charem, trick space!"

Charem also knows how to use [Trick Space].

Although Christian didn't let Super Charem use this skill much.

After all, the usual speed of Super Charem is not very slow.

However, when Super Charem used [Magic Space], the opposite Kirby used [Yawn].

In an instant, Christian's face darkened, as if he had eaten that indescribable thing.

Lu Ze smiled happily.

May I not know that your charem can [magic space]?
When my system came for nothing.

And you are a Charem, the speed of using [Magic Space] must not be as fast as the Wind Fairy with the characteristic of [Mischievous Heart].

Just take this opportunity to treat it, what can you do?
(End of this chapter)

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