Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 857 Mysterious Voice

Lu Ze continued to move forward.

Although there is no goal, there is no direction.

But he believed in charizards.

Believe in the connection between the two charizard brothers.

Of course, this was before...

"Charizard, are you sure?"

Lying on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, feeling the scorching sun in the sky, Lu Ze asked the fire-breathing dragon a soul question.


The fire-breathing dragon scratched its head, also looking puzzled.

I don't seem to have any sense of it?
What's up with Ozawa?

"Ah, now I feel that the special ability of Dad's waveguide is very useful."

Lu Ze looked helpless, all his waveguides were turned on, but he could only perceive within his field of vision.

Although he is on the body of the fire-breathing dragon, the reason why he has a wider vision in the air is probably.

"Forget it, let's take a rest."

After flying another distance, Lu Ze also saw the third lake he encountered in this secret realm.

I have to say that this secret realm is really quite big.

It's been flying for so long.

Already flew over three lakes.

In the end, there was still no sign of anyone.

"Is there too few people coming in?"

Lu Ze was a little puzzled, so he could only choose to have a meal here before talking.

The time in the secret realm is somewhat different from the outside.

However, the mechanical watch in my hand has no effect.

It's already one o'clock in the afternoon.

It's also time for something to eat.

"Have you not found it yet?"

Lucario seemed to have just woken up, and asked curiously after getting out of the poke ball.

"No, I don't know why, this secret realm is a bit outrageous."

Lu Ze had no choice but to take out fast food and energy cubes from the backpack behind him and eat them with his Pokémon.

Lucario nodded, and then turned his head to look at a place with some doubts.

Not only Lucario, but also Kirbymon.

The two Pokémon frowned at the same time, always feeling that the place was a bit weird.

However, they didn't pay too much attention to it, and soon came back to their senses and continued to eat.


While Lu Ze and the others were having lunch, a group of lily root dolls who came out of nowhere suddenly surrounded them.

Not only that, but they danced around Lu Ze and the others in circles.

After the lily root doll appeared, not long after, a group of chino chinchillas and Patchlitz appeared from the forest not far away.

Lu Ze couldn't help laughing happily when he saw the group of little guys who suddenly appeared.

It seems to be very good to have such a group of little guys by my side.

If they were all brought back to their own nurturing garden, then the nurturing garden should be very lively.

Lu Ze looked at the little guys who were struggling to dance their bodies, and a smirk appeared on his face.

I came here this time, not to mention bringing more than 1000 poke balls.

There are at least a few hundred of them.

Anyway, the space backpack can hold it. In addition to some essential items and food, both he and Suiyan have a lot of poke balls in their backpacks.

This is the hidden mission he came to the secret realm this time.

Bring some Pokémon home.

It doesn't matter whether it's not in the breeding garden or something you like.

His own cultivation garden is very large, even if there are aborigines there.

Even though Lu Ze brought a lot of newborn Pokémon back.

But the space in the cultivation garden is still too big, too much.

It seems that there is a feeling of desolation in the cultivation garden.

Except for the place I often go to, the log cabin in the cultivation garden.

Everywhere else is empty.

Sometimes Lu Ze stood there for a long time without seeing a Pokémon.

The three little guys, Victini, Mini Dragon and Zoroya, saw them dancing, and quickly joined them and blended in with them.

Lily Root Doll and Patch Liz were also very happy to bring the three of them in Victini.

Lu Ze was thinking about the way to bring them back. Just as he came to his senses, he saw Victini and the others mixed in with the Baihegen dolls.

Lu Ze laughed, but when he saw Lily Root Doll, Patchlitz and Kino Chinchilla look at the energy cube of the Snorkel mobile phone from time to time, he immediately gained some confidence in his plan.

My plan is very simple, just like I did to other Pokémon before.

Lure them back with food!

Thinking of this, Lu Ze took out some energy cubes.

Although it is not a delicious energy cube.

After all, the output of that is too small.

But the taste of this power cube is also very good.

It is one of the energy cubes that Snorlax often eats.

It can be used as the staple food of Snorlax, and the taste is naturally not bad.

"Tell them to line up for dinner."

After patting Lucario next to him, Lu Ze handed over the energy cube to Snorbymon and the others.

After Snorkel smiled and threw the last energy cube into its mouth, it took the energy cube together with the fire-breathing dragon and the electric shock beast.

Lucario stepped forward, and after talking to the little guys who were already a little strange, they stopped dancing.

Only then did the little guys cheer, jumping and jumping around Lu Ze.

But soon they found out.

The ones holding the food are the Snorkel and the Electric Shock Beast.

After reacting, they quickly left Lu Ze behind and came to Kabymon and the others.

Lu Ze curled his lips. Just now he was enjoying the "blessing of Qi people", but now he has rebelled.

But he didn't say anything.

Wait until it's his turn.

Lu Ze smiled and looked at Lily Root Doll, Chino Chinchilla, and Patch Liz, who formed three teams with the efforts of Forked Bat and Onion Ranger.

After stepping forward to receive the food one by one, they had no intention of being afraid of people, and sat next to Lu Ze and the others and started eating.

Seeing that they were eating happily, Lu Ze also reached out to grab them, and hugged the closest Chino chinchilla and Patchlitz in his arms.

Suddenly being picked up, the two little guys just looked up.

After discovering that the person holding them was Lu Ze, they didn't have much reaction.

Sitting in Lu Ze's arms, they continued to squint their eyes happily, eating the energy cubes in their hands.

Lu Ze hugged the two little guys in his arms, of course he didn't choose to be honest.

The salty trotter rua happily on the bodies of Chino Chinchilla and Patch Liz, very happy.

"It's no wonder that little guy Wang Lingran likes to hug Patchlitz so much. It really feels good."

Lu Ze narrowed his eyes in enjoyment, while enjoying the touch of Patchiliz, and enjoying the feeling of the scarf around Kino Chinchilla's neck caressing his body.

After the cross-word bat told Baihegen Doll and the others about queuing up, they turned around and saw Lu Ze like this, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help but curl up.

Why is Ozawa acting like a pervert?

Thinking about it, the forked bat quickly covered its mouth with its wings in horror.

How can I say that about Ozawa!
Even so, there was a happy smile in the eyes that Wing couldn't cover.

While Lu Ze was enjoying it, suddenly two little guys jumped out of his arms.


Lu Ze was surprised and reached out to persuade him to stay, but the two little guys didn't want to talk to Lu Ze.

After coming to two teams with relatively few Pokémon, the two little guys started queuing up again.

After seeing this, Lu Ze couldn't help but smile.

Oh, it's not that I can't stand my "salty pig hands".

It's because the energy cubes have been eaten.

Lu Ze propped his hands behind his back, watching this scene happily.

But according to the movie, after the calm and warm plot is over, the next step is the appearance of the big villain.

No surprise this time.

Just as Lily Genwa and the others were queuing up to receive the energy cubes, there was a sudden "swipe" sound.

Lu Ze looked up curiously, and subconsciously turned on his own waveguide.

In the forest not far away, more than 100 waveguide life forms are moving rapidly.

The target is exactly here.

It seems to feel the danger is coming.

It also seemed to have heard their voices, and the Lily root doll, Chino chinchilla, Patchlitz and the others who were still in line just now became panicked.

"Don't panic!"

Lu Ze got up and looked in the direction of the small forest, and said to the little guys at the same time.

After the little guy heard Lu Ze's voice, although he calmed down a little, he still looked at the small forest in horror.

The footsteps were moving, and they were ready to escape at any time.

"Flying Mantis?"

While Snorbymon and the others were protecting the little ones behind them, the Pokémon who had just caused the commotion in the forest also rushed out.

Lu Ze was a little surprised to see the Pokémon rushing out.

With a green body, isn't this a flying mantis?

However, Lily Root Doll and Kino Chinchilla should not be among the opponents of Flying Mantis.

What is the flying mantis doing?
And Lily Root Doll and Patch Liz still look so scared.

But Lu Ze didn't think too much about it. Looking at the Flying Mantis, he knew that they were here for the Lily Root Doll, Patchlitz and the others.

"Ready to fight!"

Lu Ze roared loudly, and then the cross-word bat and the carby beast made preparations for battle.

The cross-word bat and the fire-breathing dragon launched the first wave of attacks directly on the flying mantises in the air.

[Air Blade] and [Jet Flame] were released.

But Flying Mantis also has powerful Pokémon.

Two flying mantises with the strength of heavenly kings jumped in the air, waved their sickles in their hands, and directly dealt with the attacks of the forked bat and the fire-breathing dragon.

Forked Bat and Charizard didn't hesitate either.

The fire-breathing dragon came down and directly fought with two flying mantises with the strength of heavenly kings.

The cross-word bat strengthened itself in the air, and at the same time launched an attack on the flying mantis behind it.

"Lucario, super evolution!"

Lu Ze was also very decisive, and directly chose to let Lucario super evolve.

Compared with the fire-breathing dragon, if Lucario does not have a super evolution, his strength will not work in this battle at all.

Lucario was born too late, and his strength has not kept up with the first team of Pokémon.

The same is true for another wind fairy.

But compared to Lucario, Wind Fairy is simpler.

It is enough to directly assist the Pokémon fighting in the front.

[Slack Wind] first opened, and then came to the side of Snorkel.

Kirbymon is facing a flying mantis with the strength of a heavenly king.

The speed of the flying mantis is very fast, and it is difficult for the Snorby to attack the opponent.

And the wind goblin came here just to solve this.

[Space of Tricks] As soon as it is turned on, the speed of Snorkel and Flying Mantis wrapped in the space immediately changed.

Kirbymon was fast, but he didn't choose the flying mantis in front of him.

There are three Flying Mantises at the level of Heavenly Kings, all of which are not far from him.

[Flame Fist] plus [Frozen Fist], the farmer's three fists were activated, and the three flying mantises were all defeated in a short time.

After seeing Snorlax like this, the lily root doll, Patchlitz, and Kino chinchilla behind them also became excited instantly.

Although they didn't play, they also danced behind, cheering Snorkel and the others.

Iron Claw Lobster, Electric Shock Beast, Super Lucario and Onion Rangers have already rushed into the group of Flying Mantises.

The three pincers of the iron claw lobster killed a flying mantis with the strength of a heavenly king.

The electric shock beast and the onion ranger were not idle either.

Because of the large attack range of the electric monster, he went to target the weaker flying mantises.

[Discharge] dyed the sky golden yellow, and most of the flying mantises with relatively low strength fell down the moment they encountered the golden electric current.

Cong Youbing also chose a flying mantis with the strength of a heavenly king, and he eliminated his opponent with three strikes, five divisions and two divisions.

Generally speaking, the trainer's Pokémon is better than wild Pokémon of the same strength.

Plus they have the power of victory from Victini.

Having been strengthened, they can easily catch these flying mantises.


At this time, the forked bat also completed strengthening in the air.

At the same time as it blew, the fire-breathing dragon that had rushed into the group of flying mantises, the electric shock monster and the green onion ranger also retreated quickly.

While retreating, raindrops also fell from the sky.

The Snorby and the wind goblin behind them used the skill [Praying for Rain] at the same time.

The weather changes, rainy day!
Immediately afterwards, a bolt of thunder fell, hitting directly on the body of a Heavenly King-level powerful flying mantis who was about to charge again.

Then the thunder and lightning continued to fall.

In the end, the flying mantises were separated from their own Pokémon.

The moment they parted, the cross-word bat also made a move.

Forked Bat, Wind Fairy and Charizard released the [Storm] skill at the same time.

The storm began to gather above the flying mantises.

In just an instant, [Storm] swept away the group of flying mantises.

"Did they say they came to snatch food?"

Lu Ze was a little speechless and talking to Super Lucario through the waveguide.

As long as you are honest, come here with Lily Root Doll and the others.

It's just food.

Because he didn't know how long it would take, Lu Ze brought all his inventory with him.

Even if it was distributed to the Lily Root Dolls, even if they were added to the Flying Mantis, it would still be enough for all their Pokémon to eat for more than a month.

As a result, you came to grab it hard?

Looking at the flying mantises who had fallen to the ground, Lu Ze was also a little speechless.

All right now.


Suddenly a voice came, Lu Ze and Super Lucario suddenly turned their heads and looked in the south direction.

Then several Heavenly King-level flying mantises who hadn't lost their fighting ability stood up from the ground.

Not only that, but their eye color also changed to black.

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