Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 854 I can do it myself!You can't do it!

Chapter 854 I can do it myself!You can't do it!

Continuous release of [Air Blade].

However, Super Charem's reaction speed is indeed not slow, and he is constantly avoiding the attacks from the forked bat.

[Blade of Air] Hitting the ground, it opened up pieces of land.


A heavenly king who was watching couldn't help but said.

Although no matter what kind of Pokémon's physical attack or special attack is full, the skill power will be greatly improved.

But full physical attack and special attack does not mean that it can attack like the current forked bat.

Forked Bat's [Air Blade] proficiency is very high without even thinking about it.

It is also a Pokémon with a king-level strength.

Ask yourself, is there any skill in your Pokémon that can reach the proficiency of the forked bat [Air Blade]?


Absolutely not!

This forked bat is unreasonable!

Considering Lu Ze's age, this is even more unreasonable.

How long is this.

Lu Ze didn't know what the people around him were thinking.

He also felt bored when he saw Super Charem avoiding the attack of the forked bat with firm eyes.

"Forked Bat, quickly resolve the battle."

"Pray for rain, then storm!"

After saying something casually, Lu Ze stopped talking.

Forked Bat naturally knew what to do next.

After several consecutive [Air Blades] forced Super Charem to dodge, the crossbat also took the opportunity to use the [Pray for Rain] skill.

As a small blue water polo lifted off into the sky, light rain began to fall on the field.


The forked bat flew into the air, with its arms outstretched, and looked indifferently at the Super Charem rushing towards him without making any movement.


As the wings of the forked bat whizzed, the huge storm carried the heavy rain and instantly fanned the rushing Super Charem away.

However, the storm didn't stop, and the rain continued to cause damage to Super Charem's body.

After a while, the storm died down.

The wings of the cross-word bat were retracted and slowly suspended in the air.

Looking at Charem, who had fallen to the ground and turned his eyes round.

After the storm dissipated, the scene became quiet for a while, except for the sound of raindrops.


Christian's face paled.

Super Charem is down.

Among my remaining Pokémon, is there any Pokémon that can compete with the current forked bat?

After thinking about it with his 40 to [-] years of Pokémon battle experience, Christian shook his head in frustration.

No more.

There is no Pokémon that can compete with the current forked bat.

It's the same even if he has more than six Pokémon with king-level strength.

Whether it is the first team or the second team, no one will be the opponent of the cross-word bat now.

Even if you try to counter it, you can't do it.

"Come back, Charem..."

Lonely took Charem, who had lost the ability to fight, back into the poke ball.

Christian didn't mean to renege on his debt either.

After all, there are so many people watching on the field now.

And basically they are the king-level players of various countries.

This secret realm that is about to be opened is on the opened high seas.

There are few people there, so naturally there will not be as many people who try their luck like the secret realm opened around Chang'an City.

In addition, this secret realm has vaguely become a place where heavenly kings from various countries compete.

It can be regarded as a tacit pre-heating event for the World King Challenge.

"I lost."

After throwing the fireball slate in his hand to Lu Ze, Christian turned his head and left.

That's right, really left.

After the senior-level strength Bi Diao appeared from the poke ball, he took Christian and left this place.


After Lu Ze took the fireball slate, he was also a little puzzled when he saw Christian leaving.

Feel ashamed, so just run away?
But it doesn't matter, after running away, there is one less competitor.

"Come back, cross bat."

After taking the forked bat back into the elf ball, Lu Ze took his trophy, the fireball slate, and walked towards the temporary elf treatment center on the island.

"Fuck, this young man now!"

"Is it okay to just beat Christian away?"

"That's Christian."

"Well, it feels like you can do it, right?"

"That's right, being beaten like this by a child."

After Lu Ze left, the people who had just watched the fun started talking about it.

The big Russian bear even said that I can do it myself.

Naturally, they, who had a bad relationship with the US imperialists, took this opportunity to ridicule them vigorously.

The faces of the few remaining kings of the United States were gloomy.

But it is true that their people lost to the kid Lu Ze, there is nothing to refute.

"Since you think you can fuck you, how about the two of us try?"

Sui Yan narrowed his eyes, looked at the big Russian bear with a "kind" smile and said.

"His strength is not weak, similar to that old guy Christian, can you?"

After seeing Sui Yan jumping out, Gao Jiatong who was on the side was startled, and whispered to Sui Yan.

"It's okay, he's sure."

Mo Qiancheng on the side also became excited after seeing this scene.

If there was so much energy here before, I wouldn't be bored running back.

Hurry up!
"Oh, you want to try it with me."

Russian Xiong Dahan looked at Sui Yan with a mocking face: "I'm afraid you don't know who I am?"

"World Youth Runner-up?"

"Remember, you are only participating in the youth competition!"

"I really don't know who you are, but don't you dare?"

Sui Yan chuckled, he still had some experience in dealing with Russian Xiong's people.

Although he doesn't know how he got this point.

"Just try it, little baby, don't say I'm bullying you!"

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the big man of Russian Xiong exploded in an instant, and directly agreed to Suiyan's challenge request.

"Come on then."

Sui Yan didn't hesitate either, he just stood where Lu Ze was just now, hooked his hands at the big man of Russian Xiong and said.

"It's the same as their rules just now, you can't use divine beasts!"

The Russian Xiong Dahan stepped forward, although he was angry, but he did not lose his sanity.

He also knew that if Suiyan let Reshiram play, then he really didn't have to fight.


Sui Yan nodded with a smile on his face.

Although his own strength is not as good as Lu Ze's.

But he was also reviewing Lu Ze's battle just now.

If you do it yourself, it's not as easy as Lu Ze.

But if you want to win the opponent, there is no big problem.

"Can he?"

After the two entered the field, Gao Jiatong took a look and asked in a low voice in Mo Qiancheng's ear.

"Stay away from me, I'm a man with a wife now."

After Mo Qiancheng opened the distance, he looked at Sui Yan and said with a smile on his face: "Don't look at him first, although it is not as good as Lu Ze, but it is not much worse."

He met Lu Ze and Sui Yan not long after they got the Pokémon.

He has also witnessed the growth of the two along the way.

To be reasonable, Lu Ze and Suiyan grew up so fast.

Don't say he hasn't seen it, even his father, Mo Xingguo, hasn't seen it either.

Old man Wang Yi, who was recognized as the number one genius in the Dragon Kingdom back then, didn't improve so fast either.

What is the concept of reaching the king level in three years?
This is no longer a simple sentence that can be said to be talented.

"Tuigui, young people these days are so courageous."

"That's it."

"You said, can he beat that guy?"

"No way, after all, Long Kingdom can produce two perverts at once?"

Two blond Europeans whispered beside them.

They are indeed not very optimistic about the contestants in this year's World Youth Championship.

Although Lu Ze and Sui Yan have now become Heavenly King trainers.

But in the eyes of these veteran king-level trainers.

Their competition this year is just a battle between beasts.

Whoever has the strongest beast wins the final victory.

Obviously, Lu Ze, who has a team of powerful beasts, won the final championship.

The power of the beast is not his own after all.

This is why they are not optimistic about the two of Long Guo.

"Go, Coal Turtle."

After playing, Sui Yan released his sunny team weatherman, Coal Turtle, without hesitation.

The Russian bear also smiled confidently, and also sent out his first Pokémon.

The Gotha duck of the water system.

"The coin hits the ground, and the battle begins."

Sui Yan chuckled, a coin appeared in his hand, and said to the Russian Xiong Dahan opposite.

"it is good."

Russian Xiong Dahan nodded, and then the coin in Suiyan's hand was lifted into the air.

"Coal Turtle, Sun Beam!"

"Godha Duck, strong mind!"

The Gotha Duck took the lead, and the super power of [Spiritual Sense] directly rushed towards the Coal Turtle.

However, although the coal turtle is slow, his skill release speed is not slow due to his very high skill proficiency.

The [Sunshine] feature was activated, and then the emerald green [Sun Beam] directly penetrated the super energy of the [Spiritual Sense].

Although the energy of [Spiritual Intent] was penetrated, the energy of [Sun Beam] gradually dissipated.

However, the coal tortoise had been prepared for a long time, and the [Sun Beam] was released again, which forcibly interrupted the Gotha Duck who was about to use [Pray for Rain] to change the weather.

The Gotha Duck has no choice but to avoid the [Sun Beam] coming again.

The coal tortoise was persistent, and the [Sun Beam] was released one after another, so that the Gotha Duck had no chance to stop.

Because the props carried by the Coal Turtle are the reason for [Hot Rock], the duration of [Sunny Day] has been extended a lot.

Russian Xiong Dahan originally wanted his Gotha Duck to last through the [Sunny Day] time.

As a result, after seeing the Coal Turtle's "Sunny Day" for such a long time, he immediately gave up this plan.

"Gotha Duck, Light Wall!"

After turning on the [Light Wall], the Gotha Duck chose to bear the Coal Turtle's [Sun Beam] abruptly.

After blocking the Coal Turtle's [Sun Beam] with its body, the Gotha Duck also successfully changed the weather into a rainy day.

Coal Turtle frowned, rainy weather is the most annoying weather.

After heating up the body and letting the raindrops falling on the body directly turn into water vapor, the coal turtle felt a little more comfortable.

However, this steamy look still made him a little uncomfortable.

And Sui Yan obviously understood the mood of the coal turtle.

When he saw that the opponent would change the weather even after receiving one [Sun Beam] attack from the Coal Turtle, he also changed his next play style.

Since you come here like this.

That's fine.

"Come back, Coal Turtle."

After taking the coal turtle back into the elf ball with a smile in his eyes, Sui Yan released the wind speed dog directly.

Although the wind speed dog also hates rainy days.

But he's better.

Especially when facing the Gotha Duck in the water system.

"Wind speed dog, super speed!"


After the wind speed dog evaded Gotha Duck's [Water Cannon] with a roar, it drove straight in and directly used the increased speed of [Super Speed] to come to Gotha Duck.

Looking at the terrified eyes of the Gotha Duck, a cruel smile appeared on the face of the wind speed dog.

"Lightning Teeth!"

At the same time as Sui Yan's voice came, the wind speed dog was also full of thunder and lightning, and directly bit the Gotha Duck's arm.

"Gotha Duck's spirit is strong!"

Seeing this scene, the Russian Xiong Dahan quickly directed the Gotha Duck to use super energy skills to control the wind speed dog and throw it away.

But it hasn't waited for Gotha Duck to endure the pain and use his skills.

The golden lightning light flickered on Feng Speed ​​Dog's body again.

"Crazy Volt!"

Sui Yan opened his mouth slightly, and his voice came out softly, and then the Gotha Duck was blackened and fell to the ground.

The wind speed dog stood beside the Gotha Duck, looking majestically at the Russian bear man.

The Russian Xiong Dahan couldn't believe it.

Own Gotha Duck.

Just fell down?
However, the current situation does not allow him to be stunned.

After glancing at Suiyan with cold eyes, he took the Gotha Duck back to the poke ball and released his next Pokémon again.

"Go, Beanyan werewolf!"

The second Pokémon of Russian Bear Dahan is a Werewolf in the night state.

The wind speed dog saw the slightly bent Yanyan werewolf who had just appeared in the field, shaking off the rainwater on his body.

The Gotha Duck was too fast just now, and the rainy day is not over yet.

"Tanyan Werewolf, sharp rock attack!"

As soon as the Russian Xiong Dahan came up this time, he commanded the Werewolf on Temple Rock to launch a fierce attack.

The wind speed dog wanted to avoid the sharp stones flying over.

But when he saw [Sharp Rock Attack] moving with him, he was a little confused.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Dragon Wave!"

Sui Yan was taken aback, and quickly commanded Feng Speed ​​Dog.

The feature of the werewolf on the opposite side is a hidden feature!
No Defense: Attacks from both sides will definitely hit.

This will definitely hit is similar to the [wave missile] tracking.

You can only choose skills to cancel each other out, and you can't dodge them.

After reacting, the wind speed dog opened its mouth and saw a red dragon-shaped wave, which blocked the attack of the werewolf on the temple rock.

"what's going on?"

Lu Ze, who just came back from the temporary elf treatment center, looked at Sui Yan and Russian Xiong Dahan who were fighting and asked Mo Qiancheng curiously,
"It's not that you won the battle just now. That guy said that he can fuck him, Sui Yan is upset."

Mo Qiancheng smiled, the two young people were very lively after they came.

(End of this chapter)

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