Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 853 Complete body fork bat!

Chapter 853 Complete body fork bat!

Charem, who was hit by the Kirby beast [yawn], also successfully used the [trick space].

But at this time Christian fell into a tangled state.

Do you want to change your own Pokémon, or do you want to spend some [sleep] time?

Christian just stared at Lu Ze, and he would change Lu Ze when he replaced the Snorkel!
But Lu Ze thought so too.

You replace Super Charem and I will replace it!

My Snorby does not know [Tricking Space], if you want to replace it, of course my Snorkel will end.

On the contrary, if you don't change it, after falling into the [sleep] state, my Kirby rushes up to bang bang, what do you do to block it?

Now the initiative is with Lu Ze, and Lu Ze doesn't panic at all, just looking at the other party like this.

A drop of sweat dripped from Christian's temple.

Seeing Lu Ze like this, he obviously doesn't change Pokémon anymore!
Seeing the drowsy appearance of Super Charem, Christian finally couldn't help but choose to change the Pokémon.

When Christian took out the elf ball, Lu Ze also took out the elf ball at the same time.

Since you choose to change Pokémon.

Then the two of us together.

Lu Ze smiled, a very sunny smile.

After watching Christian take Super Charem back into the poke ball, he took the Snorby back into the poke ball.

"Go, Roseredo!"

"Go, forked bat!"

Without knowing what Pokémon the opponent would choose, Lu Ze still chose the forked bat.

Apparently, Christian didn't expect that Lu Ze would choose the forked bat to play.

In other words, he thought of it, but felt that the chances of the forked bat appearing were not high.

Elf: Roseredo
gender: female

Attributes: Grass, Poison

Ability: Technical Master (When a Pokémon with this characteristic uses a skill with relatively low power, the power of the skill will increase.)
Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Carry props: Orb of Life.

"I hit my face."

Seeing Lu Ze's forked bat, Christian's face was very ugly.

But when Lu Ze saw Christian's Roseredo, the smile on his face never stopped.

Flying-type forked bats attacking grass-type Rose Reiduo?
Isn't this a proper crushing game!
Of course, Rose Leiduo on the opposite side is also very qualified, so Lu Ze will naturally not take it lightly.

"Forked Bat, Blade of the Air!"

Without hesitation, Lu Ze directed the forked bat to launch an attack.

Since you chose Rose Leiduo to play, let him lie down!
The cross bat's attack was very fluent, and countless [Air Blades] kept hitting Roseredo.

Although Roseredo released [Powerful Whiplash] to resist.

But the thick vines didn't last long, and were soon chopped off by the [Air Blade] of the forked bat.

As the main output method of the crossbat, it is also one of the most used skills. The proficiency of the crossbat's [air blade] is still very high.

It is completely possible to point and hit.

A mere [Powerful Whiplash] was quickly broken into two pieces under the concentrated attack of the forked bat.

[Powerful Whiplash] was cut off, but the attack of the forked bat did not stop.

After throwing out a series of [Air Blades] again, the crossbat also took the opportunity to use [Trick] to strengthen its special attack.

Facing the [Blade of Air] that was all over the sky, Rosereiduo had no choice but to bite the bullet and use [Colorful Fallen Flowers], trying to resist it.

【Fun with Fallen Flowers】Under the action, countless petals form a storm around Rosereiduo.

At the beginning, it really blocked the [air blade] of the forked bat.

But soon [Luoying Brilliant] was broken by the attack of the forked bat because of lack of stamina.

The hits of the two [Air Blades] made Rosereiduo feel a little pain.

However, he still endured the pain and released [Colorful Fallen Flowers] to block [Blade of Air] again.

It was hard to block all the attacks of the forked bat.

At this time, the forked bat has also been strengthened.

The damage of the forked bat with special attack plus two has been completely abnormal.

A smile appeared on Lu Ze's face as he looked at Rosereiduo.

I hope this Rose Redo can hold on for a while longer.

After letting the cross-bat strengthen it again, the cross-bat can push the team.

"Rosredo, Magic Leaf!"

Christian gritted his teeth, and once again commanded Roseredo to attack the forked bat.

The last fight!
Luosreiduo rotated her body, and countless emerald green leaves also flew towards the forked bat.

These leaves seem to have a tracking function, even if there are no forked bats on the route, they will automatically turn.

However, the forked bat had no intention of evading.

Dodging an attack first requires that the attack be worth dodging.

While waving the wings, two [Air Blades] appeared, instantly splitting the [Magic Leaf] into two.

The leaves without magical powers had no ability to attack, and fell to the ground from the air.

The momentum of [Air Blade] continued unabated, and after smashing the [Magic Leaf], it continued to rush towards Roseredo.

However, Roseredo had already reacted, and dodged the [Air Blade] of the forked bat with a dodge.

"Come back, Roseredo."

Seeing that Roseredo was no threat to the forked bat at all, Christian also decisively replaced Roseredo.

However, how can Lu Ze, who is full of the power of the waveguide, fail to see the tricks of the old Christian?
As early as the moment Christian touched the Poke Ball, Lu Ze had reacted.

This old guy is going to change Pokémon!
But the problem is not big, the fork bat should be strengthened as well as strengthened.

"Forked bat, trick!"

When Christian changed the Pokémon, the forked bat also started the second enhancement.

Christian gritted his teeth, a little angry that Lu Ze didn't talk about martial arts.

But there is no way.

"Go, Bronze Bell!"

Elf:Bronze Bell

Gender: no gender
Attributes: steel, super power.

Ability: Heavy Metal (The Pokémon with this characteristic doubles in weight.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Carry props: Leftovers.

After seeing Christian's bronze clock, Lu Ze frowned.

The steel attribute of the bronze bell is somewhat restrained by the forked bat.

In addition, the skill pool of the Bronze Bell also has the skill [Magic Space].

[Trick Space] Once opened, the cross-word bat will be more uncomfortable.


"Forked Bat, challenge!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Ze directed the cross bat to use "provocation" just after the strengthening of the cross bat's "trick".

【Provocation】skill can block all changing skills of the opponent.

【Space of Magic】Nature is no exception.

After seeing the forked bat use [Provocation], Christian's face suddenly darkened.

How did he guess that I was going to use [Trick Space]!

Is this guy good at school too?

He remembered all the skills of the not-so-popular Bronze Bell!
This was what Christian was thinking, and he didn't say it out loud.

Otherwise, Lu Ze would definitely laugh at it.

Although my grades in the culture class are really not bad.

But this is the system's credit!
This is cheating!

Lu Ze smiled. After the Bronze Bell was blocked from changing skills by [Provocation], his slow speed and the characteristics of [Heavy Metal] were a living target in the eyes of the cross-word bat.

"How do I feel, Christian seems to be at a disadvantage?"

"I feel the same way..."

"Is it possible that this is the truth?" Sui Yan looked at the two people next to him with a mocking face.

From the beginning of the battle between Lu Ze and Christian, these two guys started to blow the old guy Christian.

He has been belittling Lu Ze's strength.

That is to say, he didn't want to refute just now, otherwise these two old guys would not be enough for him to spray!

"How is it possible, Christian is a veteran king, how could he not be the opponent of this boy from the Dragon Kingdom!"

"That's right, how old he is, how could he beat Christian."

"Oh, are you two very old?"

Sui Yan looked at the two of them mockingly: "Come on, Uncle Mo is younger than you, do you want to try?"

As soon as Sui Yan said this, the two of them withered instantly.

Are you kidding me, although Mo Qiancheng is indeed younger than them.

But Mo Qiancheng's strength is very strong.

Not to mention the world's number one steel king.

There are also top [-] existences on the world king list.

They haven't even been on the list of the world's kings, so what can they use to touch Mo Qiancheng.

"Tch, that's it?"

"If age represents strength, why are you so cowardly?"

Sui Yan stopped paying attention to the two of them after a few more taunts.

Just two old men living in the glory of the old days.

"Strange, why is he so strong now?"

Mo Qiancheng didn't notice that Suiyan made a comparison with him just now.

But even if he noticed, he wouldn't care.

What he cares about now is Lu Ze.

One must know that Christian, who was opposite him, had defeated a guy who was ranked No. 90 and third in the world's king rankings in a previous official game.

That is to say, the ranking of the world's kings is approaching, and the top [-] list only changes within [-].

Otherwise, Christian would already be on the list now.

But Lu Ze now looks like he can beat Christian.

Although from Mo Qiancheng's point of view, Christian did make a few mistakes in decision-making.

It was indeed read by Lu Ze several times first.

But doesn't this also show Lu Ze's strength!
And if the Pokémon's strength can't keep up, no matter how good the trainer is, no matter how good the opportunity is, it won't work.

So Mo Qiancheng was very strange.

It's just that I haven't seen Lu Ze for a few months.

Is Lu Ze already so powerful now?
Christian, who can beat the top [-] in the world's top [-] kings rankings without a beast.


How should I say this?

Mo Qiancheng was puzzled, but at this moment, the forked bats on the field were still very interested in facing the living target of the bronze bell.

The current Bronze Bell has been sealed by her with [Provocation] changing skills.

But Christian did not choose to change Pokémon.

Obviously, Christian wanted to wait for the [Provocation] effect to end.

He had already thought about it, and as soon as the effect of [Provocation] ended, he would let the bronze bell use [Trick Space].

As long as [Trick Space] is turned on, his very fast cross-bat is not as easy to hit with his own bronze bell.

What's the use of your forked bat attack no matter how powerful it is.

Your body is destined to make you a little crispy.

"Bronze Bell, Wall of Light!"

Facing the attack of the forked bat, Christian directly commanded the bronze bell to use the [Light Wall] skill.

Use [Light Wall] to block the attack of the forked bat, and then delay the time.

Forked Bat just used [Trick], the bonus is a special attack, and there is nothing wrong with using [Light Wall] by himself.

But he seems to have forgotten.

Even if the forked bat does not have the skill of [Splitting tiles].

But the forked bat also has the skill of [clearing the dense fog], which can expel the [light wall].

However, Lu Ze did not directly choose to use [Clear Fog].

Naturally, if the opponent wants to procrastinate, he must defend himself.

The defense is to give the cross bat a chance.

When the bronze clock used [Light Wall], the crossbat used [Trick] again.

With three enhancements of [trick], how can your bronze bell block it!

"Clear the dense fog, and then the shadow ball!"

Lu Ze waved his hand, and a breeze blew across the field.

Then the [Light Wall] in front of the bronze clock disappeared.

Facing the ensuing 【Shadow Ball】, Bronze Bell tried to fight back.

The [Cannon Cannon] was released, but it was directly broken by the powerful [Shadow Ball].


[Shadow Ball] hit the bronze bell, sending out a cloud of black mist directly on the bronze bell.

"Bronze Bell!"

Christian shouted nervously, and the bronze bell appeared from the smoke.

But instead of rushing out of the smoke, it fell down from the smoke.

Bronze Bell lost the ability to fight!
Increase the special attack of level [-], plus [Shadow Ball]'s restraint effect on the bronze bell.

Although the bronze bell used [Cannon Light Cannon] to block it.

However, the remaining energy of [Shadow Ball] is enough to take away the bronze bell.

"Damn it!"

Gritting his teeth, Christian took the bronze clock back into the poke ball.

Now he has no Pokémon that can restrain Lu Ze's cross-word bat.

Are you going to admit defeat like this?
How can it be!

How could I admit defeat!

"Go, Super Charem!"

With red eyes, Christian released Super Charem again.

Just now you chose to evade when you faced my Super Charem.

At this time, my Super Charem is playing again!

Christian was like a crazy gambler, staring at Lu Ze with red eyes.

That slate is a trivial matter, and the appreciation from the future Patriarch is also a trivial matter.

The problem now is that I lost to a little guy in front of so many heavenly kings from various countries!

Where do you put your old face!
Change Pokémon now!
Christian kept roaring in his heart, watching Lu Ze's movements, wanting to see his movements of changing Pokémon.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

When he first came on the field, the crossbat was not actually afraid of Super Charem.

It's just that I don't want my forked bat to be hurt by the reckless Super Charem.

I wasn't afraid just now, but now the cross-word bat with full special attack is naturally even less afraid.

"Forked Bat, kill him with the Air Blade!"

(End of this chapter)

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